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Skreen and Velin Newydd Deeds,

  • GB 0210 SKEYDD
  • Fonds
  • 1361-1874 (predominantly 1513-1809) /

Deeds, estate correspondence and legal papers, 1361-1874, relating to the Skreen and Velin Newydd estates, in Radnorshire, Breconshire, and, to a lesser extent, in Monmouthshire, 1361-1874.

Williams family, of Velinnewydd, Breconshire

Cilybebyll Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 CILYBYLL
  • Fonds
  • 1399-1854 /

Deeds and other papers, 1614-1775, mainly relating to the Herbert family of Cilybebyll, Glamorgan (Ethel Lloyd Deeds); estate and family deeds and a few other papers, [c.1466]-[c.1841], relating to the Griffith family of Cilybebyll, [c.1572]-1614, the Herbert family of Cilybebyll, [c.1617]-1740, the Turberville family of Ewenny and Cilybebyll, [c.1740]-[c.1794], and the Lloyd family of Cilybebyll, 1813 (Cilybebyll Deeds (Group I); estate and family deeds and papers, 1523-1854, relating to the Griffith family of Cilybebyll, [c.1557]-1615, the Herbert family of Cilybebyll and elsewhere, [c.1606]-^[ITc.1754], the Turberville family of Ewenny and Cilybebyll, [c.1747]-[c.1796], the Lloyd family of Cilybebyll, [c.1789]-[c.1815], the Bassett family of Cilybebyll, [c.1817-c.1825], and the Leach family of Milford and Cilybebyll, [c.1831]-[c.1848] (Cilybebyll Deeds (Group II). -- The 1962 group which remains uncatalogued comprises deeds and documents, 1847-1883, consisting largely of leases of building ground formerly part of Clynibidy farm, Llangiwg, Glamorgan.

Lloyd family, of Cilybebyll

Smallwood Collection of Deeds and Papers,

  • Fonds
  • 1317-1943 (accumulated [late 19th cent.]-1943) /

Papers of R. H. G. Smallwood, together with deeds and documents collected by him, 1317-1943, mainly relating to the Wrexham area and mainly 17th-19th cent., comprising deeds and other papers, 1317-1890, concerning various families and properties in Wales, England and Jamaica; Smallwood's notebooks, files, indexes, etc., on genealogy, especially of the Smallwood family, and local history, freemasonry, numismatics and archaeology; material relating to shorthand, including volumes written in shorthand, [17th cent.]-[18th cent.], catalogues, letters, and material relating to Welsh, American, German, Austrian, Italian, French and English shorthand systems; and various letters, bills, receipts and memoranda [late 18th cent.]-[early 19th cent.).

Smallwood, R. H. G. (Robert Henry Gough), 1864-1943.

Gwyn Jones Papers,

  • Fonds
  • 1921-1992 /

The literary and academic papers, 1921-1992, of Prof. Gwyn Jones, comprising correspondence, 1936-1991; manuscripts and typescript drafts of his literary works, 1939-1992, including poetry and prose; translations of the Mabinogion and Icelandic sagas, 1921-1991; the history of Scandinavia, 1961-1988; his work as editor of various publications such as The Welsh Review, Welsh Short Stories and the Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English, 1935-1977; papers relating to the establishment of a national theatre for Wales, 1962-1977; articles, lectures and broadcasts on various topics, 1942-1992; together with some personal papers and publications of other authors.

