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Memorandum book of John Naylor

Memorandum book, 1848-1856, of John Naylor (1813-1889) of Leighton Hall, near Welshpool, the estate he inherited on his marriage in 1846 (see, for example: The inside front cover is inscribed in the hand of Captain Thomas Humphrey Naylor (1890-1966) of Ashton, near Chester, grandson of John Naylor of Leighton Hall, and in the hand of Thomas Humphrey's son, Richard Christopher Naylor of Ellesmere, Shropshire, the donor of the additional papers described here. This item forms part of the 'proof of evidence' submitted by architectural historian Teresa Sladen (see under Evidence with regard to the historic importance of Leighton Hall).

The report of the Welsh Calvinisitic Methodist Churches in London

Llyfryn printiedig yn dwyn y teitl 'The report of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Churches in London for the year ending December 31, 1874', yn cynnwys gwybodaeth ystadegol yn ymwneud á chapeli Methodistaidd Calfinaidd Cymreig Llundain, gan gynnwys Capel Jewin = Printed booklet titled 'The report of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Churches in London for the year ending December 31, 1874', containing statistical information relating to Welsh Calvinistic Methodist chapels in London, including Jewin Chapel.

Beibl Edmund Evans

  • NLW ex 3034
  • Ffeil / File
  • 1824-1879

Copi o'r Beibl cyssegr-lan (Rhydychen, 1824) fu'n eiddo i Edmund Evans ('Utgorn Meirion'), un o'r gweinidogion fu'n ymweld â Richard Lewis (Dic Penderyn) cyn ei ddienyddio ar 13 Awst 1831. Mae enw Edmund Evans yn ymddangos yn nhu blaen y gyfrol a cheir amryw nodiadau yno ac ar dudalennau cyntaf y testun. Mae papur gyda nodiadau arno yn rhydd rhwng tt. 24-25. Ar yr ail dudalen o'r Testament Newydd gludwyd toriad papur newydd, 1879, gyda hanes marwolaeth Evan R. Evans, Cambria, Wisconsin, sef un o'i feibion. Gosodwyd papur hefyd ar ddiwedd y gyfrol yn cynnwys rhestr, yn llaw Edmund Evans, o ddyddiadau geni a marw ei blant ef a'i wraig Ellin. Yn ogystal, mae'r ffeil yn cynnwys toriad o erthygl gan y rhoddwr am hanes y Beibl a gyhoeddwyd ym mhapur y Daily Post, 3 Gorffennaf 2019. = Copy of the 'cyssegr-lan' Bible (Oxford, 1824) that belonged to Edmund Evans ('Utgorn Meirion'), one of the ministers who visited Richard Lewis (Dic Penderyn) before his execution on 13th August 1831. Edmund Evans's name appears in the front cover of the volume with various notes and on the first pages of the text. Handwritten notes are loose between pp.24-25. A newspaper cutting (1879) reporting the death of Evan R. Evans, his son, in Cambria, Winconsin, has been glued on the second page of the New Testament. At the end of the volume a list, in Edmund Evans' hand, states the dates of birth and death of his children with his wife Ellin. Additionally, the file also contains an envelope in which there is a newspaper cutting reporting the history of the Bible, published in the Daily Post, 3 July 2019.


Ffotograff o fwynwyr yn Nant Iago ger Eisteddfa Gurig (cartref Capten Bennett Evans), [tua 1900].

Enwogion Cymreig

Nodiadau yn llaw John Thomas ar rai o enwogion Cymru, yn bennaf o'r meysydd diwinyddol a llenyddol, gan gynnwys y bardd a'r athro Ebenezer Thomas ('Eben Fardd') (1802-1863), y bardd a'r anterliwtydd Thomas Edwards ('Twm o'r Nant') (1739-1810) a Howel Harris (1714-1773), un o arweinyddion y Diwygiad Methodistaidd yng Nghymru.

Llythyr at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth Jane Parry = Letter to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from Jane Parry

Llythyr, 3 Ebrill 1906, at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth Jane Parry, mam Mary Silyn Roberts, Eardley Crescent, Llundain ar achlysur geni Glynn, mab Silyn a Mary Silyn Roberts. Arnodwyd yn llaw Mary Silyn Roberts: 'for Glynn' a 'ar ol [sic] geni Glynn ap Silyn'. = Letter, 3 April 1906, to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from Jane Parry, Eardley Crescent, London, mother of Mary Silyn Roberts, on the occasion of the birth of Glynn, son of Silyn and Mary Silyn Roberts. Annotated in Mary Silyn Roberts' hand: 'for Glynn' and 'ar ol [sic] geni Glynn ap Silyn' [after the birth of Glynn ap [son of] Silyn].

