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Only top-level descriptions Welsh poetry -- 20th century
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Papurau Eifion Wyn,

  • GB 0210 EIFWYN
  • fonds
  • 1839-1980 /

Papurau Eifion Wyn yn cynnwys copïau llawysgrif o'i gerddi, 1885-1925, rhai ohonynt wedi eu cyhoeddi yn Caniadau'r Allt (1927) ac O Drum i Draeth (1929); ei gyfieithiadau o farddoniaeth a rhyddiaith, 1906-1923; pregethau, emynau a chaneuon, [c.1914]-1921; cerddi gan eraill, 1889-1926; beirniadaethau cystadlaethau eisteddfodol, 1915-1925; llythyrau a gohebiaeth â llenorion, 1894-1926; llythyrau at ei wraig, 1922-1950; cofnodion cofrestru aelodau'r teulu, 1864-1941; tystysgrifau eisteddfodol, 1905-1924; deunydd printiedig,1908-1927; llyfrau, yn cynnwys gwaith gan Eifion Wyn, 1866-1930; dyddiaduron Eifion Wyn, 1919-1920; dyddiaduron ei dad Robert Williams, 1894-1900; a phapurau'n perthyn i'w ŵyr Penri Williams, 1926-[1980] = Papers of Eifion Wyn comprising manuscript copies of his poems, 1885-1925, some of which were published in Caniadau'r Allt (1927) and O Drum i Draeth (1929); translations by him of poetry and prose, 1906-1923; sermons, hymns and songs, [c. 1914]-1921; translations of his poetry by others, 1907-1924; poems addressed to him, 1919-1921; poems by others, 1889-1926; adjudications of eisteddfod competitions, 1915-1925; letters and correspondence with literary figures, 1894-1926; letters to his wife, 1922-1950; family civil registration records, 1864-1941; eisteddfod certificates, 1905-1924; printed matter, 1908-1927; books, including Eifion Wyn's works, 1866-1930; diaries of Eifion Wyn, 1919-1920, diaries of his father Robert Williams, 1894-1900; and papers belonging to his grandson Penri Williams, 1926-[1980].

Eifion Wyn, 1867-1926.

Papurau Amanwy,

  • GB 0210 AMANWY
  • fonds
  • 1909-1975 /

Papurau llenyddol Amanwy, yn cynnwys cerddi, caneuon a gweithiau mewn amryw ffurf, 1909-1953, yn enwedig pryddestau, 1909-1953, telynegion, 1910-1946, a sonedau, 1929-[1953]; rhyddiaith, 1924-1949, sy'n cynnwys darlithoedd, anerchiadau, storiâu byrion a nodiadau; sgriptiau radio,1942-1953; deunydd printiedig yn cynnwys emynau gan Amanwy a gweithiau ganddo ef ac eraill, 1919-1953; torion o'r wasg,1919-1945; a llythyrau,1950-1975. Gweler hefyd Trefniant = Literary papers of Amanwy, comprising poems, songs and other works of various forms, 1909-1953, notably pryddestau, 1909-1953, lyrics, 1910-1946, and sonnets, 1929-[1953]; prose works, 1924-1949, which include lectures, addresses, short stories and notes; radio scripts, 1942-1953; printed materials including hymns by Amanwy and works by him and others, 1919-1953; newspaper cuttings, 1919-1954; and letters, 1950-1975. See also Arrangement.

Amanwy, 1882-1953

Papurau Pennar Davies,

  • GB 0210 PENIES
  • fonds
  • 1913-1999 /

Papurau Pennar Davies, 1913-1999, yn cynnwys copïau teipysgrif o'i weithiau llenyddol, ynghyd â phapurau academaidd a phapurau llenyddol.

