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Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Llanover Manuscripts File Hymns, Welsh English
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Barddoniaeth, etc.,

A composite volume in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') the contents consisting almost entirely of Welsh free- and strict-metre verse, the latter being mainly in the form of 'englynion'. Most of the verse items, whether single stanzas, multi-stanza poems, or sequences of stanzas, bear the name of the said [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg', and all are probably his work. Many are in an incomplete form. Pp. 1-16 contain a copy of a proposed preface or foreword to a collection of poems which [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' apparently intended to publish in 1809 (see IM, tt. xliv-xlv), and this is followed on pp. 17-88 by verse items including items with the titles or superscriptions 'Gwasgaredd Iolo Morganwg', 'Anneddfoldeb', 'Dyn ymguddgar', 'Cwyn Clwyfus', 'Dyriau Gwasgar', 'Pennillion diarhebol Iolo Morganwg', 'Pennillion serch gwasgar', 'Darnau Defnyddion Doethineb Teuluaidd', 'Cynghor', 'Tribanau', 'Pennillion 1805', 'Doethineb Teuluaidd sef Pennillion Diarhebawl', 'Salm 105', 'Canu Gwashaela Sir Gaer', 'Emyn Dydd Barn', 'Emyn Angladd', 'Salm 104', and 'Salm'. The upper half of p. 89 bears the inscription 'Doethineb Teuluaidd Neu Lawrol Doethineb sef Egwyddorion Dyled at Dduw a Dyn ar Fesurau cân rhwyddion ac mewn Iaith esmwyth hawdd ei dealt Er addysg i'r Ieuainc a'r Annysgedig. Iolo Morganwg ai cant' which is followed on the lower half of the page by three stanzas of verse and on pp. 91-2 by nine stanzas of an incomplete poem. On p. 95, which was possibly a 'title-page' for the section now paginated 99-138, is a variant version of the aforementioned inscription reading 'Doethineb Teuluaidd ar Fesurau cerdd rhwyddion ac mewn Iaith esmwyth Er hawsder dealt i'r annysgedig a'r Ieuanc. Iolo Morganwg ai cant', two stanzas of Welsh verse by 'Iolo Morganwg', a Latin quotation from the works of Seneca, and the date 'Alban Eilir 1807'. This is followed on pp. 99-131 by poems with the superscriptions 'Doethineb Teuluaidd. Trioedd Doethineb', 'Gwersi Doethineb sef Gwasgaredd Doethineb. Y Cwlm Cyntaf', and 'Gwasgaredd Doethineb. Yr ail gwlm', and thirty-nine stanzas without a superscription. Pp. 139-40 contain miscellaneous stanzas headed 'Gwasgaredd Iolo Morganwg' and pp. 143-4 a sequence of stanzas headed 'Cynghorion gwasgaredig o'r ysgrythurau'. P. 147 is inscribed 'Doethineb Teuluaidd Sef Caniadau Dwyfawl a Moesawl ar Fesurau esmwythion Er addysg Dwyfol a moesol I blant a Chymreigyddion Ieuainc Gan Iolo Morganwg, B.B.D.', and p. 148 contains a list of the names of, or descriptions of, eighteen poems or sequences of verse or groups of poems to be found on pp. 149-202 including 'Cân y diodydd ar hen ddiarhebion Cymreig', 'Cân y Ffermwr', 'Englynion i Ddosparth Cerdd dafawd Gwynedd' (called 'Englynion sen . . .' on p. 148), 'Ar ddiwydrwydd', stanzas without a title or superscription but listed as 'Pennillion y Trallodion' on p. 148, 'Englynion y