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Welsh Church Commission Papers,

  • Fonds
  • 1283-1960 [accumulated 1914-1960] /

Papers of, and acquired by, the Welsh Church Commission, 1283-1960, including records of the Commission, 1914-1960; records relating to border parishes, 1914-1915; accounts, 1920-1958; papers relating to Sir Alfred Watson, 1916-1941; records concerning compensation to lay holders of freehold offices, 1915-1931; records relating to burial grounds, 1934-1947; records relating to the destination of records, 1914-1960; records relating to parish lands, 1844-1946; manorial records and court books, 1842-1925; transfer of documents, 1822-1947; deeds of properties, 1566-1929; and rentals and surveys, 1919-1947.

Welsh Church Commission.

Papurau Alwyn D. Rees,

  • GB 0210 ADREES
  • fonds
  • [c. 1930]-1974 /

Papurau'r cymdeithasegydd Alwyn D. Rees, 1911-1974, yn cynnwys papurau'n ymwneud â Phrifysgol Cymru, yn bennaf â Choleg Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth, 1920au-1974, gan gynnwys papurau'n ymwneud â'r comisiwn a sefydlwyd i archwilio strwythur ffederal Prifysgol Cymru yn y 1960au; papurau ynglŷn â lle'r Gymraeg yn y Brifysgol a'r ymgyrch i sefydlu neuadd Gymraeg i fyfyrwyr yn Aberystwyth,1967-1974; papurau'n ymwneud â llyfrau, erthyglau a darlithoedd Alwyn D. Rees, 1933-1973, a Chymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, [c.1964]-1974; papurau'n ymwneud â Barn, 1966-1967; papurau'n ymwneud â darlledu yng Nghymru, 1938-1974; papurau'n ymwneud â'r diwydiant llechi yng Nghymru,1946; papurau'n ymwneud â gwleidyddiaeth yng Nghymru, 1911-1974; gohebiaeth gyffredinol, 1935-1974; a phapurau a gohebiaeth bersonol , 1930-1974 = Papers of the sociologist Alwyn D. Rees, 1911-1974, including papers relating to the University of Wales, mainly the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1930s-1974, including papers relating to the commission established to examine the federal structure of the University of Wales in the 1960s; papers concerning the place of the Welsh language in the University and the campaign to establish a Welsh student hostel at Aberystwyth, 1967-1974; papers relating to the University of Malta, 1940-1951; Alwyn D. Rees's research papers, 1933-1973; papers relating to Alwyn D. Rees's books, articles and lectures, and further related research papers assembled by him, 1925-1974; papers relating to the Welsh language, 1952-1974, and 'Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg', [c. 1964]-1974; papers relating to 'Barn', 1966-1975; papers relating to broadcasting in Wales, 1938-1974; papers relating to the Welsh slate industry, 1946; papers relating to politics in Wales, 1911-1974; general correspondence, 1935-1974; and personal papers and correspondence, 1930-1974.

Rees, Alwyn D.

Brith Gof Archive,

  • GB 0210 BRIGOF
  • Fonds
  • [1974]-[2007] /

Papers of Brith Gof, including correspondence, papers and photographs relating to the company’s site specific and theatre productions, projects, and television productions; together with administrative papers relating to company productions and company business and information papers; and general papers relating to the company and its work, site specific theatre and theatre in Wales. A further consignment of 8 crates Brith Gof's administrative papers were received from Mike Pearson, November 2012. This group remains uncatalogued.

Brith Gof (Theatre company)

National Savings Movement (Wales) Records,

  • GB 0210 NATSAV
  • Fonds
  • 1919-1978 /

Records of the National Savings Movement in Wales, 1919-1978, including the following : files containing minutes, correspondence and memoranda of local savings committees in Wales, 1942-78; minute books of local savings committees in Wales, 1938-78; reports of proceedings of annual conferences, National Savings committees, National Savings assemblies, and commissioners' reports for North and South Wales, 1919-77; correspondence and memoranda relating to the Wales Publicity Committee, 1948-77; files relating to special campaigns and anniversaries, 1940-77; files of accounts closed or dissolved, 1966-76; files of press cuttings relating to the movement, 1946-76; miscellaneous items, 1924-77, comprising mainly copies of the journal Savings, 1924-39, the movement's News Letter, 1945-76, and the Weekly Campaign Circular, 1943-8.

National Savings Movement.

F.C. Carter Collection of Deeds,

  • GB 0210 FCCARTER
  • Fonds
  • [early 14th century]-1820 (accumulated [early 20th century]) /

Deeds and other documents, [early 14th cent.]-1820, relating to properties in Wales and England; and other material, including miscellaneous wills and a remembrance roll for Monmouthshire Assizes, 1586.

Carter, F. C.

