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Wales -- History
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Notes, transcripts and drafts of articles published by Egerton Phillimore, 1881-1937, relating to manuscripts, history, literature, genealogy, place-names, grammar, etymology and other linguistic matters, primarily concerning Wales but also including material pertaining to England, Scotland and Ireland, as well as continental Europe. Interspersed among the notes are occasional diary entries and drafts of letters, usually relating to the same topics, as well as containing personal material.

Papurau Frank Price Jones

  • GB 0210 FRANJON
  • Fonds
  • 1937-1975

Nodiadau darlithoedd, yn bennaf ar gyfer dosbarthiadau allanol ar hanes Cymru, 1943-1975; papurau ynglŷn ag ymchwil a chyhoeddiadau Frank Price Jones, 1947-1975, yn cynnwys drafftiau erthyglau ac adolygiadau, gwahanlithoedd a chopïau printiedig o'i waith cyhoeddedig; deunydd yn ymwneud ag erthyglau awduron eraill, 1932-1975; papurau, 1943-1975, yn deillio o waith Frank Price Jones ar gyfer y cyfryngau, y cynnwys sgriptiau radio a theledu, ac i bapurau newydd; papurau gwleidyddol, 1910-1975, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth, torion o'r wasg, pamffledi ymgeiswyr ac anerchiadau etholiadol, canlyniadau etholiadau, deunydd yn ymwneud ag Ymgyrch Senedd i Gymru yn y 1950au cynnar a Chomisiwn y Cyfansoddiad, 1969-1970; papurau, 1947-1975, ynghylch y gwaith cyhoeddus a gyflawnodd Frank Price Jones, yn cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud â'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, 1922-1974; deunydd, 1966-1975, yn ymwneud â Phatagonia; papurau,1966-1975, yn deillio o waith Frank Price Jones ar gyfer Panel Cyfieithu'r Swyddfa Gymreig, Pwyllgor Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, 1956-1967, ac Urdd y Graddedigion Prifysgol Cymru, 1963-1975; gohebiaeth gyffredinol, 1941-1975, yn cynnwys grŵp mawr o lythyrau,1941-1975, oddi wrth Iorwerth C. Peate, cefnder Frank Price Jones; ac amrywiol. = Lecture notes mainly for extra-mural classes in Welsh history, 1943-1975; papers concerning Frank Price Jones's research and publications, 1947-1975, including drafts of articles and reviews, offprints and printed copies of his published work; material relating to articles by other authors, 1932-1975; papers, 1943-1975, deriving from Frank Price Jones's work for the media, including television and radio scripts, and for newspapers; political papers, 1910-1975, including correspondence, press cuttings, candidates' pamphlets and election addresses, election results, material relating to the Parliament for Wales Campaign of the early 1950s and to the Commission on the Constitution of 1969-1970; papers, 1947-1975, concerning the public work undertaken by Frank Price Jones, including in relation to the National Eisteddfod, 1922-1974; material, 1966-1975, relating to Patagonia; papers, 1966-1975, deriving from Frank Price Jones's work for the Welsh Office Translation Panel, the Committee of the Welsh Folk Museum, 1956-1967, and for the Guild of Graduates of the University of Wales, 1963-1975; general correspondence, 1941-1975, including a large group of letters, 1941-1975, from Iorwerth C. Peate, a cousin to Frank Price Jones; and various miscellanea.

Jones, Frank Price, 1920-1975.


Two volumes of miscellaneous transcripts mainly in the hand of Walter Davies (Gwallter Mechain, 1761-1849), relating to the antiquities, history, topography, language, and literature of Wales. They include catalogues of Welsh manuscripts; transcripts of manuscripts of Evan Evans (Ieuan Brydydd Hir), of letters of Edward Lhuyd, Lewis Morris, Goronwy Owen, etc., of Strata Marcella abbey charters, of monumental inscriptions, of Evan Evans's transcripts of Richard Farrington's archaeological notes, etc.; notes on Llanerfyl, Llangadfan, and Garthbeibio, written by William Jones, Llangadfan, and sent by him, with letters, to Walter Davies; a letter, 1792, from Edward Williams (Iolo Morganwg) to Walter Davies; an extract, by Lewis Morris, from his Celtic Remains; Marwnad Lewis Morys ... by Goronwy Owen, in the autograph of Evan Evans; etc. Both volumes are indexed.