Bedydd', 'Englynion o flaen Trioedd Pawl', 'Gwasgargerdd Iolo Morganwg', 'Salm', miscellaneous stanzas including 'englynion' and 'tribannau', 'Gwasgaredd Iolo Morganwg', 'Tribanau' (listed as 'Tribanau Gwasgargerdd' on p. 148), miscellaneous 'englynion' including two relating to 'awdlau' submitted at an 'eisteddfod' held at Aberhonddi in 1822, 'I Owain Myfyr' (a bitter attack on Owen Jones ('Owain Myfyr')), 'Englynion i'r Greal a gyhoeddwyd gan Ddeudneudwyr Llundain', 'Pennillion Iolo Morganwg' (one hundred stanzas containing moral precepts), a sequence of twenty-one stanzas of a similar nature (these two series of one hundred and twenty-one stanzas are probably the ones referred to as 'Doethineb Teuluaidd (Ex Catonis Disticha de Moribus)' in the list on p. 148, see IM, t. 290), and 'Cynghor'. (continued)

The remainder of the volume contains further verse items including items with the superscriptions 'Gwybodau - Celfyddyd', 'Trioedd Iolo Morganwg', 'Gwasgaredd Doethineb, yr ail Gwlm', 'Pennillion, Englynion, Dernynau Iolo Morganwg', 'Englynion mawl i Dduw am waredigaeth o dwyll y Byd', 'Englyn i chwaldodwr disynwyr', 'Cynghog', 'Englynion y Wawr', 'Englynion Pwnc Eisteddfod Aber Cwm y Fywch, 1771', 'Englyn i Gybydd', 'Englynion i Gymdeithas o Rithgrefyddwyr mewn Ile nid rhaid ei enwi ym Morganwg', 'Englyn i For gerwin temhestlog', 'Pennill i Rithgrefyddwyr Aberthin', 'Pennillion Iolo Morganwg', 'Dechreuad Bonedd', 'Englyn i Dai Gwynnion Morganwg', 'Englynion ar dorriad allan y Rhyfel yn 1802', 'Englynion diweddglo'r salmau ac eraill amrafaelion', 'Beirdd', 'Cân Lewys Gabriel', 'Hymn i Sior y Crinwas' (this poem attributed to Bleddyn bach ap y Gwir), 'Englynion ar Undod Duw', 'Pennill a gant y Bardd iddo'i hunan', 'Cynghor hen gybydd ar ei wely angau iddei Fab o Ladin Horad', 'Beddwers Sior y Crinwas', 'Englyn i Hen ferch afrywiog dros ben', 'Englynion i'r Fronfraith', 'Trioedd yr offeiriad a gant Iolo Morganwg yng Ngorsedd yr Alban Hefin ar ben y Garth ym Morganwg, 1797', 'Englyn a feddyliwyd ei roddi ar faner Rhyddfilwyr Morganwg', 'Can a wnaed yn y flwyddyn 1777 y Bardd yn dychwelyd i Forganwg wedi bod flynyddau lawer yn Lloegr', 'Beddbennill', 'Englynion y Gwynt, 1770', 'Breiniau Dyn' (two versions), 'Hymn undodaidd', and 'Casgliadau o'r Gwasgaredd at y Doethineb Teu[lu]aidd' besides items without titles or superscriptions. There is an English stanza entitled 'Epitaph on the Sexton of Cowbridge' on p. 230. The few prose items in the section from p. 203 onwards include a brief note relating to a specific type of poetic exercise at 'eisteddfodau' in Morgannwg (pp. 223-5), a brief note in connection with a psalm composed on the occasion of opening a Berean meeting house (Ty Cwrdd Berea) (p. 229), and a list headed 'Llyma'r achos y rhoes Duw ei fendith i Ddyn' (p. 283). P. 237 contains what appears to be a copy of a proposed title-page to a collection of poems containing moral precepts entitled 'Llawrol Doethineb Neu Doethineb Teuluaidd' composed by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' possibly with a view to publication in 1816.

Extracts from the scriptures; rules of the South Wales Unitarian Society; etc.

