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Aber Research Papers

  • GB 0210 ABRRSH
  • Fonds
  • 1985-2022

Papers of Aber Research, an organisation founded by the donor to conduct opinion polls and gather statistical information on behalf of Plaid Cymru during the 1990s, including a background paper, opinion poll reports, General Election statistical reports, correspondence, press cuttings and related documents.

Aber Research

Background paper on Aber Reseach

The file comprises a paper written by Gwyn Jenkins, explaining the background to Aber Research, its relationship with Plaid Cymru and its role in providing data mainly in Ceredigion and Pembroke North and Ceredigion, but also in other constituencies in Wales.

Jenkins, Gwyn.

Opinion polls

The file comprises reports on the results of opinion polls carried out within the Ceredigion and Pembroke North constituency in 1990, 1991 and 192 and in the Ceredigion constituency in 1996.

General election statistical reports

The file comprises statistical reports on results and voting patters in the Ceredigion and Pembroke North constituency on the 1987 and 1992 General Elections and on the Ceredigion constituency on the 1997 General Election.

Correspondence, press cuttings and related documents

The file comprises correspondence, press-cuttings and related documents, mainly regarding opinion polls and election data. Includes a paper entitled "The People of Penparcau on the NHS: A Plaid Cymru Survey", November 1985; a paper by Paul O'Leary entitled "Ceredigion a Gogledd Penfro: Disgrifiad o'r etholaeth", June 1986; Beaufort Research Ltd: "Wales Opinion Poll Data", June 1987; a typescript article "The 1987 General Election in Wales", probably by Denis Balsom; a letter by Cynog Dafis dated 21 February 1990 regarding opinion poll questions; a paper by Cynog Dafis on he proposed pact between Plaid Cymru and the Green Party dated 4 September 1990, papers on the Plaid Cymru/Green election campaign, 1991-2, including the controversies over Aber Research opinion poll data and statistics gathered at the count, April 192 and post 192 election data and papers.
It also includes a paper entitled "The Ceredigion County Campaign: Draft Basic Policy Paper" by Ken Jones and Iolo ap Gwynn dated 17 July 193; papers relating to the Plaid Cymru Valleys Conference held at Hirwaun on 4 December 1993; a discussion paper by Marc Phillips "Pwyllgorau rhanbarth Dyfed yn sgil ad drefnu llywodraeth leol a seneddol, 194; discussion papers and documents by Aber Research in preparation for the 1997 General Election campaign including a paper by Gwyn Jenkins, 22 December 1992 "Yr Etholiad Nesaf: Rhai Ystadegau Defnyddiol" and various General Election campaign papers.

Archif Brwydr Llangyndeyrn = Llangyndeyrn's Fight for Victory Archive

  • GB 0210 BRWYLLAN
  • Fonds
  • 1960[x2022]

Deunydd yn ymwneud â'r frwydr ar ran y trigolion yn ystod hanner cyntaf y 1960au i achub Llangyndeyrn a phentrefi eraill Cwm Gwendraeth Fach rhag eu boddi gan Gorfforaeth Abertawe er mwyn creu cronfa ddŵr i ddiwallu anghenion cartrefol a diwydiannol Gorllewin Morgannwg. Casglwyd y deunydd gan y Parchedig William Merfyn Rees, ysgrifennydd Pwyllgor Amddiffyn Llangyndeyrn, a'i fab Hywel Gealy Rees, golygydd y gyfrol Sefyll yn y Bwlch: Brwydr Llangyndeyrn 1960-1965 (Y Lolfa, 2013) (gweler nodyn isod). Mae'r eitemau'n cynnwys dwy ffeil o dorion o'r wasg o'r 1960au yn olrhain hanes y frwydr, ynghyd â thorion mwy diweddar; llythyrau a anfonwyd at y Parchedig W. M. Rees yn cefnogi safiad trigolion Llangyndeyrn yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe; deunydd yn ymwneud â dyddiadau a dathliadau nodedig yn hanes brwydr Llangyndeyrn; a chyfeiriadau at lyfrau a cherddi sy'n dathlu llwyddiant y frwydr. Sawl eitem wedi'u harnodi, yn ôl pob tebyg yn llaw Hywel Gealy Rees.

Yn atodol, ceir nodiadau printiedig yn manylu ar natur a lleoliad deunydd di-brint sy'n perthyn i'r casgliad ac sydd wedi'i drosglwyddo i adrannau eraill o LlGC; ynghyd â rhestr printiedig o ddyddiadau nodedig yn hanes brwydr Llangyndeyrn.