Jones, Gwyn, 1907-1999

League of Nations Union and United Nations Association Records,

  • GB 0210 LEANAT
  • Fonds
  • 1922-1959 /

The collection comprises volumes of primary records, 1922-1950, (including executive committee minutes, north Wales committee minutes, finance committee minutes, cash books, ledgers, campaign committee minutes, general purposes committee minutes); the records of the Welsh National Council of the League of Nations Union, 1920-1945; minutes of the committees of the League of Nations Union, 1925-1939; minutes of the sub-committees of the League of Nations Union, 1927-1942. Secondary records of the League of Nations Union: general meetings, 1928-1938; national meetings, 1928-1937; conferences, 1922-1937; committees, 1922-1938; financial records, 1925-1938; educational records, 1922-1946; publications, 1923-1932; publicity, 1929-1947; personal files, 1922-1939; enquiries, 1922-1938; formation of branches, 1923-1938; reports, 1924-1938; London headquarters, 1923-1938; general files, 1922-1951. Branch files, 1922-1940; weekly returns relating to membership etc., 1922-1934; membership, county files etc., 1930-1938; Headway notes, correspondence, press cuttings etc., 1922-1938; League of Nations Union miscellaneous papers, 1923-1939. United Nations Association general files, 1943-1954; United Nations Association committees, 1943-1965; United Nations Association sub-committees, 1947-1952; UNA finance, 1940-1961; UNA membership, 1946-1964; UNA accounts, 1951-1960; UNA 'Files from a series designated letter/number', 1961-1967; UNA branches, 1943-1950; League of Nations Union/UNA meetings, 1944-1964; Temple, 1939-1957; personal files, 1943-1950s; educational themes, 1944-1950; Newsletters, 1961; UNA conferences, 1962-1967; UNA campaigns, 1964-1966; Youth against Humger/Council for Education in World Citizenship Competitions, 1965-1967. Goodwill message: replies to children's wireless message (CWM), 1925-1929; replies to CWM, 1930-1938; CWM related material, 1935-1938; material relating to World Children's Message up to 1939, arranged by countries, 1927-1938; replies to CWM, 1939, arranged by countries; CWM lists of replies, 1928-1939; WCM, copies of replies, correspondence etc., 1938-1959.

League of Nations Union

Lleweni Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 LLEWENI
  • Fonds
  • [late 13th cent.]-1769 /

Records of the Lleweni estate, Denbighshire, and papers of the Salusbury family of Llewenni, consisting mainly of letters, deeds and other legal documents. The letters are mainly to or from members of the Salusbury family, 1546-1645, the greater number belonging to the last fifteen years of that period, and relating to Sir Thomas Salusbury, the second baronet. The letters are mainly family correspondence and business letters from estate agents, lawyers, and servants of the household. A few are in the nature of news-letters, particularly those written by James Lloyd, [c. 1640], when relations between Charles I and his Parliament were becoming strained. The deeds and legal documents, 1357-1800, relate to the Llewenni estate in Anglesey, Caernarfonshire, Denbighshire and Flintshire.

Salusbury family, of Lleweni and Bachygraig

Cwmgwili Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 CWMGWILI
  • Fonds
  • 1576-1947 /

Title deeds, of the Cwmgwili estate, Carmarthenshire, 1576-1936, owned by the Philipps family of Abergwili, and of the Cilbronnau estate, Cardiganshire, owned by the Jenkins family of Llangoedmor in the same county, 1739-1947; domestic and personal vouchers and accounts, 1909-[early 20 cent.], and deeds, letters and plans, 1892-1900, relating to the negotiations for the purchase by the corporation of Carmarthen of land in the parish of Newchurch, Carmarthenshire, required for the corporation's water supply.

Philipps family, of Cwmgwili

Archifau Pwyllgor Datblygu Addysg Gymraeg,

  • GB 0210 PDAG
  • fonds
  • 1987-1997 /

Cofnodion Pwyllgor Datblygu Addysg Gymraeg, PDAG, 1985-1994, yn cynnwys cofnodion cyfarfodydd, gohebiaeth, adroddiadau a deunydd ymchwil, gyda phapurau sydd yn ymwneud gan fwyaf â'r sector addysg yng Nghymru (ysgolion, prifysgolion a cholegau, ac addysg i oedolion) ac â chyrff megis y Swyddfa Gymreig, Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg, Cyngor Cwricwlwm Cymru, Cydbwyllgor Addysg Cymru, Rhieni dros addysg Gymraeg, ac amryw gynghorau sir yng Nghymru = Records of the Welsh Education Development Committee (Pwyllgor Datblygu Addysg Gymraeg, PDAG), 1985-1994, including minutes of meetings, correspondence, reports and research material, with papers mostly relating to the Welsh education sector (schools, universities and colleges, and adult learning) and to bodies such as the Welsh Office, the Welsh Language Board, Curriculum Council for Wales, the Welsh Joint Education Committee, Parents for Welsh medium education, and to various county councils in Wales.