Llythyrau at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth Margarethe Hoffmann = Letters to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from Margarethe Hoffmann

Llythyr, 31 Gorffennaf 1906, at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth Margarethe Hoffmann, a oedd yn wreiddiol o Ddenmarc ond a oedd yn ysgrifennu o Gaeredin, yn cyfeirio at ei harhosiad diweddar yng nghartref Silyn a Mary Silyn Roberts ac at eu mab, Glynn Silyn Roberts, a fyddai'n faban ifanc yr adeg hon; hefyd yn nodi cyfeiriad modryb Margarethe Hoffmann yn yr Almaen. = Letter, 31 July 1906, to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from Margarethe Hoffmann, who was originally from Denmark but who was writing from Edinburgh, referencing her recent stay with Silyn and Mary Silyn Roberts and mentioning their son Glynn Silyn Roberts, who would have been an infant at this time; also noting Margarethe Hoffmann's aunt's address in Germany.

Llythyr, 10 Awst 1907, at Robert (Silyn) Roberts tra 'roedd yn Boulogne-sur-Mer, Ffrainc oddi wrth Margarethe Hoffmann a Louise [?Wissteten], Stubbekøbing, Denmarc, yn cyfeirio at Mary Silyn Roberts a'i gwaith yn darlithio mewn ysgol haf yn Nenmarc; cyfeiriad hefyd at Glynn Silyn Roberts, mab bychan Silyna Mary Silyn Roberts. Nodyn gan Luned Meredith, un o roddwyr y casgliad, ar daflen atodol: 'Mae Glynn ychydig dros flwydd oed; mae Mary yn ôl yn darlithio yn Nenmarc ac R[obert] S[ilyn] R[oberts] yn Ffrainc. Siwr fod Glynn yng nghofal ei nain (?). Trefniadau anarferol iawn i'r cyfnod faswn i'n meddwl'. = Letter, 10 August 1907, to Robert (Silyn) Roberts while he was at Boulogne-sur-Mer, France from Margarethe Hoffmann and Louise [?Wissteten], Stubbekøbing, Denmark, relating to Mary Silyn Roberts and her work lecturing at summer school in Denmark; reference also to Glynn Silyn Roberts, infant son of Silyn and Mary Silyn Roberts. Note by Luned Meredith, one of the archive's donors, on accompanying sheet (translated): 'Glynn is a little over a year old; Mary is back lecturing in Denmark and R[obert] S[ilyn] R[oberts] is in France. Glynn is probably in his grandmother's care (?). Very unusual arrangements for the time, I should think.'

Llythyr at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth Evan Parry = Letter to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from Evan Parry

Llythyr, 12 Ebrill 1908, at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth Evan, brawd Mary Silyn Roberts, Eardley Crescent, Llundain, yn cynghori Mary i symud i leoliad mwy iachus cyn geni ei phlentyn disgwyliedig oherwydd problemau efo'r draeniau yng nghartref Silyn a Mary; ceir cyfeiriadau hefyd at ei waith meddygol Evan Parry yn Llundain, a'i gynlluniau i ymfudo i Awstralia. = Letter, 12 April 1908, to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from Evan, brother of Mary Silyn Roberts, Eardley Crescent, London, advising Mary, due to problems with the drains at Silyn and Mary's home, to relocate to a healthier environment prior to the birth of her expected child; references also to Evan Parry's medical work in London and his plans to emigrate to Australia.

Llythyr at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth [?M. F.] Griffiths = Letter to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from [?M. F.] Griffiths

Llythyr, 9 Medi 1908, at Robert (Silyn) Roberts oddi wrth [?M. F] Griffiths, Highbury, Llundain, yn trafod cyfarfod yn Llundain, gyda chyfeiriadau hefyd at ddannodd Silyn, at enedigaeth ail blentyn Silyn a Mary Silyn Roberts ac at ethol Silyn yn un o feirniaid Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llundain 1909. = Letter, 9 September 1908, to Robert (Silyn) Roberts from [?M. F.] Griffiths, Highbury, London, with arrangements to meet in London; references also to Silyn's toothache, to the birth of his and Mary's second child, and to Silyn's election as one of the adjudicators at the National Eisteddfod held in London in 1909.

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