Dr Noelle Davies Papers,

  • GB 0210 NOEIES
  • Fonds
  • 1934-1957 /

Papers, correspondence and press cuttings relating to Ireland, 1926-1978; Plaid Cymru, 1929-1965; Welsh political, economic and social affairs, 1931-1962; Pantybeiliau Folk School, 1933-1938; world economics, socialism and communism, 1934-1951; and Brittany, 1946; and personal papers, including correspondence, 1924-1978, diaries, 1921-1979, and academic papers, 1922-1946.

Davies, Noëlle, 1899-1983

Llawysgrifau Canolfan Llenyddiaeth Plant Cymru,

  • GB 0210 CANCYMRU
  • fonds
  • [c. 1953]-[c. 1975] (crynhowyd 1979-1990) /

Copiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif o lyfrau plant gan Dafydd Parri, Mary Vaughan Jones, J. Selwyn Lloyd, R. Lloyd Jones, Irma Chilton, Gweneth Lilly a nifer o awduron eraill a gasglwyd gan Ganolfan Llenyddiaeth Plant Cymru, [c. 1953]-[c. 1975] = Manuscripts and typescripts of children's books by Dafydd Parri, Mary Vaughan Jones, J. Selwyn Lloyd, R. Lloyd Jones, Irma Chilton, Gweneth Lilly and many others collected by Canolfan Llenyddiaeth Plant Cymru, [c. 1953]-[c.1975].

Llawysgrifau ychwanegol gan gynnwys llyfr lloffion yn eiddo i Jennie Thomas, un o gyd-awduron 'Llyfr Mawr y Plant', yn cynnwys toriadau o'r wasg yn ymwneud a chyhoeddi'r llyfr; nodiadau a theipysgrif yn llaw Mary Vaughan Jones ar 'Llyfr Bach Culhwch'; llawysgrif yn llaw Mary Vaughan Jones o 'Llyfr Mawr Culhwch' a chyfieithiad yn ei llaw o 'Dan Hwyaden', a llythyron oddi wrthi hi at wahanol bobl. Nid yw'r papurau hyn wedi eu catalogio eto (Awst 2011).

Welsh National Centre for Children's Literature.

Co-operative Society (Western Section) Annual Returns,

  • GB 0210 COOPSOC
  • Fonds
  • 1937-1967.

Annual returns, 1937-1967, sent by local Co-operative Societies in South Wales and the border counties (Western Section) to the movement's headquarters, Co-operative Union Ltd, Manchester. The returns give details of land owned by each local society, profits made, the numbers of employees and members, particulars of trading, investments, liabilities and assets, and commercial operations undertaken during the course of the year. In several cases copies of annual Reports and Balance Sheets and other papers are appended to the returns. The returns were accompanied by a box list which has been used as the basis for the present list.


L. Eirlys Williams Papers,

  • GB 0210 LERAMS
  • Fonds
  • 1905-1978 (accumulated [1949]-1978) /

Papers of Mrs L. Eirlys Williams, 1905-1978, relating to her work for the Baptist Union of Wales and other Baptist causes, including letters to the Rev. and Mrs E. J. Williams [L. Eirlys Williams], 1949-1964; letters from various correspondents addressed to Mrs M. Christy Davies, secretary of the Welsh Baptist Ministers' and Missionaries' Wives Prayer Union, 1950-1953; Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland papers and printed material, 1930-1978; Baptist Union of Wales papers and printed material, including copies of The Inset, 1941-1978; and Baptist Missionary Society papers and printed material, 1905-1974, including English and Welsh copies of Prayer Partners, 1933-1974.

Williams, L. Eirlys.

Drama Association of Wales Drama Collection,

  • GB 0210 DAWCDDC
  • Fonds
  • [1934x2014].

The playscripts, [1934x2014], comprise translations of plays into Welsh by Emyr Edwards and others which were presented by him to Drama Association Wales in 2005 and English medium plays written by Welsh playwrights or with Welsh connections. = Mae’r sgriptiau, [1934x2014], yn cynnwys cyfieithiadau i’r Gymraeg gan Emyr Edwards ac eraill a gyflwynwyd ganddo i Gymdeithas Ddrama Cymru yn 2005 a dramâu cyfrwng Saesneg gan awduron Cymreig neu â chysylltiadau Cymreig.

Drama Association of Wales.

Western Sea Fisheries Records,

  • GB 0210 WESTFISH
  • Fonds
  • 1891-1938 /

Papers, 1891-1938, relating to the work and administration of the Western Sea Fisheries and the Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries, comprising files of correspondence relating to individual fisheries, 1896-1914; reports of Fishery Officers, annual reports and printed material, 1892-1938; correspondence relating to Committee personnel, 1892-1923; bye-laws and certificates, 1892-1899; Committee papers, 1891-1913; financial papers, 1893-1923; papers of James Travis Jenkins on Fishery Schools, the Sardine Case of 1912, and a bibliography of whaling [20th century].

Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries Joint Committee.

