Dangos 14986 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Disgrifiadau lefel uchaf yn unig
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

211 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Aber Research Papers

  • GB 0210 ABRRSH
  • Fonds
  • 1985-2022

Papers of Aber Research, an organisation founded by the donor to conduct opinion polls and gather statistical information on behalf of Plaid Cymru during the 1990s, including a background paper, opinion poll reports, General Election statistical reports, correspondence, press cuttings and related documents.

Aber Research

Archif Brwydr Llangyndeyrn = Llangyndeyrn's Fight for Victory Archive

  • GB 0210 BRWYLLAN
  • Fonds
  • 1960[x2022]

Deunydd yn ymwneud â'r frwydr ar ran y trigolion yn ystod hanner cyntaf y 1960au i achub Llangyndeyrn a phentrefi eraill Cwm Gwendraeth Fach rhag eu boddi gan Gorfforaeth Abertawe er mwyn creu cronfa ddŵr i ddiwallu anghenion cartrefol a diwydiannol Gorllewin Morgannwg. Casglwyd y deunydd gan y Parchedig William Merfyn Rees, ysgrifennydd Pwyllgor Amddiffyn Llangyndeyrn, a'i fab Hywel Gealy Rees, golygydd y gyfrol Sefyll yn y Bwlch: Brwydr Llangyndeyrn 1960-1965 (Y Lolfa, 2013) (gweler nodyn isod). Mae'r eitemau'n cynnwys dwy ffeil o dorion o'r wasg o'r 1960au yn olrhain hanes y frwydr, ynghyd â thorion mwy diweddar; llythyrau a anfonwyd at y Parchedig W. M. Rees yn cefnogi safiad trigolion Llangyndeyrn yn erbyn Corfforaeth Abertawe; deunydd yn ymwneud â dyddiadau a dathliadau nodedig yn hanes brwydr Llangyndeyrn; a chyfeiriadau at lyfrau a cherddi sy'n dathlu llwyddiant y frwydr. Sawl eitem wedi'u harnodi, yn ôl pob tebyg yn llaw Hywel Gealy Rees.

Yn atodol, ceir nodiadau printiedig yn manylu ar natur a lleoliad deunydd di-brint sy'n perthyn i'r casgliad ac sydd wedi'i drosglwyddo i adrannau eraill o LlGC; ynghyd â rhestr printiedig o ddyddiadau nodedig yn hanes brwydr Llangyndeyrn.

= Material relating to the struggle on the part of the residents of the village of Llangyndeyrn during the first half of the 1960s to save theirs and other communities in the Gwendraeth Valley from being drowned by Swansea Corporation in order to create a reservoir to meet the domestic and industrial needs of West Glamorgan. The material was collated by the Reverend William Merfyn Rees, secretary of the Llangyndeyrn Defence Committee, and his son, Hywel Gealy Rees, editor of the book Sefyll yn y Bwlch: Brwydr Llangyndeyrn 1960-1965 (Y Lolfa, 2013) (see note below). The items include two files containing 1960s press cuttings chronicling the Llangyndeyrn residents' struggle, together with more recent press cuttings; letters of support for the stand taken by Llangyndeyrn's residents against Swansea Corporation sent to Reverend W. M. Rees; material relating to notable dates, celebrations and anniversaries in the history of Llangyndeyrn's fight for justice; and references to books and poems commemorating the success of the fight. Several items are annotated, most likely in the hand of Hywel Gealy Rees.

Appended are printed notes detailing the nature and location of non-print material which forms part of this archive and which has been transferred to other departments within NLW; together with a printed list of notable dates in the history of Llangyndeyrn's fight for victory.

Rees, William Merfyn, Reverend, d. 1977

Cefn Croes Action Group Papers

  • GB 0210 CCAG
  • Fonds
  • 1984-2016.

Papers of the Cefn Croes Action Group (CCAG).

