Dangos 44 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Preface and notes

The file comprises one fragment of one sheet of the preface to The Anathemata; a typescript sheet of comments on The Anathemata possibly by Saunders Lewis, and miscellaneous notes on The Anathemata manuscripts and typescripts prepared by Harman Grisewood for his catalogue, 1975-1976.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Saunders Lewis

The file comprises forty letters from Saunders Lewis to David Jones, relating to David Jones' literature, broadcasts, and art exhibitions, and to Saunders Lewis's plays, Tynged yr Iaith and to his incarceration. There are two letters from Margaret, Saunders Lewis' wife (ff. 2-3), and a letter from Thomas Charles Edwards, 1937 (f. 1).

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

'The lion and the owl'

The file contains a typescript draft, 1951, of 'The lion and the owl', a translation by Glyn Jones of 'Blodeuwedd' by Saunders Lewis. Also included is a programme, tickets and press cuttings of reviews of the play presented at the Everyman Theatre, Cardiff, 1955.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985


Llythyrau, 1982-1988, 1992, gan gynnwys llythyr oddi wrth Saunders Lewis, Gwynfor [Evans] (2) a Neville Masterman, ynghyd â llythyr oddi wrth Phyllis Kinney (ar ran Ffilmiau Scan) yn ei wahodd i ymddangos yn y gyfres 'Mwynhau'r Pethe' a Bobi Jones ac eraill yn ei longyfarch pan ddyfarnwyd gradd DD er anrhydedd iddo yn 1987.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Llythyrau Kate Roberts a Saunders Lewis

A letter, 5 September 1947, from Kate Roberts to Saunders Lewis (ff. 54-55), together with his reply, 9 September 1947 (f. 56, end lacking), concerning her forthcoming radio interview with him to discuss her writing technique.
The discussion was transmitted on the Welsh Home Service of the BBC on 15 October 1947 and a transcript was subsequently published in Crefft y Stori Fer, ed. by Saunders Lewis (Llandysul, 1949). The letters are published in Dafydd Ifans, 'Annwyl Kate, Annwyl Saunders - Atodiad', National Library of Wales Journal, 29 (1995-96), 341-345.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Saunders Lewis letters to T. Charles Edwards

  • NLW MS 24189E.
  • Ffeil
  • 1918, 1935-1976

Papers of Thomas Charles Edwards, Ampleforth, 1918, 1935-1976, including fifty-seven letters, in Welsh and English, from Saunders Lewis to him, 1935-1976 (ff. 1-5, 7-11, 13-15, 18, 20-45, 47-48, 50-55, 58-69), to his wife Imelda, 1940-1941, 1950 (ff. 16-17, 19, 49), or to both, 1939 (f. 12), containing personal news and discussing politics, current affairs, the Catholic Church and articles by TCE.
Also included are letters to TCE from David Jones, 17 June 1937, seeking to send Lewis a copy of his 'In Parenthesis' (f. 6), G[riffith] J[ohn] Williams, 16 July 1948, concerning an R. W[illiams] Parry englyn (f. 46) and John B[arrett] Davies, St Dogmaels, 22 October 1962 (ff. 56-57); together with a letter, 19 May 1918, from TCE, Shrewsbury, to his mother (ff. 70-73); a script for Lewis's radio talk 'A Prospect of Wales: 7. Welsh Writers of Today', as transmitted on the Welsh Home Service, 25 April 1961, being the copy sent by Lewis to TCE (ff. 74-84); and seven press cuttings, 1935-1936, mainly relating to Lewis and the burning of the bombing school at Penyberth (ff. 85-91).

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Saunders Lewis letter,

Letter, 13 October 1982, from Saunders Lewis, Penarth, to Kathryn A. Klar, Richmond, California, replying to a letter concerning her research into Canu Aneirin at the University of California, Berkeley.
He describes the negative reaction of Ifor Williams, amongst others, to his book Braslun o Hanes Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg (Cardiff, 1932), the conclusions of which however correspond with those of Klar and her colleagues; he also describes his current state of health.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

'Cell y Grog',

Sgript y ddrama 'Cell y Grog' gyda nodiadau yn llaw Saunders Lewis ei hun [118/1]; ynghyd â chopi, wedi ei lofnodi, o'i ragair Wrth Aros Godot (Caerdydd, 1970), ei gyfieithiad o'r drama 'En Attendand Godot' gan Samuel Beckett [118/2]. = A copy of the script of 'Cell y Grog' with notes in Saunders Lewis's hand [118/1]; together with an initialed copy of his preface to Wrth Aros Godot (Caerdydd, 1970), his Welsh translation of Samuel Beckett's play 'En Attendand Godot' [118/2].

