Sale by Gwenwynwyn ap Owain,
Confirmation by King John,
Grant by Gwenywnwyn ap Owain,
Sale by Gwenwynwyn ap Owain,
Judgement of Maredudd ap Rhobert,
Arbitration issued by Gauthier d'Ochles,
Confirmation of sale by Ralph de Lahee,
Decree by Anian, bishop of St Asaph,
Confirmation by John de Cherleton, lord of Powys,
Lease by the Abbot to David ap Mered’ ap Dio,
Lease by the Abbot to David ap Mered’ ap Dio,
Inspeximus of a charter of Wenunwen ap Owin,
Inspeximus of a charter of Wenunwen ap Owin,
Quitclaim in Carswell and Wroxhale,
Quitclaim in Carswell and Wroxhale,
Quitclaim by John, son of John, son of Ralph de Wrockwardine in ?Hardwicke,
Quitclaim by John, son of John, son of Ralph de Wrockwardine in ?Hardwicke,
Gift and quitclaim by Peter Corbet in Trelystan,
Gift and quitclaim by Peter Corbet in Trelystan,
Lease by Cadd’r Moris to vest possession Cefn-llys,
Lease by Cadd’r Moris to vest possession Cefn-llys,
Gift by Henry Gray of lands in Coedtalog and Garthbeibio,
Gift by Henry Gray of lands in Coedtalog and Garthbeibio,
Demise by Edward Gray of lands in Trefedryd,
Demise by Edward Gray of lands in Trefedryd,
Gift by Edward Gray of lands in Mechain,
Gift by Edward Gray of lands in Mechain,
Bargain and sale with feoffment by Michael Owen,
Bargain and sale with feoffment by Michael Owen,
Joseph Edwards, London, to Taliesin Williams,
Joseph Edwards, London, to Taliesin Williams,