= Material relating to the struggle on the part of the residents of the village of Llangyndeyrn during the first half of the 1960s to save theirs and other communities in the Gwendraeth Valley from being drowned by Swansea Corporation in order to create a reservoir to meet the domestic and industrial needs of West Glamorgan. The material was collated by the Reverend William Merfyn Rees, secretary of the Llangyndeyrn Defence Committee, and his son, Hywel Gealy Rees, editor of the book Sefyll yn y Bwlch: Brwydr Llangyndeyrn 1960-1965 (Y Lolfa, 2013) (see note below). The items include two files containing 1960s press cuttings chronicling the Llangyndeyrn residents' struggle, together with more recent press cuttings; letters of support for the stand taken by Llangyndeyrn's residents against Swansea Corporation sent to Reverend W. M. Rees; material relating to notable dates, celebrations and anniversaries in the history of Llangyndeyrn's fight for justice; and references to books and poems commemorating the success of the fight. Several items are annotated, most likely in the hand of Hywel Gealy Rees.

Appended are printed notes detailing the nature and location of non-print material which forms part of this archive and which has been transferred to other departments within NLW; together with a printed list of notable dates in the history of Llangyndeyrn's fight for victory.

Rees, William Merfyn, Reverend, d. 1977

Torion o'r wasg = Press cuttings

Torion o'r wasg o gyfnod brwydr Llangyndeyrn yn olrhain hanes llwyddiannus trigolion Cwm Gwendraeth yn eu hymdrechion yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe yn ystod hanner cyntaf y 1960au; ynghyd â thorion mwy diweddar o'r wasg sydd hefyd yn cofnodi hanes y frwydr.
= Press cuttings from the period of Llangyndeyrn's 'fight for victory' which chronicle the Gwendraeth Valley inhabitants' successful battle against Swansea Corporation during the first half of the 1960s; together with more recent press cuttings which also record the history of the struggle.

Torion o'r wasg o gyfnod y frwydr = Press cuttings from the 'fight for victory' period

Dwy ffeil (a nodwyd '1' a '2') yn cynnwys torion o'r wasg yn olrhain brwydr trigolion Llangyndeyrn a Chwm Gwendraeth yn erbyn ymdrechion Corfforaeth Abertawe i foddi eu dyffryn yn ystod hanner cyntaf y 1960au. Yn yr ail ffeil (a nodwyd '2'), ceir amlen rydd sydd hefyd yn cynnwys torion. Arnodwyd y torion gyda dyddiad eu cyhoeddi yn llaw'r Parchedig W. M. Rees. Ar flaen y ddwy ffeil, gludwyd copi o ffotograff yn dangos safiad trigolion Llangyndeyrn yn erbyn swyddogion Corfforaeth Abertawe, ynghyd ag eglurhad cryno printiedig o gynnwys y ffeiliau.
= Two files (noted '1' and '2') containing press cuttings from the 1960s chronicling the battle waged by the residents of Llangyndeyrn and the Gwendraeth Valley against Swansea Corporation's bid to drown their land. A loose envelope, also containing press cuttings, has been inserted within the file marked '2'. The cuttings are annotated with their date of publication in the hand of W. M. Rees. A copy of a photograph showing the Llangyndeyrn residents' stand against Swansea Corporation officials, together with a printed summary of the files' contents, have been affixed to the front covers of both files.

Torion mwy diweddar o'r wasg = More recent press cuttings

Torion mwy diweddar o'r wasg yn cofnodi digwyddiadau brwydr Llangyndeyrn, ynghyd ag allbrint o araith gan Jonathan Edwards, AS, aelod seneddol dros Ddwyrain Caerfyrddin a Dinefwr. Hefyd copi o bapur Profion Darllen Cenedlaethol ar gyfer plant ysgol, sy'n cynnwys cwestiynau'n seiliedig ar ddetholiad o ddyddiadur plentyn o Langyndeyrn a ysgrifenwyd yn ystod cyfnod y frwydr.
= More recent press cuttings chronicling the events of Llangyndeyrn's 'fight for victory', together with a printout of a speech given by Jonathan Edwards, MP, member of parliament for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr. Also a copy of a National Reading Test paper for schoolchildren which includes questions based on an excerpt from the diary of a Llangyndeyrn child written during the fight for victory.