Pwyllgor Datblygu Addysg Gymraeg.

Harold Jones Correspondence,

  • GB 0210 HARNES
  • Fonds
  • 1965-1974 /

Papers relating to Harold Jones's efforts as an individual and as a member of the Plaid Cymru Trade Union Group to secure the establishment of a Wales T.U.C., 1965-1974, comprising mainly correspondence, 1965-1974, pamphlets, 1968-1974, and newspaper cuttings, 1965-1974.

Jones, Harold, union administrator.

Derwydd Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 DERWYDD
  • Fonds
  • 1525-1870, 1904 /

Title deeds, 1525-1907, of the Derwydd estate, mainly in Carmarthenshire, and of the families of Vaughan of Golden Grove and Llanelli, Bevan of Laugharne (including Madam Bridget Bevan, 1698-1779), Stepney of Llanelli, and Stepney-Gulston of Derwydd. There are no personal or family papers in the archive.

Stepney-Gulston family, of Derwydd

Papurau Gwenith Gwyn,

  • GB 0210 GWENITH
  • fonds
  • 1750-1947 (crynhowyd [diwedd y 19eg ganrif]-1947) /

Papurau o eiddo, ac yn ymwneud â William Rhys Jones ('Gwenith Gwyn'), 1750-1947, y cyfan bron yn ei law ei hun, yn cynnwys: nodiadau ar hanes lleol yng Nghymru, enwau lleoedd, llên gwerin, a hynafiaethau (yn cynnwys cryn deunydd, ar ffurf nodiadau, traethodau, anerchiadau, adysgrifiadau, a thorion o'r wasg, ar gymeriadau, traddodiadau, a chymdeithasau hanesyddol, llenyddol a diwydiannol Dyffryn Ceiriog, Morgannwg, Maldwyn, Ceredigion ac Arfon); deunydd crefyddol (pregethau a nodiadau pregethau, traethodau ac anerchiadau ar yr Eglwys Gristnogol ac ar wahanol agweddau ar ei gweinidogaeth; papurau'n delio ag enwad y Bedyddwyr yng Nghymru, yn enwedig ym Morgannwg; nodiadau ar destunau Beiblaidd; nodiadau, anerchiadau coffa, a deunydd bywgraffiadol ar amrywiol gymeriadau crefyddol, Cymry yn bennaf; a geiriadur o dermau Beiblaidd a ddefnyddiwyd yng nghapeli Anghydffurfiol Cymru); cyfansoddiadau llenyddol (yn cynnwys barddoniaeth, storiâu byrion, nofelau, a dramâu, mewn drafft ac yn orffenedig; a darlithoedd, nodiadau a thraethodau ar bynciau llenyddol, hanesyddol, gwleidyddol, a chymdeithasegol); nodiadau ar anthropoleg, ethnoleg, pensaernïaeth a daeareg, yn cynnwys geiriadur Cymraeg-Saesneg o dermau daearegol; y diwydiant llechi yng Nghymru; deunydd ar ramadeg a statws gwleidyddol yr iaith Gymraeg; nodiadau ar wahanol ieithoedd estron a thafodieithoedd, yn cynnwys iaith y Beibl; deunydd bywgraffyddol yn ymwneud â Gwenith Gwyn a'i wraig, 1885-1937; catalog o lyfrau yn ei lyfrgell; torion o'r wasg,1922-1928; a llyfrau lloffion, yn ogystal ag erthygl papur newydd amdano gan y Parch. W. J. Rhys, Abertawe,1947); ei gopïau o weithiau printiedig, 1750-[20fed ganrif]; a deunydd, printiedig neu fel arall, a ysgrifennwyd gan bobl heblaw Gwenith Gwyn = Papers of and relating to William Rhys Jones ('Gwenith Gwyn'), 1750-1947, nearly all of which are in his own hand, comprising: notes on Welsh local history, place-names, folk culture, and antiquities (including considerable material, in the form of notes, essays, addresses, transcripts, and press cuttings, on the personalities, traditions, and historical, literary and industrial associations of Dyffryn Ceiriog, Glamorgan, Maldwyn, Ceredigion and Arfon); religious material (sermons and sermon notes, essays and addresses on the Christian Church and on various aspects of its ministry; papers dealing with the Baptist denomination in Wales, particularly in Glamorgan; notes on Biblical texts; notes, in memoriam addresses, and biographical material on various religious personalities, mainly Welsh; and a dictionary of Biblical terms used in Nonconformist chapels in Wales); literary compositions (comprising poetry, short stories, novels, and plays, in both draft and final form; and lectures, notes, and essays on literary, historical, political, and sociological topics); notes on anthropology, ethnology, architecture and geology, including an English-Welsh dictionary of geological terms; the Welsh quarrying industry; material on the grammar and political status of the Welsh language; notes on various foreign languages and dialects, including Biblical tongues; biographical material relating to both Gwenith Gwyn and his wife (including bills and receipts; diaries for 1923, 1936, and 1937; letters received, 1885-1937; a catalogue of books in his library; press cuttings, 1922-1928; and scrap-books, as well as a newspaper article about him by Rev. W. J. Rhys, Swansea, 1947); his copies of printed works, 1750-[20th cent.]; and material, printed or otherwise, written by persons other than Gwenith Gwyn.

