Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 81 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
Wales -- History
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

1 canlyniad gyda gwrthrychau digidol Dangos canlyniadau gyda gwrthrychau digidol

Papurau Frank Price Jones

  • GB 0210 FRANJON
  • Fonds
  • 1937-1975

Nodiadau darlithoedd, yn bennaf ar gyfer dosbarthiadau allanol ar hanes Cymru, 1943-1975; papurau ynglŷn ag ymchwil a chyhoeddiadau Frank Price Jones, 1947-1975, yn cynnwys drafftiau erthyglau ac adolygiadau, gwahanlithoedd a chopïau printiedig o'i waith cyhoeddedig; deunydd yn ymwneud ag erthyglau awduron eraill, 1932-1975; papurau, 1943-1975, yn deillio o waith Frank Price Jones ar gyfer y cyfryngau, y cynnwys sgriptiau radio a theledu, ac i bapurau newydd; papurau gwleidyddol, 1910-1975, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth, torion o'r wasg, pamffledi ymgeiswyr ac anerchiadau etholiadol, canlyniadau etholiadau, deunydd yn ymwneud ag Ymgyrch Senedd i Gymru yn y 1950au cynnar a Chomisiwn y Cyfansoddiad, 1969-1970; papurau, 1947-1975, ynghylch y gwaith cyhoeddus a gyflawnodd Frank Price Jones, yn cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud â'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, 1922-1974; deunydd, 1966-1975, yn ymwneud â Phatagonia; papurau,1966-1975, yn deillio o waith Frank Price Jones ar gyfer Panel Cyfieithu'r Swyddfa Gymreig, Pwyllgor Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, 1956-1967, ac Urdd y Graddedigion Prifysgol Cymru, 1963-1975; gohebiaeth gyffredinol, 1941-1975, yn cynnwys grŵp mawr o lythyrau,1941-1975, oddi wrth Iorwerth C. Peate, cefnder Frank Price Jones; ac amrywiol. = Lecture notes mainly for extra-mural classes in Welsh history, 1943-1975; papers concerning Frank Price Jones's research and publications, 1947-1975, including drafts of articles and reviews, offprints and printed copies of his published work; material relating to articles by other authors, 1932-1975; papers, 1943-1975, deriving from Frank Price Jones's work for the media, including television and radio scripts, and for newspapers; political papers, 1910-1975, including correspondence, press cuttings, candidates' pamphlets and election addresses, election results, material relating to the Parliament for Wales Campaign of the early 1950s and to the Commission on the Constitution of 1969-1970; papers, 1947-1975, concerning the public work undertaken by Frank Price Jones, including in relation to the National Eisteddfod, 1922-1974; material, 1966-1975, relating to Patagonia; papers, 1966-1975, deriving from Frank Price Jones's work for the Welsh Office Translation Panel, the Committee of the Welsh Folk Museum, 1956-1967, and for the Guild of Graduates of the University of Wales, 1963-1975; general correspondence, 1941-1975, including a large group of letters, 1941-1975, from Iorwerth C. Peate, a cousin to Frank Price Jones; and various miscellanea.

Jones, Frank Price, 1920-1975.

Historical notes,

A volume of historical material in the hand of Robert Roberts ('Y Sgolor Mawr'), including a list of Hengwrt manuscripts extracted from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1869; extracts from the Domesday Chronicle; a list of chief tenants of the counties of Anglesey, Caernarvon, and Merioneth, 1344; and an incomplete draft essay on the early history of Britain and Wales.

Llyfr torion,

A scrap-book compiled by John Jones ('Myrddin Fardd') containing miscellaneous press cuttings entitled 'Ffurfiad y Genedl Gymreig' by J. E. Lloyd, 'o Goleg Aberystwyth' (?from Y Drych), 'Y Gymraeg a'r Llydaweg' by Aneurin Jones ('Aneurin Fardd'), 'Celtiaid Cymru, a'u Llenyddiaeth', 'Hanes yr Hen Eglwys Brydeinig' (trans. Herbert Jones), 'Penod yn Hanes Cymru' by O. M. Williams, Wymore, Nebraska, 'Y Llan a'r Llyfr' by B. D. Johns, Llwynypia, 'Olion y Goresgyniad Gwyddelig yng Ngwynedd' by the late Owen Williamson, 'Llew Llwyfo yn y De', 'Y diweddar Ebenezer Lloyd [Edwardsville, Pa.]' by 'Melindwr', 'Porthmona yn yr hen amser' by Ellis Pierce ('Elis o'r Nant'), 'Yn Hen Gapel y Pandy' by [Howell Roberts] 'Hywel Tudur', etc.

