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Dathlu'r hannercanmlwyddiant = Celebrating the half-centenary

Deunydd yn ymwneud â digwyddiadau i ddathlu hannercanmlwyddiant brwydr Llangyndeyrn yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe, oedd yn cynnwys rhaglenni teledu, sioe gerdd a chyhoeddiad llyfr i gofnodi'r achlysur, ynghyd â rhaglen o weithgareddau lleol. = Material relating to events celebrating the half-centenary of Llangyndeyrn's 'fight for victory' against Swansea Corporation, which included television programmes, a stage musical and the publication of a commemorative book, together with a programme of local events.

'Emyr Humphreys'

Teipysgrif o'r gwaith 'Emyr Humphreys' gan M. Wynn Thomas (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2018). / A typescript of the work 'Emyr Humphreys' by M. Wynn Thomas (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2018).

Erthyglau am John Meirion Morris = Articles about John Meirion Morris

Llungopïau, allbrintiau ac erthyglau gwreiddiol o bapurau newydd, cylchgronau a llyfrau am John Meirion Morris a'i waith. Ceir rhestr o'r erthyglau, ynghyd â manylion am y cylchgronau, llyfrau ac yn y blaen lle'u cyhoeddwyd, yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris. Mae'r rhestr cyhoeddiadau'n cynnwys Planet, Resurgence, Barn, Y Casglwr, Golwg, Y Cymro a'r Faner Newydd.
= Photocopies, printouts and original articles taken from newspapers, periodicals and books about John Meirion Morris and his work. Together with an accompanying list of the articles, along with details relating to the periodicals and books in which they were published, in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris. The list of publications includes Planet, Resurgence, Barn, Y Casglwr, Golwg, Y Cymro and Y Faner Newydd.

Erthyglau gan John Meirion Morris = Articles by John Meirion Morris

Llungopïau ac allbrintiau o erthyglau printiedig a drafft-nodiadau llawysgrif ar gyfer erthyglau gan John Meirion Morris. Ceir rhestr o'r erthyglau, ynghyd â theitlau a rhifynnau'r cylchgronau lle'u cyhoeddwyd, yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris. Mae'r rhestr cyhoeddiadau'n cynnwys Llais Llyfrau, Taliesin, Barn, Golwg a'r Faner Newydd.
= Photocopies and printouts of printed articles and draft manuscript notes for articles by John Meirion Morris. Together with an accompanying list of the articles, along with details relating to the periodicals, books, etc in which they were published, in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris. The list of publications includes Llais Llyfrau, Taliesin, Barn, Golwg and Y Faner Newydd.

Erthyglau gan M. Wynn Thomas / Articles by M. Wynn Thomas

Erthyglau a phapurau cysylltiedig eraill (1984-2003) gan M. Wynn Thomas yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys teipysgrifau, adolygiadau, nodiadau, toriadau, a pheth o ohebiaeth. / Articles and other related papers (1984-2003) by M. Wynn Thomas relating to the works of Emyr Humphreys, including typescripts, reviews, notes, cuttings, and some correspondence.

Family correspondence

Letters, cards and telegrams, [1951]-2016, to Siân Phillips (with some correspondence addressed to Siân Phillips and her second husband Peter O'Toole and to Siân Phillips and her third husband Robin Sachs) from family members; correspondence from Peter O'Toole and Robin Sachs; correspondence addressed to family members of Siân Phillips, including Peter O'Toole, and a letter from Siân Phillips to her school and university friend Audrey Watkins.

Family miscellany

Miscellaneous items relating to Siân Phillips' second husband Peter O'Toole, her mother Sally Phillips and her eldest daughter Kate O'Toole.

'Ghosts and Strangers'

Papurau, gan gynnwys nodiadau, drafftiau, a theipysgrifau (1989-[?2003]), yn ymwneud â'r casgliad o straeon byrion a gyhoeddwyd fel 'Ghosts and Strangers' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2001). / Papers, including notes, drafts, and typescripts (1989-[?2003]), relating to the collection of short stories published as 'Ghosts and Strangers' (1989-[?2003]).