Casgliad bychan o bapurau ychwanegol gan gynnwys llyfrau nodiadau. Nid yw'r rhain wedi eu catalogio eto.

Jones, William Rhys, 1868-1937

NLW Microfilms,

  • GB 0210 NLWMFLMS
  • Fonds
  • 1950x2000.

The nucleus of the collection of NLW Microfilms is microfilm of manuscripts in Welsh and of Welsh interest in other major libraries: the British Library; Jesus College and the Bodleian Library, Oxford; Cambridge University libraries; the Hereford Cathedral manuscripts; Welsh material from the Public Record Office, now the TNA; the Bangor MSS; and some from other record offices in the United Kingdom, and overseas libraries and archive repositories. The Cardiff manuscripts (over 4,000 in number) are listed in a separate catalogue (Cardiff MSS on Microfilm). Commercially produced microfilms and microfiche are also not included in this catalogue.

Cliff (Clifford) McLucas Archive,

  • GB 0210 CLFMCL
  • Fonds
  • [1945]-[2002] /

Papers and art work of Clifford McLucas, including correspondence and papers relating to performance work created by him; his installation work and projects; proposals, reports and articles prepared by him for a number of bodies and organisations; his graphic design and art work, including examples of art work; papers relating to the architectural aspects of his work; and papers relating to the deep mapping work and projects carried out by him; together with papers relating to his general research interests, and to his professional and personal life in general.

McLucas, Clifford.

Hafodgaregog and Trefan Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 HAFFAN
  • Fonds
  • 1448-1841 /

Deeds, 1448-1841, including wills and marriage settlements; legal papers, [c. 1570]-1756; and accounts, 1731-1744, of the Hafodgaregog and Trefan estates mainly lying in Caernarfonshire and Merionethshire, together with the correspondence of Maurice Williams of Hafodgaregog, 1620-1666.