Evans, Evan, 1731-1788

Llanidloes eisteddfod,

Compositions submitted for competition at the Llanidloes Chair Eisteddfod, Whit Monday, 1912, including a 'pryddest' on 'Llais y Mynyddoedd', twelve 'englynion' on 'Y Bugail', and an essay on 'The Development of Wales during the last 50 years'.

Genealogies, etc.,

A composite volume containing genealogical, heraldic, and historical.or pseudo-historical material in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'). P. vii bears the transcribed inscription 'Llyma Lyfr achau a Bonedd amrafaelion o Bendefigion a Bonheddigion Cenedl y Cymry ag eraill o bethau Cyfarwyddwyd a gasglwyd o Lyfrau Ieuan ap Hywel Swrdwal o Dir Iarll ag o Lyfrau Ieuan Deulwyn o Gydweli gennyf fi Antoni Pywel o Lwydarth yn Nhir Iarll', with an added note 'A myfi Iolo Morganwg a'u tynnais o Lyfrau yr Achwr celfyddgar a'm cyfaill caredig Thomas Truman, wr Bonheddig o Bant Lliwydd ym Morganwg'. Following on pp. 1-113 is genealogical, heraldic, and historical or pseudo-historical material extracted [by Edward Williams] from the manuscript generally known as 'Llyfr Du Pant Lliwydd' (Llanover MS E. 3., now NLW MS 13165B; see notes on pp. 1, 6, 37, 54, 68, 79, 103 of present volume), and also from a source referred to as 'Llyfr Coch Pant Lliwydd' (see pp. 105, 113 of present volume). Included are sections with the superscriptions 'Llyma Arfau y Brytaniaid o Ynys Prydain', 'Llyma arfay y Cwngcwerwyr a fyont ym Morganwc', 'Llyma Bymthegllwyth Gwynedd', 'Llyma enway y Brenhinoedd', 'Llyma Enway y Prifddinesydd a wnaeth y Brytaniaid . . .', 'Llyma enway y Pedwar Brenin ar hugain o Frenhinoedd Ynys Prydain a farnwyd yn gydarnaf ac yn wrolaf . . .', etc. P. 129 is inscribed 'Achoedd Saint Ynys Prydain o amrafaelion Lyfrau', and, according to notes on the same page, the section following was intended to contain genealogies of British or Welsh saints extracted from three sources, viz. (1) 'Achoedd Saint Ynys Prydain o Lyfr Du Pantlliwydd sef eiddo Mr. Thomas Truman', (2) 'Achoedd Saint Cenedl y Cymry o Lyfr Dafydd Morgan o Aberdar', and (3) 'Achau Saint Ynys Prydain o Lyfr Siencyn Morgan o Benn Rhiw Ferr'. Of these three genealogical lists, however, only the first was actually copied or transcribed (see pp. 131-8). The superscription only of the second list appears on p. 139, and there is no further mention of the third list. Pp. 149-53, under the superscription 'Anecdotes of Beaupre Castle (as it is always called in old MSS.) in Glamorganshire', contain notes on the careers of Llywelyn ap Seisyll, prince of South Wales, 1015-21, and his son Gruffith, prince of South Wales and North Wales, 1021-60, and pp. 165-80 notes on Welsh history based on the narrative in Percy E[n]derbie [: Cambria Triumphans . . . (London, 1661)]. P. 181 is inscribed 'Genealogical Extracts, Historical, relating to The Principality of Wales and more especially to the County of Glamorgan, Collected by Edward Williams', and is followed (pp. 183-208) by genealogical data relating to the Butler and Vaughan families of Dunraven [co. Glamorgan], and the Bassett family mainly of Beaupre [also co. Glamorgan]. Pp. 229-40 contain genealogical data relating to the fifteen (recte I-XVI) tribes of Gwynedd ('Llyma Wehelyth Pymtheg Llwyth Gwynedd . . . ') with annotations relating thereto, and notes referring to the activities of Robert Fychan of Hengwrt as a collector of manuscripts. P. 257 bears the inscription Tigion Hanesiawl allan o hen Lyfrau Achoedd Pendefigion a Bonheddigion Cenedl y Cymry a Chwiliwyd allan gan Iolo Morganwg, B.B.D., Rhann II, 1812’, and is followed (pp. 259-end, previously paginated 1-134) by a miscellany containing miscellaneous genealogical data relating to the ancestors or descendants of, inter alias, lestyn ab Gwrgan, lord of Morgannwg, Ednyved Vychan, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Rhys Brydydd 'o Lanharan', King Arthur, Taliesin Ben Beirdd, Asser Ddoeth, Dafydd Ddu gynllwynwr, and Rhodri Mawr, and to the family of Gawntlo of Tre Gawntlo and associated families; some heraldic material including sections with the superscriptions 'Llyma Arfau y Gwyr anrhaith a ddaethant gyd (sic) Syr Rhobert ab Amon i Forganwg', and 'Llyma Arfau y Pendefigion a ddifeddianwyd o'u Tiroedd a'u Da gan Syr Rhobert ab Amon a'i Farchogion anrhaith'; occasional historical or pseudo-historical data or anecdotes relating to, inter alias, Ieuan ap Lleision and Owain Glyndyfrdwy, Madawc Min, bishop of Bangor, and the betrayal of Llywelyn ap Seisyllt and Gruffudd, his son, Taliesin ab Henwg or Taliesin Ben Beirdd and Elphin, and Rhodri Mawr; and other miscellaneous items.

