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Only top-level descriptions Welsh poetry -- 19th century
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Papurau Eifion Wyn,

  • GB 0210 EIFWYN
  • fonds
  • 1839-1980 /

Papurau Eifion Wyn yn cynnwys copïau llawysgrif o'i gerddi, 1885-1925, rhai ohonynt wedi eu cyhoeddi yn Caniadau'r Allt (1927) ac O Drum i Draeth (1929); ei gyfieithiadau o farddoniaeth a rhyddiaith, 1906-1923; pregethau, emynau a chaneuon, [c.1914]-1921; cerddi gan eraill, 1889-1926; beirniadaethau cystadlaethau eisteddfodol, 1915-1925; llythyrau a gohebiaeth â llenorion, 1894-1926; llythyrau at ei wraig, 1922-1950; cofnodion cofrestru aelodau'r teulu, 1864-1941; tystysgrifau eisteddfodol, 1905-1924; deunydd printiedig,1908-1927; llyfrau, yn cynnwys gwaith gan Eifion Wyn, 1866-1930; dyddiaduron Eifion Wyn, 1919-1920; dyddiaduron ei dad Robert Williams, 1894-1900; a phapurau'n perthyn i'w ŵyr Penri Williams, 1926-[1980] = Papers of Eifion Wyn comprising manuscript copies of his poems, 1885-1925, some of which were published in Caniadau'r Allt (1927) and O Drum i Draeth (1929); translations by him of poetry and prose, 1906-1923; sermons, hymns and songs, [c. 1914]-1921; translations of his poetry by others, 1907-1924; poems addressed to him, 1919-1921; poems by others, 1889-1926; adjudications of eisteddfod competitions, 1915-1925; letters and correspondence with literary figures, 1894-1926; letters to his wife, 1922-1950; family civil registration records, 1864-1941; eisteddfod certificates, 1905-1924; printed matter, 1908-1927; books, including Eifion Wyn's works, 1866-1930; diaries of Eifion Wyn, 1919-1920, diaries of his father Robert Williams, 1894-1900; and papers belonging to his grandson Penri Williams, 1926-[1980].

Eifion Wyn, 1867-1926.

Lewis Lewis ('Awenfab o Wynfe') Papers,

  • GB 0210 LEWISLEW
  • Fonds
  • 1732-1982 /

Literary, family and business papers, 1732-1982, of Lewis Lewis ('Awenfab o Wynfe', 1837-1906), poet, of Gwynfe, Carmarthenshire, his son, Dr Ivor Lewis, St Asaph, and other members of his family, including drafts of poetry by Lewis Lewis; denominational diaries, 1848-1908; and letters, including correspondence, 1854-1947, between Lewis Lewis and relatives and friends in the United States and Canada.

Lewis, Lewis, 1837-1906.

C. Tawelfryn Thomas Papers,

  • GB 0210 MSCTAWEL
  • Fonds
  • 1837-1938 /

Papers of the Rev. C. Tawelfryn Thomas, 1837-1938, comprising letters addressed to him from religious, literary and political figures, 1874-1938, mainly about biographical details of historical and contemporary ministers and poets, eisteddfod competitions, publication of books and articles, including Thomas's own work on Ieuan Gwynedd, the Independent College in Bala, personal matters, preaching engagements and ministers' appointments; stanzas composed by him; and poetry by William Cosslett (Gwilym Elian) and others, 1837-1903.

Thomas, C. Tawelfryn (Cadwaladr Tawelfryn), 1856-1939

D. J. Williams (Llanbedr) Papers,

  • GB 0210 DJIAMS
  • Fonds
  • 1773-1949 (accumulated [1906]-1949) /

Papers of D. J. Williams, Llanbedr, Merionethshire, 1773-1949, comprising notebooks and other papers belonging to John Jones ('Tudur Llwyd') and John Peter, 'Ioan Pedr', 1773-1850; miscellaneous business papers, 1846-1903; notes, essays, books, and poems by D. J. Williams, 1911-1949; manuscripts of translations (by others) of books into Welsh, 1942-1945; notes and materials on the history of Llanderfel and Ardudwy, 1935-1938; manuscript and sources for Cyfres Chwedl a Chân, [1930s]; letters to D. J. Williams concerning children's stories, 1933-1949, from various authors; general correspondence of D. J. Williams, 1909-1941; papers relating to the translation into Welsh of school books and Welsh publications, 1932-1949; and radio scripts, stories, plays and lectures, by D. J. Williams and others [20th century].

