Dangos 164 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

6 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Brut y Brenhined

A composite, imperfect text made up of parts of two independent manuscripts, with the early chapters by a third hand; all three hands belong to the same type or school of writing, and cannot be separated by many years.
Hand A (pp. i, 1-25) has 21 lines to the page, with two-line rubric initials to chapters. This is the work of a hand like that in British Museum Caligula MS A. III, i.e. the C manuscripts of the Laws. These early folios were probably written to fill in the lacuna at the beginning of the principal fragment; however, the first and second folios are now wanting. The text corresponds with p. 477, col. 1, l. 5 to p. 482, col. ii, l. 15 of the Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales (Denbigh, 1870). Hand B (pp. 26-101, 146-205) has 30 lines to the page with two-line rubric chapter initials, and rubric headings to certain chapters as in the Myvyrian Archaiology, p. 482, col. ii, l. 15 to p. 511, col. i, l. 29, (531-3), 534-7, l. 3, [lacuna] 538, l. 30 to 539, col. ii, l. 21, (539, col. ii, l. 21 to 540), [lacuna] 541, col. ii to 542, l. 41), [lacuna] (543, col. i-ii, l. 12), 543, col. ii, l. 13 to 545, col. i, (545, col. ii to 547, col. ii, l. 32), 547, col. ii, l. 33 to 553, col. ii, l. 28, (553, col. ii, l. 29 to 554) (where bracketed figures denote text which is summarised in the Myvyrian Archaiology). Hand C (pp. 102-145) has 32 lines to the page, with rubric chapter initials floriated with green, now faded. These folios form the ivth and vth quires of Peniarth MS 44. The text of this version is not in close agreement with that in the Myvyrian Archaiology (p. 510, col. i, l. 48 to p. 531), though the wording is frequently nearly the same. There is a folio wanting between pp. 131 and 132, and between pp. 139 and 140.

Medical precepts and prescriptions, &c.

A manuscript in the hand of 'David ap Griffith effyriad' (see pp. 13, 14) containing medical precepts and prescriptions (pp. 15-27, 54-92), material of botanological (pp. 28-40), physiological (pp. 41-49) and theological (pp. 1-12) interest, and poetry (pp. 13-14, 50-53). The section on botany includes a Latin-Welsh vocabulary of plant names. Poetical works cited are those of Taliesin, Dafydd ap Gruffydd and Gruffudd Gryg.
There are traces of the hand of Sir Thomas Wilems (p. 40), and also of another hand on many folios.

David ap Griffith and others.

Pedigrees, Brut y Tywysogion, &c.,

A manuscript containing Brut y Tywysogion; measurements of Britain; the Twenty-four Knights of King Arthur's court; the pedigrees of British kings and rulers; etc.

Y Groclith and Rybud Gabriel at Veir,

A manuscript in the hand of Moses Williams containing 'Y Groclith' (ff. 1-22) and 'Rybud Gabriel at Veir' (ff. 23-26) (Luke i, 26-38), both of which are written in two columns, the one in mediæval, the other in modern orthography.

Moses Williams.

Lives of Saints, &c.,

A manuscript containing lives of saints, etc. An index is included on p. i.
Pp. i, 427-433 are in the hand of Moses Williams. A note - 'Pretium £1 . 4 . 6 An. 1715' - on the fly-leaf is in the same hand as most of the manuscript. At the end of the Life of St Margaret, which begins at p. 427, the scribe has written 'Felly y terfyna buchedd saint y Marged a esgrifenodd Tho: Evans 1628 fis Mawrth 5 dydd'.

Moses Williams and another.

Dychymmygjon Dynjon yn Addoliad Duw,

A manuscript containing 'Traethawd ynghylch Dychymmygjon Dynjon yn Addoliad Duw', being a translation of the work of William King, lord bishop of Dublin. At the beginning of the volume are prefixed two leaves containing a list of Welsh place names and their Latin equivalents.

Addysg i fodlonrwydd,

A manuscript containing ''The Art of Contentment' or Addysc i foddlonrwydd', translated into Welsh apparently by 'Nathanael Jones Esq. anno ætatis suæ 57' (p. 130).