Llythyrau at y Parchedig W. M. Rees = Letters to the Reverend W. M. Rees

Llythyrau a anfonwyd at y Parchedig W. M. Rees yn cefnogi safiad trigolion Llangyndeyrn yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe. Y gohebwyr yw'r beirniad, gwleidydd a'r dramodydd Saunders Lewis, y bardd, nofelydd a'r gweinidog Bedyddwyr Rhydwen Williams, y cenedlaetholwr a'r gwleidydd Gwynfor Evans a'r awdur, adolygydd a'r seiciatrydd Harri Pritchard-Jones. Yn atodol, ceir nodiadau printiedig yn cyfeirio at yr ohebiaeth a dderbyniodd W. M. Rees yn ystod cyfnod y frwydr, ynghyd â detholiad wedi'i atgynhyrchu o'r ohebiaeth honno (gweler hefyd Sefyll yn y Bwlch: Brwydr Llangyndeyrn 1960-1965, tt. 140-153).
= Letters sent to the Reverend W. M. Rees in support of Llangyndeyrn residents in their stand against Swansea Corporation. The correspondents comprise the adjudicator, politician and dramatist Saunders Lewis, the poet, novelist and Baptist minister Rhydwen Williams, the nationalist and politician Gwynfor Evans and the author, reviewer and psychiatrist Harri Pritchard-Jones. Supplementary material comprises printed notes referencing the correspondence received by W. M. Rees during the fight for victory, together with a reproduced selection of that correspondence (see also Sefyll yn y Bwlch: Brwydr Llangyndeyrn 1960-1965, pp. 140-153).

Dyddiadau a digwyddiadau nodedig = Notable events and anniversaries

Deunydd yn ymwneud â digwyddiadau a dyddiadau nodedig yn hanes brwydr trigolion Llangyndeyrn yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe, sy'n cynnwys y mynych ddigwyddiadau lleol a chyfryngol i gofnodi hannercanmlwyddiant llwyddiant y frwydr. = Material relating to notable events and anniversaries in the history of the residents of Llangyndeyrn's battle against Swansea Corporation, which includes the many local and media events which took place to mark the half-centenary of their victorious stand.

Cyfarfod sefydlu'r Parchedig W. M. Rees = Founding meeting of the Reverend W. M. Rees

Llungopi o glawr blaen taflen wasanaeth Cyfarfod Sefydlu'r Parchedig W. M. Rees, a oedd eisioes yn weinidog Capel y Tabernacl (Bedyddwyr) Pontyberem, fel gweinidog hefyd ar Gapel Bethel (Bedyddwyr) Llangyndeyrn, 19 Medi 1956. = Photocopied front cover of the service sheet used at the Founding Meeting of the Reverend W. M. Rees, who was already minister of the Tabernacle Baptist chapel at nearby Pontyberem, as minister also of Bethel Baptist Chapel, Llangyndeyrn, 19 September 1956.

Cyfarfod Dathlu Llwyddiant Trigolion Llangyndeyrn = Meeting to celebrate Llangyndeyrn residents' success

Taflen brintiedig Cyfarfod Dathlu Llwyddiant Trigolion Llangyndeyrn yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe a gynhaliwyd yn Neuadd yr Eglwys, Llangyndeyrn, 14 Awst 1965. Cymerwyd rhan yn y cyfarfod gan y Parchedig W. M. Rees. = Printed leaflet giving details of a meeting to celebrate the success of Llangyndeyrn's residents in their campaign against Swansea Corporation, to be held in the church hall, Llangyndeyrn, 14 August 1965. The Reverend W. M. Rees participated in the meeting.