Gohebiaeth amrywiol at, oddi wrth neu sydd yn ymwneud â Menna Elfyn.

Gohebiaeth arall / Other correspondence

Gohebiaeth yn cynnwys llythyrau at ac oddi wrth Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys, ynghyd â rhai papurau cysylltiedig ([?1933]-2015), yn ymwneud â materion personol a llenyddol megis gweithiau Emyr Humphreys, materion teuluol, cyhoeddi, sgriptiau a gwaith y BBC, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, a digwyddiadau llenyddol. / Correspondence comprising letters to and from Emyr and Elinor Humphreys, with some related papers ([?1933]-2015), relating to both personal and literary matters such as Emyr Humphreys’ works, family matters, publishing, scripts and BBC work, the Welsh Arts Council, and literary events.

Gohebiaeth bersonol Mary Silyn Roberts = Personal correspondence of Mary Silyn Roberts

Gohebiaeth bersonol Mary Silyn Roberts oddieithr rhyngddi hi a'i gŵr, Robert (Silyn) Roberts, y gohebwyr yn cynnwys ei mab, Glynn Silyn Roberts; y gwleidydd Llafur a'r ohebwraig Eirene Lloyd Jones (wedyn Eirene White, y Farwnes White); a'r ffeminydd, addysgwraig ac ymgyrchwraig heddwch Danaidd Henni Forchhammer. = Personal correspondence of Mary Silyn Roberts other than that between her and her husband, Robert (Silyn) Roberts, the correspondents including her son Glynn Silyn Roberts; the Labour politician and journalist Eirene Lloyd Jones (later Eirene White, Baroness White); and the Danish feminist, educator and peace activist Henni Forchhammer.

Gohebiaeth bersonol Robert (Silyn) Roberts = Personal correspondence of Robert (Silyn) Roberts

Gohebiaeth bersonol Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddieithr rhyngddo ef a'i wraig, Mary Silyn Roberts, y gohebwyr yn cynnwys Jane Parry ac Evan Parry, mam a brawd Mary Silyn Roberts; y bardd a'r ysgolhaig W. J. Gruffydd; a chasgliad pwysig o lythyrau o'i gyfnod yn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf oddi wrth y bardd R. Williams Parry. = Personal correspondence of Robert (Silyn) Roberts other than that between him and his wife, Mary Silyn Roberts, the correspondents including Jane Parry and Evan Parry, mother and brother of Mary Silyn Roberts; the poet and academic W. J. Gruffydd; and an important collection of First World War letters from the poet R. Williams Parry.

Gohebiaeth rhwng Mary a Robert (Silyn) Roberts = Correspondence between Mary and Robert (Silyn) Roberts

Gohebiaeth rhwng Mary a Robert (Silyn) Roberts yn dyddio o'u perthynas cynnar ym mlynyddoedd olaf y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg hyd at fis cyn marw Silyn ym 1930. = Correspondence between Mary and Robert (Silyn) Roberts dating from their early relationship during the closing years of the nineteenth century until a month prior to Silyn's death in 1930.

Gohebiaeth swyddogol Mary a Robert (Silyn) Roberts (Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr) = Official correspondence of Mary and Robert (Silyn) Roberts (Workers' Educational Association)

Gohebiaeth a chopïau o ohebiaeth, 1929-1944, yn bennaf rhwng Swyddfa Ranbarthol Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr, a leolwyd yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Cymru, Bangor, a Choleg Harlech, ynghyd â gohebiaeth oddi wrth bencadlys Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr yn Llundain (prif ohebydd Ernest Green, ysgrifennydd cyffredinol y Gymdeithas) at y Swyddfa Ranbarthol a gohebiaeth rhwng y Swyddfa Ranbarthol a darpar-fyfyrwyr Coleg Harlech. = Correspondence and copies of correspondence, 1929-1944, primarily between the District Office of the Workers' Educational Association, located at the University College of Wales, Bangor, and Coleg Harlech, together with correspondence from the Workers' Educational Association headquarters in London (main correspondent Ernest Green, general secretary of the Association) to the District Office and correspondence between the District Office and prospective Coleg Harlech students.

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