Davies, Pennar

Papurau'r Parch. W. Rhys Watkin,

  • GB 0210 WRHKIN
  • fonds
  • 1787-1945 (crynhowyd [1900]-[1947]) /

Papurau'r Parch. William Rhys Watkin, yn cynnwys nodiadau pregethau a phapurau eraill,1899-1936; gohebiaeth, 1878-1948, blwyddlyfrau printiedig Undeb Bedyddwyr Cymru yn cynnwys cofnodion gan WRW, 1891-1945; nodiadau ymchwil ac erthyglau ar Bedo Brwynllys, y Parch. E. T. Jones, a hanes y Bedyddwyr, 1909-[1945], a llyfr nodiadau Pwyllgor yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, Llanelli,1928-1931; a chofnodion a gasglwyd ganddo, gan gynnwys cofnodion a chyfrifon eglwysi'r Bedyddwyr yn sir Gaerfyrddin a Morgannwg, 1843-930; nodiadau pregethau a phapurau eraill Richard Davies ('Yr Hen Belican'),1816-1873; papurau a llyfrau nodiadau amrywiol yn ymwneud â'r Bedyddwyr Cymraeg, 1787-1896; a phapurau Thomas Jones, morwr, o Aberdaugleddau, sir Benfro, 1845-1900 = Papers of Rev. William Rhys Watkin, including sermon notes and other papers, 1899-1936; correspondence, 1878-1948, printed Baptist Union of Wales yearbooks containing entries by WRW, 1891-1945; research notes and articles on Bedo Brwynllys, the Rev. E. T. Jones, and Baptist history, 1909-[1945], and notebook of the National Eisteddfod Committee, Llanelli, 1928-1931; and records collected by him, including minutes and accounts of the Welsh Baptist Church, Eldon Street, Moorfields, London, 1846-1905; records of Baptist churches in Carmarthenshire and Glamorgan, 1843-1930; sermon notes and other papers of Richard Davies ('Yr Hen Belican'), 1816-1873; miscellaneous papers and notebooks relating to Welsh Baptists, 1787-1896; and papers of Thomas Jones, mariner, of Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, 1845-1900.

Watkin, W. R. (William Rhys), 1875-1947

Papurau'r Parch. Gerallt Jones,

  • GB 0210 GERJONES
  • fonds
  • 1902-1981 /

Papurau Gerallt Jones,1902-1981, yn cynnwys yn bennaf copïau llawysgrif a theipysgrif o'i farddoniaeth a'i rhyddiaith,1937-1981, llawer ohonynt wedi'u cyflwyno i gystadlaethau yn y Genedlaethol ac eisteddfodau eraill, ynghyd â'i ohebiaeth,1952-1982, a hefyd deunydd yn ymwneud â theulu llenyddol 'Y Cilie', yn cynnwys barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith gan y Parch. Fred Jones,1902-1932, y Parch. Simon B. Jones, 1934-1955, ac aelodau eraill o'r teulu, yn ogystal â llythyrau a chardiau,1956-1970, oddi wrth Dafydd Isfoel Jones a Jac Alun Jones = Papers of Gerallt Jones, 1902-1981, consisting mainly of manuscript and typescript copies of his poetry and prose, 1937-1981, much of which was entered for competition at National and other eisteddfodau, together with his correspondence, 1952-1982, and also material relating to the literary family of 'Y Cilie', including poetry and prose by the Rev. Fred Jones, 1902-1932, the Rev. Simon B. Jones, 1934-1955, and other members of the family, as well as letters and cards, 1956-1970, from Dafydd Isfoel Jones and Jac Alun Jones.