Dathlu'r ugain mlynedd = Twentieth anniversary celebrations

Llungopi o doriad o Bapur y Cwm, sef papur bro ardal Pontyberem, Hydref 1983, yn adrodd hanes digwyddiadau'r dathlu ar 22 Hydref y flwyddyn honno i nodi ugain mlynedd ers llwyddiant ymgyrch trigolion Llangyndeyrn a Chwm Gwendraeth Fach yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe (gweler ffotograffau a drosglwyddwyd i Adran Raffig LlGC (gweler nodyn ym mhrif weithlen yr archif); gweler hefyd Sefyll yn y Bwlch: Brwydr Llangyndeyrn 1960-1965, tt. 155-6). Ynghyd â llungopi o daflen yn nodi dyddiadau pwysig yn hanes y frwydr fel rhan o raglen y dathliadau a gymerodd le ar 22 Hydref 1983; a llungopi o glawr blaen y gyfrol Cloi'r Clwydi, a gyhoeddwyd gan Gymdeithas Les Llangyndeyrn ym 1983, eto i ddathlu ugain mlynedd ers llwyddiant brwydr Llangyndeyrn.
= Photocopy of a cutting from Pontyberem and district community paper Papur y Cwm, October 1983, containing a report of the twentieth anniversary events held on 22 October that year to celebrate the success of Llangyndeyrn and Gwendraeth Valley's residents against Swansea Corporation (see photographs transferred to NLW's Graphic Department (see note in main section of archive); see also Sefyll yn y Bwlch: Brwydr Llangyndeyrn 1960-1965, pp. 155-6). Together with photocopy of leaflet noting important dates in the history of the 'fight for victory' as part of the programme of celebratory events which took place on 22 October 1983; and photopied front cover of the book Cloi'r Clwydi, published by Llangyndeyrn Welfare Society in 1983, also in celebration of Llangyndeyrn's campaign success.

Dathlu'r deg mlynedd ar hugain = Thirtieth anniversary celebrations

Rhifyn Tachwedd 1993 o Bapur y Cwm, sef papur bro ardal Pontyberem, sy'n cynnwys erthyglau'n nodi deg mlynedd ar hugain ers llwyddiant brwydr Llangyndeyrn. = November 1993 edition of the Pontyberem and district community paper Papur y Cwm, which contains articles noting the thirtieth anniversary of Llangyndeyrn's 'fight for victory'.

Dathlu'r deugain mlynedd = Fortieth anniversary celebrations

Taflen brintiedig ar gyfer Noson o Fawl a gynhaliwyd yng Nghapel Bethel (Bedyddwyr) Llangyndeyrn, 30 Tachwedd 2003, i ddathlu deugain mlynedd ers llwyddiant brwydr trigolion y pentref yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe. = Printed leaflet for an Evening of Praise to be held at Bethel Baptist Chapel, Llangyndeyrn, 30 November 2003, to celebrate forty years since the villagers' successful campaign against Swansea Corporation.

Dathlu'r hannercanmlwyddiant = Celebrating the half-centenary

Deunydd yn ymwneud â digwyddiadau i ddathlu hannercanmlwyddiant brwydr Llangyndeyrn yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe, oedd yn cynnwys rhaglenni teledu, sioe gerdd a chyhoeddiad llyfr i gofnodi'r achlysur, ynghyd â rhaglen o weithgareddau lleol. = Material relating to events celebrating the half-centenary of Llangyndeyrn's 'fight for victory' against Swansea Corporation, which included television programmes, a stage musical and the publication of a commemorative book, together with a programme of local events.

Wythnos o weithgareddau = A week of events

Deunydd yn ymwneud ag wythnos o weithgareddau i ddathlu hannercanmlwyddiant llwyddiant brwydr Llangyndeyrn, 20-27 Hydref 2013, yr eitemau'n cynnwys: llythyr at Hywel Gealy Rees, mab y Parchedig W. M. Rees, oddi wrth Diana Thomas-Laidlaw, ysgrifenyddes y 'Pwyllgor Dathlu Achub Llangyndeyrn a Chwm Gwendraeth Fach', yn ei wahôdd i agor arddangosfa ar ddiwrnod cyntaf y dathliadau, ynghyd ag ymateb Hywel Gealy Rees a theipysgrif o'i araith agoriadol; rhaglen o weithgareddau'r wythnos; tocyn mynediad i'r 'Cyngerdd Mawreddog' ar 26 Hydref; a thorion o'r wasg yn ymwneud a'r dathliadau. = Material relating to a week of events to mark the half-centenary of Llangyndeyrn's 'fight for victory', 20-27 October 2013, the items including: letter to Hywel Gealy Rees, son of the Reverend W. M. Rees, from Diana Thomas-Laidlaw, secretary of the 'Llangyndeyrn and Gwendraeth Valley Preservation Celebration Committee', inviting him to open an exhibition on the first day of the celebrations, together with Hywel Gealy Rees' response and a typescript of his opening speech; programme of the week's events; admission ticket to the 'Grand Concert' held 26 October; and press cuttings relating to the week's celebratory events.

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