Nathanael Jones.

Taylor's Daily Rule,

A manuscript containing 'Taylors Daily Rule in Welsh' rendered by 'Nathanael Jones'.

Nathanael Jones.


An imperfect manuscript in several hands containing Welsh poetry, including the works of Tudur Aled, Siôn Brwynog, Simwnt Fychan and others.

Balm of Gilead,

A manuscript containing a translation into Welsh of Bishop Hall's Balm of Gilead or Comforter by Robert Jones, curate of Gyffylliog near Ruthin.
The work was translated by the order of W. Salisbury of Rûg.

Reverend Robert Jones.

Prawf fod Degymmeu yn ddyledus wrth Ordinhad Duw,

A manuscript in the hand of Moses Williams containing 'Prawf fod Degymmeu yn ddyledus wrth Ordinhad Duw', being a translation into Welsh. A note by Moses Williams states: 'Gorphènwyd ei gyfieithu y 19 Chwefror 1720/1'.

Moses Williams.

Llyfr o Venegnieth,

A manuscript entitled 'Llyfr o Venegnieth', being medical recipes copied from a manuscript written in 1608 by John Jones, Gellilyfdy, who had, in turn, copied parts (ff. 20-27) 'o law Roger Morris'.

Ymddiddan and Elucidarium,

A manuscript in the hand of John Jones, Gellilifdy, who in turn had copied from a manuscript dated 1531 (see f. 20), containing 'Ymddiddan rwng y verch aniwair ar gwr ieuangc o waith Grasmws o Rodam', and the Elucidarium.

John Jones, Gellilyfdy.

A Welsh grammar,

A manuscript containing a Welsh grammar. A note in the hand of Moses Williams reads: 'This copy is out of a MS. lent me by R. Mostyn of Penbedw Esqr., which MS. formerly belong'd to Thomas ap Ivan of Hendre Forfydd [i.e. Peniarth MS 157]. Twas compared with the said MS. 29 Julii 1717 ... Twas also collated with another copy that was once in the possession of Huw ab Owen alias Huw Machno.' There are notes by Moses Williams on the text throughout the volume.

Moses Williams and another.


A manuscript containing poetry (pp. 17-42), the poets including Taliesin, Iolo Goch, Dafydd ab Edmwnt and others, with poetry included also within other sections of the text; triads attributed to Taliesin (p. 16); the Rood legend (pp. 97-103); apocryphal gospels (pp. 104-153, 259-269, 272, 274-276); the Purgatory of Patrick (pp. 202-212); lives of saints (pp. 161-187); proverbs and adages, etc. (pp. 10-12, 14-15, 299-300); prayers (pp. 13, 238-250, 255); vocabulary (pp. 95-96); a planisphere, calendar, planetary tables and other astrological material (pp. 43-86, 89-90, 281-291); interpretation of dreams (pp. 91, 94); palmistry (pp. 92-93); directions concerning bleeding, medical recipes, etc. (pp. 1-9, 87-88, 236, 277-280, 300c-301); &c. A note on p. 221 states that 'Ieuan ap William ap dd: ap ejnws ajysgrivenodd yllyvr hwn i gyd ari gost ihvn i gael o bobyl ddifyrwch o hono alles yw heneidiav o hwn'; there are, however, a few pages (pp. 139-142, etc.) in other hands. There is a table of contents at the beginning in the hand of Richard Morris, 1784-1785, and another at the end by ?William Jones, who states that the manuscript was 'procured me by Mr. Holmes of the Tower'.
The dates appended to many of the subjects in the text show that the binder is responsible for the present derangement of the folios.

Ieuan ap William and others.


A manuscript entitled 'Carpiog Aber Llyfeni', i.e. the 'Tattered [Book] of Aberllefenni, containing poetry, the poets cited including Iolo Goch, Huw Machno, Siôn Mawddwy, Siôn Brwynog, Guto'r Glyn, Rhisiart Phylip, Siôn Phylip and others. There is an index to authors, alphabetically arranged, 1746, by Richard Morris on pp. 673-689; and a list of first lines, with authors' names, on pp. 693-711.
The volume is made up of two different manuscripts. Fifteen poems are wanting at the beginning of the first part, which breaks off in the middle of its 105th poem (p. 176). The second part begins in the middle of its 20th poem (p. 177) and ends with the 12th line of its 309th poem. Pp. 1-668 are written in the same hand as that of Mostyn MS 160 and Peniarth MS 114, while pp. 669-712 are in later hands.