Humphrey Lhuyd's History of Wales

  • NLW MS 23202B.
  • File
  • [16 cent., second ½]

A volume, [16 cent., second ½], probably in the hand of Thomas Powell (d. 1588), Parc y Drewen, Whittington, co. Salop, containing a much shortened text of Humphrey Lhuyd's English version of Brut y Tywysogion, upon which version David Powel based his Historie of Cambria, now called Wales ... (London, 1584) (see Brut y Tywysogion ..., ed. by Thomas Jones (Cardiff, 1952), pp. xiv-xviii). Omissions mainly involve passages relating to events outside Wales, church affairs and the papacy, anecdotes, explanations of Welsh personal and place-names, and the arguments against Polydore Vergil. Three other copies are known: BL, MS Cotton Caligula A VI; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmolean Museum MS 847; and NLW, Llanstephan MS 177. Also included are a pedigree of the kings and princes of North Wales from Cadwaladr to Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (ff. iv-v verso), a painted coat of arms of Cadwaladr (f. 1), and an index of personal and place-names (ff. 168-70 verso). Six lines of English verse are added in a contemporary hand on f. 171 verso.

Powell, Thomas, -1588

Tour in North Wales

  • NLW MS 16351C.
  • File
  • [18 cent., last ¼]

A volume containing an account of a tour in North Wales in the form of transcripts, [18 cent., last ¼], of four letters, dated 20-28 September 1776, sent from Caernarfon (pp. 1-25), Tan-y-Bwlch, Merioneth (pp. 27-49), Denbigh (pp. 50-74) and 'Rhyd Dyn' [Rhyddyn], Flintshire (pp. 75-95), commenting mainly on Welsh history and castles.
The transcripts have been heavily corrected and emended in a different hand. The author, who appears to have resided at Rhyddyn, is not named but may be the Rev. William Warrington. His correspondents are identified as a Mr Eyton (p. 1) and a Dr Jeffries (p. 49). Also included are a preface (ff. v-vii) and several versions of a passage, in the same hand as the emendations, relating an encounter with some Irishmen (f. i verso).

Warrington, William

David Jones letters to Tom Burns

  • NLW MS 21797E.
  • File
  • 1940-1971

Twenty-three letters, 1940-1971, from David Jones, artist and writer, to his friend T. F. (Tom) Burns, nineteen of which date from the period 1940-1944 and form a valuable source for the life and work of the writer during the war years. The principal subjects discussed in the others are the history of Wales, the early history of the compass, Malory's Morte Arthur and the writer's experiences in the First World War. Twelve of these letters were printed, wholly or in part, by René Hague in Dai Greatcoat: A self-portrait of David Jones in his Letters (London, 1980).

Jones, David, 1895-1974

The Richards and Edwards families of Cardiff and Llandaff : Genealogical notes

  • NLW MS 16921E.
  • File
  • [1823x1860]

Family trees and genealogical notes and extracts relating to the Richards family of Cardiff and the Edwards family of Llandaff House (ff. 1-14 verso); historical notes relating to Wales and the Marches (ff. 15-26 verso); a licence, dated 1 December 1823 and signed by George IV and [Sir] Charles George Young, granting Thomas William Richards the right to adopt the surname of Edwards and to bear the arms of that family (f. 27); notes relating to the murder of William Powell of Glanareth, Carmarthenshire in 1770 (ff. 28-30); letters to Thomas William Edwards from Francis E. Stacey, 1848, ?vicar of Cardiff, and from Thomas [?John] Powell, rector of Llanhamlach, 1857, both relating to genealogical matters (ff. 31-34); and an extract from the pedigree of George Rice Rice-Trevor, 4th baron Dynevor (f. 35).

