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Chirk Castle Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 CHIRK
  • Fonds
  • 1284-[c. 1852]

Estate and family records of the Chirk Castle estate, mainly in Denbighshire, comprising deeds from 1284; manorial records, mainly of the lordship of Chirk and Chirkland, 1322-1853, including receiver's accounts, ministers' accounts, court rolls, etc.; records of the estate's involvement in the coal, iron and lead industries in Denbighshire from 17 cent.; Denbighshire Quarter Sessions records, including order books, 1647-1675, rolls, 1643-1699, and a book of indictments, 1670-1690; Denbighshire militia records, 1602-1797, and related local government records, 1602-1811; business papers of Sir Thomas Myddelton (1550-1631); personal and estate correspondence from c.1600; literary manuscripts, c.1630-1887; and parliamentary election papers for Denbighshire and Denbigh boroughs, 1681-1852, including papers relating to quo warranto proceedings against the mayor and burgeses of Holt, 1739-1743.

Ten designs for stained glass panels, with armorial pedigree of the Myddelton family attributed to A. W. N. Pugin and John Hardman Powell; three hundred and thirty-two volumes relating to the Chirk Castle estates; a collection of miscellaneous volumes and documents relating to the Chirk Castle estates, including an account book of the Nangwrud Slate Quarry, rentals books, account books, volumes relating to the Black Park Colliery, a rabbit account book, and other papers; and an indenture, 1812, relating to Bodlith, Llansilin, part of the Chirk Castle estate were acquired. These remain uncatalogued.

A manuscript account book for Sir Richard Myddelton's properties at Chirk Castle and Soho Square, London, 1686-1700 and 1748-1752.

A manuscript Steward's letter-book relating to Chirk Castle, 183501838.

Myddelton family, of Gwaenynog, Denbigh, Chirk and Ruthin, Denbighshire, London, and Essex

Papurau Kate Roberts

  • GB 0210 KATERTS
  • Fonds
  • 1898-1985

Papurau Kate Roberts, 1866-1985, papurau llenyddol a gohebiaeth yn bennaf, yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Saunders Lewis, 1923-1985 (a gyhoeddwyd yn Annwyl Kate, Annwyl Saunders, gol. gan Dafydd Ifans (Aberystwyth, 1992)), ac oddi wrth ei gŵr Morris T. Williams; gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â gwahanol aelodau o deulu Kate Roberts, 1911-1977; cardiau cyfarch, 1910-1985; darlithoedd,1914-[c. 1975]; papurau'r teulu, 1950-1985; dramâu, 1931-1969; dyddiaduron, 1939, 1944 a 1978-1983, drafftiau nofelau a storiâu byrion a phapurau'n ymwneud â chyfieithu rhai ohonynt i'r Saesneg; erthyglau a nodiadau cyffredinol, [c. 1937]-1974; erthyglau a nodiadau ar lenyddiaeth,1917-1973; cyfrifon Gwasg Gee, 1934-1953; papurau'n ymwneud ag Ysgol Gymraeg Dinbych, 1958-1964; nodiadau ysgol a choleg, 1904-1913; eitemau printiedig, 1898-1988; a phapurau Gwasg Aberystwyth, 1942-1944. Mae'r archif hefyd yn cynnwys grwpiau helaeth o bapurau Morris T. Williams a'u cyfaill E. Prosser Rhys. = Papers of Kate Roberts, 1866-1985, mainly literary papers and correspondence, including letters from Saunders Lewis, 1923-1985 (published in Annwyl Kate, Annwyl Saunders, ed. by Dafydd Ifans (Aberystwyth, 1992)), and from her husband Morris T. Williams; correspondence relating to various members of Kate Roberts's family, 1911-1977; greetings cards, 1910-1985; lectures, 1914-[c. 1975]; family papers, 1950-1985; plays, 1931-1969; diaries, 1939, 1944 and 1978-1983, drafts of novels and short stories and papers concerning the translation of some of them into English; articles and general notes, [c. 1937]-1974; articles and notes on literature, 1917-1973; Gwasg Gee accounts, 1934-1953; papers relating to the Welsh School at Denbigh, 1958-1964; school and college notes, 1904-1913; printed items, 1898-1988; and Aberystwyth Press papers, 1942-1944. The archive also includes extensive groups of the papers of Morris T. Williams and of their friend E. Prosser Rhys.