Jones, Gerallt, 1907-1984

Papurau Idwal Jones,

  • GB 0210 IDWNES
  • fonds
  • 1915-1957 /

Llythyrau, 1915-1936, yn bennaf at ei deulu tra bu'n gwasanaethu yn y fyddin, 1915-1919; teipysgrifau a llawysgrifau o'i ddramâu a sgriptiau radio, 1920-1936, a thorion papur newydd o adolygiadau, 1926-1940; barddoniaeth, caneuon, parodïau, rhyddiaith a deunydd arall, 1924-1932; copi teipysgrif o 'Ann y Wernolau',drama gan ei fam, Mrs Teifi Jones, 1921; a deunydd amrywiol a ychwanegwyd gan D. Gwenallt Jones tra bu'n ymchwilio ar gyfer Cofiant Idwal Jones, 1934-1957. = Letters, 1915-1936, mainly to his family whilst serving in the army, 1915-1919; typescripts and manuscripts of plays and radio scripts, 1920-1936, and newspaper cuttings of reviews, 1926-1940; poetry, songs, parodies, prose and other material, 1924-1932; a typescript copy of 'Ann y Wernolau', a play by his mother, Mrs Teifi Jones, 1921; and miscellaneous material added by D. Gwenallt Jones while researching <i>Cofiant Idwal Jones</i>, 1934-1957.

Derbyniwyd bocs ychwanegol o bapurau gan Mrs Eirain Rees (nee Jones), Medi 2008. Mae'r grŵp yn parhau heb ei gatalogio.

Jones, Idwal, 1895-1937

Papurau Gwilym Alaw,

  • fonds
  • 1832-1917 (crynhowyd [1860au]-1917) /

Papurau Gwilym Alaw, 1832-1917, Castell Rhigos, yn cynnwys cerddi a rhyddiaith a gyfansoddwyd ganddo ef ac eraill, ynghyd â llyfrau nodiadau, torion o'r wasg a defnyddiau eraill perthynol, a hefyd nodiadau ganddo a deunydd arall a gasglodd yn ymwneud yn bennaf â hanes lleol, 1832-1909 = Papers of Gwilym Alaw, 1832-1917, of Castell Rhigos, comprising poetic and prose compositions by himself and others, together with related notebooks, press cuttings and other material, and also notes by him and other material collected by him relating mainly to local history, 1832-1909.

Morgan, William Thomas, 1844-1917

Cerddi Iwan Llwyd

  • NLW ex 2073
  • File
  • 2000

Allbrintiau o bedair ar ddeg o gerddi a gyfansoddwyd gan Iwan Llwyd ar gyfer arddangosfa, 8 Ebrill-30 Medi 2000, yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, i ddathlu chwecanmlwyddiant dechrau gwrthryfel Owain Glyn Dŵr. Fe'u cyhoeddwyd yn Owain Glyn Dŵr 1400-2000 (Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Aberystwyth, 2000). Ceir hefyd gywydd 'Teulu Owain Glyndŵr' nas cynhwyswyd yn y gyfrol.

Llwyd, Iwan, 1957-

J. Glyn Davies Papers,

  • GB 0210 JGLIES
  • Fonds
  • [17 cent.]-2016 (with gaps)

Papers of J. Glyn Davies, mainly letters, many relating to antiquarian, academic and library interests, including 400 from Robert Scourfield Mills ('Owen Rhoscomyl'), 1903-1919, almost 200 from Jennie Thomas relating to Llyfr mawr y plant, 1920-1950, and 150 from T. Gwynn Jones, 1908-1947; papers of his family, including the Tanycastell Collection, 1821-1858; and manuscripts collected by him, including the Henblas manuscript (Welsh poems by various authors, 1664-1685) and the Gwallter Mechain manuscripts.