Miscellaneous papers, home-made booklets, etc., containing various items in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. A considerable part of the volume is devoted to extracts from the Old and New Testaments in English and Welsh (sometimes grouped together as illustrative of specified ideas or subjects - 'Iesu Grist yn Ddyn', 'Iesu Grist yn ddarostyngedig i'r Tad', 'Aberth Crist', 'Divine Unity', etc.) and lists of textual references from the two Testaments grouped under headings such as 'Mab Duw', 'Mab y Dyn', 'Meibion Duw', 'Iachawdwriaeth', 'Satan', 'Yspryd Glân', 'Crist', and similar topics. Other items in the volume, pagination in brackets, include a transcript of an 'englyn' (this item possibly in the hand of Edward Williams's son Taliesin Williams) and an extract from [William] Warrington [: The History of Wales] relating to the Welsh in the time of Giraldus Cambrensis (10-11); a list in Welsh of the rules of the South Wales Unitarian Society ('Rheolau a Threfniadau Cymdeithas Dwyfundodiaid Deheubarth Cymru a gyttunwyd arnynt gan Henuriaid y Gymdeithas yn eu Cyfarfod Cyffredinol yn y Gelli Onnen ym Morganwg arddydd Gwener yr wythfed o Fis Hydref yn y Flwyddyn 1802') with an introductory note on the aims of the society (159-74); a list of the names of people ? connected with, or members of, the aforementioned Unitarian Society (175-7); a brief list of expressions or sayings in Welsh attributed to Charles Winter [Arminian Baptist] minister at Craig Fargod [co. Glamorgan] (178); a small, home-made booklet inscribed on the outside cover (203) 'Hints for a New Modification of the Rules of the South-Walian Unitarian Society, 1816', the rules themselves bearing the superscription (205) 'Rules of the S[outh] Walian Churches of Unitarian Christians coassociated for the purposes of restoring what appears to them to be the undebased Religion of Jesus Christ by an attempt to institute an Apostolical Ministry and for the diffusion of Religious and Moral knowledge by the distribution of Books' (203-18); transcripts of an unattributed 'englyn' and of five stanzas of a Welsh hymn (228); a draft version of the religious booklet published by 'Cymdeithas Dwyfundodiaid Deheubarth Cymru' under the title Holiadur neu Addysgiadau Cyffredin, Hawl ac Atteb, yn Athrawiaethau a Dyledswyddau Crefydd . . . (Merthyr Tydfil, 1814), being a translation by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg', who describes himself as 'Bardd Cymdeithas Dwyfundodiaid Deheubarth Cymru', of the second edition of a work by J[ohn] P[rior] Estlin, possibly that author's General Instructions in the Doctrines and Duties of Religion (230- 57); draft versions of the words of six Welsh hymns, versions of five of which appear in an appendix to the aforementioned booklet called Holiadur neu Addysgiadau Cyffredin . . . (257-61); another version of the rules of the South Wales Unitarian Society to be found on pp. 159-74 above having the slightly variant title 'Rheolau a Threfniadau Cymdeithas Dwyfundodiaid Deheubarth Cymru yr honn a ymgorpholwyd ddydd Gwener yr wythfed o Fis Hydref 1802' and an extended introduction, and being followed by a list of six names, including that of Edward Williams himself, headed 'Cyfeistedd 1802', and a further list of forty-one names being those of the principal members ('prif aelodau') of the society (274-98); (continued)

Notes relating to public meetings for the purpose of religious exercises, religious discipline, etc . (310-14); incomplete critical observations on the content and poetic form of a collection of hymns by T. Evans ['Tomos Glyn Cothi'] i.e. [ Thomas Evans: Cyfansoddiad o Hymnau wedi cael eu hamcanu at Addoliad Cyhoeddus ag yn enwedig at Wasanaeth Undodiaid Cristianogol (Caerfyrddin, 1811)] (321-3); another version in Welsh of the rules of the South Wales Unitarian Society (326-38); a draft version of a letter addressed, by inference, by Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') to the bishop of St. David' s referring to one of the recipient's predecessors 'Bishop [Samuel] Horseley, the cursing and swearing Horseley', the said bishop's attack on the Unitarians ('he began to cudgel the South Walian Unitarians . . . huge host of Unitarian hunters'), the stand made by the Unitarians, their formation of 'the first professedly Unitarian Congregation', the writer's sympathy for the cause, his conception of 'the idea of a Southwalian Unitarian Society for the promotion of genuine Christianity by the distribution of Books', the first annual meeting of the said society in 1802 ('18 individuals'), the growth of the society, etc. (342-5); the words, six stanzas, of a Welsh psalm tune (347); miscellanea including extracts from The Monthly Review [November 1802], The Monthly Register, November 1802, the Bishop of Landaff's charge [to the clergy], 1802, and ? The Crit[ical] Review, 1802 (350-56); transcripts of three stanzas of Welsh religious verse by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg', an 'englyn' attributed to Wm. Moses, and three further stanzas of verse (two in Welsh and one in English) attributed to the said Wm. Moses (362-4); another version in Welsh of the rules and regulations of the South Wales Unitarian Society drawn up at a general meeting held at Gelli Onnen, co. Glamorgan, 7 October 1802 (vide above where the date is given as 8 October) (366-84); an undated list of 'Subscribers to the Unitarian Society' ? in Aberdare, Romney, and Merthyr [co. Glamorgan] (413-14); a list of fifteen topics under the superscription 'Scriptural Researches. By Edward Williams' (422); briefer versions in Welsh of eight of the rules of the aforementioned South Wales Unitarian Society with a list of the names of members and their subscriptions (426-31); further notes relating to the South Wales Unitarian Society (434-41); notes headed 'Paham yr ydwyd yn Gristion' (442- 5); ? a copy of a proposed title-page for an intended pamphlet on the existence of the devil by Edward Williams under the title 'Scriptural Researches No. 9' (450); and an incomplete English version of the introduction or preface to the rules of the aforementioned South Wales Unitarian Society (458-62).