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

'O. M. Edwards',

  • NLW MS 23157C
  • Ffeil
  • 1956 /

Manuscript draft of an article, in Welsh, by Saunders Lewis on 'Owen M. Edwards', published in Triwyr Penllyn (Caerdydd, 1956), edited by Gwynedd O. Pierce, together with a related letter, 1956, from Saunders Lewis to the latter.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Garthewin, 12.9.48,

  • NLW Facs 1070.
  • ffeil
  • [2012] /

Llungopi o ddau bennill a ysgrifennwyd yn llaw Saunders Lewis mewn copi o'i ddrama Blodeuwedd yn cyfeirio at Dad y rhoddwr 'Tom' yn chwyrnu. = A photocopy of two verses containing a cheerful reference to the donor's father 'Tom' snoring written on the endpapers of Saunders Lewis's copy of his drama Blodeuwedd.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Saunders Lewis: Problemau Prifysgol

  • NLW MS 23113C.
  • Ffeil
  • 1962

A copy of a typescript draft, 1962, with autograph revision, of Saunders Lewis's play Problemau Prifysgol (Llandybïe, 1968).

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Saunders Lewis: Paham y llosgasom yr ysgol fomio,

  • NLW MS 23078C
  • Ffeil
  • 1936 /

Original manuscript of the Welsh text of Saunders Lewis's address to the jury during his trial at Caernarfon Assizes, October 1936, for arson at the Penyberth Bombing School. The Welsh text, described by Saunders Lewis as 'partly strict translation but in part a separate and different composition' (see NLW MS 22951C, f. i), was subsequently published as a pamphlet Paham y Llosgasom yr Ysgol Fomio (1936).

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Addresses by Saunders Lewis,

  • NLW ex 2553.
  • Ffeil
  • [1947]-[1959] /

Addresses relating to the political scene in Wales, written by Saunders Lewis on behalf of his daughter, Mair Saunders Jones, the donor; three are from the late 1940s and another from the 1950s.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Cais Nobel Saunders Lewis

Mae'r gyfres yn cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud â chais yr Academi i ennill Gwobr Nobel am Lenyddiaeth i Saunders Lewis yn ystod y 1970au a'r 1980au, syniad a gyflwynwyd yn wreiddiol gan Vernon Jones, athro yn Ysgol Y Berwyn Y Bala, ym 1966. Mae'n cynnwys gohebiaeth a deisebau yn erfyn cefnogaeth unigolion dylanwadol o gylchoedd gwleidyddol, crefyddol ac academaidd, yn ogystal â chopïau o'r cais gwreiddiol ar gyfer 1971 a chais diwygiedig ar gyfer 1977. Parhawyd i gyflwyno'r cais tan o leiaf 1981.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Llythyrau K-O,

Ymhlith y gohebwyr mae Saunders Lewis (8); Gareth Miles (2); Derec Llwyd Morgan (5); Dyfnallt Morgan (3); Prys Morgan (1); T. J. Morgan (2); W. Rhys Nicholas (4); Dyddgu Owen (1); Gerallt Lloyd Owen (1); ynghyd â chopi o dystysgrif marwolaeth ei dad John Lloyd, 1979.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Llythyrau Saunders Lewis

Llythyrau, [1953]-[1979], oddi wrth Saunders Lewis yn cynnwys newyddion personol. Mae'n diolch iddi am anfon copi o Iolo iddo [cf 4/5] ac yn dweud iddo ddarllen sylwadau'r beirniaid am y ddrama yn y wasg. Yr oedd wedi gwrthod ei gwahoddiad i ddarlithio yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Bro Myrddin 1974. Ceir hefyd lythyr a anfonodd ati wedi iddi dderbyn llawdriniaeth yn Ysbyty Westminster, Llundain, yn 1979. Derbyniwyd llungopïau o'r mwyafrif o'r llythyrau hyn eisoes (Papurau Norah Isaac 146/135 a 211).

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Llosgi'r Ysgol Fomio

Papurau, 1936-1939, yn ymwneud â llosgi'r Ysgol Fomio ym Mhenyberth, gan gynnwys neges Saunders Lewis yn ei law 'Cofiwch y cysur a geisiais ei roi i chwi amser cinio'; copi o lythyr D. J. Williams, 1936, at lywodraethwyr Ysgol Sir Abergwaun, yn gwneud cais am gael dychwelyd i'w swydd fel athro; torion o'r wasg gan gynnwys 'Request for Assistant Master's reinstatement'; anerchiad a baratowyd gan Victor Hampton Jones ar gyfer y prawf yn yr Old Bailey yn 1937; 'The story of the burning' gan Saunders Lewis (ceir copi drafft o'r adroddiad hwn yn llawysgrif LlGC 23078C); argraffiadau D. J. Williams wedi iddo gael ei ryddhau o Garchar Wormwood Scrubs, [1937]; a thorion o'r wasg, 1939, yn ymwneud â gwrthwynebiad un o lywodraethwyr Ysgol Sir Abergwaun i'w weithgareddau gwleidyddol.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

List of beneficiaries

The file comprises a list of beneficiaries in David Jones' hand, and the same list in Saunders Lewis' hand (post 1962) , David Jones' 'diet sheet' and directions for convalescence, and a cheque, 1970.

Lewis, Saunders, 1893-1985

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 44