Cefn Croes Action Group

Papurau Cymdeithas Ffynhonnau Cymru

  • GB 0210 CYMFFYN
  • Fonds
  • 1982-2014

Papurau'r gymdeithas, a nodiadau ac ymchwil yn ymwneud â ffynhonnau unigol, eu hanesion a'u cyflwr presennol, a'u llên.

Cymdeithas Ffynhonnau Cymru

Archif Dolen Cymru

  • GB 0210 DOLMRU
  • Fonds
  • 1980-2017

Deunydd yn ymwneud â Dolen Cymru a'i gweithgareddau yng Nghymru a Lesotho.

Mae llawer o'r allbrintiau o ohebiaeth, adroddiadau ac ati yn cael eu hargraffu ar gefnau papurau sy'n adlewyrchu diddordebau eraill Carl a Dorothi Clowes, gan gynnwys Nant Gwrtheyrn, Gorsedd y Beirdd, Canolfan Materion Rhyngwladol Cymru, a therapi lleferydd ac iaith.

Dolen Cymru

Papurau'r Parchedig D. S. Owen = Reverend D. S. Owen Papers

  • GB 0210 DSOWEN
  • Fonds
  • 1874-[2022]

Papurau'r Parchedig David Samuel Owen (1887-1959), gweinidog Capel Jewin, Llundain, yr eitemau'n cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud á chyhoeddiadau, digwyddiadau a dathliadau yn hanes Capel Jewin ac o fewn y gymuned Fethodistaidd Galfinaidd/Bresbyteraidd ehangach yn bennaf yn Llundain a Chymru, = Papers of the Reverend David Samuel Owen (1887-1959), minister of Jewin Chapel, London, the items comprising material relating to publications, events and celebrations in the history of Jewin Chapel and within the wider Calvinistic Methodist/Presbyterian community mainly in London and Wales.

Owen, David Samuel, Reverend, 1887-1959

Earthfall Dance Company Archives

  • GB 0210 EARTHD
  • Fonds
  • 1985-2015

Papers of and relating to Earthfall Dance Company, comprising material relating to individual stage productions; workshops and residencies; tours, festivals and events; awards; funding; annual reviews; correspondence; and miscellaneous material.

Earthfall Dance Company

Papurau Elsa Davies

  • GB 0210 ELSDAV
  • Fonds
  • 2011-2020

Cofnodion Pwyllgor Ymgynghorol Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Celtaidd Prifysgol Cymru, ynghyd â phapurau trafod a gyflwynwyd i’r Pwyllgor hwnnw, Mawrth 2013-Ionawr 2020, sef y cyfnod y bu Elsa Davies yn aelod o’r Pwyllgor.
Adroddiadau Blynyddol Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Celtaidd Prifysgol Cymru, 2012/13 hyd 2017/18, ynghyd â deunydd atodol. =
Records of the Centre for Advanced Celtic Studies Consultation Committee, together with discussion papers presented to the Committee, March 2013 - January 2020, namely the period during which Elsa Davies was a member of the Committee.
Annual Reports, 2012/13-2017/18, of the Centre for Advanced Celtic Studies, together with related material.

Davies, Elsa

Equilibre Horse Theatre Archives

  • GB 0210 EQLBRE
  • Fonds
  • 1989-2007

Papers relating to Equilibre Horse Theatre, Abercegir, near Machynlleth. Items include material relating to marketing, recruitment and mentoring, the hiring and input of collaborating artists and the running of workshops, media productions, funding and awards; posters, flyers, etc relating to events and productions; preparatory research and creative notes; employment/health and safety policies; accounts and expenditure; minutes of meetings; and correspondence.

Equilibre Horse Theatre

Ffilm Cymru Scripts

  • GB 0210 FFILMCY
  • Fonds
  • 1966-1995

Material largely relating to scripts and screenplays submitted to Ffilm Cymru; together with further Ffilm Cymru material, which includes proposals for film/television adaptations, casting and funding applications, employment enquiries, contracts and agreements, accounts and invoices, card indexes and correspondence.

