- 114B.
- File
- 1642-1648.
Part of Cwrtmawr manuscripts
An imperfect interleaved manuscript containing prayers, psalms and Scripture readings; 'Ystori Peilat'; 'Bychedd Saint Margred', 1642; poetry in strict metres by Sion Reithar, John Brwynog, Huw ap Dafid Lloyd, Ifan Brydydd Hir, Rhys Pennardd, Sypyn Kyfeiliog, ('yr hwn a gyfieithir dafydd bach am hadog wladaidd'), Sion Kain (1609) (holograph), Dogtor John Kemp, Robert Mredydd, Mathew Brwmffild, Rhobert ap D'd Llwyd, Dafid ap Gwilim, William Llyn, Syr Dafid Trefor, Ierwerth Fynglwyd, John Tvdyr, Huw ap Richard ap Dafid, Morys Dwyfech, Richard John Brwynog, Morgan ap Huw Lewis, John Ffylipp, Huw Machno, Gr[u]ffuth Grvg, Grvffvth ap Ieuan ap Llewelvn Fychan, Dafydd Ddv o hir addig, D'd ap Edmwnd, and Ri'd ap Hoell; 'Penillion', for the most part anonymous, but with occasional stanzas by Gwen Williams, William Phillip, Sr Huw Robert, [Rob]ert Lewis, etc.; prognostications of Erra Pater based on the incidence of New Year's Day, and weather prognostications based on the phases of the moon; 'Ymddiddan tydyr ag Ronw'; 'Y rhif euraid'; and a few accounts for clothes; etc. An incident during the Second Civil War, on 5 June 1648, is recorded on p. 85 ('y pvmed dydd or mihefin y bv yr maes Rhwng syr John owen a gwyr y parlmant yn llandygai ag yn Rhayth yr lafan ...'), and it is probable that the manuscript was compiled about the period 1642-8.