Caernarvonshire (Wales) -- Politics and government -- 18th century



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Caernarvonshire (Wales) -- Politics and government -- 18th century

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Caernarvonshire (Wales) -- Politics and government -- 18th century

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Caernarvonshire (Wales) -- Politics and government -- 18th century

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Caernarvonshire (Wales) -- Politics and government -- 18th century

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

Historical documents and letters : Vol. II

Official documents and other papers, 1675-1727, many of them addressed to the deputy lieutenants, etc. of Caernarvonshire and relating to the militia, musters, the confiscating of weapons in the possession of Papists, etc. Among the correspondents are Henry, 3rd marquis of Worcester and first duke of Beaufort, Lord President of the Council in the Marches of Wales, Col. Thomas Mostyn of Gloddaeth, John Wynne of Whitehall, mustermaster for Caernarvonshire, and Richard, 3rd baron Bulkeley of Baron Hill. The documents include a statement by Thomas Glynne relating to a 'conventicle' at the house of Ellis Owen, Llangybi, at which James Owen preached; a memoranandum by Thomas Mostyn relating to the refusal of William Wynne, sheriff of Flintshire, to read the proclamation of King George II at Holywell; and some papers of general North Wales interest.