'Llyfr Coch Asaph'

A miscellaneous collection of records mainly relating to Wales compiled towards the middle of the seventeenth century. -- The manuscript begins on page 53 with extracts from 'Llyfr Coch Asaph', with the additions from the hand of William Bullocke, as in Peniarth MS 231 - a manuscript written by Robert Vaughan, Hengwrt, and most probably the immediate source of the Nefydd version; the 'summa' of 'Llyfr Coch Asaph' compiled in 1602, which is also contained in Peniarth MS 231, as well as the list of contents of another St. Asaph record - the 'liber pergamenus' which is now deposited with the Church in Wales records at the National Library; a transcript of a record of proceedings on a writ of quare impedit brought by the Prince of Wales against Howel Gymen and a hundred and seventeen others, touching the advowson of a prebend in the collegiate church of Holyhead ('prebenda de Castro Keby') supplied by 'Mr. Ellice the Councellor'; a collection of historical records relating to Wales taken directly from the hand of Robert Vaughan in Peniarth MS 236; a transcript of the 'Historia Britonum' of Nennius, copied out of a book given to John Selden by William Camden, compared with a version in 'Oxford Library' under the name of 'Gilda Minor', and ending with an extract from a Cottonian manuscript (pp. 245-88); a copy of the statutes of Chester Cathedral, temp. Henry VIII (pp. 289-310); 'Ymrafaelion henwau Ynys Brydain', etc. - seventeen chapters of pseudo-history and description of the Isle of Britain (cf. slightly different versions in Peniarth MSS 163 and 215), with a supplement containing accounts of place-names not included in the main text, a reference to the earthquake of 1574/5, the wonders of Scotland and Ireland, the conversion of the various British nations to Christianity, and 'y naw helwriaeth', 'mesurau cerdd dant', and 'trioedd mab y krinwas' (pp. 312-49). -- At the end of the volume are a number of documents relating to Cheshire and Flintshire - a note of entail of Flintshire lordships, Flintshire rents of assize, the customs of Dee mills and other records taken from a book of Edward Whitby, recorder of Chester, and a transcript of Robert Vaughan's copy of the fealty roll of the Prince of Wales, 29 Edward I .

Bullocke, William


Miscellaneous notes by Walter Davies relating mainly to Welsh literature, history, and archaeology.

Documents relating to Wales

'Antiquarian and Historical Documents &c. relating to Wales', including transcripts by John Jenkins of abstracts and extracts made by John Lloyd, Caerwys, from Sebright manuscripts.

Welsh literature and philology,

Drafts of articles relating to Welsh literature and history and to Celtic institutions; lists of Welsh words derived from English and of words common to both branches of the Celtic family; and a poem entitled 'Rhiangerdd Gwenfalwy o Gastell Caerphili' by 'Idwal Trefor', 1874.

Sir Edward Anwyl.

Robert Vaughan: British Antiquities Revived ...

A transcript of Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt's essay, printed Oxford, 1662, under the title British Antiquities Revived: or a friendly Contest touching the sovereignty of the three Princes of Wales in ancient times ... .

Notes on history,

Extracts on ancient and Welsh history, etc., partly in the hand of James Evans, Trefayog. Some of the extracts are dated at Bristol, 6 October, [17]97.

James Evans and others.

Hanes tair sir ar ddeg Cymru

A transcript, made for Edmund J. Jones in 1902 by D. J. Llewelyn (Talnant), of an edition printed by J. Eddowes, Shrewsbury, of Dafydd Thomas : Hanes Tair Sir ar Ddeg Cymru.

Llewelyn, Daniel Jones, fl. 1902-1942

David Jones letters to Saunders Lewis

Fifty-three letters and cards, 1948-1974, from the artist and writer David Jones to Saunders Lewis, discussing his creative work, the Welsh language, aspects of Welsh and Classical antiquity and literature, the Roman Catholic faith and culture in general. Drawing on f. 51 and inscriptions on ff. 10-13, 29 verso, 36 verso, 44 verso. Also included are three letters, 1937, from David Jones to Margaret Lewis, written during her husband's imprisonment (ff. 91-3 verso) and a copy of a speech by David Jones, delivered in absentia when he was awarded the honorary degree of DLitt by the University of Wales in 1960 (ff. 21-7).

Jones, David, 1895-1974

The Hidden Kingdom,

A copy of a draft typescript outline, with manuscript revision, by Emyr Humphreys (b. 1919), of 'The Hidden Kingdom', a proposed volume of essays on the history and traditions of Wales to be edited by him, together with a covering letter, 1979, from the author to Saunders Lewis.

Emyr Humphreys.