Roberts, Kate, 1891-1985

Papurau Thomas Gwynn Jones

  • Fonds
  • 1621-1985 (crynhowyd 1871-1985)

Papurau T. Gwynn Jones, 1871-1949, yn cynnwys: gohebiaeth, gan gynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth amrywiaeth eang o ffigurau llenyddol ac academaidd; cerddi a phapurau llenyddol eraill, yn cynnwys adysgrifau ac arnodiadau gan T. Gwynn Jones o waith gan awduron canoloesol a modern, a deunydd, [17 gan.]-[20 gan.], a gasglwyd ganddo neu a roddwyd iddo; papurau academaidd, yn cynnwys nodiadau ar gyfer ei lyfrau ac erthyglau, cofiannau a mynegeion i'w waith ei hun a gwaith pobl eraill, a nodiadau bywgraffyddol ar lawer o ffigurau llenyddol; cyfieithiadau; darlithoedd ac anerchiadau, yn cynnwys nodiadau; sgriptiau radio; adolygiadau llyfrau; gwahanlithiau; torion o'r wasg; dramâu, beirniadaethau eisteddfodol, deunydd yn ymwneud â'i Dysteb yn 1944; llongyfarchiadau ar ei CBE yn 1937; a dyddiaduron, 1927-1947, a phersonalia arall; ceir hefyd papurau teuluol, 1621-1871, gan gynnwys gohebiaeth, dau Feibl teuluol, a llythyrau, 1949-1985, at deulu Jones, yn ymwneud yn enwedig â'i fywyd a'i waith, a chofiannau iddo. = Papers of T. Gwynn Jones, 1871-1949, comprising: correspondence, including letters from a wide variety of literary and academic figures; poems and other literary papers, including transcripts and annotations by T. Gwynn Jones of works by medieval and modern authors, and material, [17 cent.]-[20 cent.], collected by him or given to him; academic papers, including notes for his books and articles, bibliographies and indexes for his own and other works, and biographical notes on many literary figures; translations; lectures and addresses, including notes; radio scripts; book reviews; offprints; press cuttings; plays; eisteddfod adjudications; material relating to his Testimonial in 1944; congratulations on his CBE in 1937; and diaries, 1927-1947, and other personalia; also included are family papers, 1621-1871, including correspondence, two family bibles, and letters, 1949-1985, to Jones's family, especially concerning his life and work, and memorials to him.

Jones, T. Gwynn (Thomas Gwynn), 1871-1949

Papurau D. Tecwyn Lloyd,

  • GB 0210 TECLLO
  • Fonds
  • [1870]-1998

Papurau personol, proffesiynol a llenyddol D. Tecwyn Lloyd, [1870]-1998, gan gynnwys papurau pan fu'n Gymrawd Ymchwil yn Rhufain, 1951-1952; nifer fawr o lythyrau yn deillio o’i gyfnod yn olygydd y cylchgrawn Taliesin, 1965-1987; dyddiaduron, 1931-1992; papurau'n ymwneud â'i waith ymchwil ar Saunders Lewis; ynghyd â’i draethawd MA, 1961. Ceir hefyd papurau a grynhowyd ganddo. -- Personal, professional and literary papers of D. Tecwyn Lloyd, [1870]-1998, including papers relating to his time as Research Fellow in Rome; 1951-1952; letters relating to his work as editor of the literary periodical Taliesin, 1965-1987; his diaries, 1931-1992; his research on Saunders Lewis; together with his MA thesis, 1961. Also included are papers accumulated by him.

Lloyd, D. Tecwyn (David Tecwyn).