Davies, J. Glyn (John Glyn), 1870-1953

Huw T. Edwards Papers

  • GB 0210 HUWRDS
  • Fonds
  • 1894-1974 (accumulated [c. 1923]-1974)

Letters addressed to Huw T. Edwards, 1929-1970, and carbon copies of letters sent by him, 1945-1969, concerning politics, literature, and the Council for Wales and Monmouthshire, including letters to and from political figures in the Labour Party and Plaid Cymru, and Welsh literary figures; pocket diaries, 1929-1968; minute books of the North Wales Labour Federation, 1923-1930; reports and memoranda concerning the activities of the Council for Wales and Monmouthshire, political life in North Wales, and the activities of TWW, 1935-1966; press cuttings relating to Edwards' political career and the activities of the Council for Wales and Monmouthshire, 1930-1968; illuminated addresses and distinctions presented to him, 1933-1969; miscellaneous printed items, 1912-1967; poems by him, 1950-1958; and other personal papers, 1926-1967; and acquired papers, notably letters from Sir Owen M. Edwards to Hughes and Son, Wrexham, printers, 1894-1895.

Edwards, Huw T. (Huw Thomas), 1892-1970

Papurau J. W. Jones

  • GB 0210 JWJNES
  • Fonds
  • 1759-1954 (crynhowyd [1920au cynnar?]-1954)

Gohebiaeth, barddoniaeth, rhyddiaith a phapurau teuluol, yn ymwneud â J. W. Jones, 1878-1954, a'i dad, 'Glan Barlwyd', 1866-1917; deunydd a gasglwyd gan J. W. Jones yn ymnweud ag unigolion a sefydliadau yn ardal Blaenau Ffestiniog, gan gynnwys gohebiaeth, barddoniaeth a phapurau eraill o eiddo 'Gwilym Deudraeth', 1917-1939, 'Elfyn', 1874-1917, Y Parch. R. R. Morris, 1883-1933, 'Alafon', 1875-1915, 'Llifon', 1899-1916, 'Isallt', 1887-1913, a 'Glyn Myfyr', 1893-1937; llythyrau at John Daniel Davies yn rhinwedd ei swydd fel golygydd Y Rhedegydd, 1930-1942; barddoniaeth a phapurau eraill o eiddo T. Gwynn Jones, 1910-1944; barddoniaeth, [1840]-1940, gan amryw feirdd, yn cynnwys Hedd Wyn ac R. Williams Parry; deunydd rhyddiaith amrywiol, peth ohono wedi'i gyhoeddi yn Y Drysorfa ac yn Y Rhedegydd, 1879-1954; llawysgrifau cerddorol, 1876-[c. 1934]; beirniadaethau eisteddfodol, 1870-1939; llyfrau lloffion yn cynnwys torion o'r wasg, [c. 1879]-1940; dyddiaduron, 1864-1935; cofnodion chwareli llechi Blaenau Ffestiniog, 1868-1951; amryw gyfrifon a llyfrau cyfrifon yn ymwneud â gwahanol fusnesau a sefydliadau, 1784-1932; cofnodion yn ymwneud ag eglwysi'r Methodistiaid Calfinaidd, 1840-1951, gan gynnwys rhai Bethel, Tanygrisiau, [1840x1945]; pregethau a nodiadau crefyddol,1846-1952; deunydd printiedig yn cynnwys effemera etholiadol, marwnadau, baledi, carolau ac emynau, 1820-1948; a gweithredoedd a dogfennau yn ymwneud â siroedd Caernarfon, Meirionnydd a Dinbych, 1759-1947. = Correspondence, poetry, prose and family papers, relating to J. W. Jones, 1878-1954, and to his father, 'Glan Barlwyd', 1866-1917; material collected by J. W. Jones relating to individuals and organizations in the Blaenau Ffestiniog area, including correspondence, poetry and other papers of 'Gwilym Deudraeth', 1917-1939, 'Elfyn', 1874-1917, Rev. R. R. Morris, 1883-1933, 'Alafon', 1875-1915, 'Llifon', 1899-1916, 'Isallt', 1887-1913, and 'Glyn Myfyr', 1893-1937; letters to John Daniel Davies as editor of Y Rhedegydd, 1930-1942; poetry and other papers of T. Gwynn Jones, 1910-1944; poetry, [1840]-1940, by various poets, including Hedd Wyn and R. Williams Parry; various prose material, some of which was published in Y Drysorfa and Y Rhedegydd, 1879-1954; musical manuscripts, 1876-[c. 1934]; eisteddfod adjudications, 1870-1939; scrapbooks containing press cuttings, [c. 1879]-1940; diaries, 1864-1935; records of Blaenau Ffestiniog slate quarries, 1868-1951; various accounts and account books relating to various trades and organisations, 1784-1932; records relating to Calvinistic Methodist churches, 1840-1951, including those of Bethel, Tanygrisiau, [1840x1945]; sermons and religious notes, 1846-1952; printed material including electoral ephemera, elegies, ballads, carols and hymns, 1820-1948; and deeds and documents relating to Caernarfonshire, Merionethshire and Denbighshire, 1759-1947.

