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Papurau Gwenith Gwyn,

  • GB 0210 GWENITH
  • fonds
  • 1750-1947 (crynhowyd [diwedd y 19eg ganrif]-1947) /

Papurau o eiddo, ac yn ymwneud â William Rhys Jones ('Gwenith Gwyn'), 1750-1947, y cyfan bron yn ei law ei hun, yn cynnwys: nodiadau ar hanes lleol yng Nghymru, enwau lleoedd, llên gwerin, a hynafiaethau (yn cynnwys cryn deunydd, ar ffurf nodiadau, traethodau, anerchiadau, adysgrifiadau, a thorion o'r wasg, ar gymeriadau, traddodiadau, a chymdeithasau hanesyddol, llenyddol a diwydiannol Dyffryn Ceiriog, Morgannwg, Maldwyn, Ceredigion ac Arfon); deunydd crefyddol (pregethau a nodiadau pregethau, traethodau ac anerchiadau ar yr Eglwys Gristnogol ac ar wahanol agweddau ar ei gweinidogaeth; papurau'n delio ag enwad y Bedyddwyr yng Nghymru, yn enwedig ym Morgannwg; nodiadau ar destunau Beiblaidd; nodiadau, anerchiadau coffa, a deunydd bywgraffiadol ar amrywiol gymeriadau crefyddol, Cymry yn bennaf; a geiriadur o dermau Beiblaidd a ddefnyddiwyd yng nghapeli Anghydffurfiol Cymru); cyfansoddiadau llenyddol (yn cynnwys barddoniaeth, storiâu byrion, nofelau, a dramâu, mewn drafft ac yn orffenedig; a darlithoedd, nodiadau a thraethodau ar bynciau llenyddol, hanesyddol, gwleidyddol, a chymdeithasegol); nodiadau ar anthropoleg, ethnoleg, pensaernïaeth a daeareg, yn cynnwys geiriadur Cymraeg-Saesneg o dermau daearegol; y diwydiant llechi yng Nghymru; deunydd ar ramadeg a statws gwleidyddol yr iaith Gymraeg; nodiadau ar wahanol ieithoedd estron a thafodieithoedd, yn cynnwys iaith y Beibl; deunydd bywgraffyddol yn ymwneud â Gwenith Gwyn a'i wraig, 1885-1937; catalog o lyfrau yn ei lyfrgell; torion o'r wasg,1922-1928; a llyfrau lloffion, yn ogystal ag erthygl papur newydd amdano gan y Parch. W. J. Rhys, Abertawe,1947); ei gopïau o weithiau printiedig, 1750-[20fed ganrif]; a deunydd, printiedig neu fel arall, a ysgrifennwyd gan bobl heblaw Gwenith Gwyn = Papers of and relating to William Rhys Jones ('Gwenith Gwyn'), 1750-1947, nearly all of which are in his own hand, comprising: notes on Welsh local history, place-names, folk culture, and antiquities (including considerable material, in the form of notes, essays, addresses, transcripts, and press cuttings, on the personalities, traditions, and historical, literary and industrial associations of Dyffryn Ceiriog, Glamorgan, Maldwyn, Ceredigion and Arfon); religious material (sermons and sermon notes, essays and addresses on the Christian Church and on various aspects of its ministry; papers dealing with the Baptist denomination in Wales, particularly in Glamorgan; notes on Biblical texts; notes, in memoriam addresses, and biographical material on various religious personalities, mainly Welsh; and a dictionary of Biblical terms used in Nonconformist chapels in Wales); literary compositions (comprising poetry, short stories, novels, and plays, in both draft and final form; and lectures, notes, and essays on literary, historical, political, and sociological topics); notes on anthropology, ethnology, architecture and geology, including an English-Welsh dictionary of geological terms; the Welsh quarrying industry; material on the grammar and political status of the Welsh language; notes on various foreign languages and dialects, including Biblical tongues; biographical material relating to both Gwenith Gwyn and his wife (including bills and receipts; diaries for 1923, 1936, and 1937; letters received, 1885-1937; a catalogue of books in his library; press cuttings, 1922-1928; and scrap-books, as well as a newspaper article about him by Rev. W. J. Rhys, Swansea, 1947); his copies of printed works, 1750-[20th cent.]; and material, printed or otherwise, written by persons other than Gwenith Gwyn.

Casgliad bychan o bapurau ychwanegol gan gynnwys llyfrau nodiadau. Nid yw'r rhain wedi eu catalogio eto.

Jones, William Rhys, 1868-1937

Dannie Abse Papers,

  • GB 0210 DANBSE
  • Fonds
  • 1943-1994 /

Literary, editorial and personal correspondence, draft and unpublished poetry, short stories and other works, and miscellaneous papers, 1955-1995; unpublished short stories and articles, articles and essays, reviews, lectures, plays, broadcasts, ghost-writing, miscellaneous prose, and editorials.

An additional consignment of papers, 2004-7, of Dannie Abse. This group remains uncatalogued.

