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Kemeys-Tynte Estate Papers,

  • GB 0210 KEMNTE
  • Fonds
  • 1441, 1570-1888

Estate and family records of the Kemeys and Kemeys-Tynte families of Cefnmabli, Monmouthshire, including surveys, valuations, rentals, and accounts, 1570-[early 19 cent.]; probate records, deeds, and legal papers, 1586-[1850s]; geneaological papers, 1694-[mid-18 cent.]; and correspondence, 1642-1888. The main interest of this archive lies in the correspondence relating to political events and affairs, especially for the late seventeenth century. The archive also includes a survey of the estates of Henry, earl of Pembroke, in Glamorgan and Monmouthshire, 1570, and a rental of the estate of the regicide Henry Marten, [c. 1652].

Kemeys-Tynte family, of Cefn Mabli

Cilybebyll Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 CILYBYLL
  • Fonds
  • 1399-1854 /

Deeds and other papers, 1614-1775, mainly relating to the Herbert family of Cilybebyll, Glamorgan (Ethel Lloyd Deeds); estate and family deeds and a few other papers, [c.1466]-[c.1841], relating to the Griffith family of Cilybebyll, [c.1572]-1614, the Herbert family of Cilybebyll, [c.1617]-1740, the Turberville family of Ewenny and Cilybebyll, [c.1740]-[c.1794], and the Lloyd family of Cilybebyll, 1813 (Cilybebyll Deeds (Group I); estate and family deeds and papers, 1523-1854, relating to the Griffith family of Cilybebyll, [c.1557]-1615, the Herbert family of Cilybebyll and elsewhere, [c.1606]-^[ITc.1754], the Turberville family of Ewenny and Cilybebyll, [c.1747]-[c.1796], the Lloyd family of Cilybebyll, [c.1789]-[c.1815], the Bassett family of Cilybebyll, [c.1817-c.1825], and the Leach family of Milford and Cilybebyll, [c.1831]-[c.1848] (Cilybebyll Deeds (Group II). -- The 1962 group which remains uncatalogued comprises deeds and documents, 1847-1883, consisting largely of leases of building ground formerly part of Clynibidy farm, Llangiwg, Glamorgan.

Lloyd family, of Cilybebyll

Harold Jones Correspondence,

  • GB 0210 HARNES
  • Fonds
  • 1965-1974 /

Papers relating to Harold Jones's efforts as an individual and as a member of the Plaid Cymru Trade Union Group to secure the establishment of a Wales T.U.C., 1965-1974, comprising mainly correspondence, 1965-1974, pamphlets, 1968-1974, and newspaper cuttings, 1965-1974.

Jones, Harold, union administrator.

Robert Clive Papers

  • GB 0210 ROBCLI
  • Fonds
  • 1727-1791 (accumulated [c. 1743]-1791)

Papers, 1727-1791, relating to both Clive's public and private life but mostly to the former. They include letter books of outgoing letters sent from both England and India, 1752-1774; Clive's financial records, mainly relating to his financial concerns in India, 1752-1774; estate and household records, 1761-1781; records relating to his official duties in India, particularly as governor of Bengal, including records he acquired of earlier East India Company employees, 1727-1772, political papers, including canvassing lists and poll books, [c. 1761]-1775; and records of Clive's trustees and executors, 1774-1791.

Clive, Robert Clive, Baron, 1725-1774

Coleman collection of deeds

  • GB 0210 COLEMAN
  • Fonds
  • [16 cent.]-[19 cent.]

Deeds and other documents, [16 cent.]-[19 cent.], collected by James Coleman, relating to Anglesey, Brecknockshire, Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire, Caernarfonshire, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Glamorgan, Merionethshire, Monmouthshire, Montgomeryshire, Pembrokeshire, and Radnorshire, in Wales; and Cornwall, Cumberland, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, and Suffolk, in England.