David Jones letters to Valerie Wynne-Williams

  • NLW MS 24167i-iiiE.
  • File
  • 1958-1974

One hundred and twenty-four autograph letters, 1959-1974, from painter-poet David ('Dafydd') Jones, all addressed to Valerie ('Elri') Wynne-Williams (née Price), with the exception of two to her husband Michael ('Mihangel') (ff. 54, 112-113) and one to them both (ff. 55-56), discussing a variety of topics including his, and her, health and living conditions, his work, his friends, the Welsh language and Welsh history and politics. Some letters are illustrated with coloured pencil, pen and ink drawings, mainly of animals and flowers (ff. 8, 32, 33, 45 verso, 46 verso-47, 48 verso, 76, 103, 104 verso, 152), inscriptions (ff. 9, 34, 124 verso, 128, 136 verso) and sketch maps of Harrow (ff. 143, 144).
There are references throughout to friends and correspondents including Saunders Lewis (ff. 2-11 passim, 42-188 passim), Harman Grisewood (ff. 4-192 verso passim), René Hague (ff. 42 verso-187 passim), David Blamires (ff. 160, 186, 190 verso, 192), Louis Bonnerot (ff. 123, 186 verso), Tom Burns (ff. 13, 14 verso, 48, 64 verso, 68 verso, 77, 85 verso, 86 verso, 89 verso, 110, 116, 140 recto-verso, 188 verso), Douglas Cleverdon (ff. 68 verso, 160 verso, 162, 163 verso, 187), Aneirin Talfan Davies (ff. 9 verso, 11, 14 verso, 16, 33 verso, 63 verso, 71 verso, 123, 124, 128, 129 verso, 154 verso, 162), Clarissa Eden (f. 107 verso), T. S. Eliot (ff. 51 recto-verso, 62 verso, 67 verso, 69 verso, 71, 73, 74, 85), Gwynfor Evans (ff. 29 verso, 31, 131-192 verso passim), Illtud Evans (f. 6, 11 recto-verso, 37, 46 verso, 57, 61), Arthur Giardelli (ff. 150, 151 verso, 171 verso, 186), Eric Gill (ff. 45 verso, 66, 67 verso, 68 verso, 121), Stanley Honeyman (ff. 84, 140, 154 verso, 159 verso), Morag Owen (ff. 59, 98, 140), Catherine Rousseau (née Ivainer) (ff. 36 verso-127 passim), Stephen Spender (ff. 81 verso-82, 83 verso, 91), Bill Stevenson (f. 158 verso) and Helen Sutherland (ff. 68, 97 verso, 157). There are also occasional references to Desmond Chute (f. 120 verso), Idris Foster (ff. 60 verso, 63 verso), Philip Jones Griffiths (ff. 1, 131), David Lloyd George (ff. 108 verso-109, 127 verso), Megan Lloyd George (ff. 18 verso, 20, 21-22), J. D. Innes (f. 49 verso), Augustus John (f. 85 verso), Alun Oldfield-Davies (ff. 37, 77), Tristram Powell (ff. 142 recto-verso, 144), Caradog Prichard (ff. 19 verso, 77, 108), Kathleen Raine (f. 59 verso), Keidrych Rhys (ff. 6 verso, 8, 9, 16, 30 verso, 36 verso), Meic Stephens (ff. 171, 175), Vernon Watkins (ff. 47, 128 verso), D. J. Williams (f. 106 recto-verso), Kyffin Williams (ff. 49, 63, 77) and R. O. F. Wynne and his family (ff. 61, 62, 63, 64 verso, 67 verso, 81, 94 verso, 96 verso¸ 98, 130 verso), and brief reminiscences of his experiences during the First World War (ff. 70 recto-verso, 76, 79 recto-verso, 108 verso-109, 130 recto-verso, 151 verso, 164). Also included is a copy of his letter, dated 10 August 1959, to Megan Lloyd George (f. 21; for her reply see NLW, David Jones (Artist and Writer) Papers CT3/3, f. 247); cuttings of letters to the Times by David Jones, Valerie Price and others, 1958 (ff. 193-196); and a copy of a 1959 photograph of the two by Philip Jones Griffiths (f. 197). The letter of 23 September 1973 (ff. 178-179 verso) was published under the title 'Yr Iaith' in Planet, 21 (January 1974), 3-5.