A further tranch of papers, being letters, loose manuscripts, workbooks and miscellaneous papers, 2008-2013. This group remains uncatalogued.

Abse, Dannie

Augusta Berry Collection of Deeds,

  • GB 0210 AUGRRY
  • Fonds
  • 1753-1865 (accumulated [1939]) /

Deeds collect by J. Augusta Berry, mainly relating to properties in Glamorgan, Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire, 1753-1865.

Berry, Augusta.

Petition of William Hurst and Glamorgan papers

  • NLW MS 13926E.
  • File
  • 1805-1851

A volume containing the petition of William Hurst, formerly of Gabalfa and Dinas Powys, to the Court of Exchequer concerning his claims in Dinas Powys, Rumney, Llandough, Highlight, Cibwr, St Andrews Major, Merthyr Dyfan, Cogan, Roath, St Brides-super-Ely, Llanedern, Llandaf, Ystradyfodwg, Peterston-super-Ely and Cardiff. Also included are: a sale bill, 1825, from the Roath estate; a promissory note, 1821, from Harford's ironworks, Machen; the probate record, 1845, of Noah Morgan, Cymer; and an election address, 1851, from General Sir George Tyler to the voters of Glamorgan, with manuscript notes on the contents by Ifan Kyrle Fletcher.

Hurst, William, fl. 1769

D. Gethin Williams Collection of Deeds,

  • GB 0210 DGETHWIL
  • Fonds
  • 1687-1889 /

Collection of deeds acquire by D. Gethin Williams, relating to properties in Carmarthenshire and Glamorgan, 1687-1889.

Williams, D. Gethin, [alive 1960s]

John Jenkins Collection of Neath and Cilybebyll Deeds,

  • GB 0210 JOHINS
  • Fonds
  • 1546-1933 /

Papers collected by John Jenkins, mainly records of the manors of Neath Ultra and Cilybebyll, Glamorgan, 1632-1831; and deeds relating to Glamorgan and Brecknockshire, 1546-1933.

Jenkins, John.

Jeffreys and Powell, Brecon, Deeds,

  • GB 0210 JEFELL
  • Fonds
  • 1557-1939 /

Title deeds and other documents of depositor's clients, 1557-1939, relating to properties in Brecknockshire, 1557-1939, in particular to the Little Bell, Brecon, 1759-1883, and to the Pant Griffith estate, Merthyr Cynog, 1705-1856; in Glamorgan, 1731-1920, including the Court Rhyd-hir estate, 1731-1920; and in Radnorshire, 1639-1800, Monmouthshire, 1756-1834, and Herefordshire, 1557-1763.

Jeffreys and Powell (Solicitors)

David and David Valuation Records,

  • GB 0210 DAVONS
  • Fonds
  • 1846-1933 /

Records of Messrs David and David, comprising records of valuations of properties in South Wales and the adjoining counties of England made during the period 1846-1933, including Breconshire, 1872-1912; Carmarthenshire, 1865-1884; Glamorgan, 1846-1926; Monmouthshire, 1867-1933; Gloucestershire, 1875-1880; Herefordshire, 1874-1881; and Somerset, 1876-1885. The records include surveys, reports, valuations, correspondence, notes, plans, valuation schedules, sale notices and copy agreements. Many of the records reflect the industrial and urban development of South Wales and quite a number of the individual valuations are of land subject to compulsory purchase by railway companies and public utilities.

David and David of Cardiff, land agents.

Newport West Conservative Association Records,

  • GB 0210 NEWTION
  • Fonds
  • 1917-1989 /

Records relating to Newport West Conservative Association, 1917-1989, comprising minute books, 1917-1982, including those of the Women's Branch, 1926-1982; ward minutes, 1939-1967; account books, 1925-1978; and miscellaneous papers comprising a scrapbook of political leaflets, pamphlets, circulars, cuttings, etc., 1938-1947, electoral registers, 1988-1989, and copies of outgoing letters from the chairman, 1973.

Newport West Conservative Association.

Ted Rowlands Papers,

  • GB 0210 TEDNDS
  • Fonds
  • 1972-1991 /

Constituents' correspondence, 1984-1990; general correspondence, 1982-1990; subject files, 1972-1990; Foreign Affairs Committee, 1991; correspondence and press cuttings relating to the Miners' Strike, 1984-1985; and pamphlets, 1984-1987.