Coleman, James, of London

Lord Rendel Papers

  • GB 0210 RENDEL
  • Fonds
  • 1819-1996

Papers of Stuart Rendel and family members, including papers relating to the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and the proposal to establish the National Library of Wales and its development during the early years of its existence, 1883-1916; speeches, addresses and political papers relating to disestablishment of the church in Wales and the 1889 Intermediate Education Act, 1882-1909; press cuttings, 1881-1913; photographs, 1892; miscellaneous letters, 1878-1912; letters to Stuart Rendel, 1853-1912, including letters from A. C. Humphreys Owen, 1877-1905, family letters, 1853-1902, and letters from prominent political figures and Welsh public figures; letters and copies of letters from Rendel, 1880-1912; diaries, mainly recording details of Stuart Rendel's business activities, 1863-1869; notes of conversations with W. E. Gladstone, John Morley and H. H. Asquith, 1888-1910; papers relating to Chinese affairs and French and Chinese peace talks, 1884-1886; papers of James Meadows Rendel, including letters, 1828-1856, and papers relating to his estate, 1856-1859; letters of Catherine Jane Rendel, 1845-1855; letters and papers of George Wightwick Rendel, 1871-1902; papers relating to Rendel's other brothers, 1841-1889, and his daughters, 1882-1910; letters and papers of Harry Stuart Goodhart-Rendel, 1898-1959, and other papers concerning him, 1963-1977; papers, mainly letters, of the Goodhart family, 1819-1957; papers of Miss Rosemary Rendel, 1986-1996; papers of Sir George William Rendel, including: Foreign Office papers, 1917-1967, correspondence, 1912-1973, papers relating to the Catholic Union of Great Britain, 1942-1979, lectures, diaries and notes, 1915-1954, personal and family papers, 1908-1980, and material relating to the book The Sword and the Olive (1957), 1954-1986.

Rendel, Stuart Rendel, Baron, 1834-1913

Papurau Gwenith Gwyn,

  • GB 0210 GWENITH
  • fonds
  • 1750-1947 (crynhowyd [diwedd y 19eg ganrif]-1947) /

Papurau o eiddo, ac yn ymwneud â William Rhys Jones ('Gwenith Gwyn'), 1750-1947, y cyfan bron yn ei law ei hun, yn cynnwys: nodiadau ar hanes lleol yng Nghymru, enwau lleoedd, llên gwerin, a hynafiaethau (yn cynnwys cryn deunydd, ar ffurf nodiadau, traethodau, anerchiadau, adysgrifiadau, a thorion o'r wasg, ar gymeriadau, traddodiadau, a chymdeithasau hanesyddol, llenyddol a diwydiannol Dyffryn Ceiriog, Morgannwg, Maldwyn, Ceredigion ac Arfon); deunydd crefyddol (pregethau a nodiadau pregethau, traethodau ac anerchiadau ar yr Eglwys Gristnogol ac ar wahanol agweddau ar ei gweinidogaeth; papurau'n delio ag enwad y Bedyddwyr yng Nghymru, yn enwedig ym Morgannwg; nodiadau ar destunau Beiblaidd; nodiadau, anerchiadau coffa, a deunydd bywgraffiadol ar amrywiol gymeriadau crefyddol, Cymry yn bennaf; a geiriadur o dermau Beiblaidd a ddefnyddiwyd yng nghapeli Anghydffurfiol Cymru); cyfansoddiadau llenyddol (yn cynnwys barddoniaeth, storiâu byrion, nofelau, a dramâu, mewn drafft ac yn orffenedig; a darlithoedd, nodiadau a thraethodau ar bynciau llenyddol, hanesyddol, gwleidyddol, a chymdeithasegol); nodiadau ar anthropoleg, ethnoleg, pensaernïaeth a daeareg, yn cynnwys geiriadur Cymraeg-Saesneg o dermau daearegol; y diwydiant llechi yng Nghymru; deunydd ar ramadeg a statws gwleidyddol yr iaith Gymraeg; nodiadau ar wahanol ieithoedd estron a thafodieithoedd, yn cynnwys iaith y Beibl; deunydd bywgraffyddol yn ymwneud â Gwenith Gwyn a'i wraig, 1885-1937; catalog o lyfrau yn ei lyfrgell; torion o'r wasg,1922-1928; a llyfrau lloffion, yn ogystal ag erthygl papur newydd amdano gan y Parch. W. J. Rhys, Abertawe,1947); ei gopïau o weithiau printiedig, 1750-[20fed ganrif]; a deunydd, printiedig neu fel arall, a ysgrifennwyd gan bobl heblaw Gwenith Gwyn = Papers of and relating to William Rhys Jones ('Gwenith Gwyn'), 1750-1947, nearly all of which are in his own hand, comprising: notes on Welsh local history, place-names, folk culture, and antiquities (including considerable material, in the form of notes, essays, addresses, transcripts, and press cuttings, on the personalities, traditions, and historical, literary and industrial associations of Dyffryn Ceiriog, Glamorgan, Maldwyn, Ceredigion and Arfon); religious material (sermons and sermon notes, essays and addresses on the Christian Church and on various aspects of its ministry; papers dealing with the Baptist denomination in Wales, particularly in Glamorgan; notes on Biblical texts; notes, in memoriam addresses, and biographical material on various religious personalities, mainly Welsh; and a dictionary of Biblical terms used in Nonconformist chapels in Wales); literary compositions (comprising poetry, short stories, novels, and plays, in both draft and final form; and lectures, notes, and essays on literary, historical, political, and sociological topics); notes on anthropology, ethnology, architecture and geology, including an English-Welsh dictionary of geological terms; the Welsh quarrying industry; material on the grammar and political status of the Welsh language; notes on various foreign languages and dialects, including Biblical tongues; biographical material relating to both Gwenith Gwyn and his wife (including bills and receipts; diaries for 1923, 1936, and 1937; letters received, 1885-1937; a catalogue of books in his library; press cuttings, 1922-1928; and scrap-books, as well as a newspaper article about him by Rev. W. J. Rhys, Swansea, 1947); his copies of printed works, 1750-[20th cent.]; and material, printed or otherwise, written by persons other than Gwenith Gwyn.

