Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 60062 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

42 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Chirk Castle Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 CHIRK
  • Fonds
  • 1284-[c. 1852]

Estate and family records of the Chirk Castle estate, mainly in Denbighshire, comprising deeds from 1284; manorial records, mainly of the lordship of Chirk and Chirkland, 1322-1853, including receiver's accounts, ministers' accounts, court rolls, etc.; records of the estate's involvement in the coal, iron and lead industries in Denbighshire from 17 cent.; Denbighshire Quarter Sessions records, including order books, 1647-1675, rolls, 1643-1699, and a book of indictments, 1670-1690; Denbighshire militia records, 1602-1797, and related local government records, 1602-1811; business papers of Sir Thomas Myddelton (1550-1631); personal and estate correspondence from c.1600; literary manuscripts, c.1630-1887; and parliamentary election papers for Denbighshire and Denbigh boroughs, 1681-1852, including papers relating to quo warranto proceedings against the mayor and burgeses of Holt, 1739-1743.

Ten designs for stained glass panels, with armorial pedigree of the Myddelton family attributed to A. W. N. Pugin and John Hardman Powell; three hundred and thirty-two volumes relating to the Chirk Castle estates; a collection of miscellaneous volumes and documents relating to the Chirk Castle estates, including an account book of the Nangwrud Slate Quarry, rentals books, account books, volumes relating to the Black Park Colliery, a rabbit account book, and other papers; and an indenture, 1812, relating to Bodlith, Llansilin, part of the Chirk Castle estate were acquired. These remain uncatalogued.

A manuscript account book for Sir Richard Myddelton's properties at Chirk Castle and Soho Square, London, 1686-1700 and 1748-1752.

A manuscript Steward's letter-book relating to Chirk Castle, 183501838.

Myddelton family, of Gwaenynog, Denbigh, Chirk and Ruthin, Denbighshire, London, and Essex

Llawysgrifau Wrecsam

  • Fonds
  • [16 gan.]-1650

Tair llawysgrif, [16 gan.]-1650, o lyfrgell y Parch. R. Peris Williams, Wrecsam, yn cynnwys barddoniaeth, achau, ryseitiau meddygol a thractiau eglwysig. = Three manuscripts, [16 cent.]-1650, from the library of the Rev. R. Peris Williams, Wrexham, containing poetry, pedigrees, medical recipes and ecclesiastical tracts.

Tractiau eglwysig

Cyfrol, [16 gan.], yn cynnwys 'Estoria yr ysbryd gwido vwrdais' a thractiau eglwysig eraill, yr Elucidarium, Efengyl Nicodemus, arawd Gwgan, barddoniaeth, ayyb. = A volume, [16 cent.], containing the Story of Guido and other ecclesiastical tracts, the Elucidarium, the Gospel of Nicodemus, Gwgan’s oration, poetry, etc.
Ysgrifennwyd y gyfrol gan sawl awdur, gan gynnwys Rhydderch Lewis ap Owen (gw. t. 143). = The volume is written in several hands including that of Rhydderch Lewis ap Owen (see p. 143).


Cyfrol, wedi ei ysgrifennu ar adegau gwahanol rhwng 1574 a 1650, yn cynnwys barddoniaeth gan nifer o feirdd Cymraeg. = A volume, written at various times between 1574 and 1650, containing poetry by various Welsh poets.

Papurau'r Athro Griffith John Williams

  • GB 0210 GJWILL
  • fonds
  • [16 gan., hwyr]-1979, gyda bylchau (crynhowyd 1911-1979)

Papurau'r Athro Griffith John Williams (1892-1963), Athro'r Gymraeg, Coleg Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd. Yn eu plith ceir ei ohebiaeth, 1911-1962, papurau personol, 1868-1963, cyhoeddiadau a phapurau ymchwil, [1911x1979], ynghyd â chasgliad bach o lawysgrifau a gasglwyd ganddo, [16 gan., hwyr]-[?1939]. Ceir hefyd grŵp bach o bapurau ei wraig, Elizabeth, 1875-1978.

