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Hymns, Welsh
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Addresses by Meredith J. Hughes on 'Myth and legend in the literature of Wales', 1914, and 'Democratic Theory and Institutions', 1919; a hymn 'Ymwel a mi o Arglwydd da', and a poem entitled 'Afon Alun', 1924.


Miscellanea, including memoranda, accounts, copies of letters, poems and hymns, sermon notes, etc.


A book of anthems, including works by David Hughes, 'Cristiolus Môn' ('Elias a Jonah'), J[ohn] Ambrose Lloyd ('Y Mab Afradlawn'), Robert Davies, 'Cyndeyrn', 1861 ('Crist ein Pasg ni'), Thomas G[ruffydd] Jones, 'Tavalaw' ['Tafalaw Bencerdd'] ('Molwch yr Arglwydd' and 'Daniel'), J. Williams, 'Ab Alaw', Treffynnon ('Telyn Judah' and 'Hosannah Chorus'), Owen [Humphrey] Davies, 'Eos Llechid' ('Salm 115.1'), William Roberts ('Cenhadon Hedd'), R[owland] H[uw] Pritchard ('Y Salm Gyntaf' and 'Deffroad'), G. Williams ('Darfu am y Cyfiawn'), E. B. Williams ('Cenwch i'r Arglwydd' and 'Clych Dirwestol'), J[ohn] Ellis ('Job 14', arranged by W[illiam] J[ohn] Hughes, M.R.C.P.), J. P. Jones ('Yr Arglwydd sydd yn teyrnasu'), E[dward] Stephen ['Tanymarian'] ('Desgrifiad o'r Cristion yn marw'), W[illiam] Pugh ('Iddo Ef'), and John Parry ('Deffro di ogleddwynt'); and hymn-tunes, including 'Adria' by William Jones, 'Talwrn' by 'Madawg', 'Montrose' by W. A. Powell, and 'Rhuthin' by J[oseph] D[avid] Jones.

Anthemau ac emyn-donau

Anthems and hymn-tunes, including 'Anthem angladdawl mewn coffadwriaeth am y diweddar Barch. John Elias, Môn' by Richard Mills [Rhydderch Hael], 'Seion, y geiriau gan y Parch W[illiam] Ambrose', 'Prynedigaeth', and 'Cwymp Meddwdod' by J[ohn] Ambrose Lloyd, 'Mawl yn Seion' by W. Matthews, and anthems on biblical themes by W[illiam] Owen, Foulk Roberts, and others.

Anthemau ac emyn-donau

  • NLW MS 8279A
  • File
  • [19 cent.]

A collection of anthems, hymn-tunes and other pieces, including 'Mawr yw yr Iôn', 'Preswylwyr y Graig', 'Dyfodiad Brenin Seion', 'Arlwyaeth Gras', 'Robin Goch' and 'Kitty Annwyl'.

Anthemau ac emyn-donau

A book of anthems, hymn-tunes and psalm-tunes, including anthems by Richard Mills ['Rhydderch Hael'] ('Cenwch i'r Arglwydd') and R[ees] P. Williams, Rhymney ('Ac mi glywais lais o'r nef').


'Cywyddau' by Edwart ap Raff, Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Huw ab Elis, Robert ab Ieuan ap Tomos, Humphrey Thomas Gruffudd, Sion Phylip, Tomos Penllyn, Maredudd ap Rhys, Wiliam Llyn, Sion Tudur, Rhys Cain, Morys Cyffin, William Byrchinshaw, Robin Clidro, Morys ab Ieuan ab Einion, and Guto'r Glyn; 'englynion' transcribed by Edward Lloyd in 1747 from 'Llyfr Maelor'; and fragments of hymns by William Williams (Pantycelyn) and others.