Jones, J. W. (John William), 1883-1954

Cerddi 'Cerddwyson',

  • NLW MSS 22861iB & iiE.
  • File
  • 1900-1936, 1991.

A notebook (MS 22861iB) mainly containing pasted-in newspaper cuttings of poems in Welsh by David Morgan ('Cerddwyson', 1862-1935), Merthyr Tudful, composed between 1900 and 1929, with manuscript additions. Items found loose inside the volume have been filed separately (MS 22861iiE); they comprise two pamphlets: the periodical Cenad Hedd for March 1910, which contains an article on Maggie Morgans, the poet's mother, and Lledu'r Gorwelion (Merthyr Tydfil, 1928), being the printed version of Cerddwyson's address to the Congregationalists of the North Glamorgan Association on his retirement as chairman in October 1927; together with two related newspaper cuttings, 1936-1991.

Morgans, David, Cerddwyson, 1862-1935.

Henry Davies Papers,

  • GB 0210 HENIES
  • Fonds
  • [c. 1884]-1932 /

Papers relating to Henry Davies ('Abon'), 1884-1932, including poems, [c.1884]-1932; and letters and cards, 1895-1904.

Davies, Henry, Abon, 1864-1941

Lewis Lewis ('Awenfab o Wynfe') Papers,

  • GB 0210 LEWISLEW
  • Fonds
  • 1732-1982 /

Literary, family and business papers, 1732-1982, of Lewis Lewis ('Awenfab o Wynfe', 1837-1906), poet, of Gwynfe, Carmarthenshire, his son, Dr Ivor Lewis, St Asaph, and other members of his family, including drafts of poetry by Lewis Lewis; denominational diaries, 1848-1908; and letters, including correspondence, 1854-1947, between Lewis Lewis and relatives and friends in the United States and Canada.

Lewis, Lewis, 1837-1906.

J. M. Howell Papers,

  • Fonds
  • 1871-1960 /

Papers of John Morgan Howell of Aberaeron, 1871-1960, including exercise books containing a memorandum for 1871 and a history, in Welsh, of Dr Thomas Phillips, Neuaddlwyd, by J. M. Howell; books of press cuttings containing articles relating to Aberaeron, 1873-1931, operas, 1920-1960 (collected by G[eraint] M. Howell), and the poetry, 1889-1921, of Margaret Aeron Davies; and articles by J. M. Howell, 1897; family correspondence, 1888-1926, and miscellaneous letters and papers, 1875-1946; a volume of typescript copies of Christmas carols in Welsh composed by J. M. Howell, collected and bound by J. Seymour Rees, 1941; and a pedigree of the Howells family of Penybaily, parish of Llangunllo; together with some papers of his daughter, the late Mrs Nesta Poulgrain (née Nesta Howell), including a diary of a journey to Naples [by Mrs Poulgrain, 1937]; and exercise books, containing a copy of the diary and poetry (1918).

Howell, John M.


  • NLW MS 21754E.
  • File
  • [c. 1940]-1960 /

Manuscript and typescript notes of lectures, addresses and articles, [c. 1940]-1960, by David James Jones ('Gwenallt') relating to his upbringing and the background to his poetry, Christianity and society, Communism, the decline of religion, the poet and Christianity, hymnology and hymnists, and aspects of poetry and literary appreciation.