Casgliad bychan o bapurau ychwanegol gan gynnwys llyfrau nodiadau. Nid yw'r rhain wedi eu catalogio eto.

Jones, William Rhys, 1868-1937

A.J. Williams Papers,

  • GB 0210 AJOHIAMS
  • Fonds
  • 1767-1951 (accumulated 1901 x 1951) /

Papers of Arthur John Williams, 1881-1943, including political papers comprising letters, 1868-1911; papers relating to legal, electoral and land reforms, 1867-1911; papers relating to his parliamentary elections in Birkenhead and Glamorgan, 1880-1895; papers relating to South Glamorgan politics, 1886-1924; material concerning the National Liberal Club, 1883-1951; diaries, 1864-1911; diaries of Rose Harriette Thompson Crawshay 1868-1943; and family and financial papers, 1767-1943.

Williams, Arthur John, 1833-1911.

Derwydd Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 DERWYDD
  • Fonds
  • 1525-1870, 1904 /

Title deeds, 1525-1907, of the Derwydd estate, mainly in Carmarthenshire, and of the families of Vaughan of Golden Grove and Llanelli, Bevan of Laugharne (including Madam Bridget Bevan, 1698-1779), Stepney of Llanelli, and Stepney-Gulston of Derwydd. There are no personal or family papers in the archive.

Stepney-Gulston family, of Derwydd

NLW Microfilms,

  • GB 0210 NLWMFLMS
  • Fonds
  • 1950x2000.

The nucleus of the collection of NLW Microfilms is microfilm of manuscripts in Welsh and of Welsh interest in other major libraries: the British Library; Jesus College and the Bodleian Library, Oxford; Cambridge University libraries; the Hereford Cathedral manuscripts; Welsh material from the Public Record Office, now the TNA; the Bangor MSS; and some from other record offices in the United Kingdom, and overseas libraries and archive repositories. The Cardiff manuscripts (over 4,000 in number) are listed in a separate catalogue (Cardiff MSS on Microfilm). Commercially produced microfilms and microfiche are also not included in this catalogue.

