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Beibl Edmund Evans

  • NLW ex 3034
  • Ffeil / File
  • 1824-1879

Copi o'r Beibl cyssegr-lan (Rhydychen, 1824) fu'n eiddo i Edmund Evans ('Utgorn Meirion'), un o'r gweinidogion fu'n ymweld â Richard Lewis (Dic Penderyn) cyn ei ddienyddio ar 13 Awst 1831. Mae enw Edmund Evans yn ymddangos yn nhu blaen y gyfrol a cheir amryw nodiadau yno ac ar dudalennau cyntaf y testun. Mae papur gyda nodiadau arno yn rhydd rhwng tt. 24-25. Ar yr ail dudalen o'r Testament Newydd gludwyd toriad papur newydd, 1879, gyda hanes marwolaeth Evan R. Evans, Cambria, Wisconsin, sef un o'i feibion. Gosodwyd papur hefyd ar ddiwedd y gyfrol yn cynnwys rhestr, yn llaw Edmund Evans, o ddyddiadau geni a marw ei blant ef a'i wraig Ellin. Yn ogystal, mae'r ffeil yn cynnwys toriad o erthygl gan y rhoddwr am hanes y Beibl a gyhoeddwyd ym mhapur y Daily Post, 3 Gorffennaf 2019. = Copy of the 'cyssegr-lan' Bible (Oxford, 1824) that belonged to Edmund Evans ('Utgorn Meirion'), one of the ministers who visited Richard Lewis (Dic Penderyn) before his execution on 13th August 1831. Edmund Evans's name appears in the front cover of the volume with various notes and on the first pages of the text. Handwritten notes are loose between pp.24-25. A newspaper cutting (1879) reporting the death of Evan R. Evans, his son, in Cambria, Winconsin, has been glued on the second page of the New Testament. At the end of the volume a list, in Edmund Evans' hand, states the dates of birth and death of his children with his wife Ellin. Additionally, the file also contains an envelope in which there is a newspaper cutting reporting the history of the Bible, published in the Daily Post, 3 July 2019.

Memorandum book of John Naylor

Memorandum book, 1848-1856, of John Naylor (1813-1889) of Leighton Hall, near Welshpool, the estate he inherited on his marriage in 1846 (see, for example: The inside front cover is inscribed in the hand of Captain Thomas Humphrey Naylor (1890-1966) of Ashton, near Chester, grandson of John Naylor of Leighton Hall, and in the hand of Thomas Humphrey's son, Richard Christopher Naylor of Ellesmere, Shropshire, the donor of the additional papers described here. This item forms part of the 'proof of evidence' submitted by architectural historian Teresa Sladen (see under Evidence with regard to the historic importance of Leighton Hall).

Evidence with regard to the historic importance of Leighton Hall

Papers relating to the 'Proof of Evidence of [architectural historian] Teresa Sladen to be given on behalf of Montgomeryshire District Council with regard to the historic importance of the Turret Clock with Carillon in the Entrance Tower and the Gasaliers in the Great Hall at Leighton Hall in Montgomeryshire.' Amongst the evidence submitted is a memorandum book belonging to John Naylor (1813-1889) of Leighton Hall, which is described separately (see under Memorandum book of John Naylor); a photocopy of the text forms part of the evidence submitted by Teresa Sladen. Included in the material are letters, 1962, to and from Captain Thomas Humphrey Naylor, grandson of John Naylor of Leighton Hall, and, 1998, 2003, 2005, to and from Captain Naylor's son, Richard Christopher Naylor, great-grandson of John Naylor of Leighton Hall and donor of this additional material (see also under Memorandum book of John Naylor).

Naylor family and Leighton Hall papers

Material relating to the Naylor family of Leighton Hall and to Leighton Hall itself, including newspaper cuttings containing obituaries, birth and marriage notices of family members and accounts of events relating to the Leighton estate and surrounding area, most of which date from the early part of the twentieth century, with one newspaper extract taken from Eddowes's Shrewsbury Journal of 15 August 1855 (newspaper inscribed 'John Naylor Esqr Leighton Hall Welshpool'); Naylor family correspondence, which includes a letter from John Murray Naylor (1888-1969) of Easter Ogil, Forfar, grandson of John Naylor of Leighton Hall, to Dorothy Naylor (née Holt), wife of Captain Thomas Humphrey Naylor (1890-1966), also grandson of John Naylor (see under Memorandum book of John Naylor) and an undated letter from Dorothy Naylor, correspondence between Captain Thomas Humphrey Naylor, his son, Richard Christopher Naylor (see under Memorandum book of John Naylor) and J. N. Naylor and various representatives of art galleries and art auctioneers in relation to art works at Leighton Hall, particularly as regards the sale of Leighton Hall in 1931, correspondence regarding Naylor family graves and memorials in Leighton churchyard and church, together with printed information and newspaper cuttings relating to Holy Trinity Church, Leighton.