Barddoniaeth, etc.,

A composite volume in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') the contents consisting almost entirely of Welsh free- and strict-metre verse, the latter being mainly in the form of 'englynion'. Most of the verse items, whether single stanzas, multi-stanza poems, or sequences of stanzas, bear the name of the said [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg', and all are probably his work. Many are in an incomplete form. Pp. 1-16 contain a copy of a proposed preface or foreword to a collection of poems which [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' apparently intended to publish in 1809 (see IM, tt. xliv-xlv), and this is followed on pp. 17-88 by verse items including items with the titles or superscriptions 'Gwasgaredd Iolo Morganwg', 'Anneddfoldeb', 'Dyn ymguddgar', 'Cwyn Clwyfus', 'Dyriau Gwasgar', 'Pennillion diarhebol Iolo Morganwg', 'Pennillion serch gwasgar', 'Darnau Defnyddion Doethineb Teuluaidd', 'Cynghor', 'Tribanau', 'Pennillion 1805', 'Doethineb Teuluaidd sef Pennillion Diarhebawl', 'Salm 105', 'Canu Gwashaela Sir Gaer', 'Emyn Dydd Barn', 'Emyn Angladd', 'Salm 104', and 'Salm'. The upper half of p. 89 bears the inscription 'Doethineb Teuluaidd Neu Lawrol Doethineb sef Egwyddorion Dyled at Dduw a Dyn ar Fesurau cân rhwyddion ac mewn Iaith esmwyth hawdd ei dealt Er addysg i'r Ieuainc a'r Annysgedig. Iolo Morganwg ai cant' which is followed on the lower half of the page by three stanzas of verse and on pp. 91-2 by nine stanzas of an incomplete poem. On p. 95, which was possibly a 'title-page' for the section now paginated 99-138, is a variant version of the aforementioned inscription reading 'Doethineb Teuluaidd ar Fesurau cerdd rhwyddion ac mewn Iaith esmwyth Er hawsder dealt i'r annysgedig a'r Ieuanc. Iolo Morganwg ai cant', two stanzas of Welsh verse by 'Iolo Morganwg', a Latin quotation from the works of Seneca, and the date 'Alban Eilir 1807'. This is followed on pp. 99-131 by poems with the superscriptions 'Doethineb Teuluaidd. Trioedd Doethineb', 'Gwersi Doethineb sef Gwasgaredd Doethineb. Y Cwlm Cyntaf', and 'Gwasgaredd Doethineb. Yr ail gwlm', and thirty-nine stanzas without a superscription. Pp. 139-40 contain miscellaneous stanzas headed 'Gwasgaredd Iolo Morganwg' and pp. 143-4 a sequence of stanzas headed 'Cynghorion gwasgaredig o'r ysgrythurau'. P. 147 is inscribed 'Doethineb Teuluaidd Sef Caniadau Dwyfawl a Moesawl ar Fesurau esmwythion Er addysg Dwyfol a moesol I blant a Chymreigyddion Ieuainc Gan Iolo Morganwg, B.B.D.', and p. 148 contains a list of the names of, or descriptions of, eighteen poems or sequences of verse or groups of poems to be found on pp. 149-202 including 'Cân y diodydd ar hen ddiarhebion Cymreig', 'Cân y Ffermwr', 'Englynion i Ddosparth Cerdd dafawd Gwynedd' (called 'Englynion sen . . .' on p. 148), 'Ar ddiwydrwydd', stanzas without a title or superscription but listed as 'Pennillion y Trallodion' on p. 148, 'Englynion y Bedydd', 'Englynion o flaen Trioedd Pawl', 'Gwasgargerdd Iolo Morganwg', 'Salm', miscellaneous stanzas including 'englynion' and 'tribannau', 'Gwasgaredd Iolo Morganwg', 'Tribanau' (listed as 'Tribanau Gwasgargerdd' on p. 148), miscellaneous 'englynion' including two relating to 'awdlau' submitted at an 'eisteddfod' held at Aberhonddi in 1822, 'I Owain Myfyr' (a bitter attack on Owen Jones ('Owain Myfyr')), 'Englynion i'r Greal a gyhoeddwyd gan Ddeudneudwyr Llundain', 'Pennillion Iolo Morganwg' (one hundred stanzas containing moral precepts), a sequence of twenty-one stanzas of a similar nature (these two series of one hundred and twenty-one stanzas are probably the ones referred to as 'Doethineb Teuluaidd (Ex Catonis Disticha de Moribus)' in the list on p. 148, see IM, t. 290), and 'Cynghor'. (continued)

