Grant by Wenunwen, son of Owin, to St Mary and the monks of Stradmarchell, for the soul of himself, in free, quiet and perpetual alms, of all the pastures of the whole province (provincie) called Keueilliauc, within these bounds: namely from Bon main melin to Lluin ecrois, and thence straight to Blain nanhanauc thence by Nanhanauc to its mouth (aber), and thence to Abernant karthbrandu, and by the length of that stream to its beginning (blain), and thence straight to Carnethwen, and thence to Gobleitheu, and from Pen Gobleitheu from the beginning; (blain) of Nant teyling, to its mouth (aber), and thence to Bacho and from Bacho to Aberdengum, and thence along Dengum to its source, and thence to Keilligogeu, and thence to Reidiaul, and along Reidiaul to Gwrhet kei, and along Reidiaul again to Aber Camdwr Keueiliauc, and from Aber Camdwr Keueiliauc to its source, and thence to Blain eynniaun, and so along Eynniaun to its mouth (aber) and thence along Devi to Aber dwlas, and thence along Dwlas to its source, and thence straight to Kenghulf, and thence to Blain lloido, and along Lloido to its mouth (aber) and thence along Devi to Aber Llewenith, and so along Llewenith to its source, and thence straight to Red pebellua on Clewedauc, and thence along Clawedauc to Gwernach, and along Gwernach to its source, and thence as the upper hill goes to Red derwen, and so along Derwen to Euernoe, and thence along Nant er heyre to Lledwern, and from Blain Lledwern straight to Bon main melin. All these pastures, Wennunwen gives the monks in these bounds, in wood and plain, and in all easements, freely and quit, well and in peace, and without any exaction and secular claim, to possess, by right, for ever. No other monks or nuns shall have any proprietorship or common within the said bounds, except the monks of Cumhyr, to whom at the petition of the monks of Stradmarchel he grants the pastures between Corf and Eynniaun, and except the monks of Kemmer, to whom also with the consent of the monks of Stradmarchel he grants Lloidarth and Cumketlli, on the other side of the stream. Wennunwen, accordingly, wishes that the monks of Stradmarchell shall possess, by right, for ever, fully and entirely, the said pastures, within the said bounds, except the said parts. That this gift shall remain firm and stable the present writing is sealed and attested by witnesses. -- Witnesses: Sulian, archdeacon, Master Heilin, Master Mabin, Eynniaun, son of Rodri, Kadugaun, son of Grifri, Dauid Goch, Edenewein Flam, Goroney, son of Eynniaun. -- Given in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1201 into the hand of P(hilipp) abbots.