A notebook written in pencil by Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg', and containing an account of his journey from London to Merthyr, 29 May - (?) 24 June 1802. A few of the pages are now very indistinct and almost illegible. The places mentioned include Tatsworth, Oxford, Woodstock, Enstone, Long Compton and Rollright circle, Tidmanton, Alderminster, Stratford upon Avon, Wooton [sic], Henly [sic], Birmingham, Bromwich, Westbury, Bilston, Wolverhampton, Tettenhall, Shiffnal [sic], Madley ? [Madeley], Colebrook Dale, Buildwas, Hatcham, Salop (Shrewsbury), Crew Green, Meivod, Llanfair, Newtown, Ceri, Felindre, Bugeildy, Llanfair Waterdine, Knighton, Norton, Presteign, New Radnor, Old Radnor, Glasdre [? Gladestry], Pain's Castle, Clirow, Hay, Glasbury, Llyswen, Capel (y) ffin, and Brecon. Among the individuals briefly mentioned are the Reverend Walter Davies ['Gwallter Mechain'], curate of Meifod, with whom, 14 June, Iolo Morganwg sets out on a survey of South Wales, Mr. Weyman 'at Griffin Ffloyd', Mr. Richard Williams of the Duke's Arms, Knighton, Thos. Grove, Esqr., of Cwm Elen, and Mr. [ ] Morgan, wool-stapler, of Knighton. There are also some notes on the Vale of Glamorgan, including an air, and hymn stanzas, e.g. 'Rhodio gyda Duw'.


Miscellaneous papers containing notes, lists, transcripts, extracts, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents include pp. 13-39, copies of ten tales or fables in Welsh, nine bearing the titles 'Dammeg y Dial', 'Dameg y Ceiliog Rhedyn a'r Moryn', 'Dammeg y Dylluan, y golomen, a'r ystlym', 'Dameg y geifr, y Defaid, a'r bleiddiaid', 'Dameg y march gwyllt', 'Dammeg yr Eos a'r hebog', 'Dammeg Cenfigen yn Llosgi ei hun', 'Dammeg y Gwr a'r [Ebol]', and 'Dammeg Meredydd ap Rhosser o Lanbedr a'r Fro am gastell Tre Warin', and the tenth telling the story of Tanwyn, the son of Trahaearn, the bard (for the Welsh text of nine of these see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 167-84, and for English translations ibid., pp. 577-96); 38, brief notes with the superscription 'On the affinity of the ancient Gallic or Celtic with the Modern British', being presumably the introduction to a proposed essay or article on the said subject; 43-8, sketches ? in connection with the construction of a 'wheel oared boat'; 49- 64, 66, 68-96, 136-7, genealogical and other data relating to British saints some allegedly extracted from the manuscripts of Tho[mas] Truman, Iaean Deulwyn, Iaean Brechfa, Antoni Pywel, and Watkyn Owen; 65, a collection of miscellaneous Welsh words with English definitions, etc.; 66, ten stanzas of Welsh verse by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' attacking [Owen Jones] 'Owain Myfyr'; 67, a short list of Welsh triads; 97, an extract from the Gent[leman's] Mag[azine], 1780, relating to the cultivation of a new kind of wheat; 98, lists of pre-Saxon archbishops of London and early bishops of Llandaff; 99, notes on English history temp. Richard II - temp. Henry VII; loo, a list of the kings of Wales, A.D. 181- 517; 101, three draft stanzas of religious verse [? by