Papurau Anthropos

  • Fonds
  • 1869-1944

Papurau Anthropos, 1869-1944, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth, 1869-1944, a llythyrau o gydymdeimlad at ei weddw, 1944; papurau personol eraill, 1878-1944, yn cynnwys dyddiaduron, llyfrau nodiadau ar bynciau llenyddol a diwinyddol; torion o'r wasg, 1880-1937; papurau llenyddol yn cynnwys cerddi gan Anthropos, 1876-1939, anerchiadau, erthyglau, traethodau a chyfansoddiadau rhyddiaith eraill, 1898-1922; barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith gan awduron eraill (rhai llawysgrifau gwreiddiol), yn enwedig Llew Llwyfo, 1877-1939. = Papers of Anthropos, 1869-1944, including correspondence, 1869-1944, and letters of condolence to his widow, 1944; other personal papers, 1878-1944, including diaries, notebooks on literary and theological matters; newspaper cuttings, 1880-1937; literary papers including poems by Anthropos, 1876-1939, addresses, articles, essays and other prose compositions, 1898-1922; poetry and prose by other writers (some original manuscripts), in particular Llew Llwyfo, 1877-1939.

Anthropos, 1853?-1944.

Papurau Amanwy,

  • GB 0210 AMANWY
  • fonds
  • 1909-1975 /

Papurau llenyddol Amanwy, yn cynnwys cerddi, caneuon a gweithiau mewn amryw ffurf, 1909-1953, yn enwedig pryddestau, 1909-1953, telynegion, 1910-1946, a sonedau, 1929-[1953]; rhyddiaith, 1924-1949, sy'n cynnwys darlithoedd, anerchiadau, storiâu byrion a nodiadau; sgriptiau radio,1942-1953; deunydd printiedig yn cynnwys emynau gan Amanwy a gweithiau ganddo ef ac eraill, 1919-1953; torion o'r wasg,1919-1945; a llythyrau,1950-1975. Gweler hefyd Trefniant = Literary papers of Amanwy, comprising poems, songs and other works of various forms, 1909-1953, notably pryddestau, 1909-1953, lyrics, 1910-1946, and sonnets, 1929-[1953]; prose works, 1924-1949, which include lectures, addresses, short stories and notes; radio scripts, 1942-1953; printed materials including hymns by Amanwy and works by him and others, 1919-1953; newspaper cuttings, 1919-1954; and letters, 1950-1975. See also Arrangement.