Williams, G. J. (Griffith John)


  • NLW MS 16130D.
  • Ffeil
  • 1958

Copi ffotostat, 1958, o lawysgrif yng nghasgliad teulu Cotton, Combermere (ZCR 74/190), yn archifdy swydd Caer, yn cynnwys cywyddau a ysgrifennwyd mewn sawl llaw ar ddiwedd yr unfed ganrif-ar-bymtheg. = A photostat facsimile, 1958, of a manuscript held among the Cotton family of Combermere manuscripts (ZCR 74/190) at the Cheshire County Record Office, containing cywyddau written in several hands at the end of the sixteenth century.
Cyfansoddwyd y cywyddau, [1320x?1580], gan Siôn Phylip (f. 1), Simwnt Fychan (f. 21), Wiliam Cynwal (ff. 6, 28), Rhys Cain (ff. 10, 20), Siôn Tudur (ff. 12, 16, 33, 34, 42), Wiliam Llŷn (f. 25), Lewis ab Edward ('Lewis Meirchion', f. 36), Siôn Cent (ff. 32, 40), Iolo Goch (f. 46), Gruffudd Hiraethog (f. 48), a rhai beirdd anhysbys. = The cywyddau were composed, [1320x?1580], by Siôn Phylip (f. 1), Simwnt Fychan (f. 21), Wiliam Cynwal (ff. 6, 28), Rhys Cain (ff. 10, 20), Siôn Tudur (ff. 12, 16, 33, 34, 42), Wiliam Llŷn (f. 25), Lewis ab Edward ('Lewis Meirchion', f. 36), Siôn Cent (ff. 32, 40), Iolo Goch (f. 46), Gruffudd Hiraethog (f. 48), and a few unidentified poets.

Llyfr John Brooke o Vowddwy

Cyfrol o achau, barddoniaeth, rhestr o gantrefi, cymydau a phlwyfi Cymru, ryseitiau meddygol, ayyb, 1590-1592, yn nwylo John Brooke o Mucklewicke, plwyf Hyssington, sir Amwythig, a Mawddwy, sir Feirionnydd (tt. 1-406), a Dr John Davies o Fallwyd (tt. 407-20, 425-54, 461, 477-9, ac yn ôl bob tebyg 463-76, 481-4). = A volume of pedigrees, poetry, lists of the hundreds, commotes and parishes of Wales, medical receipts, etc., 1590-1592, in the autographs of John Brooke of Mucklewicke, parish of Hyssington, Shropshire, and Mawddwy, Merioneth (pp. 1-406), and Dr John Davies of Mallwyd (pp. 407-20, 425-54, 461, 477-9, and probably 463-76, 481-4).
Copïwyd yr achau o lyfrau Gruffudd Hiraethog, Gutyn Owain ac eraill. Ar dudalen 296 mae Brooke yn dweud iddo wneud copi cynharach a gollwyd. Ceir rhestr cynnwys i ran gyntaf y gyfrol (tt. 1-406) ar tt. [1]-[10]. = The pedigrees are copied from the books of Gruffudd Hiraethog, Gutyn Owain and others. On page 296 Brooke states that he had made a previous copy, subsequently lost. A table of contents for the first part of the volume (pp. 1-406) is on pp. [1]-[10].

Brooke, John, b. 1520.