Williams, D. J. (David John), 1886-1950

'Myvyr Morganwg',

  • NLW MS 11726C.
  • File
  • [1875x1880] /

Evan Davies ('Myvyr Morganwg'): Hynafiaeth Aruthrol Trwn, neu Orsedd Beirdd Ynys Brydain a'i Barddas Gyfrin ... (Pontypridd, [1875]). Attached to the upper and lower end-papers are brief notes on 'Myvyr Morganwg' by Henri Gaidoz [see 561]; a list by Llywarch Reynolds, Merthyr Tudful, of the published works of 'Myvyr Morganwg'; and a holograph letter from Llywarch Reynolds to Henri Gaidoz, 1880 (relating largely to the life and writings of 'Myvyr Morganwg').

Myfyr Morganwg, 1801-1888

Papurau Gwydderig

  • Fonds
  • 1877-1917

Papurau Gwydderig, yn cynnwys ei farddoniaeth a deunydd perthynol yn cynnwys beirniadaethau eisteddfodol, torion o'r wasg, adysgrifau o'i waith a gohebiaeth, 1877-1917; ynghyd â barddoniaeth gan feirdd eraill yn cynnwys William Williams ('Myfyr Wyn', 1849-1900), a llyfr nodiadau ei frawd Benjamin Williams = Papers of Gwydderig, comprising his poetry and related material including eisteddfod adjudications, press cuttings, transcripts of his works and correspondence, 1877-1917; together with poetry by other poets including William Williams ('Myfyr Wyn', 1849-1900), and a notebook of his brother Benjamin Williams.

Gwydderig, 1842-1917.

Richard R. Williams: Cerddi

  • NLW MS 13940A.
  • File
  • [c. 1863]

A volume containing poetry, [c. 1863], in Welsh, by Richard R. Williams, Llangollen.

Williams, Richard R., of Llangollen, fl. mid 19 cent.

Papurau Anthropos

  • Fonds
  • 1869-1944

Papurau Anthropos, 1869-1944, yn cynnwys gohebiaeth, 1869-1944, a llythyrau o gydymdeimlad at ei weddw, 1944; papurau personol eraill, 1878-1944, yn cynnwys dyddiaduron, llyfrau nodiadau ar bynciau llenyddol a diwinyddol; torion o'r wasg, 1880-1937; papurau llenyddol yn cynnwys cerddi gan Anthropos, 1876-1939, anerchiadau, erthyglau, traethodau a chyfansoddiadau rhyddiaith eraill, 1898-1922; barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith gan awduron eraill (rhai llawysgrifau gwreiddiol), yn enwedig Llew Llwyfo, 1877-1939. = Papers of Anthropos, 1869-1944, including correspondence, 1869-1944, and letters of condolence to his widow, 1944; other personal papers, 1878-1944, including diaries, notebooks on literary and theological matters; newspaper cuttings, 1880-1937; literary papers including poems by Anthropos, 1876-1939, addresses, articles, essays and other prose compositions, 1898-1922; poetry and prose by other writers (some original manuscripts), in particular Llew Llwyfo, 1877-1939.

Anthropos, 1853?-1944.