Ffilm Cymru

Griffith John (Glyn Richards) Papers

  • GB 0210 GRIOHN
  • Fonds
  • 1848-1965

Papers, 1868-1965, of the Reverend Griffith John who served as a missionary in China, including his journal, 1855-1870, letters sent by him to his family, 1886-1907, together with letters, 1961-1965, relating to his commemorative garden in Swansea.

John, Griffith, 1831-1912

Jazz Heritage Wales Archive (Archif Menywod Cymru/Women's Archive of Wales)

  • GB 0210 JAZZLES
  • Fonds
  • [1930]-2016

Papers of the Jazz Heritage Wales archive, comprising material relating to what was initially known as the Women's Jazz Archive, later Women in Jazz, and finally Jazz Heritage Wales, which reflect the archive's founding and development, its aims and objectives and its wide-ranging involvement in the field of contemporary and historical jazz music. Together with material relating to the archive's founder Jen Wilson, reflecting her interest, involvement and personal achievements in the fields of music, media, education and history, particularly women's social history. The archive also includes material relating to organisations and projects in which Jen Wilson participated but for which she was not solely responsible.

Jazz Heritage Wales.

Papurau John Meirion Morris = John Meirion Morris Papers

  • GB 0210 JMEIRMOR
  • Fonds
  • 1960[x2020]

Papurau'r cerflunydd, dyluniwr ac athro John Meirion Morris (1936-2020), sy'n ymwneud â gwahanol agweddau o'i fywyd proffesiynol, o gychwyn ei yrfa fel athro newydd-gymwysedig hyd flynyddoedd olaf ei oes. Mae'r eitemau yn cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud â'i gomisiynau cerflunwaith; ei gyhoeddiadau, megis A Celtic Vision (Y Lolfa, 2003); erthyglau a ysgrifenwyd a darlithoedd a draddodwyd ganddo; ei waith gyda'r cyfryngau, yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, cymdeithas Gweled ac â phrosiect Grŵp Glynllifon; a'r ohebiaeth a anfonwyd ato gan sefydliadau Cymreig a chan gyfeillion, cydnabod ac edmygwyr. Ceir nodiadau ar gynnwys rhai o'r eitemau yn llaw Gwawr Morris, gweddw John Meirion Morris. = Papers of the sculptor, draughtsman and teacher John Meirion Morris (1936-2020), which relate to various aspects of his professional life from his early career as a newly-qualified teacher to his final years. The items include material relating to John Meirion Morris' sculpture commissions; his publications, such as A Celtic Vision (Y Lolfa, 2003); articles written and lectures given by him; his collaboration with the media, the National Eisteddfod, Gweled and the Glynllifon Group project; and correspondence sent to John Meirion Morris from Welsh institutions and from friends, acquaintances and admirers. There are notes on the contents of some of the items in the hand of Gwawr Morris, widow of John Meirion Morris.

Morris, John Meirion, 1936-2020

Papurau John Thomas (Ffotograffydd)

  • GB 0210 JOHMAS
  • Fonds
  • [1867x2018]

Papurau'r ffotograffydd John Thomas, Lerpwl, gan gynnwys atgofion teithio a nodiadau John Thomas ar hanes y Cambrian Gallery ac am enwogion Cymreig; deunydd print yn gysylltiedig â'r oriel; a deunydd amrywiol mwy diweddar yn ymwneud â John Thomas a'i fusnes ffotograffiaeth.

Thomas, John, 1838-1905

Lee Waters Papers

  • Fonds
  • 1995-2011

Papers, 1995-2021, mainly relating the 1997 and 2011 Welsh devolution referendum campaigns, the Senedd election 2021 in Llanelli and Ron Davies's career, 1997-2003. Also two files of Gareth Hughes papers, 1995-1998, relating to devolution.

