Edward Herbert, first baron Herbert of Cherbury, manuscripts and papers,
- E.
- Is-fonds
- 1587-1754.
Literary, philosophical, religious, political and personal papers, 1587-1754, of Edward Herbert.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648
Edward Herbert, first baron Herbert of Cherbury, manuscripts and papers,
Literary, philosophical, religious, political and personal papers, 1587-1754, of Edward Herbert.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648
Letter from Lord Herbert of Cherbury
Rhan oMiscellaneous letters
A facsimile of a letter, 1643, from Edward, Lord Herbert, to Capt. Thomas Morgan.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648
Edward Herbert of Cherbury: For a Dyal
An autograph Latin poem (8 lines) by Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury and Castleisland, written on the end-paper (p. 818) of his copy of Antonio de Herrara, Tercera parte de la historia general del mvndo ... (Madrid: por Alonso Martin de Balboa, 1612). The poem begins 'Discurrens dubiae placidus, compendia vitae' and is signed 'E. H: 12. Sept. 1612'. Published posthumously with the title 'For a Dyal' and with some textual differences in Occasional verse of Edward Lord Herbert, baron of Cherbery and Castle-Island, deceased in August, 1648 (London, 1665).
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648
Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury receipt
A document, dated 8 October 1645, bearing the signature of the poet and philosopher Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury, acknowledging receipt of his 'weeklie allowance' of £10 from Thomas ffauconberge [Fauconberg or Fauconbridge], Esq., Receiver General of the Public Revenue.
The receipt also contains the signatures of two witnesses, including Matth[ew] Clay. Although Herbert had been granted a weekly pension of £20 by Parliament the previous February the present receipt is for only half that amount, possibly on account of a warrant of 6 June cited in the receipt.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648
Rhan oHerbert Manuscripts,
'Religio Laici' by Edward, first baron Herbert of Cherbury. The manuscript may possibly be in the hand of Herbert; the corrections certainly appear to be in his hand.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648
A Dialogue between a Master and a Pupil
Rhan oHerbert Manuscripts,
Eleven leaves, and a covering leaf, of 'A Dialogue between a Master and a Pupil' by Edward, first baron Herbert of Cherbury.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648
Of Knowledge and the Power Cognitive
Rhan oHerbert Manuscripts,
'Of Knowledge and the Power Cognitive in G[ene]rall', Chapters I-XII (unfinished), possibly in the hand of Francis Herbert.
Mario Rossi in 'Alli fonti del materialismo a del deismo' (194[?4]) shows that this work is a redaction of a portion of 'Thomas Hobbes: De Corpore', 1655. Rossi holds that the redaction was made by Edward, first lord Herbert of Cherbury, probably between 1637 and 1640. If this is so, the manuscript gives us an early draft of a part of Hobbes's De Corpore.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648
Rhan oHerbert Manuscripts,
A catalogue of the library of Edward, first baron Herbert of Cherbury, circa 1637, containing over nine hundred entries, some of them possibly in the autograph of Lord Herbert.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648
The autobiography of Lord Herbert of Cherbury,
A photostat facsimile of a draft of the Autobiography of Lord Herbert of Cherbury lent by the Earl of Powis from his private collection in 1932.
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648