Enwogion Cymreig

Nodiadau yn llaw John Thomas ar rai o enwogion Cymru, yn bennaf o'r meysydd diwinyddol a llenyddol, gan gynnwys y bardd a'r athro Ebenezer Thomas ('Eben Fardd') (1802-1863), y bardd a'r anterliwtydd Thomas Edwards ('Twm o'r Nant') (1739-1810) a Howel Harris (1714-1773), un o arweinyddion y Diwygiad Methodistaidd yng Nghymru.

Y Cambrian Gallery

Deunydd yn ymwneud a'r Cambrian Gallery, Lerpwl, gan gynnwys llyfr nodiadau yn llaw John Thomas yn olrhain hanes yr oriel; llyfryn printiedig a gyhoeddwyd gan y Cambrian Gallery yn hysbysebu argraffiadau o cartes-de-visite dan wahanol benawdau (beirdd, llenorion a chantorion, cenhadon a gweinidogion yn ôl eu henwad); catalog printiedig yn hysbysebu ocsiwn o ddodrefn y Cambrian Gallery; nodiadau ar hanes y Cambrian Gallery mewn llaw diweddarach; torion papur newydd yn ymwneud â bywyd a gwaith John Thomas; a llungopïau o ffotograffau o John Thomas ac o rai o'r portreadau carte-de-visite ac in memoriam a gyhoeddwyd gan y Cambrian Gallery.

Deunydd amrywiol

Deunydd amrywiol yn ymwneud â John Thomas a'i waith, gan gynnwys llythyr at John Thomas dyddiedig 5 Hydref 1899; rhestr yn llaw John Thomas o'r llyfrau yn ei feddiant, y rhan helaeth ohonynt o natur ddiwinyddol a llenyddol; bras nodiadau o feddargraffiadau ac englynion yn llaw John Thomas; llythyrau oddi wrth Alistair Crawford, darlithydd yn Adran Gelf Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, [?at aelodau o deulu John Thomas] ynghylch arddangosfa yn ymdrin â bywyd a gwaith John Thomas; llungopïau o ffotograffau o John Thomas ac o rai o'r portreadau carte-de-visite ac in memoriam a wnaethpwyd ganddo; a dwy goeden deulu yn dangos cysylltiadau teuluol John Thomas o ddiwedd y ddeunawfed ganrif hyd ddechrau'r unfed ganrif ar hugain.

The report of the Welsh Calvinisitic Methodist Churches in London

Llyfryn printiedig yn dwyn y teitl 'The report of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Churches in London for the year ending December 31, 1874', yn cynnwys gwybodaeth ystadegol yn ymwneud á chapeli Methodistaidd Calfinaidd Cymreig Llundain, gan gynnwys Capel Jewin = Printed booklet titled 'The report of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Churches in London for the year ending December 31, 1874', containing statistical information relating to Welsh Calvinistic Methodist chapels in London, including Jewin Chapel.

Gohebiaeth rhwng Mary a Robert (Silyn) Roberts = Correspondence between Mary and Robert (Silyn) Roberts

Llythyr, 22 Medi 1897, at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth Mary Parry (wedyn Mary Silyn Roberts), Balmoral House, Neuadd Alexandra, Aberystwyth, lle 'roedd Mary (yn ugain oed) yn lletya tra'n darlithio ym Ngholeg Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth. Cyfeiria at ei bywyd a'i gwaith yn Aberystwyth; at ei hewyrth, y Parchedig John Williams, Corwen [arnod yn llaw Mary Silyn Roberts: 'Rev. J. Wms Corwen'], a'i wraig, a fu'n gwmni iddi hyd Amwythig; at Tom, ei chefnder; ac yn gresynu nad oes cyfle ganddi ar hyn o bryd i gyfarfod â Silyn, ac y byddai'n well ganddi na fyddai ef yn dod i Aberystwyth i'w gweld. = Letter, 22 September 1897, to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from Mary Parry (afterwards Mary Silyn Roberts), Balmoral House, Alexandra Hall, Aberystwyth, where Mary (aged twenty) was staying while lecturing at Aberystwyth University. References to her life and work in Aberystwyth; to her uncle, the Reverend John Williams, Corwen [annotation in Mary Silyn Roberts' hand: 'Rev. J. Wms Corwen'], and his wife, who accompanied her on her journey as far as Shrewsbury; to her cousin Tom; and regrets that she has no opportunity to meet up with Silyn for a while, and that it would be best if he didn't visit her at Aberystwyth.