Edward Williams]; 102, an incomplete, ? draft copy of a letter relating to Cattwg Sant and 'proverbs, moral aphorisms, etc., attributed to him'; 110, a Welsh-English list of species of apples; 111, a list with the superscription 'Llyma enwau wyth Esgobion Cymry Cyn dwyn o Saeson goreuon eu gwlad oddiar y Cymry'; 124, a list of 'Churches in Glam[organ which] are not generally called by the names of saints'; 131 + 133, an incomplete list of the names of those who had founded churches in Glamorgan ('Enwau y Rai a wnaethant Eglwysydd a Chorau ym Morganwg') (see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 219-22, 635-8); 155-74, 183-4, 187, 197, 203, notes relating to the special alphabets which, according to Edward Williams, were in use amongst the Welsh bards and monks, the four-sided billets of wood used as a writing surface when these two alphabets were used, the 'peithynen' (the name given to a series of such billets inserted in an upright frame so as to allow each to be rotated), the mythological account of the origin of letters and the basic alphabet, the acquisition and development of the alphabet by the Cymry, the use of wood as a writing surface in Wales in the Middle Ages, etc.; 166, four stanzas of English verse being doxologies written by Edward Williams in 'long metre', 'common metre', 'short metre', and the 'metre of Psalm 148'; 175-6, a copy (probably not in the hand of Edward Williams) of the assessment for poor rate in [the parish of] Lantwit Major [co. Glamorgan], 1753-1754; 180, 182, 194, 200, 205-08, 211, miscellaneous notes on bardic and literary matters; 181, a transcript of the beginning of a text of 'Brut y Brenhinedd'; 185-6, an incomplete ? copy of a letter from Edward Williams to John Nichols, esq., containing a description of an accompanying example of a 'peithynen' (see above), a note on the word 'peithynen', observations on the connection between Latin and Welsh, brief comments on Edward Llwyd and Doctor [John] Davies [of Mallwyd] and their knowledge of the Welsh language, etc.; 189-92, a list in Welsh of twenty-two of the basic principles or regulations of the bards of the Isle of Britain ('Defodau a Breiniau Beirdd Ynys Prydain') with an English version of the first twelve; 198, five stanzas of a Welsh hymn; 215-116, brief notes relating to the administration of justice in Glamorgan, 12th-16th cent.; 2117, an anecdote relating to Sir Risiart Grinvil [Norman knight, 1st half 12th cent.], the bringing of the builder Lalys ? from Rome to Glamorgan by the said Sir Risiart, and the building of the monastery at Glyn Nedd, the church of Llandaff, and castles at Caerdyf, y Coetty, San Dunwyd, etc., and the founding of Trelalys by the said Lalys; 218, an anecdote relating to [the Norman knight] Syr Rhobert Fitshamon and Ifor Bach, lord of Regoes and Glynrhondda; and miscellaneous notes, etc. The reverse side of printed handbills containing proposals for publishing Edward Williams's two - volume work Poems Lyric and Pastoral and a new edition of Dr. [Samuel] Johnson's Dictionary have been used in two instances for writing notes.


