Nearly a month ago when I visited Calcutta I decided to go to Murshidabad. Because of the security and ill intentions of traitors this news was not made public. A number of harkarahs, however, knew about it but as no one trusts the words of harkarahs nowadays, we did not give any serious thoughts to it. After reaching Murshidabad I went to pay a visit to the Mausoleum and asked commanders Khvajah Muhammad Hadi Khan and Mir Muhammad Khan who are both in your service to place guards on the doors of the Imam Barah. At the night of 9 Muharram when I was at the house of Nawab Nasir al-Mulk Bahadur these two commanders, who from the very start were bent on treachery, brought in nearly thirty to forty thousands armed men and stationed them inside and outside the Imam Baraha. At the time I was coming from the house of Nawab Nasir al-Mulk I was unaware of this happening and started in my palanquin with only a few men to guard me. With God's help on my side I did not take the prescribed route and escaped unharmed from the place. After the discovery of this plot I asked an enquiry to be held to find out the true perpetrator of this plot. My enquiry has shown that the above-mentioned two commanders were guilty of this felony. I am asking you to dismiss them from your service and from their commands. As they are beyond my territory, you may decide to give them whatever punishment you think they deserve. -- Another, contemporary translation is CC2/3, entry no. 95.
Mir Jafar, Nawab of Bengal.