Rowlands, Ted, 1940-

Glamorgan deeds and papers

  • NLW MS 13927E.
  • File
  • 1724-1834

A volume containing miscellaneous documents relating to Glamorgan, including a letter, 1780, from the bailiffs of Cardiff to the portreeve and burgesses of Loughor concerning a parliamentary election (f. ii); transcripts or abstracts of title deeds of lands in the parishes of Gelli-gaer and Llanfabon, 1783-1785 (ff. 1-7), Eglwysilan, 1813 (ff. 8-16), Geli-gaer, 1795-1806 (ff. 17-29), a lease of Pennsylvania meeting-house, Merthyr Tydfil for use by Methodists, 1796-1797 (ff. 32-36), Llysfaen, Llanedern, Michaelston-y-Vedw and Roath, [c. 1784] (ff. 37-39), Tirygwernllwyn, Merthyr Tydfil, 1823 (ff. 42-44), and lands in the manor of Llandaf and parishes of Llandaf, Whitchurch and Canton, [c. 1810], held by Francis James Matthew, earl of Llandaf, including recitals of deeds dated 1553-1740 (ff. 46-49); an extract from the Glamorgan Quarter Sessions relating to an action brought by the Rev. Edward Picton against John Davies, [c. 1830] (ff. 30-31); a quitclaim of Henry William, Cowbridge, to Henry Collins, Tre-gof, 1724 (f. 45); various related printed items and typescript notes by Ifan Kyrle Fletcher.

Gwaith 'Ioan Trithyd',

  • NLW MSS 11732E-11733D.
  • File
  • [1850x1930] /

Albums of press cuttings (from the Central Glamorgan Gazette, Chronicle for South and Mid-Glamorgan, Barry Herald, etc.) compiled by 'Ioan Trithyd'. They consist largely of the compiler's own press contributions, in the form of poetry of local interest, 'Llith yr Hen Bacman', 'Llith Wmffra Llwyd', 'Ymweliad a Llanwrtyd', 'Hanes Llantrithyd ...', etc.

Morgan, John, 1830-1930

J. R. Hughes Papers and Deeds,

  • GB 0210 JRHUGHES
  • Fonds
  • 1727-1961 (accumulted [1906x1961]) /

Manuscripts and documents collected by and created by John Roberts Hughes, 1727-1961, including, papers relating to the Quakers, including transcribed extracts from records, collected volumes and items of Quaker interest, and notes on the Quakers by J. R. Hughes; various papers collected and written by J. R. Hughes relating to folk-lore and local histories; notes for addresses and lectures; papers and documents created by others, acquired or purchased by J. R. Hughes; deeds relating mainly to Glamorgan and Monmouthshire, and other miscellaneous deeds; together with personal memoranda by J. R. Hughes and family papers.

Hughes, J. R. (John Roberts), 1886-1962.

Papurau Pennar Davies,

  • GB 0210 PENIES
  • fonds
  • 1913-1999 /

Papurau Pennar Davies, 1913-1999, yn cynnwys copïau teipysgrif o'i weithiau llenyddol, ynghyd â phapurau academaidd a phapurau llenyddol.

Davies, Pennar

Thomas Morgan: Cymraeg Morgannwg

  • NLW MS 6743C
  • File
  • 20 cent.

A glossary of the Welsh of Glamorgan compiled by Thomas Morgan (1850-1939), Baptist minister at Skewen.

Morgan, T. (Thomas), 1850-1939

Dr A. W. L. Seaman Papers,

  • GB 0210 AWLMAN
  • Fonds
  • [c. 1880]-1961 (accumulated [c. pre-1961]) /

Correspondence and research notes of Dr. A.W.L.Seaman relating to politics in Merthyr Tudful before 1914, comprising correspondence and papers relating to the biographies of three members of parliament for Merthyr Tudful (c. 1880-1914), namely William Pritchard-Morgan, Keir Hardie, and Edgar Jones (including letters from Edgar Jones, 1960-1961,) and newspaper cuttings and ephemera relating to the Merthyr Tydfil parliamentary election, January 1910.

Seaman, A. W. L.


  • NLW MS 9343E.
  • File
  • [1868x1899] /

Extracts and notes, mainly by Charles Ashton, wedding stanzas, folk-lore, notes on Glamorgan, etc.

Ashton, Charles, 1848-1899

Michael Wilson Collection of South Wales Deeds,

  • GB 0210 MICSON
  • Fonds
  • [15th century]-1880 (accumulated [c. 1972]) /

Deeds, 1542-1797, relating to properties in Glamorgan, Brecknockshire and Carmarthenshire; memorandum book of ?Samuel Owsley and William Owsley of Brecon, with notes on rents, taxes and local events and history, 1679-1768; fragment of an antiphonal, [15th century]; a copy of The Reports of Sir Henry Hobart, Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 1650; and a copy of The Larvae of the British Lepidoptera and their food plants, 1880.

Wilson, Michael, of Pencader.

Penlle'rgaer Estate Records,

  • GB 0210 PENAER
  • Fonds
  • 1404-1979 /

Deeds and documents 1404-1979, relating to the Penllergaer estate in Breconshire and Glamorgan, including deeds and papers relating to coal mining in Glamorgan and Carmarthenshire, mainly nineteenth century; and letters and papers of the following: John Llewelyn of Penllergaer, 1790-1816, John Dillwyn Llewelyn, 1824-1840, William Dillwyn and Lewis Weston Dillwyn.

Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn family, of Penlle'rgaer and Llysdinam

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