Gareth Vaughan Jones Papers

  • GB 0210 GARNES
  • Fonds
  • 1890-2004

The group donated in 1987 comprises letters from Gareth Vaughan Jones to his family, 1922-1935, many while on foreign travels; letters to him, 1919-1934; a curriculum vitae and references, 1925-1934; research notes, [c. 1930]-1932; typescripts, drafts and notes for articles and lectures, [1925]-[1935]; typescripts of press articles written by Gareth Vaughan Jones during his world tour, 1934-1935; newspaper cuttings of Western Mail articles by Gareth Vaughan Jones, [1933]-[1935]; papers concerning Gareth Vaughan Jones's death, [1935]; printed books, 1926-1927, and papers of his father Dr Edgar Jones, including letters, 1890-1952; letters concerning the death of Gareth Vaughan Jones, 1935; press cuttings and papers relating to his time as head of Barry County School, 1906-1935; typescripts of broadcasts and talks, 1939-1945; and papers relating to his death, 1953. The papers deposited in 2007, 2010 and 2011 comprise family papers, 1894-2007, including a few papers relating to Gareth Vaughan Jones's parents Major Edgar Jones and Mrs Annie Gwen Jones; papers of, or relating to, Gareth Vaughan Jones, 1916-2002, including diaries, notebooks, press cuttings of his articles, letters, mainly from him to his parents and other members of his family, and papers relating to his capture and subsequent murder in August 1935; and the papers of Dr Siriol Colley, 1922-2004, mainly deriving from her researches into her uncle's life, work and death, including transcripts and photocopies of relevant source materials. The material donated in July 2011 comprises six pocket diaries containing detailed observations and comments on Gareth Jones's travels, mainly in Germany and Russia, between 1931 and 1934, together with the last passport issued to him in 1930, and a few stray items which have been incorporated in the previous files. Another group includes photographs, postcards, negatives and lantern slides, [c. 1900 - c. 1990].

Jones, Gareth, 1905-1935.

Papurau Wil Ifan,

  • GB 0210 WILFAN
  • Fonds
  • 1896-1966, 2019

Papurau Wil Ifan, 1896-1982, yn cynnwys llythyrau ato, 1902-1966, ac oddi wrtho at ei deulu, 1915-1966; gweithiau cyhoeddedig a barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith, yn Saesneg yn bennaf, yn cynnwys nodiadau, [1920]-1956; pregethau, 1921-1933; dyddiaduron, 1900-1947; sgriptiau radio, 1952-1963; a chopïau o Celt a olygwyd gan Dan Evans, 1896-1897. = Papers of Wil Ifan, 1896-1982, including letters to him, 1902-1966, and from him to his family, 1915-1966; published works and poetry and prose, mainly in English, including notes, [1920]-1956; sermons, 1921-1933; diaries, 1900-1947; radio scripts, 1952-1963; and copies of Celt, edited by Dan Evans, 1896-1897.

Hefyd yn cynnwys astudiaeth Shirley Wynne Vinall, 2019, wedi ei argraffu a’i rwymo yn ddwy gyfrol, o 'Llyfr yr Achau' gan 'Wil Ifan', yn cynnwys detholiadau o lyfr nodiadau ei thaid ar hanes ei deulu, gwybodaeth am deuluoedd ei fam a’i dad yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, Cwmafan a Sir Aberteifi, a theulu ei wraig Nesta Wyn Edwards, Dolgellau, ynghyd â phennod ychwanegol gan y rhoddwr ar ei yrfa a’i ysgrifau. Ceir hefyd gopi llawysgrif o’r emyn "O Jesu, King most wonderful", a gyfieithwyd gan y Parch. E. Caswall, gyda cherddoriaeth gan B[ertram] J. Orsman, 1946, wedi’i lofnodi a’i gyflwyno gan y cyfansoddwr i’r Parch. W. Evans ('Wil Ifan'). = Also includes a study by Shirley Wynne Vinall, 2019, printed and bound in two volumes, of 'Llyfr yr Achau' by 'Wil Ifan', including extracts from her grandfather’s notebook on his family history, and containing information about his maternal and paternal families in Carmarthenshire, Cwmavon and Cardiganshire, and the family of his wife Nesta Wyn Edwards, Dolgellau, together with an additional chapter by the donor on his career and writings. Also included is a manuscript copy of the hymn "O Jesu, King most wonderful", translated by Rev. E. Caswall, with music by B[ertram] J. Orsman, 1946, signed and presented by the composer to the Rev. W. Evans ('Wil Ifan').