Papurau Thomas Gwynn Jones

  • Fonds
  • 1621-1985 (crynhowyd 1871-1985)

Papurau T. Gwynn Jones, 1871-1949, yn cynnwys: gohebiaeth, gan gynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth amrywiaeth eang o ffigurau llenyddol ac academaidd; cerddi a phapurau llenyddol eraill, yn cynnwys adysgrifau ac arnodiadau gan T. Gwynn Jones o waith gan awduron canoloesol a modern, a deunydd, [17 gan.]-[20 gan.], a gasglwyd ganddo neu a roddwyd iddo; papurau academaidd, yn cynnwys nodiadau ar gyfer ei lyfrau ac erthyglau, cofiannau a mynegeion i'w waith ei hun a gwaith pobl eraill, a nodiadau bywgraffyddol ar lawer o ffigurau llenyddol; cyfieithiadau; darlithoedd ac anerchiadau, yn cynnwys nodiadau; sgriptiau radio; adolygiadau llyfrau; gwahanlithiau; torion o'r wasg; dramâu, beirniadaethau eisteddfodol, deunydd yn ymwneud â'i Dysteb yn 1944; llongyfarchiadau ar ei CBE yn 1937; a dyddiaduron, 1927-1947, a phersonalia arall; ceir hefyd papurau teuluol, 1621-1871, gan gynnwys gohebiaeth, dau Feibl teuluol, a llythyrau, 1949-1985, at deulu Jones, yn ymwneud yn enwedig â'i fywyd a'i waith, a chofiannau iddo. = Papers of T. Gwynn Jones, 1871-1949, comprising: correspondence, including letters from a wide variety of literary and academic figures; poems and other literary papers, including transcripts and annotations by T. Gwynn Jones of works by medieval and modern authors, and material, [17 cent.]-[20 cent.], collected by him or given to him; academic papers, including notes for his books and articles, bibliographies and indexes for his own and other works, and biographical notes on many literary figures; translations; lectures and addresses, including notes; radio scripts; book reviews; offprints; press cuttings; plays; eisteddfod adjudications; material relating to his Testimonial in 1944; congratulations on his CBE in 1937; and diaries, 1927-1947, and other personalia; also included are family papers, 1621-1871, including correspondence, two family bibles, and letters, 1949-1985, to Jones's family, especially concerning his life and work, and memorials to him.

Jones, T. Gwynn (Thomas Gwynn), 1871-1949

Nodiadau ieithyddol gan Robert Vaughan, Hengwrt,

  • NLW MS 23883D.
  • Ffeil
  • [1632x1667]

Copi o gyfrol John Davies, Mallwyd, Antiquae Linguae Britannicae...et Linguae Latinae, Dictionarium Duplex (Llundain: R. Young, 1632, STC 6347), gyda nodiadau helaeth, [1632x1667], yn llaw Robert Vaughan, Hengwrt, yn cynnwys yn bennaf eiriau (ff. 9-66 passim) a diarhebion (ff. 191-195 passim) Cymraeg ychwanegol. = A copy of John Davies of Mallwyd's Antiquae Linguae Britannicae...et Linguae Latinae, Dictionarium Duplex (London: R. Young, 1632, STC 6347), with extensive annotations, [1632x1667], in the hand of Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt, comprising mostly additional Welsh words (ff. 9-66 passim) and proverbs (ff. 191-195 passim).

Vaughan, Robert, 1592-1667

Llawysgrif Mostyn Talacre

  • NLW MS 21582E.
  • Ffeil
  • [17 gan., canol]

