Papurau Kate Roberts, 1866-1985, papurau llenyddol a gohebiaeth yn bennaf, yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Saunders Lewis, 1923-1985 (a gyhoeddwyd yn Annwyl Kate, Annwyl Saunders, gol. gan Dafydd Ifans (Aberystwyth, 1992)), ac oddi wrth ei gŵr Morris T. Williams; gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â gwahanol aelodau o deulu Kate Roberts, 1911-1977; cardiau cyfarch, 1910-1985; darlithoedd,1914-[c. 1975]; papurau'r teulu, 1950-1985; dramâu, 1931-1969; dyddiaduron, 1939, 1944 a 1978-1983, drafftiau nofelau a storiâu byrion a phapurau'n ymwneud â chyfieithu rhai ohonynt i'r Saesneg; erthyglau a nodiadau cyffredinol, [c. 1937]-1974; erthyglau a nodiadau ar lenyddiaeth,1917-1973; cyfrifon Gwasg Gee, 1934-1953; papurau'n ymwneud ag Ysgol Gymraeg Dinbych, 1958-1964; nodiadau ysgol a choleg, 1904-1913; eitemau printiedig, 1898-1988; a phapurau Gwasg Aberystwyth, 1942-1944. Mae'r archif hefyd yn cynnwys grwpiau helaeth o bapurau Morris T. Williams a'u cyfaill E. Prosser Rhys. = Papers of Kate Roberts, 1866-1985, mainly literary papers and correspondence, including letters from Saunders Lewis, 1923-1985 (published in Annwyl Kate, Annwyl Saunders, ed. by Dafydd Ifans (Aberystwyth, 1992)), and from her husband Morris T. Williams; correspondence relating to various members of Kate Roberts's family, 1911-1977; greetings cards, 1910-1985; lectures, 1914-[c. 1975]; family papers, 1950-1985; plays, 1931-1969; diaries, 1939, 1944 and 1978-1983, drafts of novels and short stories and papers concerning the translation of some of them into English; articles and general notes, [c. 1937]-1974; articles and notes on literature, 1917-1973; Gwasg Gee accounts, 1934-1953; papers relating to the Welsh School at Denbigh, 1958-1964; school and college notes, 1904-1913; printed items, 1898-1988; and Aberystwyth Press papers, 1942-1944. The archive also includes extensive groups of the papers of Morris T. Williams and of their friend E. Prosser Rhys.