Gwenallt, 1899-1968

Papurau'r Parch. John Roberts, Llanfwrog

  • GB 0210 JOHROG
  • Fonds
  • 1812-1985 (crynhowyd 1928-1985)

Papurau, 1925-1985, y Parch. John Roberts, Llanfwrog, yn cynnwys llythyrau, yn bennaf at y Parch. a Mrs John Roberts, 1928-1985, y gohebwyr yn cynnwys R. Williams Parry, 1946-1953; cerddi llawysgrif, teipysgrif a phrintiedig, [1930]-1984; carolau ac emynau, 1962-1968; traethodau, darlithoedd ac anerchiadau crefyddol, 1949-1977, a gyflwynwyd mewn cystadlaethau eisteddfodol; darlithoedd, anerchiadau a nodiadau ar lenyddiaeth Gymraeg a phynciau crefyddol, 1957-1987; pregethau, [1929]-1979; sgriptiau radio ar gyfer gwasanaethau crefyddol, 1943-1978; sgetsys, dramâu byrion a rhaglenni nodwedd, 1964-1979; llyfrau nodiadau, 1932-1978; deunydd yn ymwneud ag R. Williams Parry, 1925-1969; a deunydd hanesyddol yn ymwneud â Chapel Moriah, Caernarfon, 1812-1979, Capel Tegid, Y Bala, 1885-1968, a Chapel y Garth, Porthmadog, 1945-1949. = Papers, 1925-1985, of the Rev. John Roberts, Llanfwrog, including: letters, mostly to Rev. and Mrs John Roberts, 1928-1985, the correspondents including R. Williams Parry, 1946-1953; manuscript, typescript and printed poems, [1930]-1984; carols and hymns, 1962-1968; essays, lectures and religious addresses, 1949-1977, entered for eisteddfod competitions; lectures, addresses and notes on Welsh literature and religious subjects, 1957-1987; sermons, [1929]-1979; radio scripts for religious services, 1943-1978; sketches, short dramas and feature programmes, 1964-1979; notebooks, 1932-1978; material relating to R. Williams Parry, 1925-1969; and historical material relating to Capel Moriah, Caernarfon, 1812-1976, Capel Tegid, Y Bala, 1885-1968, and Capel y Garth, Porthmadog, 1945-1949.

Roberts, John, 1910-1984

Papurau Dewi Emrys

  • GB 0210 DEWRYS
  • Fonds
  • 1936-1960

Papurau Dewi Emrys, 1936-1960, yn cynnwys ei gerddi cyhoeddedig a rhai nas cyhoeddwyd; cerddi a gyflwynwyd ar gyfer cystadlaethau'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ac eisteddfodau eraill; torion o gerddi a luniwyd ar achlysur ei farwolaeth yn 1952; darlithoedd ac anerchiadau; llythyrau yn ymwneud â thysteb iddo; a rhestr o'i lawysgrifau. = Papers of Dewi Emrys, 1936-1960, including his published and unpublished poems; poems entered in National and other eisteddfodau; cuttings of poems written on his death in 1952; lectures and addresses; letters relating to his testimonial; and a list of his manuscripts.

Emrys, Dewi, 1881-1952

Papurau W. Berllanydd Owen

  • GB 0210 BERWEN
  • Fonds
  • 1929-1984

Papurau Berllanydd, [1929]-1984, yn cynnwys dyddiaduron, 1929-1933,1935-1970, 1982-1984, papurau personol yn cynnwys copïau o'i ewyllys,1981,nodiadau ar gyfer pregethau, anerchiadau crefyddol a gwaith bugeiliol, barddoniaeth a deunydd eisteddfodol, torion papur newydd a deunydd printiedig. = Papers of Berllanydd, [1929]-1984, comprising diaries, 1929-1933, 1935-1970, 1982-1984, personal papers including copies of his will, 1981, notes for sermons, religious addresses and pastoral work, poetry and eisteddfod material, newspaper cuttings and printed material.