Llythyr, 14 Mai 1899, at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth Mary Parry (wedyn Mary Silyn Roberts), Coleg Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth, yn cyfeirio at nodiadau llenyddol a fenthycwyd iddi gan Silyn, at iechyd Silyn, ac at ei ddewisiadau gyrfäol yn ôl capeli a cholegau; yn poeni am iechyd meddwl un 'R. C. Allen'; cyfeiriad at fynychu darlith dan ofal yr Athro Syr Edward Anwyl (1866-1914) ac at ei gwaith academaidd; ei dymuniad i ddysgu chwarae tennis; cyfeiriad at ei brodyr, Evan a Henry, yn arbennig beth a ddylai cam nesaf Evan fod o ran astudiaeth a gyrfa. Arnodiad yn llaw Mary Silyn Roberts. = Letter, 14 May 1899, to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from Mary Parry (afterwards Mary Silyn Roberts), University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. References to literary notes lent her by Silyn, to Silyn's health, and to his career choices in terms of chapels and colleges; her concern for the mental health of one 'R. C. Allen'; her attendance at a lecture given by Professor Sir Edward Anwyl (1866-1914), and her academic work; her wish to learn to play tennis; mentions her brothers, Evan and Henry, with particular reference to Evan's study and career options. Annotation in the hand of Mary Silyn Roberts.

Dau gopi o lythyr, 15 Chwefror 1925, a ysgrifennwyd gan Robert (Silyn) Roberts at ei wraig Mary Silyn Roberts. Cyfeirir at gynhadledd [?Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr] y bu Silyn yn rhan ohoni ym Mae Colwyn, a sut y ffurfiwyd pwyllgor yno i greu cangen Gogledd Cymru o'r Gymdeithas yn rhanbarth annibynnol, gyda Silyn yn ysgrifennydd iddo. Awgryma geiriau clo Silyn nad oedd Mary wedi bod yn dda yn ddiweddar. Ceir mân wahaniaethau rhwng y ddau gopi, ond mae hanfod y llythyr yn aros yr un fath. Gweler hefyd Gohebiaeth rhwng Swyddfa Ranbarthol Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr, Bangor a Choleg Harlech = Two copies of a letter, 15 February 1925, written by Robert (Silyn) Roberts to his wife Mary Silyn Roberts, referencing a [?Workers' Educational Association] conference in which he took part, and the formation there of a committee to establish the North Wales branch of the WEA as an independent district, with Silyn as its secretary. Silyn's closing words suggest that Mary had recently been unwell. There are some minor differences between the two copies, but the essence of their contents remains the same. See also Correspondence between the Workers' Educational Association District Office, Bangor and Coleg Harlech.

Nodiadau ynghylch gwaith gweinyddol Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr ysgrifennwyd, 1 Gorffennaf 1930, gan Mary Silyn Roberts at ei gŵr Robert (Silyn) Roberts ar gyfer ei ddychweliad o daith i Rwsia, tra 'roedd hithau ar fîn cychwyn ar daith i Ddenmarc, ynghyd â chyfeiriadau Mary Silyn Roberts tra byddai'n aros yn Nenmarc. Bu farw Silyn ar y 15fed o Awst y flwyddyn honno. Gweler hefyd Gohebiaeth rhwng Swyddfa Ranbarthol Cymdeithas Addysg y Gweithwyr, Bangor a Choleg Harlech = Notes regarding administrative work relating to the Workers' Educational Association (WEA) written, 1 July 1930, by Mary Silyn Roberts to her husband Robert (Silyn) Roberts, to be read on his return from a visit to Russia, while she was about to depart for a visit to Denmark, together with a note of Mary Silyn Roberts' addresses during her stay in Denmark. Silyn died on 15th August of that year. See also Correspondence between the Workers' Educational Association District Office, Bangor and Coleg Harlech.

Casgliad John Peris Jones Collection

  • Casgliad John Peris Jones Collection
  • Ffeil / File
  • [1899-1913].

Glass negatives, the majority of views in and around Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant during the first decade of the twentieth century. The original numbering system (1, 2, 2a, 3 etc.) has been retained with the prefix JPJ added. Many were used to produce collotype postcards, information relating to the production of which are noted on the original storage envelopes. Some of these also credit the photographer as being E.C Burns, who is listed in the 1911 census as a shopkeeper and photographer. The inscriptions on the envelopes seem to act as a template for the wording on the postcards, consequently it is likely that E.C. Burns was responsible for all the photographs.