Jones, David, 1895-1974

Origins for the history of Wales

'A collection of Origins for the History of Wales, with an estimate of their value (on the lines of Stubbs's Select Charters or Protheroe's select Documents)...', submitted for competition at the National Eisteddfod at Llangollen, 1908. There are insets and marginal additions in the hand of Professor J. E. Lloyd, Bangor, who was one of the adjudicators. The prize was withheld.

Lloyd, John Edward, Sir, 1861-1947


Autograph letters from a large number of people to Thomas and others, mainly relating to archaeology, Welsh history, literature and ecclesiastical affairs. The correspondents include B. Beedham, William Buckland, W. Boyd Dawkins, Walter Davies ('Gwallter Mechain'), J. P. Earwaker, D. Silvan Evans, R. W. Eyton, E. A. Freeman, Margaret Gatty, Reginald Heber, Felicia Hemans, H. Longueville Jones, John Keble, Sir Theodore Martin, Sydney (Lady) Morgan, Lord Mostyn, Samuel Rogers, W. F. Skene, Sir Arthur Sullivan, John Williams ('Ab Ithel'), Morris Williams ('Nicander') and Robert Williams (Rhydycroesau); an English poem entitled 'The Sixth Centenary of Dante's Beatrice 1890' by T. Tudno Jones; and a number of 'cut-out' autographs.

Erthyglau ac anerchiadau,

Articles and addresses by David Samuel mainly on Welsh literature, history and education, 1890-1909, and an account of his tour in the United States of America, 1889.

David Samuel.


Miscellaneous notes and papers of Iolo Morganwg, [18 cent., last ¼]-[1830s], on a variety of subjects, including (mainly Welsh) history (E8/1), religion (E8/2), Welsh and English literature, including Dr Johnson (E8/3), Bardism (E8/4) and biography and genealogy (E8/5); together with further bundles of miscellaneous notes and papers, retained in original order (E8/6-9), with subjects including politics, printing and Poems Lyric and Pastoral, 1784-[c. 1809] (E8/6), patriarchal religion, priestcraft and Lewis Morris (E8/7), poetry and monumental inscriptions (E8/8) and salmau (E8/9); and a case containing notes on Welsh manuscripts in the British Museum and at Jesus College, Oxford (E8/10).

History of Wales,

  • NLW MS 23181C.
  • File
  • 1896, [c. 1970] /

An essay on the history of Wales by an unidentified author, 'Historicus', 1896, together with a related letter, [c. 1970], from Prys T. J. Morgan to Ralph A. Griffiths.

'Historicus' and Prys T. J. Morgan.

J. M. Thompson notes on Wales,

  • NLW MS 22880B.
  • File
  • 1902.

A volume containing notes, 1902, on the landscape and history of Wales, probably in the hand of James Matthew Thompson (1878-1956), fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, extracted from various printed sources, notably Thomas Pennant's Tours in Wales, and John Leland's Itinerary, with index (pp. 273-5).

Thompson, J. M. (James Matthew), 1878-1956.

Peter Roberts & Angharad Llwyd notes,

  • NLW MS 23003A.
  • File
  • [1803x1866].

Notes on Welsh biography, history and topography in the hands of the Reverend Peter Roberts (1760-1819), rector of Halkyn, co. Flint, and Angharad Llwyd (1779-1866), written in the margins and on the interleaves of a copy of William Owen [-Pughe], The Cambrian biography ... (London, 1803).

Roberts, Peter, 1760-1819

David Jones letter to Anthony Powell

A letter, dated 10-11 July 1967, from the artist and writer David Jones, Harrow, to the novelist [Anthony] Powell, mainly discussing Welsh genealogy and history. Jones also refers to the anniversary of his involvement in the battle of Mametz Wood, 10-11 July 1916, the subject of part 7 of his poem In Parenthesis (London, 1937) (f. 16 verso).
The letter contains references to the recent 'David Jones Special Issue' of Agenda, 5.1-3 (Spring-Summer 1967), Powell's television producer and director son Tristram, with whom Jones was acquainted, Kenneth Jackson, Saunders Lewis, and Jones's knowledge of Welsh (all f. 16), and the Eliseg Pillar inscription (f. 16 recto-verso).

Jones, David, 1895-1974

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