Work by Ken Dark entitled Britain and the end of The Roman Empire
Work by Ken Dark entitled Britain and the end of The Roman Empire
Mícheál Ó Flaithearta thesis 'The Reflexes of Indo-European...'
Mícheál Ó Flaithearta thesis 'The Reflexes of Indo-European...'
Tok Freeland Thompson thesis 'The Story of the Coming of the Celts...'
Tok Freeland Thompson thesis 'The Story of the Coming of the Celts...'
Salvador Ryan thesis 'Popular Religion .....'
Salvador Ryan thesis 'Popular Religion .....'
Lesa Ni Mhunghaile thesis 'Joseph Cooper Walker (1761-1810): .....'
Lesa Ni Mhunghaile thesis 'Joseph Cooper Walker (1761-1810): .....'
Seán Mac Cionnaith thesis 'Stórchiste Dátheangach'
Seán Mac Cionnaith thesis 'Stórchiste Dátheangach'
Sarah Elizabeth McKibben thesis 'Endangered Masculinities: .....'
Sarah Elizabeth McKibben thesis 'Endangered Masculinities: .....'
D. R. Jones thesis 'A Folk-song Romance.....'
D. R. Jones thesis 'A Folk-song Romance.....'
Maxim Fomin thesis 'Secular and Clerical Images of Kingship .....'
Maxim Fomin thesis 'Secular and Clerical Images of Kingship .....'
Clare Elizabeth Downham thesis 'Britain and Scandinavian Ireland: .....'
Clare Elizabeth Downham thesis 'Britain and Scandinavian Ireland: .....'
Traethawd ymchwil Jason Walford Davies: 'Gororau'r Iaith.....'
Traethawd ymchwil Jason Walford Davies: 'Gororau'r Iaith.....'
Heather Williams essay 'Writing to Paris: .....'
Heather Williams essay 'Writing to Paris: .....'
Catherine Davies dissertation 'Gach rath agus sean ar Chine Gael i Learpholl'
Catherine Davies dissertation 'Gach rath agus sean ar Chine Gael i Learpholl'
Robert Welch essay 'J. M. Synge: 'I made my methods Irish''
Robert Welch essay 'J. M. Synge: 'I made my methods Irish''
Richard Suggett essay 'Dendrochronology: progress and prospects in Wales'
Richard Suggett essay 'Dendrochronology: progress and prospects in Wales'
Study by Caroline Stevens 'A culture of control: ....'
Study by Caroline Stevens 'A culture of control: ....'
Study by Paul Russell 'Vita Griffini Filii Conani.....'
Study by Paul Russell 'Vita Griffini Filii Conani.....'
Study by Niall MacKenzie 'Dougal MacCullony, I am glad to see thee!'.....
Study by Niall MacKenzie 'Dougal MacCullony, I am glad to see thee!'.....
Gwaith ymchwil T. Robin Chapman: 'Islwyn Ffowc Elis: .....'
Gwaith ymchwil T. Robin Chapman: 'Islwyn Ffowc Elis: .....'
Work by John Carey entitled King of Mysteries
Work by John Carey entitled King of Mysteries