SWML Collection : : South Wales Miners' Federation minute books.
SWML Collection : : South Wales Miners' Federation minute books.
The fiddlers : : drink in the witness box,
Dros eich gwlad : : llythyr at D.J. Davies ar y Rhyfel Anghyfiawn,
D. M. Jones Collection.
D. M. Jones Collection.
South Wales Miners' Federation minute book,
South Wales Miners' Federation minute book,
South Wales Miners' Federation minute book,
South Wales Miners' Federation minute book,
South Wales Miners' Federation minute book,
Three postcards sent by Harry Williams to family during the war, et al.,
Henry Joseph and Esther Gwendoline Williams (nee Bird),
Henry Joseph and Esther Gwendoline Williams (nee Bird),
Letter from Henry Williams to his mother and brother,
The Monmouthshire and South Wales Coal Owners Association receipt, et al.,
South Wales Miners' Federation statements of strike or lock out pay,
Receipts and correspondence,
Letter from Thomas Richards, General Secretary, SWMF,
Tin and Sheet Millmen's Association Reports 1915-1916,
Tin and Sheet Millmen's Association Reports 1913-1914,
Tin and Sheet Millmen's Association Reports 1917-1919,
Christmas card,