Papurau a roddwyd Hydref 2022: gweler y disgrifiad dan y Gyfres ychwanegol.

Wil Ifan, 1883-1968.

Welsh School, Ashford, Middlesex, papers

  • GB 0210 WELOOL
  • Fonds
  • 1567-1921

Welsh School, Ashford, and British Charity School, Board of Governors and trustees minutes, 1718-1848; House Committee minutes, 1830-1905; cash books and financial records, 1792-1905; applicants books, 1826-1844; correspondence and papers, 1760-1904; correspondence and records of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in Wales, 1849-1851; correspondence relating to Llandaff Diocesan Commitee, 1849; and deeds and legal correspondence relating to lands in Ashford, Middlesex, 1845-1893; minute books of the Society of Ancient Britons, 1823-1856, and of the Cymmrodorion, 1828-1849.

A further deposit of papers comprising committee minute books (5), 1905-1987; household wages books (4), 1949-1958; accounts books (3), 1846-1974; receipts and payments books (7), 1813-1963; apprenticeship book, 1852-1853; letters book, 1839-1849; Schoolmistress report book, 1868-1882; attendance and fee register, 1923-1940; confirmation book, 1916-1964; school reports, 1848-1873; house mark book, 1941-1956; House Committees visiting book, 1880-1891; cash books (3), 1932-1956; general fund book, 1949-1958; inventory and valuation book, 1946; school numbers book, 1945-1957; and an investments book, 1940-1949.

Papers, [1939]-2007, pertaining to the school, accumulated by Jacqueline Flindall, a former pupil of the Welsh Girls' School, including letters and items relating to the 150th anniversary celebrations in 2007.

Welsh Girls' School (Ashford, Surrey, England)

Papurau D. G. Lloyd Hughes,

  • GB 0210 LLOHES
  • fonds
  • 1780-2001 (crynhowyd [c. 1955]-2001) /

Papurau D.G. Lloyd Hughes yn ymwneud â hanes Pwllheli, Llanelli, Pen-bre a Phorth Tywyn, yn cynnwys adysgrifau, torion, erthyglau a chopïau o rannau o'i lyfrau, 1808-[1985]; papurau yn ymwneud â Llanfihangel-ar Arth, New Inn a Gwyddrug, sir Gaerfyrddin, [1985]-2001; erthyglau a gyhoeddwyd ganddo,1968-2001; cofnodion, nodiadau ac erthyglau amrywiol, 1893-2001; gweithredoedd eiddo, 1803-1813; nodiadau achyddol, [20fed ganrif]; catalogau gwerthiant, 1890-1937; mapiau a chynlluniau, 1900-1917; enwau planhigion a blodau, [1950au]; nodiadau, adysgrifau a llungopïau o ddogfennau (13eg i'r 20fed ganrif) yn yr Archifdy Cenedlaethol yn ymwneud â Thir y Goron yng Ngogledd Cymru, yn bennaf yng nghymydau Eifionydd, Afloegion, Cwmwd-y-maen a Dinllaen, sir Gaernarfon, [20fed ganrif]; golygfeydd gwreiddiol o Bwllheli,1780-1982, ac o sir Gaerfyrddin, 1870-1994. = Papers of D. G. Lloyd Hughes relating to the history of Pwllhelli, Llanelli, Pembrey and Burry Port, including newspaper transcripts, cuttings, articles and partial copies of his books, 1808-[1985]; papers relating to Llanfihangel-ar-Arth, New Inn and Gwyddrug, Carmarthenshire, [1985]-2001; published articles by him, 1968-2001; miscellaneous records, notes and articles, 1893-2001; title deeds, 1803-1813; genealogical notes, [20th century]; sale catalogues, 1890-1937; maps and plans, 1900-1917; plant and flower names, [1950s]; notes, transcripts and photocopies of documents (13th to 20th century) in The National Archives relating to Crown Lands in North Wales, mainly the commotes of Eifionydd, Afloegion, Cwmwd-y-maen and Dinllaen, in Caernarfonshire, [20th century]; original views of Pwllheli, 1780-1983, and of Carmarthenshire, 1870-1994.

Hughes, D. G. Lloyd.