Llythyrau at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth W. J. Gruffydd = Letters to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from W. J. Gruffydd

Llythyrau, 1899-1917, at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth yr ysgolhaig, bardd, beirniad a'r golygydd W. J. (William John) Gruffydd (1881-1954), ac un llythyr, 1918, oddi wrth Gwenda Gruffydd, gwraig W. J. Gruffydd. Cyfeirir at yrfa academaidd W. J. Gruffydd yn Rhydychen; ei garwriaeth â'i ddarpar-wraig Gwenda Evans ac â merch o'r enw Winnie, a'i briodas yn y pen draw â Gwenda; "Miss P." (sef Mary Parry, wedyn Mary Silyn Roberts); barddoniaeth, gan gynnwys enghreifftiau o waith W. J. Gruffydd, ac yntau'n holi am farddoniaeth o eiddo Silyn; ei waith golygyddol; crefydd, athroniaeth, gwleidyddiaeth a daliadau personol; a'i gyfnod o wasanaeth yn y llynges, ac yntau'n dyheu am gael gadael. Mae llythyr Gwenda Gruffydd yn cyfeirio at ei brwydr i ryddhau ei gŵr o'r llynges, ac yn erfyn ar ddylanwad Silyn i'w chynorthwyo yn hyn o beth, gyda chefnogaeth 'Tom Jones' (sef, mae'n debyg, Dr Thomas Jones (1870-1955)). Ceir yn ogystal broflen o erthygl dan y teitl 'Addysg yng Nghymru' a ysgrifenwyd gan W. J. Gruffydd ar gyfer Barn Cymru Ieuanc (Rhif 2); llythyr printiedig a ysgrifenwyd gan W. J. Gruffydd i'r newyddlen Y Brython; a llythyr printiedig dan y teitl 'W. J. Gruffydd a'r Hen Feirdd' a anfonwyd gan W. J. Gruffydd at gyhoeddiad nas enwir ac a grybwylla enwau Silyn Roberts ac R. Williams Parry. Ynghyd â thrawsgrifiadau teipysgrif o'r llythyrau a disgrifiad cryno o'r deunydd atodol.
= Letters, 1899-1917, to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from the academic, poet, adjudicator and editor W. J. (William John) Gruffydd (1881-1954) and one letter, 1918, from Gwenda Gruffydd, wife of W. J. Gruffydd. References include W. J. Gruffydd's academic career at Oxford; his courtship of Gwenda (Evans, later his wife), his dalliance with a woman named Winnie, and his eventual marriage to Gwenda; "Miss P." (Mary Parry, later Mary Silyn Roberts); poetry, including examples of work by W. J. Gruffydd and his request to receive some of Silyn's poetry; his editorial work; religion, philosophy, politics and personal theories; and his period in the navy and his longing to leave the service. Gwenda Gruffydd's letter refers to her battle to have her husband released from his naval service, requesting Silyn, with the support of "Tom Jones" (most likely Dr Thomas Jones (1870-1955)) to help bring this about. Together with the proof of an article titled 'Addysg yng Nghymru' ('Education in Wales') written by W. J. Gruffydd for Barn Cymru Ieuanc (No. 2); printed letter written by W. J. Gruffydd for Y Brython newspaper; and a printed letter titled 'W. J. Gruffydd a'r Hen Feirdd' ('W. J. Gruffydd and the Old Poets'), sent by W. J. Gruffydd to an unnamed publication and which references Silyn Roberts and R. Williams Parry. Also included are typescript transcripts of the letters and a brief description of the supplementary material.


Ffotograff o fwynwyr yn Nant Iago ger Eisteddfa Gurig (cartref Capten Bennett Evans), [tua 1900].

Llythyrau Gwili

  • NLW ex 3057
  • Ffeil / File
  • 1901 a [1912]

Copi o Tu hwnt i'r llen : pryddest gystadleuol ar destyn y gadair yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llandudno, 1896 (Llanelli, 1901), pryddest anfuddugol J. Gwili Jenkins, yn cynnwys dau lythyr oddi wrth Gwili, [1912], at deulu J. R.Owen, Gyfelog, Bwlchdewin, Porthmadog, un ar bapur ysgrifennu Ysgol y Gwynfryn, Rhydaman. = A copy of Tu hwnt i'r llen : pryddest gystadleuol ar destyn y gadair yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llandudno, 1896 (Llanelli, 1901), unsuccessful long poem in free metre by J. Gwili Jenkins entered in the National Eisteddfod held at Llandudno in 1896, including two letters from Gwili, [1912], to the family of J. R.Owen, Gyfelog, Bwlchdewin, Porthmadog, one of them is written on headed notepaper [Gwynfryn School, Ammanford].

Gwili, 1872-1936

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