Amanwy, 1882-1953

Papurau Trefin, Archdderwydd Cymru

  • GB 0210 TREFIN
  • Fonds
  • 1914-1971

Mae'r casgliad yn cynnwys papurau personol, rhai ohonynt ynglŷn â pharatoi a chyhoeddi cofiant Brinley Richards i Trefin yn 1963, nodiadau ar achau Trefin a chefndir y teulu a luniwyd gan Maxwell Fraser, llythyrau cydymdeimlad a dderbyniodd Maxwell Fraser yn dilyn marwolaeth Trefin ar 30 Awst 1962, papurau'n ymwneud â marwolaeth, angladd etc. Trefin; personalia, yn cynnwys dyddiaduron Trefin am ychydig flynyddoedd yn unig rhwng 1926 a 1962, llyfrau lloffion, copïau rhydd o dorion o'r wasg, papurau'n ymwneud â gyrfa proffesiynol Trefin rhwng 1923 a 1954, a chardiau cyfarch a dderbyniodd ar wahanol achlysuron; llythyrau cyffredinol, 1936-1962, a anfonwyd at Trefin, ynghyd â grwpiau o lythyrau a dderbyniodd ar adegau penodol, megis ar ennill y Gadair yn Wrecsam yn 1933, ar ei briodas â Maxwell Fraser yn 1951, ac ar gael ei ddewis yn Archdderwydd Cymru yn 1959, ynghyd a grŵp o lythyrau Trefin at Maxwell Fraser, 1948-1962; papurau'n ymwneud â'r Orsedd a'r Eisteddfod, 1923-1962, copïau drafft a theipysgrif o waith llenyddol a chyhoeddiadau Trefin, gan gynnwys cerddi, pregethau, storïau byrion, sgriptiau radio, dramâu, erthyglau i gylchgronau, areithiau ac anerchiadau, a chyfieithiadau o lyfrau taith Maxwell Fraser; papurau'n ymwneud ag ymchwil Trefin ar Aneurin Fardd, 1957-1965, Edmund Jones, 1958-1962, ac ar gyfer Presenting Monmouthshire, 1963-1971; llyfrau nodiadau Trefin yn cynnwys nodiadau academaidd; llyfrau nodiadau'n cynnwys nodiadau a gymerodd Eluned Phillips yn yr ysgol a'r coleg; papurau amrywiol, 1876-1955; eitemau printiedig, 1928-1961, gwahanlithoedd a chopïau printiedig o ddeunydd gan Trefin yn bennaf; ac eitemau printiedig amrywiol, 1898-1960. = The collection comprises personal papers, some relating to the preparation and publication of the biography of Trefin by Brinley Richards in 1963, notes on Trefin's ancestry and family background prepared by Maxwell Fraser, sympathy letters sent to Maxwell Fraser following Trefin's death on 30 August 1962, papers relating to Trefin's death, funeral etc.; personalia, including Trefin's diaries for only a few years between 1926 and 1962, scrapbooks, loose press cuttings, papers concerning Trefin's professional career as a teacher between 1923 and 1954, and greetings cards which he had received on various occasions; general letters, 1936-1962, addressed to Trefin, together with groups of letters on specific occasions, such as winning the chair at Wrexham in 1933, on his marriage to Maxwell Fraser in 1951, and on his selection to be archdruid of Wales in 1959, together with a group of letters, 1948-1962, from Trefin to Maxwell Fraser; papers concerning the Gorsedd and the Eisteddfod, 1923-1962; drafts and typescripts of Trefin's writings and publications, including poems, sermons, short stories, radio scripts, plays, articles for journals, speeches and addresses, and translations of Maxwell Fraser's travel writings; papers relating to Trefin's researches on Aneurin Fardd, 1957-1965, Edmund Jones, 1958-1962, and for Presenting Monmouthshire, 1963-1971; Trefin's notebooks bearing academic notes; notebooks containing school and college notes taken by Eluned Phillips; miscellaneous papers, 1876-1955; printed items, 1928-1961, mainly offprints and printed copies of material written by Trefin; and miscellaneous printed items, 1898-1960.