Llawysgrif, [17 gan., canol], yn ôl pob tebyg yn llaw William Maurice, Llansilin, yn cynnwys barddoniaeth gaeth Gymraeg, cywyddau gan mwyaf, o waith o leiaf chwech ar hugain o feirdd. = A manuscript, [mid-17 cent.], probably in the hand of William Maurice, Llansilin, containing Welsh strict-metre poetry, mostly cywyddau, by at least twenty-six poets.
Priodolir y cerddi i'r beirdd canlynol: Tho[mas] Prys (ff. 1, 8-9), Y Meister Sion Tudur (f. 1 recto-verso), Sr. Gruffydd Owen (ff. 1 verso-2 verso, 5 verso-6 verso, 10 recto-verso, 24 verso-25), y Bedo Brwynllys (ff. 2 verso-3), Bedo Aryrddrem (ff. 3, 21 verso, 26), Huw Arwystli (ff. 3 recto-verso, 26-27), Rys Cain (f. 4 recto-verso), Morys Dwyfech (ff. 5 recto-verso, 25-26), Sion Phylip (ff. 6 verso-7), Sr Dafydd Owain (ff. 7 verso-8), W[illia]m llŷn (ff. 9 recto-verso, 12 verso-13), Sr Phylip Emlyn (ff. 10 verso-11), Ifan Dyfi (ff. 11-12), Dafydd ap Gwilim (ff. 12 recto-verso, 16, 17 verso-18, 20-21, 27 recto-verso, 28-29 verso, 30 verso), Sion Cain (ff. 13 verso-14), y Meistr Hughe Machno (ff. 14-15), Einion ab Gwalchmai (f. 15 verso), Sion Mowddwy (f. 16 verso), Tudur Aled (f. 17 recto-verso), Dafydd ap Edmwnt (ff. 18 verso-19), Dafydd Nanmor (f. 19 recto-verso), Gwillim tew brydydd (ff. 19 verso-20), Lewis Môn (f. 21), William Cynwal (ff. 21 verso-23, 24), 'Mr Roberts or tu hwnt ir môr' [Dr Gruffydd Robert, Milan] (ff. 23 verso-24) a Simwnt Vychan (ff. 27 verso-28, 30). Mae ambell i gerdd yn ddienw (ff. 4 verso-5, 7 recto-verso, 16, 18 recto-verso, 22 recto-verso). Mae yna nodiadau o ramadeg barddol, yn trafod yr englyn unodl union a'r englyn unodl cyrch, ar f. 30. Ceir nodiadau yma ac acw, mewn llaw o'r ddeunawfed ganrif, yn awgrymu dyddiadau blodeuo'r beirdd (e.e. f. 3: '1500 medd Thomas Richards'); daw y rhain o restr yn Thomas Richards, Antiquae Linguae Britannicae Thesaurus... (Bryste, 1753). = The poems are attributed to the following: Tho[mas] Prys (ff. 1, 8-9), Y Meister Sion Tudur (f. 1 recto-verso), Sr. Gruffydd Owen (ff. 1 verso-2 verso, 5 verso-6 verso, 10 recto-verso, 24 verso-25), y Bedo Brwynllys (ff. 2 verso-3), Bedo Aryrddrem (ff. 3, 21 verso, 26), Huw Arwystli (ff. 3 recto-verso, 26-27), Rys Cain (f. 4 recto-verso), Morys Dwyfech (ff. 5 recto-verso, 25-26), Sion Phylip (ff. 6 verso-7), Sr Dafydd Owain (ff. 7 verso-8), W[illia]m llŷn (ff. 9 recto-verso, 12 verso-13), Sr Phylip Emlyn (ff. 10 verso-11), Ifan Dyfi (ff. 11-12), Dafydd ap Gwilim (ff. 12 recto-verso, 16, 17 verso-18, 20-21, 27 recto-verso, 28-29 verso, 30 verso), Sion Cain (ff. 13 verso-14), y Meistr Hughe Machno (ff. 14-15), Einion ab Gwalchmai (f. 15 verso), Sion Mowddwy (f. 16 verso), Tudur Aled (f. 17 recto-verso), Dafydd ap Edmwnt (ff. 18 verso-19), Dafydd Nanmor (f. 19 recto-verso), Gwillim tew brydydd (ff. 19 verso-20), Lewis Môn (f. 21), William Cynwal (ff. 21 verso-23, 24), 'Mr Roberts or tu hwnt ir môr' [Dr Gruffydd Robert, Milan] (ff. 23 verso-24) and Simwnt Vychan (ff. 27 verso-28, 30). A few further poems are anonymous (ff. 4 verso-5, 7 recto-verso, 16, 18 recto-verso, 22 recto-verso). There are notes from a bardic grammar, discussing the 'englyn unodl union' and the 'englyn unodl cyrch', on f. 30. Notes added here and there, in an eighteenth-century hand, give suggested floruit dates for the poets (e.g. f. 3: '1500 medd Thomas Richards'); these are taken from a list in Thomas Richards, Antiquae Linguae Britannicae Thesaurus... (Bristol, 1753).