Miscellaneous papers and note-books containing notes, extracts, transcripts, lists, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents of pp. 53-60, 73, 75, 86-9, 91, 143-206, 209-17, 233-8, and 279-90 consist mainly of lists or groups of Welsh words and phrases sometimes with English definitions and/or illustrative excerpts from the works of Welsh poets. Some of these lists or groups contain words extracted from one source such as poems by, or attributed to, Taliesin, or to be found in 'The Book of Taliesin', John Bunyan: Taith y Pererin, William Wotton: Cyfreithieu Hywel Dda . . . (London, 1730), etc. P. 13 is inscribed 'Glynn Papers 1821. Customs of the Manor of the Lordship of Coity Wallia. From a Copy in the Hand Writing of Richard Jenkins, Esqr., of Hensol Castle, Glamorgan, 1714', and is followed (pp. 17-27) by an incomplete copy of the presentments of a jury of survey for the lordship and manor of Coyty Wallia aforesaid [co. Glamorgan], 1631 [/2]. Other items in the volume include pp. 33-6, anecdotes relating to the brothers Richard and William Twrch and the building of the chapel (1586) and the porch (1600) at Bewper [ co. Glamorgan], with references to Inigo Jones (see also NLW MS. 13089E above); 37-41, a copy of Sir Walter Scott's 'Hymn to Christopher North, Esqr.' transcribed from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, April 1821; 45-9, notes relating to the ruins of a ?Roman 'glass and pottery manufactory' near Caer Rhun [co. Caernarvon], and to nature in the languages and literatures of Wales and England; 69-71, a transcript of the answers to a questionnaire relating to the parish of Llantrithyd [co. Glamorgan]; 72, stanzas of ?two Welsh hymns; 83-4, notes on differences in the use of the verb in the Welsh of North and South Wales; 107-10, notes relating to the Welsh bardic tradition, more particularly the use of triads by the bards, with examples of such bardic triads and English translations; 112, a list of the persons (?commissioners) in whose presence the 'eisteddfod' was held at Caerwys [co. Flint] in 1565 (sic) and of the bards and musicians who were licensed at the said 'eisteddfod'; 113-34, ?extracts from [Paul Henri] Mallet: Northern Antiquities . . . [? the translation from the French by Thomas Percy, London, 1770] and [Joseph] Ritson: A Select Collection of English Songs (1783); 135-41, draft proposals for publishing a multi-volume work containing essays on aspects of Welsh literature, history, bardism, etc., with transcripts of, or extracts from, original Welsh documents and manuscripts relating thereto and English translations of the original source material (see Prospectus of Collections for a New History of Wales in Six Volumes . . . by Edward Williams (Carmarthen, 1819 )); 142, a note on the aims of 'Cymreigyddion Deheubarth, a Corresponding Literary (Philological) Society of South] W[ales]' and a list of six rules headed 'Unitarian Discipline and Polity'; 207-08, a list of Latin words, mainly common nouns, commencing with the letter v with English definitions and, occasionally, Welsh ? derivatives; 221, suggestions by E[dward] Williams re the cultivation of vineyards in Britain; 225-32, miscellaneous horticultural notes ('A New Method of propagating trees', 'A new . . . method of raising Cowcumbers', 'To ripen Grapes'), etc., extracted mainly from the Weekly Miscellany, [Philip] Miller: The Gardener's Dictionary . . ., and Ra[lph] Austen: A Treatise of Fruit Trees . . . ; (continued)

239-46, extracts ? from letters of L[ewis] Morris and a commonplace book of R[obert] Vaughan of Hengwrt relating to matters of Welsh etymological, bardic, and antiquarian interest, with comments, sometimes severely critical of the opinions expressed by Morris and Vaughan, added presumably by Edward Williams ('ignorance . . . inconsistency … willful lies, a complete triad of Lewis Morris' grand accomplishments', 'the abominable falshoods of Robert Vaughan'); 247 + 250, transcripts of 'englynion' attributed to Jenkin Richards and a note on Richards's religious attitudes (written on the blank margins, etc., of an incomplete copy of printed proposals, 1792, by [Sir] Herbert Croft for publishing a new edition of Dr . [Samuel] Johnson's Dictionary); 251-66, miscellaneous items including a list of the 'Names of Constellations in Wales', two notes relating to the bard Iolo [Goch], a note on a volume containing