The collection consists almost entirely of correspondence predominately relating to Ifor L. Evans detainment in Germany during the Great War (1914-1918); letters and postcards between Ifor, his parents (Mr W. J. Evans and Mrs M. Evans) and grandmother; letters between Ifor, friends and others; correspondence between Ifor's parents and a range of individuals, mostly with regard to Ifor's situation; a series of letters to Mrs M. Evans from Mary Harold of Brae-Maray, Maeduff. The only material which is not correspondence is a loose selection of newspaper cuttings containing articles on German prisoners of war, as well as a few odds and ends (see series ILE/5 Miscellaneous for more details).
Letters and postcards sent by Ifor back home to his parents (with a single card to his grandmother) during his cycling trip through Germany in 1914. Everything in this series was written and sent prior to Ifor's arrest on 07 August and imprisonment in Nuremberg.
He is glad to hear of his father's engagement in Carmarthen. Ifor is sure it will be a big affair and expects his father will be glad to see Uncle Harry once more. Ifor asks after the Professor and his family; he would much like to see them again but fears it will be some time before he does so. He also asks for his best remembrances to be passed onto a Mr and Mrs Jones; Ifor asks if Mr Jones would correct an English composition(once a month) for him. He writes that he has not received his father's order; the postal service being very slow. Ifor proposes staying in Germany until the middle of November, which will cut his French stay to 2 or 3 weeks. Instead of going to Tours which is far from the German frontier, he shall split his time in France between Nancy and Lille. He will then come home via Dover. He states that his new route will be more economical than going to Paris. He submits his plans for consideration. Ifor also details his planned work; he hopes to be able to read German fairly well in a months time. He has been in bed since Monday evening due to a sore throat and ear ache. Ifor is much better today but not quite 100%.
The picture on the back contains a view of the residence to the Grand Duke of Sachsen Weimar, which Ifor visited about 2 weeks previously. Ifor explains how he has not been well but is currently feeling much better. He also explains that the locals very much fear possible war with Russia.
Explains that he has delayed writing to her because he had hoped that he would have news that a friend of his (Willy Hesse) would be accompanying him in his tour. However Ifor learnt this morning that he would not be coming. He details the timetable for the rest of the trip to Suhl, which he expects to be in by 08 August. He promises to send a postcard each day but cautions that the postal service from the Bohemian forest is not of the best. Above all his parents should not worry. He supplies some dates and corresponding addresses which he hopes his mother will use to write to him. Ifor sends thanks for items his mother has sent him and provides details of Wechmar. He has spoken almost entirely in German during his holiday and made considerable progress.
Sent from Bamberg. Informs her that he has safely arrived in Bamberg after an interesting day; Ifor has had a tire punctured and experienced miserable weather.
Sent from Nuremberg. Ifor arrived by train from Bamberg this afternoon. Rain and slackness prevented him cycling, but fortunately travel in Bavaria is very cheap. He write Nuremberg is a fine old town.
Sent from Nuremberg. Writes that he is spending the day visiting this fine old town (Nuremberg). He explains that the church depicted on the card took him 1.5 hours to visit. He has found a vegetarian restaurant where he lunched in luxury.
Sent from Nuremberg. Writes he was pleased to get his letter yesterday and write he was sorry to hear of poor Harry. He then explains that the picture on the card depicts one of the gates of the town. Ifor will be departing for Regensburg today at 2.00pm. He asks for any news about war between Russia and Germany.
Correspondence between Ifor Leslie Evans and his parents (with one sent for his grandmother) during World War I while Ifor was detained in Germany. The vast majority of the series is made up of letters and postcards sent by Ifor L. Evans.
He explains that he is quite comfortable in Nuremburg but under no condition permitted to leave the city. Ifor fears he may have to winter in Nuremburg and requests that his parents send £25 on receipt of this letter. As direct communication between England and Germany is cut off, he explains how they should send the sum requested. He expresses hope for an exchange and explains that his parents can keep themselves informed by writing to the foreign office. Ifor goes on to say that he currently has a nice room at a bed and breakfast; he obtains his meals from 'one or other of the Vegetarian restaurants here'. Fortunately Ifor is not alone sharing the hotel with a number of other detained British subjects (named). He is in good health, exercises daily and is starting to work. Above all he asks his parents not to worry.
He writes that he is always glad to receive word from her and laments that their correspondence is limited to postcards. He states once again that he will write each Sunday and Wednesday in future. Ifor says that they had a quiet Christmas and that none of his parents parcels have yet arrived. However, they received some nice things from a store in Berlin and were treated to music from a male choir. He wraps up by expressing curiosity as to how his parents spent their Christmas.
Starts with Ifor wishing his parents a happy new year. He is wondering why I has not received a parcel sent to him through Mr Gaston early last November and requests they make enquiries; Ifor has not so far received any packages from his parents. Ifor explains how he has meet several people from south Wales (including Mr Davies, Mr Jenkins and a Mr Lewis). He states that he is getting a little work and reading done. He also asks for a further £10 to be sent to him via Mr Heck. The postcard is finished off with Ifor asking for his best wishes to be passed on to Willie and sends love to old people.
Ifor is letting his parents know how pleased he is to have received their parcel of mince pies and a package from Dilys. He asks them to thank the latter but informs them that he has not received anything sent via Mr Gaston. Ifor signs off saying he is in good health and asks that they give his 'faithful hound' a biscuit on his behalf.
Ifor is longing to hear from his parents once again. He lists a number of individuals he has received correspondence from and asks his parents to let them know he will reply to them at a later date. Ifor remarks that no delicacies sent to them after 10 January 1915 will be delivered. He says that Golden Syrup, soup extracts and nut meat would be acceptable. He then asks how everyone is (specifically mentioning Jaden and his grandmother), asks if they have heard any good news and says that he is looking forward to coming home but has little hope.
Ifor sends thanks for the £5 postal, books and postcard of the 18th. He explains how he looks forward to hearing from them and the more they write the happier he'll be. He asks where Willie Hodges is, explaining that he received a postcard from him at Christmas. Ifor says that they are all settled and resigned to a long stay, then informs his parents that it is best to send parcels direct. He has met Harry Player for the first time and is getting much reading done, having found he is able to get books through a supplier in Munich.
Ifor is thanking his parents for the parcels he has received (a tin of biscuits and a birthday package). A experiment which may be repeated. He has also received £5 and is asking for more to be sent around the 3rd of the month. He is enjoying the books they sent, is well and fairly cheerful. Currently Ifor is exchanging French and German lessons with a man called Harold. He is also getting some grammar work done as well as his reading. Ifor looks forward to hearing from his parents and appreciates all the things they send.
Ifor is letting his parents know that he feels that it has been a long time since he has last heard from them. He notes that sent parcels are still missing, however he states once again that the birthday parcel and the biscuits were most acceptable. Ifor is asking for 100 marks to be sent each month; he apparently spends approximately 15 marks each week. He stresses that his time is not being wasted and briefly outlines what he is learning. Ifor hopes his parents are well, asks after Willie and asks that they write to him as much as possible. He asks how Prince is, then requests that they send him a dozen handkerchiefs and knitted stockings.