A manuscript containing poetry of Bedo Brwynllys, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Guto'r Glyn, Huw Cae Llwyd and others (pp. 1-136, 149-159); a vocabulary (pp. 137-149); Dafydd Ddu [Hiraddug]'s Grammar (pp. 161-198); the statutes of Gruffydd ap Cynan (pp. 199-206 (at the end of this extract is the note 'Dyma y maint a gebhais o'r Statut yn lhybhyr Meistr Sion ap Edward gam o drebh newydd, o blwybh Dewi yn Sir bhracheiniog . 1579 .'); a translation into Welsh of Genesis I (pp. 230-245); Biblical extracts and history (pp. 246-264) (a note on p. 252 records that the Biblical extracts were taken 'o lybhyr Mr Edmond Morgan o Bhedwelhty'); &c. All but pp. 256-259, 265-268 and part of p. 198 are in the autograph of the grammarian Dr John David Rhys (1534-1609); his peculiar orthography begins on p. 13, l. 21. The poetical extracts vary in length from three to fifty lines. The lines selected are not always consecutive; they are even occasionally fragmentary, and many words are explained or glossed. The awdl on p. 256 is in a different but contemporary hand from that of Dr John David Rhys. For p. 265, cf. the text on pp. 22-24, which agrees in part. For the dating of this manuscript see p. 207.
The text printed in Dr John David Rhys's Grammar (London, 1592), pp. 297-298, 301-302, 303 (cols. ii and iii), pp. 300-301, p. 303, col. iv, p. 303, 'Nota', and p. 304 is taken from, respectively, pp. 199-206, 207, 207b, 213, 214, and 224 of this manuscript.