Llythyrau T. Gwynn Jones at R. S. Rowlands

  • NLW MS 24174E.
  • File
  • 1889-1892, 1909

Wyth llythyr ar hugain, 1889-1892, oddi wrth T. Gwynn Jones at ei gyfaill R[owland] S[amuel] Rowlands, Tywyn, Abergele (yn ddiweddarach yn fyfyriwr yn Holt Academy, sir Ddinbych, ac yna yn astudio milfeddygaeth yng Nghaeredin), ynghyd ag eitemau eraill amgaeëdig, yn cynnwys tua un ar hugain o gerddi, i gyd yn ôl pob golwg heb eu cyhoeddi. Yn y llythyrau mae Gwynn yn trafod barddoniaeth, gwaith a materion personol. = Twenty-eight letters, 1889-1892, from T. Gwynn Jones to his friend R[owland] S[amuel] Rowlands of Tywyn, Abergele (later a student at Holt Academy, Denbighshire, and then a student of veterinary medicine at Edinburgh), together with other enclosed items, including some twenty-one poems, all apparently unpublished. In the letters Gwynn discusses poetry, work and personal matters.
Mae'r cerddi un ai ar ddalennau ar wahân (ff. 3-4, 7-8, 10-12, 14, 26, 31-32, 38-39, 71-74) neu wedi eu cynnwys yn y llythyrau (ff. 23-25 verso, 27 verso, 29 verso, 44 verso, 46 recto-verso, 62, 63). Mae'r amgaeëdigion eraill yn cynnwys llyfryn o gartwnau yn dwyn y teitl 'Darluniau Cymdeithasol', [1889] (ff. 15-22), 'Rhestr o Destynau [sic] Eisteddfod y Beirdd Serch' (ff. 35-36), darn o ryddiaith am y cymeriadau 'Ned y Dolphin' a 'Syr Harri' (ff. 75-78) a cherdd gan R. S. Rowlands ar 'Synnwyr y Fawd', ar gyfer Cyfarfod Cystadleuol Abergele, Nadolig 1889 (f. 37). Mae llythyr at Rowlands oddi wrth Griff[ith] Evans, Brynkynallt, Bangor, 13 Ebrill 1909, yn ymwneud a'r N[orth] W[ales] V[eterinary] M[edical] A[ssociation] (f. 79). Mae Gwynn yn arwyddo'i lythyrau mewn nifer o ffyrdd, gan gynnwys 'Gwynn ap Iwan', 'Gwynnvre ap Iwan', 'Thomas Gwynn ap Iwan' a 'Syr Pedr Bennwann'; ceir 'T. Gwynn-Jones' am y tro cyntaf ar 15 Ionawr 1891 (f. 44). = The poems are either on separate leaves (ff. 3-4, 7-8, 10-12, 14, 26, 31-32, 38-39, 71-74) or incorporated in individual letters (ff. 23-25 verso, 27 verso, 29 verso, 44 verso, 46 recto-verso, 62, 63). Other enclosures include a booklet of cartoons entitled 'Darluniau Cymdeithasol' ['Society Pictures'], [1889] (ff. 15-22), a satirical list of competitions for 'Eisteddfod y Beirdd Serch' (ff. 35-36), a prose fragment concerning the characters 'Ned y Dolphin' and 'Syr Harri' (ff. 75-78) and a poem by R. S. Rowlands entitled 'Synnwyr y Fawd', written for Cyfarfod Cystadleuol Abergele, Christmas 1889 (f. 37). A single letter to Rowlands from Griff[ith] Evans, Brynkynallt, Bangor, 13 April 1909, relates to the affairs of the N[orth] W[ales] V[eterinary] M[edical] A[ssociation] (f. 79). Gwynn signs his letters in a number of ways, including 'Gwynn ap Iwan', 'Gwynnvre ap Iwan', 'Thomas Gwynn ap Iwan' and 'Syr Pedr Bennwann'; 'T. Gwynn-Jones' appears for the first time on 15 January 1891 (f. 44).

Jones, T. Gwynn (Thomas Gwynn), 1871-1949

Awdl gan Nicander

  • NLW MS 3423D.
  • File
  • 1841

Awdl y Gwanwyn, written by Morris Williams (Nicander) (1809-1874) and sent by him, with a letter, to Ellis Owen, Cefnymeusydd (1789-1868), 1841.

Williams, Morris, 1809-1874

Papurau W. J. Gruffydd

  • Fonds
  • [1903]-[1952]

Papurau W. J. Gruffydd,[1903]-[1952], yn cynnwys drafftiau o erthyglau'n ymwneud â'r Mabinogi; nodiadau darlith ar gyfer ei gyrsiau Cymraeg yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd; nodiadau darlithoedd ac erthyglau eraill; sgyrsiau a darlledwyd gan y BBC; personalia; a grŵp sylweddol o ohebiaeth oddi wrth ffigurau llenyddol blaenllaw = Papers of W. J. Gruffydd, [1903]-[1952], including drafts of articles relating to the Mabinogi; lecture notes for his Welsh courses at University College of Wales, Cardiff; other lecture notes and articles; BBC broadcast talks; personalia; and a substantial group of correspondence from notable literary figures.