A miscellaneous collection of prophecies, etc. in prose and verse (including those of Myrddin and Taliesin), probably in the hand of William Phylip. There is a table of contents by Richard Morris at the beginning, written April 1748 for William Jones.

William Phylip and others.

Chronology, arms, pedigrees and poetry

A manuscript containing a chronology, mainly of kings and rulers of Wales (pp. 1, 33-37, 43-48, 49-60, 100, 111-113); arms, mainly of kings and rulers of Wales (pp. 2-8, 9, 99); pedigrees, mainly of kings and rulers of Wales and England (pp. 9b-88, 89-98, 224-152, 155-158, 164-186, 188); and poetry, which includes triads (pp. 38-42, 100-110, 159-163, 187, 190).
The folios of different manuscripts, or of one manuscript written by different hands at different times, have been mixed together in binding.

The Book of Jaspar Griffith,

The 'book of Jaspar Griffith', containing poetry by Dafydd ap Gwilym, Rhys Fardd, Iolo Goch, Taliesin, Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd [Dafydd Llwyd, Mathafarn] and others. Item 1 is a series of complaints between several parties 'fel y maent yn scrifennedic o Law Gyttyn Owein'. Items 2-15, 17-46 contain a series of englynion 'o hen lyfr oedd gyd a S. Trefor Trefalun'. There is a note at item 128 possibly in the hand of Dr John Davies, Mallwyd. A note at Item 201 states: 'Hyn sy yn canlyn a dynnais i allan o'r Llyfr Du o Gaerfyrddin'. The first line of item 264 is given by some as the first line of Item 263, which forms a second half of this cywydd. For Items 266 and 270, where Huw Pennant and Dafydd ab Edmwnt are here given respecitvely as the authors of the works, a later insertion claims authorship as being that of Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (Dafydd Llwyd, Mathafarn).
Jaspar Griffith at one time had in his care or possession Peniarth MSS 1 and 53, both of which are largely copied in this manuscript. The style of the handwriting resembles certain of Griffith's marginalia in Peniarth 1 and 53 so it is inferred that this manuscript is also in his hand. The paper used for this manuscript was originally designed for what looks like a Latin vocabulary; however, one line only was written at the top (now the bottom, inverted) of the page. Items 159-172 are as in Peniarth MS 53 (pp. 1-29, 34) but more complete here. Cf. Peniarth MS 50 (pp. 222b-236, 304). Items 175, 176, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183, 190 occur also on pp. 15, 54, 112, 88, 91, 126, 99, 68 respectively of Peniarth MS 53. The text at items 203-236, 271-274 corresponds with Peniarth MS 1. Inserted at Item 237 is a transcript 'verbatim out of a printed book now supposed to be in the custody ... of Hugh Bevan ... of Llanwnen', which describes the 'Characters' of the gentry of Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire during the Protectorate. The note is signed 'O. P. Maridunensis'.

[Jaspar Griffith].

Welsh Laws and 'Elucidations'

A manuscript containing Welsh laws (pp. 1-96) and the 'Elucidations' (pp. 97-535), written in the hand of John Jones, Gellilyfdy prior to 25 September 1619 (see pp. 67, 535). Where the text is imperfect Moses Williams has written its contents in the margins.
The text of pp. 1-96 of this manuscript corresponds with that of Peniarth MS 29, pp. 1-51, while the remainder may be a copy of Peniarth MS 278. The original of pp. 97-535 was either imperfect or frequently illegible as dots indicating lacunae are frequent. Much of the matter of this second part is the same as the 'Elucidations' in Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, Vol. ii, Book XIV. The text ends abruptly at the beginning of the sixth line on p. 535.

Jones, John, Gellilyfdy, ca. 1585-1657/8

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 164