Welsh Methodist (Wesleyan) Archives,

  • GB 0210 WELIST
  • Fonds
  • 1770-1974 /

Baptism registers: Dinas Mawddwy Circuit, 1897-1966; Machynlleth Circuit, 1808-1897; Llandeilo Circuit, 1814-1863; Merthyr Tudful (Merthyr Tydfil) Circuit, 1837-1867; Bryn-Mawr Circuit, 1843-1882; Aberdare Circuit, 1857-1933; Tredegar Circuit, 1843-1916; Hanley (Staffordshire), Welsh Circuit, 1893-1924; and Stockton-on-Tees (Durham), Welsh circuit, 1872-1903; burial registers, Bont-goch, 1882-1931, and Tregaron, 1830-1944; Welsh Assembly, agendas, 1899-1917, and minutes, 1899-1902; North Wales District, District Committee minutes, 1816-1892, and Synod minutes, 1892-1902; trust-property schedules, 1860-1893; Home Mission Fund accounts and papers, 1875-1903; and Sunday Schools schedules, 1868-1880; First North Wales District, Synod minutes, 1903-1944; Home Mission Fund accounts, 1929-1967; trust-property returns, 1943-1955, and Ministers Allowance Fund accounts, 1918-1921; Second North Wales District, Synod minutes, 1903-1940; First and Second North Wales Districts, Home Mission Fund and Chapel Fund papers, 1903-1927; South Wales District, District Committee and Synod minutes, 1829-1974; Chapel Fund accounts, 1858-1951; Chapel Committee minutes and reports, 1858-1894; trust-property schedules and returns, 1860-1962; and Foreign Mission reports, 1846-1917; Circuit records, comprising Quarterly Meeting minutes, accounts, circuit-schedule book, trust-property schedules, Sunday School schedules, Temperance schedules, circuit plans and membership lists, for Abercynon Circuit, 1928-1931; Aberdare Circuit, 1857-1960; Aberdare & Abercynon Circuit, 1960-1968; Abergele Circuit, 1951-1960; Aberystwyth Circuit, 1845-1971; Amlwch Circuit, 1871-1873; Bagillt Circuit, 1895-1898; Bangor Circuit, 1843-1890; Beaumaris Circuit, 1892-1895; Blaenau Ffestiniog Circuit, 1867-1920; Bryn-Mawr Circuit, 1873-1969; Bryn-Mawr and Tredegar Circuit, 1928-1968; Cardiff Circuit, 1847-1889; Cardigan Circuit, 1810-1838; Cilfynydd Circuit, 1891-1898; Conwy Circuit, 1868-1871; Corwen Circuit, 1864; Crickhowell Circuit, 1851-1852; Denbigh & Llanrwst Circuit, (copy) 1818-1819; Dinas Mawddwy Circuit, 1907; Ebbw Vale & Crickhowell Circuit, 1860-1873; Ferndale Circuit, 1881-1909; Glamorgan Mission, 1943-1948; Hanley (Staffordshire) Circuit, 1873-1926; Holyhead Circuit, 1867-1879; Holywell Circuit, 1814-1871; Holywell & Mold Circuit, 1834-1835; Lampeter Circuit, 1871-1933; Lancashire Welsh Mission, 1906-1939; Leeds Welsh Mission, 1906-1923; Liverpool Welsh Circuit, 1845-1871; Liverpool Shaw Street Circuit, 1878-1907; Liverpool Oakfield Road Circuit, 1907-1954; Liverpool Chester Street Circuit, 1871-1881; Liverpool Mount Zion Circuit, 1881-1955; Llandeilo Circuit, 1824-1952; Llandeilo & Brecon Circuit, 