Phillips, Edgar, 1889-1962

Papurau R. Williams Parry

  • Fonds
  • 1873-1971

Papurau Robert Williams Parry, 1873-1971, gan gynnwys llawysgrifau, copïau teipysgrif a phrintiedig o gerddi Robert Williams Parry (yn bennaf rhai cyhoeddedig, gyda pheth amrywiadau), [1900]-[1956]; cyfieithiadau o'i gerddi,1941-1942; cerddi gan bobl eraill a anfonwyd at RWP, 1943-1956; erthyglau gan RWP ar feirdd a barddoniaeth,1911-1933; cyfieithiadau RWP o ddramâu Saesneg, [20fed ganrif]; sgriptiau radio gan RWP, 1941-1953, a sgriptiau radio rhaglenni ar RWP, 1956; erthyglau RWP i gylchgronau, 1918-1957; erthyglau ar RWP a'i waith, 1925-1959; llyfrau nodiadau yn cynnwys nodiadau RWP ar lenyddiaeth Gymraeg a'r ieithoedd Celtaidd, [20fed ganrif]; llythyrau at RWP, 1908-1954; llythyrau yn llongyfarch RWP, 1910-1953; copïau o lythyrau RWP at Aneirin Talfan Davies, 1937-1949 llythyrau RWP at Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1935-1953; llythyrau eraill a phapurau Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1953-1971; llythyrau'n cydymdeimlo â Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1956; llythyrau at J. Maldwyn Davies, 1971-1975; cardiau post, cardiau Nadolig a chardiau coffa, [20fed ganrif]; dyddiaduron poced RWP a Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1923-1969; tystysgrifau geni, priodi a marw a chopi o ewyllys RWP, 1884-1956; adroddiadau ysgol, tystysgrifau a cheisiadau am swyddi, 1896-1914; copïau o bapurau arholiad, 1938-1944; torion papur newydd yn ymwneud ag RWP, 1907-1971; taflenni apêl Cofeb R. Williams Parry, 1956-1971; llyfrau printiedig, 1890-1969; a phapurau amrywiol, 1873-1969. = Papers of Robert Williams Parry, 1873-1971, comprising manuscripts, typescripts and printed copies of poems by Robert Williams Parry (mainly published, with some variations), [1900]-[1956]; translations of his poems, 1941-1942; poems by others addressed to RWP, 1943-1956; articles by RWP on poets and poetry, 1911-1933; translations by RWP of English plays, [20th century]; radio scripts by RWP, 1941-1953, and radio scripts of programmes about RWP, 1956; magazine articles by RWP, 1918-1957; articles on RWP and his work, 1925-1959; notebooks containing notes by RWP on Welsh literature and Celtic languages, [20th century]; lecture notes of RWP on Welsh literature and individual poets, [20th century]; letters to RWP, 1908-1954; letters of congratulation to RWP, 1910-1953; copies of letters from RWP to Aneirin Talfan Davies, 1937-1949; letters of RWP to Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1935-1953; other letters to papers of Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1953-1971; letters of condolence to Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1956; letters to J. Maldwyn Davies, 1971-1975; postcards, Chritsmas cards and memorial cards, [20th century]; pocket diaries of RWP and Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1923-1969; birth, marriage and death certificates and copy of RWP's will, 1884-1956; school reports, certificates and job applications, 1896-1914; copies of examination papers, 1938-1944; newspaper cuttings relating to RWP, 1907-1971; pamphlets of the Cofeb R. Williams Parry appeal, 1956-1971; printed books, 1890-1969; and miscellaneous papers, 1873-1969.

Parry, Robert Williams

Papurau Alaw Ddu (W. T. Rees)

  • GB 0210 ALAWDDU
  • fonds
  • 1865-1904

Gohebiaeth 'Alaw Ddu', 1870-1904; copïau llawysgrif o'i gyfansoddiadau cerddorol, yn cynnwys alawganau, 1878-1901, anthemau,1875-1903, emynau,1865-1895, caneuon crefyddol,1875-1896, caneuon seciwlar, 1879-[c. 1900], a darnau cerddorfaol, 1889-1899; ac eitemau amrywiol, 1879-1894 = Correspondence of 'Alaw Ddu', 1870-1904; manuscripts of his musical compositions, comprising cantatas, 1878-1901, anthems, 1875-1903, hymns, 1865-1895, religious songs, 1875-1896, secular songs, 1870-[c. 1900], and orchestral pieces, 1889-1899; and miscellaneous items, 1879-1894.

Rees, W. T. (William Thomas), 1838-1904

Papurau Iorwerth C. Peate,

  • GB 0210 IPEATE
  • fonds
  • 1826-1983 /

Papurau llenyddol, proffesiynol a phersonol Iorwerth C. Peate, 1826-1983, gan gynnwys nifer helaeth o lythyrau; papurau yn ymwneud ag amryw o'i weithiau llenyddol; papurau ynglŷn â'i yrfa broffesiynol, yn cynnwys sefydlu Amgueddfa Werin Cymru; a ffeiliau ar bynciau penodol yn ymwneud â diwylliant gwerin. Yn ogystal ceir papurau aelodau o'i deulu, yn eu plith dyddiaduron, llyfrau nodiadau, llythyrau a chyfrifon. Ceir hefyd bapurau a grynhowyd gan Iorwerth Peate a'i berthnasau. -- Literary, professional and personal papers of Iorwerth C. Peate, 1826-1983, including a substantial group of letters; papers relating to various literary works by him; papers regarding his professional career, including the establishment of the Welsh Folk Museum; and files concerning specific subjects relating to folk culture. In addition, the archive contains papers pertaining to members of his family, among which are diaries, notebooks, letters and accounts. Also included are papers accumulated by Iorwerth Peate and his relatives.