Maurice, William, -approximately 1680


Eitemau llawysgrif a phrintiedig , 1660-[1936], yn ymwneud â'i ddiddordeb mewn natur, amaethyddiaeth a hanes lleol.

Papurau R. Elwyn Hughes

  • GB 0210 RELWES
  • Fonds
  • [1660]-2012 (gyda bylchau)

Papurau’r biocemegydd, yr ymgyrchydd iaith, a’r hanesydd gwyddoniaeth R. Elwyn Hughes, [1660]-2012, yn cynnwys papurau’n ymwneud â’i ymchwil gwyddonol ac ar gyfer cyhoeddiadau ar hanes gwyddoniaeth, ynghyd â gohebiaeth. = Papers of R. Elwyn Hughes, biochemist, language campaigner and science historian, [1660]-2012, including papers relating to his scientific research and to publications on the history of science, together with correspondence.

Hughes, R. Elwyn (Richard Elwyn), 1928-

Barddoniaeth amrywiol,

  • NLW MS 21702E.
  • Ffeil
  • 1663-1994

Barddoniaeth o'r ail ganrif ar bymtheg hyd yr ugeinfed ganrif, gan gynnwys gweithiau gan Alan Llwyd (f. 2), W. J. Gruffydd (f. 14), Richard Davies (Mynyddog) (f. 76), Ray Howard-Jones (ff. 98-104), R. Williams Parry (ff. 106-110), Saunders Lewis (ff. 132-136), Vernon Watkins (f. 146), Harri Webb (ff. 153-154), Katherine Philips (The Matchless Orinda) (f. 158), ac Euros Bowen (ff. 161-169), ynghyd â nifer o feirdd llai enwog a rhai darnau anhysbys. Cynigiwyd rai o'r cerddi mewn cystadlaethau eisteddfodol (ff. 36-51, 53-61, 63, 113-124). Mae nifer o'r cerddi yn llaw y beirdd eu hunain, eraill yn gopïau neu mewn teipysgrif. Ceir hefyd garol plygain, a nodwyd i lawr [?19 gan., ¼ olaf] (ff. 155-157 verso), a llythyr, 1994, oddi wrth Jon Meirion Jones at Dafydd Ifans yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru yn ymwneud â Dafydd Jones (Isfoel) y Cilie (ff. 149-150). = Poetry, seventeenth to twentieth centuries, including works by Alan Llwyd (f. 2), W. J. Gruffydd (f. 14), Richard Davies (Mynyddog) (f. 76), Ray Howard-Jones (ff. 98-104), R. Williams Parry (ff. 106-110), Saunders Lewis (ff. 132-136), Vernon Watkins (f. 146), Harri Webb (ff. 153-154), Katherine Philips (The Matchless Orinda) (f. 158), and Euros Bowen (ff. 161-169), together with many lesser-known poets and some anonymous pieces. Some of the poems were submitted for competition at eisteddfodau (ff. 36-51, 53-61, 63, 113-124). Many of the poems are autograph while others are copies or in typescript. Also included is a plygain carol, noted down [?19 cent., last ¼] (ff. 155-157 verso), and a letter, 1994, from Jon Meirion Jones to Dafydd Ifans at the National Library of Wales regarding Dafydd Jones (Isfoel), Cilie (ff. 149-150).

Llwyd, Alan.

