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Aberystwyth University Archives
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253 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Record book,

Book containing: (a) List of Cadets who obtained Certificates A and B, 1908-1914; (b) Officers of the Contingent, 1901-1925; (c) Roll of Honour, 1914-1919: former members of Volunteer Company, S.W.B. or of O.T.C. and other members of college who died in First World War (95 names); (d) List of Decorations awarded to members of UCW in First World War: D.S.O., O.B.E., Croix de France, Belgian Croix de Guerre, M.C., and mentions in despatches; (e) Roll of Service, 1904-1917.


The group contains general university correspondence; the university calendar, handbook and rules; building plans and maintenance records; prospectuses; financial papers; material concerning the history of the college, along with papers relating to student welfare; examinations; graduation ceremonies; college finance, grants and scholarships; relations with government departments and other higher education institutions across the world; special occasions within the college; halls of residence; marketing; staffing, and industrial relations.

Photographic Series,

This sub-fonds contains photographs collected by the University, mainly of special events; student societies; sports teams; staff; students; events within faculties and departments; halls of residence, and other university buildings.


This series contains photographs of military training near Aberystwyth, the Officers Training Corps (or O.T.C), military displays/parades and men in military uniform.

Results 1 to 20 of 282