Record of a process in the chancery of Gower, whereby Robert de Yenres and Burga his wife brought their writ of agreement against William de La Lake, chaplain, concerning the manor of Oxenewych’, viz.: 1. A precipe by Elizabeth de Burgo, Lady of the Honour of Clare and of Gower, to her steward of Gower, to cause Wm. de La Lake to carry out his agreement with the said Robert and Burga concerning the manor and advowson of Oxenewych’. [Latin]. Dated at Swansea, 14th May, 16 Edw. [II] [1323]. 2. The concord between the parties, settling the said manor and advowson upon the said Robert and Burga, and their issue, with successive remainders to Richard de Penres, John de l’enres, brothers, Alice de Langeton’, sister, and Robert, son of Wm. de La Mare, Sibilla and Isabella, sisters of the said Alice, in tail male, with reversion to the heirs of the said Robert. Dated at Pennard, 30th May, same year. 3. A precipe by the said Elizabeth to the said steward to cause the same William to carry out his agreement with the same Robert and Burga concerning m’s, lands, mills, etc., in Landimor and Lanridyan. Dated at Swansea, same day and year as No. 1. 4. The concord between the parties, with extent of the various holdings by tenants for life, settled in a similar manner with omission of the said Isabella. Dated at Pennard, same day and year as No. 2. Under seal of the chancery of the said Elizabeth de Burgo, John Frelond, steward of the chancery, David de La Beare,......... de Penebrugge, Philip Scorlag, Adam de la Beare, Robert Manxel, John de Langeton’, John Selewold, Thomas Sloger, Thomas de Landewy, William de La Mare de Langenyth, John de La Mare his brother, William de [Help]eston’. [Latin]. Only one seal remains, red wax (18mm). A shield of arms, three bars. * IE . SV . SEL . DE . AMOVR . LEL .