The remainder of the volume contains further verse items including items with the superscriptions 'Gwybodau - Celfyddyd', 'Trioedd Iolo Morganwg', 'Gwasgaredd Doethineb, yr ail Gwlm', 'Pennillion, Englynion, Dernynau Iolo Morganwg', 'Englynion mawl i Dduw am waredigaeth o dwyll y Byd', 'Englyn i chwaldodwr disynwyr', 'Cynghog', 'Englynion y Wawr', 'Englynion Pwnc Eisteddfod Aber Cwm y Fywch, 1771', 'Englyn i Gybydd', 'Englynion i Gymdeithas o Rithgrefyddwyr mewn Ile nid rhaid ei enwi ym Morganwg', 'Englyn i For gerwin temhestlog', 'Pennill i Rithgrefyddwyr Aberthin', 'Pennillion Iolo Morganwg', 'Dechreuad Bonedd', 'Englyn i Dai Gwynnion Morganwg', 'Englynion ar dorriad allan y Rhyfel yn 1802', 'Englynion diweddglo'r salmau ac eraill amrafaelion', 'Beirdd', 'Cân Lewys Gabriel', 'Hymn i Sior y Crinwas' (this poem attributed to Bleddyn bach ap y Gwir), 'Englynion ar Undod Duw', 'Pennill a gant y Bardd iddo'i hunan', 'Cynghor hen gybydd ar ei wely angau iddei Fab o Ladin Horad', 'Beddwers Sior y Crinwas', 'Englyn i Hen ferch afrywiog dros ben', 'Englynion i'r Fronfraith', 'Trioedd yr offeiriad a gant Iolo Morganwg yng Ngorsedd yr Alban Hefin ar ben y Garth ym Morganwg, 1797', 'Englyn a feddyliwyd ei roddi ar faner Rhyddfilwyr Morganwg', 'Can a wnaed yn y flwyddyn 1777 y Bardd yn dychwelyd i Forganwg wedi bod flynyddau lawer yn Lloegr', 'Beddbennill', 'Englynion y Gwynt, 1770', 'Breiniau Dyn' (two versions), 'Hymn undodaidd', and 'Casgliadau o'r Gwasgaredd at y Doethineb Teu[lu]aidd' besides items without titles or superscriptions. There is an English stanza entitled 'Epitaph on the Sexton of Cowbridge' on p. 230. The few prose items in the section from p. 203 onwards include a brief note relating to a specific type of poetic exercise at 'eisteddfodau' in Morgannwg (pp. 223-5), a brief note in connection with a psalm composed on the occasion of opening a Berean meeting house (Ty Cwrdd Berea) (p. 229), and a list headed 'Llyma'r achos y rhoes Duw ei fendith i Ddyn' (p. 283). P. 237 contains what appears to be a copy of a proposed title-page to a collection of poems containing moral precepts entitled 'Llawrol Doethineb Neu Doethineb Teuluaidd' composed by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' possibly with a view to publication in 1816.

Caniadau y Cyssegr

The file comprises a copy of Caniadau y Cyssegr, neu, Gasgliad o Donau Hen a Diweddar...wedi eu cynghaneddu i bedwar o leisiau, gan John Roberts, Henllan (1839). The copy has been annotated and English translations of the hymns supplied by a later hand.

Cerddoriaeth amrywiol

A portfolio of manuscript music containing popular Welsh folk songs and hymns arranged for the pianoforte, and copies of a Christmas anthem ('Ac yr oedd yn y wlad honno') by John Williams, Dolgellau.

Cerddoriaeth (IAW 145)

Bundles of music manuscripts mostly in the hand of Iolo Morganwg, including a file of traditional music, previously 'IAW 145' (E1/1); manuscripts of a few further traditional tunes (E1/2); bundles of miscellaneous music manuscripts, including salmau, traditional music, English tunes, etc. (E1/3-5); and loose leaves originally belonging to a single tune book (E1/6).
The contents of E1/1 have been published in Alawon Gwerin Iolo Morganwg, ed. by Leila Salisbury (Aberystwyth, 2012), together with six further tunes (Nos. 4, 5, 17, 28, 40, 50) designated 'IAW 145 (uncat.)', all now to be found in E1/2.

David Saunders

Two volumes of sermons, hymns, poems, and memoranda, written in 1827-1828 and 1835-1836 by David Saunders, Baptist minister, poet, and hymn-writer, with transcripts by him of a few poems by other writers.

Saunders, David, 1769-1840

Results 1 to 20 of 104