Hubert Davies Music Manuscripts,

  • GB 0210 HUBIES
  • Fonds
  • 1918-1964 /

Holograph manuscript music for Welsh and English vocal works, [?1950s]-1964; songs, 1918-[?1963]; orchestral works, 1939-[c. 1943]; works for wind and strings, [1930s]-1962; works for strings, including quartets, [?1920s]-[?1946]; pianoforte quintets, quartets and trios, [1920s]-1944; works for violin and pianoforte, 1920-1949; and miscellaneous works, [c. 1920]-1958.

Davies, Hubert (William Hubert), 1893-1965

Douglas B. Hague Research Papers,

  • GB 0210 DOUGUE
  • Fonds
  • 1960-1988 /

Research papers of Douglas B. Hague, including general correspondence relating to research work on lighthouses, 1960-1988; typescript drafts, correspondence, 1967-1975, and notes relating to the publication of Lighthouses: their Architecture, History and Archaeology; notes relating to the publication of Lighthouses of Wales; and miscellaneous papers, 1965-1987.

Hague, Douglas Bland

Hardy and Page (record agents) reports and transcripts,

  • GB 0210 HARDPAGE
  • Fonds
  • 1868-1937 /

Reports on, together with transcripts and translations, 1868-1937, of records held mainly at the old Public Record Office, now The National Archives (TNA), prepared by Messrs Hardy and Page, record agents, Lincoln's Inn, London, together with relevant legal papers, some drawn up by James G. Wood (1843-1928). The searches were undertaken at the request of solicitors, and used as evidence in legal disputes, often relating to manorial lands throughout Wales, including foreshore rights, mineral rights, and fishery rights.

Wood, James G. (James George), 1843-1928

Denis Balsom (Welsh Opinion Polls) Papers,

  • GB 0210 BALSOM
  • Fonds
  • 1979-2004.

Papers of Denis Balsom, 1979-2004, comprising opinion polls and surveys relating to Welsh politics, culture and society. The collection includes pre-election opinion polls, 1979-2004, concerning voting intentions across Wales and public opinion of devolution; constituency polls, 1987-2003, carried out to assess voting intentions on a regional level; surveys on the Welsh language and culture, 1979-1995; surveys relating to social issues in Wales, 1989-1995; and television image surveys, 1979-1996.

Balsom, Denis.

Archif Y Lolfa,

  • GB 0210 LOLFA
  • fonds
  • 1964-2000 /

Gohebiaeth yn ymwneud â gwaith dydd i ddydd Y Lolfa yn trafod cynigion am gyhoeddiadau, y broses gyhoeddi ei hun, offer argraffu'r Lolfa, staff, grantiau Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru a materion yn codi o gyhoeddiadau'r Lolfa. Ymhlith y gohebwyr mae artistiaid, awduron, gwleidyddion a ffigyrau blaenllaw Cymru, ac yn aml yn y llythyrau cymysgir trafodaethau busnes a materion cyfoes, hynt yr iaith Gymraeg, yr angen am gyhoeddiadau Cymraeg a Chymreig, a naws wleidyddol Cymru. = Correspondence relating to the daily work of the publishing firm Y Lolfa including offers of publications, the publishing process, publishing equipment, staff, Welsh Books Council grants and matters arising from Lolfa publications. The correspondents include artists, authors, politicians and prominent figures in Wales, and the letters often contain a mixture of business discussions and current affairs, news concerning the Welsh language, the need for publications in Welsh and about Wales, and politics in Wales.

Papurau ychwanegol o'r Lolfa yn cynnwys papurau yn ymwneud a 'Y Byd' a 'Cymuned'.

Lolfa (Firm)

Golden Valley Railway (Hay Extension) Papers,

  • GB 0210 GOLWAY
  • Fonds
  • 1875-1883 /

Papers relating mainly to the passing of a Bill to authorise the Golden Valley Railway Company to extend its railway to Hay, 1875-1883, including legal papers, 1875-1877; financial papers, 1876-1883; and miscellaneous papers, 1876-1883.

Golden Valley Railway Company.

Cardiganshire Lead Mines Records,

  • Fonds
  • 1847-1937 /

Miscellaneous papers and plans relating to lead mining companies, Cardiganshire, 1847-1937, acquired by the British Geological Survey.

Cardiganshire Lead Mining Companies.

Cymric Federation Press Papers,

  • GB 0210 CYMRIC
  • Fonds
  • 1950-1986 /

Printers' files and related papers relating to divisional Labour Party general and local government election pamphlets, posters and addresses, 1950-1986; Cardiff May Day Rally, 1964-1965; Cardiff ward branches, 1961-1986; the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, 1973-1986; and Brynlliw Lodge and the National Union of Mineworkers (South Wales Area), 1953-1984.

Cymric Federation Press.

Welsh clergy papers,

  • Fonds
  • 1693-[1899].

A collection of seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century manuscripts containing sermons and correspondence of Welsh clergymen, who include Lewis Evans of Llanfihangel-y-Creuddyn and Llanfihangel Genau'r-glyn, David Price of Merthyr Cynog and Robert Pughe of Dolgellau.

Results 1 to 20 of 103