Owen, W. Berllanydd (William Berllanydd), 1899-1984.

Papurau R. Williams Parry

  • Fonds
  • 1873-1971

Papurau Robert Williams Parry, 1873-1971, gan gynnwys llawysgrifau, copïau teipysgrif a phrintiedig o gerddi Robert Williams Parry (yn bennaf rhai cyhoeddedig, gyda pheth amrywiadau), [1900]-[1956]; cyfieithiadau o'i gerddi,1941-1942; cerddi gan bobl eraill a anfonwyd at RWP, 1943-1956; erthyglau gan RWP ar feirdd a barddoniaeth,1911-1933; cyfieithiadau RWP o ddramâu Saesneg, [20fed ganrif]; sgriptiau radio gan RWP, 1941-1953, a sgriptiau radio rhaglenni ar RWP, 1956; erthyglau RWP i gylchgronau, 1918-1957; erthyglau ar RWP a'i waith, 1925-1959; llyfrau nodiadau yn cynnwys nodiadau RWP ar lenyddiaeth Gymraeg a'r ieithoedd Celtaidd, [20fed ganrif]; llythyrau at RWP, 1908-1954; llythyrau yn llongyfarch RWP, 1910-1953; copïau o lythyrau RWP at Aneirin Talfan Davies, 1937-1949 llythyrau RWP at Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1935-1953; llythyrau eraill a phapurau Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1953-1971; llythyrau'n cydymdeimlo â Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1956; llythyrau at J. Maldwyn Davies, 1971-1975; cardiau post, cardiau Nadolig a chardiau coffa, [20fed ganrif]; dyddiaduron poced RWP a Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1923-1969; tystysgrifau geni, priodi a marw a chopi o ewyllys RWP, 1884-1956; adroddiadau ysgol, tystysgrifau a cheisiadau am swyddi, 1896-1914; copïau o bapurau arholiad, 1938-1944; torion papur newydd yn ymwneud ag RWP, 1907-1971; taflenni apêl Cofeb R. Williams Parry, 1956-1971; llyfrau printiedig, 1890-1969; a phapurau amrywiol, 1873-1969. = Papers of Robert Williams Parry, 1873-1971, comprising manuscripts, typescripts and printed copies of poems by Robert Williams Parry (mainly published, with some variations), [1900]-[1956]; translations of his poems, 1941-1942; poems by others addressed to RWP, 1943-1956; articles by RWP on poets and poetry, 1911-1933; translations by RWP of English plays, [20th century]; radio scripts by RWP, 1941-1953, and radio scripts of programmes about RWP, 1956; magazine articles by RWP, 1918-1957; articles on RWP and his work, 1925-1959; notebooks containing notes by RWP on Welsh literature and Celtic languages, [20th century]; lecture notes of RWP on Welsh literature and individual poets, [20th century]; letters to RWP, 1908-1954; letters of congratulation to RWP, 1910-1953; copies of letters from RWP to Aneirin Talfan Davies, 1937-1949; letters of RWP to Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1935-1953; other letters to papers of Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1953-1971; letters of condolence to Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1956; letters to J. Maldwyn Davies, 1971-1975; postcards, Chritsmas cards and memorial cards, [20th century]; pocket diaries of RWP and Myfanwy Williams Parry, 1923-1969; birth, marriage and death certificates and copy of RWP's will, 1884-1956; school reports, certificates and job applications, 1896-1914; copies of examination papers, 1938-1944; newspaper cuttings relating to RWP, 1907-1971; pamphlets of the Cofeb R. Williams Parry appeal, 1956-1971; printed books, 1890-1969; and miscellaneous papers, 1873-1969.

Parry, Robert Williams

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