prophesies by various bards 'collected by Mr. Ellis Wynne of Las Ynys', ? an extract from a letter from W[illia]m Wynne to L[ewis] Mor[ris] relating to an ode by Goronwy [Owen] and his use of the 'Cadwyn fyr' measure, an extract from a letter from Edw[ar]d Llwyd to Robert Davies at Llannerch [co. Flint] referring to glass beads which may have been 'Roman or referable to our glain Neidr', an extract from a letter from R[ober]t Vaughan of Hengwrt to Archbishop Usher relating to the different yokes used in yoking oxen in Wales, a critical comment ? by Edward Williams on the opinions of Lewis Morris and [Robert] Vaughan of Hengwrt with regard to the story of Brutus, a brief note on 'The Cantref Breiniol' and the 'saith cantref' of Morganwg, an extract from a letter on the subject of freemasonry published in the Gentleman's Magazine, September 1794, lists of 'Y chwebeth a wnaeth i'r Brytaniaid golli anrhydedd ei Pendefigaeth', 'Meibion Cynfarch', 'Rhyfeddodau Ynys Prydain', 'Geiriau Gwir Taliesin', and 'Deuddeg pwnc cas gan Grist . . .', versions of the Lord's Prayer in Welsh, transcripts of four 'englynion' attributed to Huw Caerog, Huw Llyn, Hugh Pennant, and Wiliam Cynwal, and headed 'Englynion Eisteddfod Caerwys', extracts from various Welsh poems, etc.; 267-78, a fourteen point 'Outline of a Plan for a Complete and Superb History of the County of Glamorgan Sketched by Edward Williams, 1806'; 293 + 296, a memorandum of a proclamation, 1795, of a bardic meeting to be held at Pen Bryn Owain, co. Glamorgan, in 1796; 294-5, notes on Hywel Siôn of Brofeisgyn [co. Glamorgan] (2nd half 17th cent.) and 'Yr Hen Saphin' of Pen y bont ar Ogwr [co. Glamorgan] (? early 18th cent.), to both of whom many proverbial or popular sayings were attributed, and comments on the use of proverbs by the Welsh (? part of an introduction to a proposed collection of Welsh proverbs); 301-08, a copy of the introduction, the letter to the reader, and the notes on Arthur and his knights to be found at the beginning of Lewys Dwnn's volume of pedigrees of the families of cos. Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan (see S. R. Meyrick (ed.): Heraldic Visitations of Wales . . . by Lewys Dwnn . . . (Llandovery, 1846), pp. 7-10); and 309, a list of 'Grammars in the possession of E. Williams' (? 'Iolo Morganwg').


A volume (pp. 5-310) containing items of an extremely varied nature in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'). Included, pagination in brackets, are lists or groups of Welsh words, sometimes with English definitions or equivalents or notes (17, 25, 29, 34, 38, 43, 47, 53, 80-82, 89, 102, 125-6, 134, 142, 157, 161, 170, 182, 196, 203, 219-20, 225, 235-6, 238, 242, 245, 247, 263, 282, 292); extracts from Aneurin's 'Gododdin' headed 'Silldorriadau Gododin' (119-20); notes, sometimes very brief, on or relating to Welsh bardism (21, 27, 57, 72, 127, 156, 187, 192-3, 195, 244, 258), song writing (32), the characteristics of the work of Cattwg, Taliesin, and Aneurin (32), the coming of the Cymry to Britain from Deffrobani and their loss of sovereignty to the Romans and Saxons (36), the knowledge of letters amongst the ancient Britons (37), King Arthur's court (46), the 'modern literary dialect of the Welsh' and the medieval prose and verse of South Wales (49), Welsh poetic metres called ' traethodyn milwr', 'traethodyn cwtta', and 'traethodyn chweban' (52), Merfyn Gwawdrych, 9th cent., and his contemporaries (61), the poet Twm ab Ifan ab Rhys, ? early 17th cent. (69), 'cynghanedd' and the Welsh strict poetic metres with references to an 'eisteddfod' in the time of Ifor ab Ifor of Maeshaleg, a bardic assembly at the monastery of Penrys [co. Glamorgan], temp. Edward IV, when Gwilym Tew exhibited an 'awdl', etc. (77- 8), white blackbirds and sparrows seen at Landough and wild canaries at Lantwit [co. Glamorgan] (98), the relinquishment or retention of ancient arts by nations in proportion to their progress (104), Siôn Rhydderch and his Welsh grammar [Grammadeg Cymraeg, 1728] (119), the use of the prefixes an- and di- in Welsh (133), 'Tair Cynghanedd Anianol' (150 ), 'Cynghanedd ewinog' (151), the use of various rhymes and 'cynganeddion' in Welsh (152), bardic 'cadeiriau' of or at Llanfihangel Glyn Afan, 1355, Llangynwyd, 1452, Y Wenar, 1462, and Tir Iarll, 1488 (159), the two sounds of the letter Y in Welsh (160), the bardic 'Cadair Tir