Affidavits -- England -- Lancaster



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Affidavits -- England -- Lancaster

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Affidavits -- England -- Lancaster

Termau cysylltiedig

Affidavits -- England -- Lancaster

1 Disgrifiad archifol canlyniad ar gyfer Affidavits -- England -- Lancaster

Dim ond canlyniadau sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig

The honour of Pickering, co. York,

Correspondence and miscellaneous documents relating to the honour of Pickering, being parcel of the duchy of Lancaster in the county of York. The miscellaneous items include a report, 21 April 1696, by S[ ] Travers, supervisor gen[eral], on the value of the honour of Pickering, the manors of Pickering and Scaulby, the site of the old ruined castle, Blansby Park, and other demesne lands belonging to the said honour and manors (copy); a royal warrant, 23 April 1697, authorising the grant of a lease of the honour and manors of Pickering, the manor of Scalby, etc., to Abell Tassin D'Allonne (copy); 'A Coppy of the particulars of ye L[or]ds[hi]p of Pickering, Scalby & Blunsby Park . . .' [18th cent.]; particulars relating to a lease of the castle and manor of Pickering, the park of Blandesby, the manor or lordship of Scalby, etc., granted by the king, under the seal of the duchy of Lancaster, 18 May 1697, to Abel Tassin D'Allonne; questions in a case relating to the aforementioned lease; and an affidavit sworn by William Stockdale at Scarborough, 27 April 1710, concerning the refusal of George Watson of Old Malton, co. York, and John Watson [his son], steward and bailiff respectively of the honour of Pickering, to surrender the said offices to Lovell Lazenby of Scarbrough and to him the said William Stockdale, acting on behalf of John Edwards of Chelsea, co. Midlesex (copy). The correspondence includes letters from [Abell Tassin] D'Allonne from Hague, to Edw[ar]d Lloyd at his house in Kensington near London, 1706 (negotiations for the assignment of a grant), Lovell Lazenby from Scarbrough, to Edward Lloyd at the Stamp Office, Lincoln's Inn, London, 1709-1711 (9) (the title to the offices of steward and bailiff of the honour of Pickering, an offer to the writer to receive a deputation of the said offices, and opposition from Geo[rge] Watson and his son John who claimed the offices for themselves), Edw[ard] Lloyd to [Lovell Lazenby], 1709 (the deputation mentioned in the previous letters and means of combating possible opposition from Mr. Watson) (copy), Will[iam] Tailer to [Mr. D'Allonne], 1696 (2) (the value of the rents of the honour of Pickering and of the castle, demesnes, and Blansby Park belonging to the said honour) (copies), and [ ] to Lovell Lazenby at Scarborough, 1709- 1710 and undated (5) (questions relating to the offices of steward and bailiff of the honour of Pickering) (draft copies).