Barddoniaeth Gymraeg

  • NLW MS 16251B.
  • Ffeil
  • [1730x1790]

Cyfrol yn cynnwys barddoniaeth Gymraeg a chynghorion meddygol a ddangoswyd, yn ôl nodyn (f. 63 verso) gan John Jones (Jac Glanygors), i John Edwards (Siôn Ceiriog) yn Llundain, 11 Gorffennaf 1790. = A volume containing poetry in Welsh and medical recipes shown, according to a note (f. 63 verso) by John Jones (Jac Glanygors), to John Edwards (Siôn Ceiriog) in London, 11 July 1790.
Mae'r gyfrol yn cynnwys cywyddau ac englynion o'r 16 gan. hyd at 18 gan., gan gynnwys gweithiau Gruffydd ap Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan, 'Syr' Dafydd Owain, Siôn Tudur, Simwnt Fychan, Thomas Prys o Blas Iolyn, William Phylip, ac Ellis Rowland o Harlech (ff. 1-41), ac englynion Saesneg (f. 1 verso); ceir rysáit llawfeddygol ar f. 7, cynghorion meddygol rhwng ff. 41 verso a 63 verso, a nodyn, 28 Gorffennaf 1790, gan David Samwell (Dafydd Ddu Feddyg) ar f. 64; fe nodir rhai o'r cerddi a'r ryseitiau ar dudalen gynnwys (f. 66 verso). = The volume comprises 'cywyddau' and 'englynion' from 16 cent. to 18 cent., including the works of Gruffydd ap Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan, 'Syr' Dafydd Owain, Siôn Tudur, Simwnt Fychan, Thomas Prys of Plas Iolyn, William Phylip, and Ellis Rowland of Harlech (ff. 1-41), and English poetry written in the 'englyn' metre (f. 1 verso); a veterinary recipe is included on f. 7, medical recipes between ff. 41 verso and 63 verso, and a note, 28 July 1790, by David Samwell (Dafydd Ddu Feddyg) on f. 64; some of the poetic works and recipes are listed in a contents' page (f. 66 verso).


  • NLW MS 14579A.
  • Ffeil
  • 1730-1733

Casgliad o naw deg dau o halsingod o ardal Llandysul, Dyffryn Teifi, wedi eu copïo gan John Evan rhwng 1730 a 1733. Cyfansoddwyd y mwyafrif o'r halsingod rhwng 1654 a 1722 gydag ychydig o enghreifftiau cyfoes ar ddiwedd y gyfrol. = A collection of ninety-two carols of a religious or moral nature ('halsingod') from the Llandysul, Teifi Valley, area, transcribed by John Evan between 1730 and 1733. The majority of the poems were composed between 1654 and 1722 with a few contemporary examples included at the end of the volume.
Priodolir y cerddi i'r awduron canlynol: David Davies [?ficer Bridell, sir Benfro], James Richard, David Lewis [?Llanllawddog], Sampson Lloyd, Evan Griffith, Syr John Owen, David Jones, David Evanes [sic], John Hughes, John Evan, a'r 'hen Glark Einion' (ceir cyfeiriadau at rai o'r unigolion hyn, ynghyd â rhestr o halsingod eraill a gyfansoddwyd ganddynt, yn Geraint Bowen, 'Yr Halsingod', Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, (1945), 83-108). = The poems are attributed to the following authors: David Davies [?vicar of Bridell, Pembrokeshire], James Richard, David Lewis [?Llanllawddog], Sampson Lloyd, Evan Griffith, Sir John Owen, David Jones, David Evanes [sic], John Hughes, John Evan, and 'yr hen Glark Einion' (references to some of these individuals, together with a list of other 'halsingod' composed by them, are in Geraint Bowen, 'Yr Halsingod', Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, (1945), 83-108).

Evan, John, fl. 1730-1733.