Gruffydd, W. J. (William John), 1881-1954

Brythonydd Papers

  • GB 0210 BRYYDD
  • Fonds
  • [early 18th century]-1952 (accumulated [1891x1952])

Papers of Brythonydd and others, [early 18th century]-1952, comprising essays and notes on Teifiside history, 1902-1909; notes on sermons and lectures; diaries, 1906-1923; transcripts of various historical, literary and religious material including Ystradyfodwg parish records, 1735-1930, and Howel Harris' diaries, 1738-1771; transcripts of poetry by Cardiganshire poets including Gwinionydd; letters, 1898-1952; vestry books and account books of Cenarth and Penbryn and other parishes, [pre 1798]-1876; records of Libanus, Treherbert including minute books, registers and account books, 1842-1946; papers of Benjamin Williams (Gwinionydd), including letters, sermons, 1855-1890, essays, notes and poetry; papers of David James (Defynnog), Treherbert, relating mainly to the column he edited in The South Wales News and including sermons and adjudications of his uncle, Benjamin Thomas (Myfyr Emlyn), 1875-1928; papers of John Morris Jones (Ioan Cunllo), John Thomas, Charles Davies, Thomas Cynfelyn Benjamin, Lewis Jones, Treherbert, Rees Price, David Price, Joseph Davies and Rhys Lloyd Jones, Troed-yr-aur, and others, consisting mainly of poetry, accounts, letters, addresses, notebooks and sermons, [19th century]-[20th century].

Williams, D. Pryse (David Pryse), 1878-1952

Papurau'r Parch. W. Rhys Watkin,

  • GB 0210 WRHKIN
  • fonds
  • 1787-1945 (crynhowyd [1900]-[1947]) /

Papurau'r Parch. William Rhys Watkin, yn cynnwys nodiadau pregethau a phapurau eraill,1899-1936; gohebiaeth, 1878-1948, blwyddlyfrau printiedig Undeb Bedyddwyr Cymru yn cynnwys cofnodion gan WRW, 1891-1945; nodiadau ymchwil ac erthyglau ar Bedo Brwynllys, y Parch. E. T. Jones, a hanes y Bedyddwyr, 1909-[1945], a llyfr nodiadau Pwyllgor yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, Llanelli,1928-1931; a chofnodion a gasglwyd ganddo, gan gynnwys cofnodion a chyfrifon eglwysi'r Bedyddwyr yn sir Gaerfyrddin a Morgannwg, 1843-930; nodiadau pregethau a phapurau eraill Richard Davies ('Yr Hen Belican'),1816-1873; papurau a llyfrau nodiadau amrywiol yn ymwneud â'r Bedyddwyr Cymraeg, 1787-1896; a phapurau Thomas Jones, morwr, o Aberdaugleddau, sir Benfro, 1845-1900 = Papers of Rev. William Rhys Watkin, including sermon notes and other papers, 1899-1936; correspondence, 1878-1948, printed Baptist Union of Wales yearbooks containing entries by WRW, 1891-1945; research notes and articles on Bedo Brwynllys, the Rev. E. T. Jones, and Baptist history, 1909-[1945], and notebook of the National Eisteddfod Committee, Llanelli, 1928-1931; and records collected by him, including minutes and accounts of the Welsh Baptist Church, Eldon Street, Moorfields, London, 1846-1905; records of Baptist churches in Carmarthenshire and Glamorgan, 1843-1930; sermon notes and other papers of Richard Davies ('Yr Hen Belican'), 1816-1873; miscellaneous papers and notebooks relating to Welsh Baptists, 1787-1896; and papers of Thomas Jones, mariner, of Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, 1845-1900.

Watkin, W. R. (William Rhys), 1875-1947

J. M. Howell Papers,

  • Fonds
  • 1871-1960 /

Papers of John Morgan Howell of Aberaeron, 1871-1960, including exercise books containing a memorandum for 1871 and a history, in Welsh, of Dr Thomas Phillips, Neuaddlwyd, by J. M. Howell; books of press cuttings containing articles relating to Aberaeron, 1873-1931, operas, 1920-1960 (collected by G[eraint] M. Howell), and the poetry, 1889-1921, of Margaret Aeron Davies; and articles by J. M. Howell, 1897; family correspondence, 1888-1926, and miscellaneous letters and papers, 1875-1946; a volume of typescript copies of Christmas carols in Welsh composed by J. M. Howell, collected and bound by J. Seymour Rees, 1941; and a pedigree of the Howells family of Penybaily, parish of Llangunllo; together with some papers of his daughter, the late Mrs Nesta Poulgrain (née Nesta Howell), including a diary of a journey to Naples [by Mrs Poulgrain, 1937]; and exercise books, containing a copy of the diary and poetry (1918).

Howell, John M.

Papurau Gwilym Wyn,

  • GB 0210 GWIWYN
  • fonds
  • [?1870au]-[cyn 1914] /

Papurau Gwilym Wyn yn cynnwys barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith, beirniadaethau eisteddfodol, traethodau a nodiadau ar gyfer sgyrsiau a phregethau, [1852]-[1914] = Papers of Gwilym Wyn comprising poetry and prose works, eisteddfodic adjudications, essays and notes for talks and sermons, [1852]-[1914].