1824-1831; Llanelli Circuit, 1894; Llanfair Caereinion Circuit, 1839-1895; Llanfyllin Circuit, 1845-1914; Llanidloes Circuit, 1832-1948; Llanrwst Circuit, 1885-1902; London Welsh Circuit, 1877-1878; Machynlleth Circuit, 1848-1968; Manchester Welsh Circuit, 1879-1961; Merthyr Tudful (Merthyr Tydfil) Circuit, 1873-1940; Mold Circuit, 1851-1877; Pont-y-pridd (Pontypridd) Circuit, 1898-1925; Porthmadog Circuit, 1889-1892; Pwllheli Circuit, 1877-1932; Ruthin Circuit, 1830-1868; Ruthin & Corwen Circuit, 1856-1863; St David's Circuit, 1894; South Wales Mission, Pont-y-pridd, 1893-1898; Swansea Circuit, 1823-1913; Swansea & Llanelli, 1961; Towyn Circuit (Tywyn, Merionethshire), 1898-1970; Tredegar Circuit, 1866-1928; Tregarth Circuit, 1865-1867; Ystumtuen Circuit, 1862-1946; Caernarfon & Bangor English Circuit, 1857-1861; Holyhead English Circuit, 1859-1859; Newtown English Circuit, 1868-1870; Swansea English Circuit, 1859-1860; and Wrexham English Circuit, 1845-1847; chapel records, comprising miscellaneous leases, accounts, Sunday School registers, membership lists and other papers, for: Aberareon, Aberaman, Abercegor, Abercynon, Aberdare, Aberdaron, Aberdyfi, Aberystwyth, Ammanford, Bangor, Barmouth, Bedlinog, Birkenhead, Blaenau (Crickhowell), Blaenau Ffestiniog, Bont-goch, Brontecwyn, Bryneglwys, Caerau (Treorci circuit), Caernarfon, Caersws, Caerwys, Capel Dewi, Capel Ficer, Cardigan, Cefncoedycymmer, Cendl, Cilfynydd, Cilgwyn, Cnwch-coch, Coundon (Durham), Crickhowell, Cwmbrwyno, Cwmllinau, Dinas Mawddwy, Dowlais, Ebbw vale, Eglwys-bach; Eglyws-fach; Glaspwll; Gurnos; Hanley (Staffordshire); Hirwaun; Holyhead; Lampeter; Leeds; Liverpool (Shaw Street, Oakfield Road, Plimsoll Street, Spellow Lane, Bootle, Mynydd Seion, and Garston); Llanarmon-yn-Ial; Llandeilo; Llandybie; Llandysul (Lampeter circuit); Llanelli (Brecknockshire); Llanelli (Carmarthenhire); Llanerfyl; Llanfairfechan; Llanrwst; Llagynidr; Llawr-y-glyn; London (Wilson Street); Machynlleth; Manchester (Hardman Street and Gore Street); Manod; Merthyr Tydfil; Merthyr Vale; Mountain Ash; Mynydd Bach (Cardiganshire); Mynydd-bach (Carmarthenshire); Nant-y-glo; Neath Abbey; Nebo; Newcastle Emlyn; New Quay; Pembrey; Pennal; Pen-y-craig; Pontgadfan; Pontlotyn; Pont-rhyd-y-groes; Pontypridd; Porthaethwy (Menai Bridge); Pwllheli; Quakers Yard; Rhigos; Rhostryfan; Rhyd-y-foel; Ruthin; St David's; Senghennydd; Stockton-on-Tees; Swansea (Tontine Street and Alexandra Road); Tafarnau Bach; Talwrn; Tonypandy; Towyn (Tywyn); Tregaron; Treharris; Tre'r-ddôl; Widnes; Ynysybwl; Ystalyfera; and Ystumtuen, 1820-1976; Methodist Book-Room, Bangor, accounts, minutes and correspondence, 1824-1939; and copies of printed diaries, with entries, 1840-1908, and Methodist Pocket Book, with entries, 1812.