Peate, Iorwerth Cyfeiliog, 1901-1982

Elwyn Roberts Papers

  • GB 0210 ELWERTS
  • Fonds
  • 1843-1988

Papurau a grynhowyd gan Elwyn Roberts, yn cynnwys papurau personol a theuluol, 1898-1988; papurau a grynhowyd gan Elwyn Roberts ar hanes lleol ym mhlwyfi Abergynolwyn a Llanfihangel-y-Pennant; papurau cyffredinol, 1936-1987, yn cynnwys torion o'r wasg, 1963-1976, yn ymwneud â Phlaid Cymru, a grwp o lythyrau Kate Roberts at Elwyn Roberts, 1969-1975; amrywiol bethau, 1843-1979; a phapurau, 1952-1974, yn ymwneud ag Ymgyrch Senedd i Gymru, yn cynnwys cofnodion pwyllgorau, gohebiaeth, papurau ariannol, atgofion Elwyn Roberts am yr ymgyrch, torion o'r wasg a deunydd printiedig. = Papers accumulated by Elwyn Roberts, comprising personal and family papers, 1898-1988; papers accumulated by Elwyn Roberts on local history in the parishes of Abergynolwyn and Llanfihangel-y-Pennant; general papers, 1936-1987, including press cuttings, 1963-1976, relating to Plaid Cymru, and a group of letters, 1969-1975, from Kate Roberts to Elwyn Roberts; miscellanea, 1843-1979; and papers, 1952-1974, relating to the Parliament for Wales Campaign, comprising committee minutes, correspondence, financial papers, Elwyn Roberts's reminiscences of the campaign, press cuttings and printed material.

Roberts, Elwyn, 1904-1988.

Papurau'r Parch. John Roberts, Llanfwrog

  • GB 0210 JOHROG
  • Fonds
  • 1812-1985 (crynhowyd 1928-1985)

Papurau, 1925-1985, y Parch. John Roberts, Llanfwrog, yn cynnwys llythyrau, yn bennaf at y Parch. a Mrs John Roberts, 1928-1985, y gohebwyr yn cynnwys R. Williams Parry, 1946-1953; cerddi llawysgrif, teipysgrif a phrintiedig, [1930]-1984; carolau ac emynau, 1962-1968; traethodau, darlithoedd ac anerchiadau crefyddol, 1949-1977, a gyflwynwyd mewn cystadlaethau eisteddfodol; darlithoedd, anerchiadau a nodiadau ar lenyddiaeth Gymraeg a phynciau crefyddol, 1957-1987; pregethau, [1929]-1979; sgriptiau radio ar gyfer gwasanaethau crefyddol, 1943-1978; sgetsys, dramâu byrion a rhaglenni nodwedd, 1964-1979; llyfrau nodiadau, 1932-1978; deunydd yn ymwneud ag R. Williams Parry, 1925-1969; a deunydd hanesyddol yn ymwneud â Chapel Moriah, Caernarfon, 1812-1979, Capel Tegid, Y Bala, 1885-1968, a Chapel y Garth, Porthmadog, 1945-1949. = Papers, 1925-1985, of the Rev. John Roberts, Llanfwrog, including: letters, mostly to Rev. and Mrs John Roberts, 1928-1985, the correspondents including R. Williams Parry, 1946-1953; manuscript, typescript and printed poems, [1930]-1984; carols and hymns, 1962-1968; essays, lectures and religious addresses, 1949-1977, entered for eisteddfod competitions; lectures, addresses and notes on Welsh literature and religious subjects, 1957-1987; sermons, [1929]-1979; radio scripts for religious services, 1943-1978; sketches, short dramas and feature programmes, 1964-1979; notebooks, 1932-1978; material relating to R. Williams Parry, 1925-1969; and historical material relating to Capel Moriah, Caernarfon, 1812-1976, Capel Tegid, Y Bala, 1885-1968, and Capel y Garth, Porthmadog, 1945-1949.