Waters, Lee

Leighton Andrews Papers

  • GB 0210 LEIDREWS
  • Fonds
  • 1962-2016

Papers of Leighton Andrews, including material relating to his time in the National Assembly; material relating to his early career, including at the BBC; correspondence with various public figures, including Lord Scarman; and material relating to the 1997 Yes for Wales campaign.

Andrews, Leighton

Papurau Menna Elfyn

  • GB 0210 MENFYN
  • Fonds
  • 1937-2022

Papurau Dr Menna Elfyn, 1950-2017, sy'n adlewyrchu ei bywyd a'i gwaith llenyddol a gwleidyddol, gan gynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud â'r meysydd canlynol: barddoniaeth, rhyddiaith, dramâu ar gyfer y llwyfan a'r cyfryngau a phrosiectau cerddorol a chelfyddydol ar y cyd, ynghyd â chyfieithiadau o'i gwaith barddonol i amryw ieithoedd; ei mynych deithiau i ŵyliau barddonol, seminarau a darlleniadau ac i gynnal gweithdai; gyrfa academaidd Menna Elfyn, gan gynnwys ei chyfnodau fel awdur preswyl; anrhydeddau a gwobrau a ddaeth i'w rhan yn ystod ei gyrfa; cyfnodau ymgyrchu a charcharu Menna Elfyn a'i gŵr Wynfford James fel aelodau o Gymdeithas yr Iaith, ac ymgyrchoedd dros heddwch, cyfiawnder a hawliau merched; yn ogystal ag ystod sylweddol o ohebiaeth, yn bennaf gyda beirdd a llenorion eraill.

Daeth ychwanegiad i law ym mis Mai 2023, a atodwyd i'r archif fel cyfres 'Y' (Deunydd ychwanegol Mai 2023), fel a ganlyn:
Papurau o eiddo neu sydd a wnelo â'r bardd, dramodydd, colofnydd a golygydd Dr Menna Elfyn, sy'n cynnwys barddoniaeth, rhyddiaith a gweithiau llwyfan a chyfryngol (drafftiau llawysgrif, teipysgrifau a deunydd argraffiedig) gan Menna Elfyn, deunydd yn ymwneud â chysiau academaidd a gweithdai a diwtorwyd gan neu a gyd-gyfarwyddwyd gan Menna Elfyn, llyfrau nodiadau a gohebiaeth; ynghyd ag erthyglau, adolygiadau a datganiadau i'r wasg gan awduron eraill sy'n ymwneud a bywyd a gwaith Menna Elfyn a rhai papurau'r Parchedig T. (Thomas) Elfyn Jones, tad Menna Elfyn.

Elfyn, Menna

Mervyn Burtch Music Manuscripts

  • GB 0210 MERBUR
  • Fonds
  • 1958-2014.

Music manuscripts of the composer Mervyn Burtch. Original opus numbering (where known) is given in square brackets, e.g. [M.103] at the end of each file level description.

Mervyn Burtch

Dinah White (Powys family) manuscripts

  • Fonds
  • 1953-1987

Letters, 1953-1956, to Dinah White from John Cowper Powys, his brother Littleton Charles Powys, and others; together with printed items, 1954-1987, relating to Father Littleton Alfred Powys and the Powys family.

White, Dinah

Frederick Davies (John Cowper Powys) manuscripts

  • GB 0210 MSFREDAV
  • Fonds
  • 1962-[c. 1986]

Papers, 1962-[c. 1986], of Frederick Davies, relating to John Cowper Powys, including letters to Davies from Phyllis Playter, Alyse Gregory, Lucy Amelia Penny, Marie Canavaggia and others, 1962-1986; letters to Powys on his ninetieth birthday, 1962; and an unpublished account of the love affair between Powys and Frances Gregg, [c. 1986].

Davies, Frederick, 1916-1990

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 14986