Welsh (Wesleyan) Methodist Connexion.

T. I. Ellis and Mari Ellis Papers

  • GB 0210 TIELLIS
  • Fonds
  • 1681, 1759-2015

Papers, 1681, 1759-2015, of T. I. Ellis, his wife Mari Ellis and their respective families.
The T. I. Ellis papers consist of correspondence, 1904-1970; personal papers, 1894-1970, including his diaries, 1943-1970; papers relating to his education and career, 1900-1947; financial papers, 1926-1967; papers relating to organisations including Aberystwyth Old Students' Association, the BBC, the Guild of Graduates of the University of Wales, the University of Wales and the Welsh Schoolboys Camp Movement, 1920-1979; papers of committees and commissions with which he was involved, 1932-1968; papers relating to ecclesiastical affairs, the Church in Wales and related bodies, 1909-1991; and correspondence, drafts and notes relating to his publications, 1877-1978.
The Mari Ellis papers, 1681, 1759-2015, include correspondence; diaries, 1930-2014; papers relating to her work in journalism and broadcasting, 1948-2004; and research papers, [?early 20 cent.]-[2008x2010].
Also included are papers relating to the Charles family of Carmarthen and the Davies family of Aberystwyth and Cwrtmawr, 1791-1920; and papers and correspondence relating to T. E. Ellis, 1870-1963, Mrs Annie J. Ellis (later Hughes-Griffiths), 1873-1942, the Rev. Peter Hughes-Griffiths, 1871-1940, J. H. Davies, 1883-1929, and the Headley family, [1890x1896]-[2000s].

Ellis, Mari, 1913-2015

Peterwell and Falcondale Estate Records

  • GB 210 PETELL
  • Fonds
  • 1696-1975

Records of the Peterwell and Falcondale estates of the Harford family, in Cardiganshire and Carmarthenshire, including Peterwell estate papers, 1696-1963, including deeds, accounts, surveys and valuations; Lampeter Town estate papers, 1868-1954, Tresaith estate papers, 1886-1975, Blaise Castle estate papers, 1834-1938; and manorial records relating to the borough of Lampeter, 1741-1848.

Harford family, of Falcondale and Peterwell

Papurau Gwynfor Evans/Gwynfor Evans Papers,

  • GB 0210 GWYNFOR
  • Fonds
  • 1929-2002 /

Llythyrau cyffredinol, 1939-2002, wedi eu cyfeirio at Gwynfor Evans, ynghyd â ffeiliau o lythyrau, 1940-1996, oddi wrth bedwar-ar-ddeg o unigolion blaenllaw a fu'n gohebu'n gyson â Gwynfor Evans; ffeiliau ar bynciau penodol, 1968-1983, ynghyd â ffeiliau cyffredinol ar bynciau amrywiol, 1971-1979; a ffeiliau amrywiol, 1929-1981; papurau personol amrywiol, 1938-2001, a phapurau amrywiol, [c. 1930-1998]./General letters, 1939-2002, addressed to Gwynfor Evans, together with files of letters, 1940-1996, from fourteen prominent individuals who corresponded regularly with Gwynfor Evans; files on specific subjects, 1968-1983, together with general files on miscellaneous subjects, 1971-1979; and various files, 1929-1981, miscellaneous personal papers, 1938-2001, and miscellanea, [c. 1930-1998].

Evans, Gwynfor

Mary Williams papers

  • GB 0210 MARAMS
  • Fonds
  • 1862-1974 (accumulated [1890]-1977)

Papers, lecture and research notes of and acquired by Mary Williams, relating to Middle French, Middle Welsh and medieval literature and Arthurian studies, 1907-1963; books collected by Mary Williams, 1897-1911; letters to Prof. Victor Spiers, 1898-1916; vouchers and receipts, 1924-1973; newspaper cuttings, 1911-1940; school books 1909-1916; papers relating to University College Swansea, 1921-1975, University of Wales Aberystwyth, 1924-1974, University of Durham, 1948-1952, and National Library of Wales, 1941-1974; correspondence, 1927-1976; and family papers, 1898-1944.

Williams, Mary, 1882-1977

Papurau D. J. Williams (Bethesda),

  • GB 0210 DJWIAMS
  • fonds
  • 1834-1951 (crynhowyd [1890]-1951) /

Papurau David James Williams (Bethesda), 1834-1951, yn cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud â hanes Coleg Bala-Bangor a gohebiaeth, 1891-1940; nodiadau'n ymwneud â chapeli'r Annibynwyr ym Methesda, 1933, a deunydd yn ymwneud ag Ysgol Sir Bethesda, 1893-1912 = Papers of David James Williams (Bethesda), 1834-1951, including material relating to the history of Bala-Bangor College and correspondence, 1891-1940; notes relating to Congregationalist chapels in Bethesda, 1933; and material relating to Bethesda County School, 1893-1912.

Williams, D. J. (David James), 1870-1951.

Results 21 to 40 of 14986