Two volumes of miscellaneous transcripts mainly in the hand of Walter Davies (Gwallter Mechain, 1761-1849), relating to the antiquities, history, topography, language, and literature of Wales. They include catalogues of Welsh manuscripts; transcripts of manuscripts of Evan Evans (Ieuan Brydydd Hir), of letters of Edward Lhuyd, Lewis Morris, Goronwy Owen, etc., of Strata Marcella abbey charters, of monumental inscriptions, of Evan Evans's transcripts of Richard Farrington's archaeological notes, etc.; notes on Llanerfyl, Llangadfan, and Garthbeibio, written by William Jones, Llangadfan, and sent by him, with letters, to Walter Davies; a letter, 1792, from Edward Williams (Iolo Morganwg) to Walter Davies; an extract, by Lewis Morris, from his Celtic Remains; Marwnad Lewis Morys ... by Goronwy Owen, in the autograph of Evan Evans; etc. Both volumes are indexed.

Evans, Evan, 1731-1788

The Richards and Edwards families of Cardiff and Llandaff : Genealogical notes

  • NLW MS 16921E.
  • Ffeil
  • [1823x1860]

Family trees and genealogical notes and extracts relating to the Richards family of Cardiff and the Edwards family of Llandaff House (ff. 1-14 verso); historical notes relating to Wales and the Marches (ff. 15-26 verso); a licence, dated 1 December 1823 and signed by George IV and [Sir] Charles George Young, granting Thomas William Richards the right to adopt the surname of Edwards and to bear the arms of that family (f. 27); notes relating to the murder of William Powell of Glanareth, Carmarthenshire in 1770 (ff. 28-30); letters to Thomas William Edwards from Francis E. Stacey, 1848, ?vicar of Cardiff, and from Thomas [?John] Powell, rector of Llanhamlach, 1857, both relating to genealogical matters (ff. 31-34); and an extract from the pedigree of George Rice Rice-Trevor, 4th baron Dynevor (f. 35).

Humphrey Lhuyd's History of Wales

  • NLW MS 23202B.
  • Ffeil
  • [16 cent., second ½]

A volume, [16 cent., second ½], probably in the hand of Thomas Powell (d. 1588), Parc y Drewen, Whittington, co. Salop, containing a much shortened text of Humphrey Lhuyd's English version of Brut y Tywysogion, upon which version David Powel based his Historie of Cambria, now called Wales ... (London, 1584) (see Brut y Tywysogion ..., ed. by Thomas Jones (Cardiff, 1952), pp. xiv-xviii). Omissions mainly involve passages relating to events outside Wales, church affairs and the papacy, anecdotes, explanations of Welsh personal and place-names, and the arguments against Polydore Vergil. Three other copies are known: BL, MS Cotton Caligula A VI; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmolean Museum MS 847; and NLW, Llanstephan MS 177. Also included are a pedigree of the kings and princes of North Wales from Cadwaladr to Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (ff. iv-v verso), a painted coat of arms of Cadwaladr (f. 1), and an index of personal and place-names (ff. 168-70 verso). Six lines of English verse are added in a contemporary hand on f. 171 verso.

Powell, Thomas, -1588

British Antiquities Revived

A draft tract entitled 'Proofes drawne from authorities and other reasons why Cadelh prince of Southwales was the eldest sonne of Roderic the greate (kinge of Wales) and that he and his issue after him had a superioritie over the rest of Wales and his two bretheren and the descendantes from them' by, and in the autograph of, Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt. The substance of this tract was subsequently incorporated in Vaughan's British Antiquities Revived (Oxford, 1662). The volume contains both the arguments and answers set forth by Vaughan and therefore differs considerably from Peniarth MS 277 which contains only the arguments.
Pasted inside the front cover is a short description of the volume in the form of a cutting from Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge’s Sale Catalogue of the Mostyn Library (1919), p. 22.

Vaughan, Robert, 1592-1667

Traethawd ar hanes Cymru,

  • NLW MS 23562D.
  • Ffeil
  • [19 gan., canol] /

An incomplete essay, [mid-19 cent.], on the history of Wales from the time of Vortigern to that of Owain Glyndŵr by John Edwards (Eos Glan Twrch).

Edwards, J. (John), 1806-1887.


Notes, transcripts and drafts of articles published by Egerton Phillimore, 1881-1937, relating to manuscripts, history, literature, genealogy, place-names, grammar, etymology and other linguistic matters, primarily concerning Wales but also including material pertaining to England, Scotland and Ireland, as well as continental Europe. Interspersed among the notes are occasional diary entries and drafts of letters, usually relating to the same topics, as well as containing personal material.

Canlyniadau 1 i 20 o 81