Roberts, John, 1910-1984

Papurau Islwyn Ffowc Elis

  • GB 0210 ISFFEL
  • Fonds
  • 1923-2010 (1940-1970 yn bennaf) (crynhowyd 1940-1994)

Mae'r fonds yn cynnwys drafft cyntaf Cysgod Y Cryman, a rhai o nofelau eraill Islwyn Ffowc Elis, 1953-1989, drafftiau llawysgrif o ysgrifau a gynhwysir yn Cyn Oeri'r Gwaed, a llyfrau nodiadau yn cynnwys barddoniaeth, caneuon, storïau, dramâu, nodiadau diwinyddol, sgriptiau radio, erthyglau a gwaith celf, [c.1940]-[c.1970]. -- Ceir hefyd nifer o lythyrau oddi wrth Robin Williams, Kate Roberts, E. Tegla Davies, Dyddgu Owen, D. Tecwyn Lloyd ac eraill, 1949-1994, a phapurau am Blaid Cymru yn cynnwys gohebiaeth â Gwynfor Evans, 1966-1969. Papurau ychwanegol, 1937-2010, gan gynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Kate Roberts ac R. S. Thomas, sgriptiau a phregethau, ynghyd a chyfres o ddeg englyn a luniwyd iddo gan Alan Llwyd ar achlysur dathlu ei ben-blwydd yn ddeg a thrigain mlwydd oed (Ionawr 2017).

Elis, Islwyn Ffowc

Archif Y Lolfa,

  • GB 0210 LOLFA
  • fonds
  • 1964-2000 /

Gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â gwaith dydd i ddydd Y Lolfa yn trafod cynigion am gyhoeddiadau, y broses gyhoeddi ei hun, offer argraffu'r Lolfa, staff, grantiau Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru a materion yn codi o gyhoeddiadau'r Lolfa. Ymhlith y gohebwyr mae artistiaid, awduron, gwleidyddion a ffigyrau blaenllaw Cymru, ac yn aml yn y llythyrau cymysgir trafodaethau busnes a materion cyfoes, hynt yr iaith Gymraeg, yr angen am gyhoeddiadau Cymraeg a Chymreig, a naws wleidyddol Cymru. = Correspondence relating to the daily work of the publishing firm Y Lolfa including offers of publications, the publishing process, publishing equipment, staff, Welsh Books Council grants and matters arising from Lolfa publications. The correspondents include artists, authors, politicians and prominent figures in Wales, and the letters often contain a mixture of business discussions and current affairs, news concerning the Welsh language, the need for publications in Welsh and about Wales, and politics in Wales.

Papurau ychwanegol o'r Lolfa yn cynnwys papurau yn ymwneud a 'Y Byd' a 'Cymuned'.

Lolfa (Firm)

Papurau T. Ll. Stephens,

  • fonds
  • 1928-1959 /

Papurau T. Ll. Stephens, 1928-1959, yn cynnwys yn bennaf cyfansoddiadau llenyddol, a hefyd papurau'n ymwneud ag addysg, addysg ddwyieithog a Dewi Emrys, ynghyd a grŵp bach o lythyrau a phapurau eraill Dewi Emrys,1940-1953 = Papers of T. Ll. Stephens, 1928-1959, mainly comprising his literary compositions, and also including papers relating to education, bilingual education and Dewi Emrys, together with a small group of letters and other papers, 1940-1953, of Dewi Emrys.

Stephens, Thomas Llewellyn.

Papurau Jac Jones (Gwauncaegurwen),

  • GB 0210 JJGCG
  • fonds
  • 1961-1970 /

Papurau Jac Jones,1961-1970, yn cynnwys sgriptiau dramâu (comedïau yn bennaf) a gyfansoddwyd ganddo, rhaglenni rhai o'i ddramâu a berfformiwyd gan Gwmni Drama Cawdor, a'i nofel anorffenedig. = Papers of Jac Jones, 1961-1970, comprising scripts of plays (mostly comedies) composed by him, programmes of some of his plays which were performed by Cwmni Drama Cawdor, and an unfinished novel by him.