Priestley family, of Trefan

Ormathwaite Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 ORMITE
  • Fonds
  • 1558-1951 /

Estate and family records of the family of Walsh (also Benn, Benn-Walsh), later barons Ormathwaite, of Radnorshire, including rentals and surveys, 1865-1939; deeds relating to premises purchased in Radnorshire, 1558-1912, and deeds relating to mortgages and sales of parts of the same estate, 1875-1947; estate papers, 1844-1943; family papers, [late 1690s]-1920, including diaries of Sir John Benn Walsh, 1st Baron Ormathwaite (1798-1881), politician, 1811-1877, diaries of his mother, Lady Margaret Walsh, 1788-1828, and diaries of Arthur John Walsh, 2nd Baron Ormathwaite, 1848-1917. -- The BRA deposit relates mainly to the marriage settlement, mortgages, bankruptcy, receivership and executorship of Arthur Henry John Walsh (1859-1937), 3rd Baron Ormathwaite, 1841-1951.

A further three boxes of papers relating to the family was received, together with a portrait of Jane Walsh and a collection of photographs. This deposit remains uncatalogued.

Walsh family, Barons Ormathwaite

Grace Williams Music Manuscripts,

  • GB 0210 GRAAMS
  • Fonds
  • 1826-1997 (mainly 1928-1970) /

Musical manuscripts of the composer Grace Williams, [1928]-1992, including orchestral scores of her works, [1932]-1973, concertos for solo instruments and orchestra, 1950-1973; scripts and scores for narrator and orchestra, 1946-1963; incidental and chamber music scores, [1930s]-1970; choral music scores [1928]-1975; film and incidental music, 1948-1970; personal and miscellaneous papers, 1826-1936; and poetry by Vivien Cutting, 1947-[1967]; note on the papers, by A. J. Heward Rees, 1997.

Williams, Grace, 1906-1977

A.J. Williams Papers,

  • GB 0210 AJOHIAMS
  • Fonds
  • 1767-1951 (accumulated 1901 x 1951) /

Papers of Arthur John Williams, 1881-1943, including political papers comprising letters, 1868-1911; papers relating to legal, electoral and land reforms, 1867-1911; papers relating to his parliamentary elections in Birkenhead and Glamorgan, 1880-1895; papers relating to South Glamorgan politics, 1886-1924; material concerning the National Liberal Club, 1883-1951; diaries, 1864-1911; diaries of Rose Harriette Thompson Crawshay 1868-1943; and family and financial papers, 1767-1943.

Williams, Arthur John, 1833-1911.

Leo Abse Papers,

  • GB 0210 LEOABSE
  • Fonds
  • 1961-1996 /

General and parliamentary correspondence, 1961-1987; constituency correspondence, 1970-1987, files relating to constituency affairs, 1947-1987; files relating to the following: Welsh affairs, 1985-1987, including transport, 1959-1973; health service, 1960-1978; Welsh language and nationalism, 1966-1979; devolution, 1970-1979; Select Committee for Welsh Affairs, 1975-1985; the Labour Party, 1964-1987, mainly annual conferences and general elections; industrial affairs, 1958-1985, penal reform, 1961-1987, children, 1968-1987, abortion, 1969-1979, nuclear energy, 1977-1987, genetic engineering, [c. 1977] - 1985; and personal papers, mainly letters, [1930s]-1946, and articles, notes and diaries, [1930s]-[1980s]. A further consignment of papers were received. These remain uncatalogued.

Abse, Leo

Cilciffeth Estate Records,

  • Fonds
  • 1488-1926 /

Records of the estates of the families of Thomas of Posty and Cilciffeth, Gwynne of Cilciffeth and Court, and Mortimer of Trehowel and Penysgwarn, all in Pembrokeshire, 1488-1926, together with some mid-18 cent. legal papers relating to the practice of William Thomas, solicitor, of Cilciffeth.

Gwynne family, of Cilciffeth and Court, Pembrokeshire

Caerhun Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 CAERHUN
  • Fonds
  • 1446-1934 /

The archive comprises entirely of deeds and documents, 1446-1934, relating to the Caerhun estate in Anglesey, Caernarfonshire, Denbighshire, and associated estates of Downing, Flintshire, and Llechwedd Garth in Montgomeryshire.

Gough family, of Caerhun

Results 41 to 60 of 14986