Gwilym Wyn, 1852-1914


  • NLW MS 11053C
  • File
  • [1836x1859].

A volume lettered 'Detholion', containing printed matter and press cuttings mainly relating to Welsh eisteddfodau. The printed matter includes an announcement, 1849, of the sale of building land on the Gloddaeth estate of the Hon. E. M. L. Mostyn, M.P.; correspondence, 1836, between the Reverend D. James, Kirkdale, Liverpool, and Arthur James Johnes, Garthmyl, concerning a resolution of thanks by the Liverpool Society of Ancient Britons to Arthur James Johnes 'for his laudable attempt to remove the abuses which have crept into the established church in Wales through the appointment of English bishops and English incumbents ...'; a prospectus of an eisteddfod to be held at Liverpool on 1 March, 1838, under the auspices of the Liverpool Society of Ancient Britons; an appeal by the London Society of Ancient Britons for subscriptions to a fund for the delivering of lectures in Welsh on scientific subjects and for the translation into Welsh of scientific treatises, etc.; minutes of proceedings of the Liverpool Gordovigion Royal Eisteddfod, 1840; etc. The majority of the press cuttings are from The Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald, The North Wales Chronicle, The Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, and The Merthyr Chronicle, and include a report on the Beaumaris Royal Eisteddfod, 1832; a letter, 1837, by John Parry ('Bardd Alaw'); a report of a meeting of the Wrexham Literary Association [1859]; letters of John Jones ('Talhaiarn') and others relating to the failure of the London Eisteddfod of 1855; a report of a concert given by the Liverpool Welsh Choral Society [1849]; letters relating to criticisms of adjudications at the Cardiff Athenaeum eisteddfod, 1851; poetry; songs; etc.

William Roberts (Abergele) Papers

  • GB 0210 WILRTS
  • Fonds
  • 1850-1954

Papers of William Roberts including letters to him, 1850-1886, and notebooks containing drafts and copies of letters from him, 1869-1878; sermons and sermon notes; notes and notebooks on genealogy and local history, 1867-1885, and papers relating to his work as minister and evangelist, 1861-1884; material relating to the Denbighshire Monthly Meeting (Presbytery) of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church, [c. 1868]-1870; literary compositions including poems and essays, 1863-1881; newspaper cuttings, 1870-1889; family papers including biographical material of William Roberts compiled by Charles Williams, [c. 1916]; letters, especially to Charles Williams and Mrs Edward Thomas, 1874-1954; a diary of a sea voyage, [1892?]; and sermons of Rev. John Bevan Roberts, [1930s]-[1940s].

Roberts, William, 1830-1886

Llawysgrifau Gwilym Elian

  • GB 0210 MSGWILEL
  • Fonds
  • 1856-1900

Llyfrau nodiadau o waith William Cosslett (Gwilym Elian) yn cynnwys cerddi holograff, 1856-1900, ar amryw destunau. = Notebooks of William Cosslett (Gwilym Elian) containing holograph poems, 1856-1900, on various subjects.

Cosslett, William, 1831-1904

Papurau Gwilym Alaw,

  • fonds
  • 1832-1917 (crynhowyd [1860au]-1917) /

Papurau Gwilym Alaw, 1832-1917, Castell Rhigos, yn cynnwys cerddi a rhyddiaith a gyfansoddwyd ganddo ef ac eraill, ynghyd â llyfrau nodiadau, torion o'r wasg a defnyddiau eraill perthynol, a hefyd nodiadau ganddo a deunydd arall a gasglodd yn ymwneud yn bennaf â hanes lleol, 1832-1909 = Papers of Gwilym Alaw, 1832-1917, of Castell Rhigos, comprising poetic and prose compositions by himself and others, together with related notebooks, press cuttings and other material, and also notes by him and other material collected by him relating mainly to local history, 1832-1909.

Morgan, William Thomas, 1844-1917

Beirniadaethau Islwyn

  • NLW MS 23703B.
  • File
  • [c. 1864]

A copy-book, [c. 1864], in the hand of William Thomas (Islwyn), containing adjudications in Welsh on four poetical competitions at an unspecified eisteddfod (ff. 3 verso-24 verso), including writing an epic elegy for John Robert Pryse (Golyddan) (ff. 3 verso-6).
There are also notes on epic poems (f. 1 recto-verso).

Islwyn, 1832-1878.

Results 1 to 20 of 28