Llyfr Cywyddau

  • NLW MS 24175B.
  • Ffeil
  • 1750-[1752]

Cyfrol, 1750-[1752], yn llaw Edward Llwyd, Llundain, yn cynnwys copïau o wyth deg pum cerdd, cywyddau yn bennaf. Ymysg y beirdd a gynrhychiolir mae Dafydd Nanmor (5), Doctor John Cent (7), Rhys ap Ednyfed (2), Guto'r Glyn (6), Dafydd ap Gwilym (4), Syr Dafydd Trefor (2), Lewis Glyn Cothi (4), Wiliam Llŷn (3), Tudur Penllyn (2), Bleddyn Fardd (5), Meilir Brydydd (2), Llywarch Brydydd y Moch (2), Lewys Môn (2), Simwnt Fychan (2), Siôn Tudur (7), Edward ap Ralph (2) a Iolo Goch (2). = A volume, 1750-[1752], in the hand of Edward Llwyd, London, containing copies of eighty-five poems, mainly cywyddau. Amongst the poets represented are Dafydd Nanmor (5), Doctor John Cent (7), Rhys ap Ednyfed (2), Guto'r Glyn (6), Dafydd ap Gwilym (4), Syr Dafydd Trefor (2), Lewis Glyn Cothi (4), Wiliam Llŷn (3), Tudur Penllyn (2), Bleddyn Fardd (5), Meilir Brydydd (2), Llywarch Brydydd y Moch (2), Lewys Môn (2), Simwnt Fychan (2), Siôn Tudur (7), Edward ap Ralph (2) and Iolo Goch (2).
Mae'n debyg i'r gyfrol gael ei ailddefnyddio fel llyfr nodiadau (gw. t. 251) ond oherwydd colled nifer o ddalennau ychydig iawn o olion o'r fath ddefnydd sydd wedi goroesi. Mae ychydig nodiadau mewn pensil ar tt. 247, 250-251 a thu mewn i'r clawr cefn mewn llaw diweddarach. = The volume was apparently reused as a 'Mamarandam Boock' (see p. 251) but due to the loss of several leaves little trace of such use remains. A few notes in pencil on pp. 247, 250-251 and inside the back cover are in a later hand.

Dafydd Nanmor, active 1450-1490

Papurau J. W. Jones

  • GB 0210 JWJNES
  • Fonds
  • 1759-1954 (crynhowyd [1920au cynnar?]-1954)

Gohebiaeth, barddoniaeth, rhyddiaith a phapurau teuluol, yn ymwneud â J. W. Jones, 1878-1954, a'i dad, 'Glan Barlwyd', 1866-1917; deunydd a gasglwyd gan J. W. Jones yn ymnweud ag unigolion a sefydliadau yn ardal Blaenau Ffestiniog, gan gynnwys gohebiaeth, barddoniaeth a phapurau eraill o eiddo 'Gwilym Deudraeth', 1917-1939, 'Elfyn', 1874-1917, Y Parch. R. R. Morris, 1883-1933, 'Alafon', 1875-1915, 'Llifon', 1899-1916, 'Isallt', 1887-1913, a 'Glyn Myfyr', 1893-1937; llythyrau at John Daniel Davies yn rhinwedd ei swydd fel golygydd Y Rhedegydd, 1930-1942; barddoniaeth a phapurau eraill o eiddo T. Gwynn Jones, 1910-1944; barddoniaeth, [1840]-1940, gan amryw feirdd, yn cynnwys Hedd Wyn ac R. Williams Parry; deunydd rhyddiaith amrywiol, peth ohono wedi'i gyhoeddi yn Y Drysorfa ac yn Y Rhedegydd, 1879-1954; llawysgrifau cerddorol, 1876-[c. 1934]; beirniadaethau eisteddfodol, 1870-1939; llyfrau lloffion yn cynnwys torion o'r wasg, [c. 1879]-1940; dyddiaduron, 1864-1935; cofnodion chwareli llechi Blaenau Ffestiniog, 1868-1951; amryw gyfrifon a llyfrau cyfrifon yn ymwneud â gwahanol fusnesau a sefydliadau, 1784-1932; cofnodion yn ymwneud ag eglwysi'r Methodistiaid Calfinaidd, 1840-1951, gan gynnwys rhai Bethel, Tanygrisiau, [1840x1945]; pregethau a nodiadau crefyddol,1846-1952; deunydd printiedig yn cynnwys effemera etholiadol, marwnadau, baledi, carolau ac emynau, 1820-1948; a gweithredoedd a dogfennau yn ymwneud â siroedd Caernarfon, Meirionnydd a Dinbych, 1759-1947. = Correspondence, poetry, prose and family papers, relating to J. W. Jones, 1878-1954, and to his father, 'Glan Barlwyd', 1866-1917; material collected by J. W. Jones relating to individuals and organizations in the Blaenau Ffestiniog area, including correspondence, poetry and other papers of 'Gwilym Deudraeth', 1917-1939, 'Elfyn', 1874-1917, Rev. R. R. Morris, 1883-1933, 'Alafon', 1875-1915, 'Llifon', 1899-1916, 'Isallt', 1887-1913, and 'Glyn Myfyr', 1893-1937; letters to John Daniel Davies as editor of Y Rhedegydd, 1930-1942; poetry and other papers of T. Gwynn Jones, 1910-1944; poetry, [1840]-1940, by various poets, including Hedd Wyn and R. Williams Parry; various prose material, some of which was published in Y Drysorfa and Y Rhedegydd, 1879-1954; musical manuscripts, 1876-[c. 1934]; eisteddfod adjudications, 1870-1939; scrapbooks containing press cuttings, [c. 1879]-1940; diaries, 1864-1935; records of Blaenau Ffestiniog slate quarries, 1868-1951; various accounts and account books relating to various trades and organisations, 1784-1932; records relating to Calvinistic Methodist churches, 1840-1951, including those of Bethel, Tanygrisiau, [1840x1945]; sermons and religious notes, 1846-1952; printed material including electoral ephemera, elegies, ballads, carols and hymns, 1820-1948; and deeds and documents relating to Caernarfonshire, Merionethshire and Denbighshire, 1759-1947.