Jones, Jac, d. 1996

Papurau Harri Samuel,

  • GB 0210 HARRISAM
  • fonds
  • [c. 1943]-1980 /

Papurau Harri Samuel, [c. 1943]-1980, yn cynnwys yn bennaf ei gyfansoddiadau llenyddol, ynghyd â thorion papur newydd o'i waith, llythyrau ato, a phapurau amrywiol. = Papers of Harri Samuel, [c.1943]-1980, mainly comprising his literary compositions, together with press cuttings of his work, letters to him, and miscellaneous papers.

Samuel, Harri.

Papurau Mati Rees,

  • GB 0210 MATEES
  • fonds
  • 1907-1986 /

Papurau Mati Rees, 1907-1986, un cynnwys nodiadau ar gyfer anerchiadau cyhoeddus a drafftiau erthyglau a thraethodau, 1958-1984; deunydd yn ymwneud â dysgu Cymraeg fel ail iaith, 1964-1981; gohebiaeth,1949-1985; eitemau printiedig a thorion o'r wasg, 1913-1989; ac amrwyiol,1920-1960. = Papers of Mati Rees, 1907-1986, including notes for public speeches and drafts of articles and essays, 1958-1984; materials relating to the teaching of Welsh as a second language, 1964-1981; correspondence, 1949-1985; printed items and press cuttings, 1913-1989; and miscellanea, 1920-1960.

Rees, Mati, 1902-1989

Papurau Dr John Davies,

  • GB 0210 DRJIES
  • fonds
  • 1962-1971 /

Papurau John Davies, 1962-1971, y cyfan yn ymwneud â Chymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg a'r iaith Gymraeg, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth John Davies ag arweinwyr cynnar y Gymdeithas,1962-1971, yn eu mysg E. G. Millward, 1962-1965; cofnodion cyfarfodydd y Gymdeithas, 1962-1963; ffurflenni treth Cymraeg a dwyieithog, 1963-1964; amrywiol erthyglau llawysgrif a chyhoeddedig John Davies ac eraill, 1963-1968; copïau o Tafod y Ddraig, 1963-[1971]; papurau ariannol, [1960s]; a chardiau, taflenni a phamffledi, [1960au] = Papers of John Davies, 1962-1971, all relating to Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg and the Welsh language, including correspondence of John Davies with early leaders of the Society, 1962-1971, including E. G. Millward, 1962-1965; minutes of Society meetings, 1962-1963; Welsh and bilingual tax forms, 1963-1964; various manuscript and published articles by John Davies and others, 1963-1968; copies of Tafod y Ddraig, 1963-[1971]; financial papers, [1960s]; and cards, leaflets and pamphlets, [1960s].

Davies, John, 1938-

Papurau Alun T. Lewis,

  • GB 0210 ALULEWIS
  • fonds
  • [1932x1986] /

Papurau Alun Tudor Lewis, [1932x1986], yn cynnwys llyfrau nodiadau gyda drafftiau o'r storiâu byrion a cherddi, 1938-1984; cyfieithiadau gan Alun Tudor Lewis o dair stori a gyhoeddwyd yn Y Piser Trwm, [1957x1986]; sgyrsiau, erthyglau ac adolygiadau c. 1950s-1970s; gohebiaeth, 1948-1984; ac eitemau amrywiol, yn cynnwys eitemau printiedig, drafft o gerdd a cherddi a theyrngedau er cof am Alun Tudor Lewis, [1932x1986] = Papers of Alun Tudor Lewis, [1932x1986], including notebooks containing drafts of short stories and poems, 1938-1984; translations by Alun Tudor Lewis of three stories published in Y Piser Trwm, [1957x1986]; talks, articles and reviews c. 1950's-1970's; correspondence, 1948-1984; and miscellaneous items, including printed items, notes, a draft poem and poems and memorial tributes to Alun Tudor Lewis, [1932x1986].

Lewis, Alun T. (Alun Tudor), 1905-1986

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