Dangos 3022 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Teulu Waldo Williams

Deunydd yn ymwneud ag aelodau teulu Waldo Williams, yn bennaf ei rieni John Edwal Williams ac Angharad Williams (née Jones) a'i chwaer Dilys Williams, yn ogystal ag aelodau eraill o'r teulu, gan gynnwys ei frawd a'i chwaer Roger a Mary (yn ddiweddarach Francis), ei nai David Williams (mab Roger Williams) ac aelodau o gangen Llewellyn i'r teulu, gan gynnwys Gwladys Llewellyn a Mary Llewellyn.

Cyfnod Llundain

Papurau, 1932-2009, yn ymwneud yn bennaf â'r cyfnod a dreuliodd yn Llundain yn hybu'r bywyd diwylliannol Cymreig yno.

Cyfnod Bethesda

Papurau, 1958-[2013], yn cynnwys anerchiadau ac erthyglau ganddo, papurau'n ymwneud â'i gyhoeddiadau a'r Pentan, grŵp trafod yn ardal Bethesda.

Peter Reynolds business papers,

Papers include business records, contracts, details of compositions and performances. Original files have been retained, some titles have been created by the archivist.

Groups, organisations and projects,

Papers collected and collated by Peter Reynolds for research and reference. The files are arranged by the original subject titles, papers reflect interests, projects and promotional work.

Works for voices and spoken text,

Original compositions for the spoken voice and choral works. Files contain manuscript sheet music and scores, parts, drafts and sketches. Compositions have been brought together and arranged by piece.

International Development Committee Reports

A variety of International Development Committee and other committees' Session reports covering 1997-2004.

Great Britain -- Parliament -- House of Commons -- International Development Committee

Child Labour and Women

Papers, reports and documents from the International Development Committee and related organizations, on the issue of Child labour and Women's rights internationally. Women in the House of Commons - HOC Fact Sheet, newspaper, international Women's Day briefing pack, Inter-Parliamentary Union: Women and Political Power,

Debt Relief

Papers and reports on the issue to international debt and poverty.


Various International Development Committee papers and reports on HIV/AIDS and the work being done to combat it.

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 3022