Jones, J. W. (John William), 1883-1954

Pregethau Griffith Jones, Llanddowror

  • NLW MS 24057B
  • Ffeil
  • 1760

Y gyfrol gyntaf mewn cyfres o chwech yn cynnwys adysgrifau o bregethau ar y Testament Newydd gan y Parch. Griffith Jones, Llanddowror, wedi eu copïo yn nhrefn y Beibl. Mae'r gyfrol hon yn cynnwys pregethau ar Efengyl Mathew ac fe'i cwblhawyd ar 5 Tachwedd 1760 (t. 1244). = The first volume in a series of six containing transcripts of sermons on the New Testament by the Rev. Griffith Jones of Llanddowror, transcribed in Bible order. This volume contains sermons on the Gospel of St Matthew and was completed on 5 November 1760 (p. 1244).
Mae'r gyfrol wedi ei ysgrifennu mewn dwy law: mae'r rhestr cynnwys anghyflawn (ff. ii-iii) a nifer o gywiriadau ac arnodiadau yn y testun yn llaw'r Parch. Thomas Evans, curad Llanddowror a rheithor Walton, sir Benfro; ni adnabuwyd copïwr y prif destun (tt. 35-1244) gan y catalogydd. O'r 93 pregeth a gopïwyd i'r gyfrol yn wreiddiol (gw. y nodyn y tu mewn i'r clawr blaen) erbyn hyn mae pump, gan gynnwys y cyntaf, yn anghyflawn, ac mae un ar goll yn gyfan gwbl (tt. 476-[486]). = The volume is in two hands: the incomplete table of contents (ff. ii-iii) and a number of corrections and annotations to the text are in the hand of the Rev. Thomas Evans, curate of Llanddowror and rector of Walton, Pembrokeshire; the scribe of the main body of the text (pp. 35-1244) has not been identified by the cataloguer. Of the 93 sermons originally transcribed in the volume (see note inside front cover) five are now incomplete, including the first, and one is missing in its entirety (pp. 476-[486]).

Jones, Griffith, 1683-1761

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