Iarll' (185), the construction of 'Coelbren y Beirdd' (242), the bard Owain ap Rhydderch, late 15th cent. (273), and manifestations or representations of God (290- 91); transcripts of Welsh poems or stanzas of Welsh poems or extracts therefrom attributed to Llelo Llantrisaint sef Llywelyn ap Hywel ap Ieuan ap Gronw (23), [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (50, 68, 82, 87, 217), ? Twm ab Ifan ab Rhys (69), Llawdden (129-30), Wm. Moses (149), Taliesin (240, 242), Thos. Daf. Miles (266), Syr Roger Cyffin 'offeiriad Llanberis' (267), and Risiart Fychan 'o Gors y Gedol' (268); transcripts of unattributed Welsh poems including stanzas of hymn-tunes (23-4, 30, 34, 45, 51, 104, 115, 116, 121, 128, 1311, 148, 175, 191, 213, 232-3, 234, 274 + 283, 278-80); transcripts of English poems (107, 197, 212, 261, 284 + 273); miscellaneous Welsh triads (33, 172, 206, 247); short lists of Welsh proverbs or proverbial sayings (48, 167, 176, 231, 293); a prescription for the cure of rheumatism (50); an anecdote relating to the struggle between Caradawc ab Bran ap Llyr and the Romans, the burning of forests in Britain, and the building by Manawydan fab Llyr of a prison called 'Carchar Oeth ag Anoeth' from the bones of those slain in battle, allegedly extracted from [a manuscript called] the 'Yniales' (65-8; for another copy of the anecdote see NLW MS 13152A above); a prefatory note to an intended collection of proverbs, moral aphorisms, etc., allegedly composed or compiled by Cattwg Ddoeth (73-4); a list of old Welsh musical instruments ('Offerynau Cerdd arwest yr hen Gymry') (80); a transcript of the opening paragraph of an alleged version of 'Gramadeg Einiawn Offeiriad' (83); notes on (a) the situation and extent, and (b) the divisions of the county of Glamorgan being sections 1 and 2 of a projected chapter to be headed 'Geographical State and Circumstances' which presumably would have been Chapter 1 of a work on the said county (91-2); an incomplete list of bardic, literary, and other topics in English and Welsh, e.g. 'Cannons of Etymology', 'Miscellanies relating to Welsh poetry', 'Achau Saint Ynys Prydain', 'MSS. in Jesus College Library', under the superscription 'Collecting Sheets 8vo' (99); a list of nine topics such as 'Diarhebion Morganwg Annosparthus', 'Mangofion Gwynedd 1799', etc. (101); (continued)

A list of thirteen topics, e.g. 'Princes of Southwales', 'Anecdotes of Howel Dda', 'Meddygon Myddfai', etc., headed 'For Mr. Rees, Caermarthen' (105); copies of memorial inscriptions ? in St. Athan parish church (107-08); a list of six rules headed 'Unitarian Discipline' (113); a list of fifteen topics or personal names of a varying nature, e.g. 'Llangyndeyrn Marble at Caerm[arthe]n', 'Donne the Satirist', 'Taly Llycheu Church, D.G.' (114); a list of eight 'Ysgriflyfrau gan Iolo Morganwg 1800' (127); a list of Welsh proverbial sayings or advisory precepts some in verse form and some attributed to Cattwg Ddoeth (141, 144-6); a list of the names of six series of Welsh triads (147); a list of the names of thirteen persons headed 'Selfeducated persons in Glamorgan Vale' and a second list containing the names of eight persons headed 'Glamorgan Mountains' the persons named in this list apparently belonging to the same category as those in the first list (158); a list of eight topics or items, e.g. 'Llythyrau Dafydd o'r Nant', 'Rheolau Tudur Aled', etc., which were to be included in an unspecified work (164); brief genealogical data relating to the family of Einiawn Offeiriad (171); a list of Welsh 'Enwau Llefydd' ( 172); brief incomplete notes relating to the development of Welsh literature headed 'English Preface to Cyfrinach y Beirdd' (214); an explanatory note on 'cynghanedd groes' in the form of question and answer between pupil and master (251-2); a draft of a memorial and remonstrance to the members of, and subscribers to, the 'Fund of the South Wales Unitarian Society for the Diffusion of Christian Knowledge' expressing concern at irregularities in the conduct of the society (265 + 260); patterns or examples of metres and metric lines headed 'Specimens of Welsh Lyrics and Verse' (262); a list of the names of six Welsh bards, 1650-80, to refute L[ewis] Morys's assertion that no good 'cywydd' had been written since the reign of Elizabeth (267); brief notes on the activities of [John] Poyer and [Rowland] Laugharne in the Civil War in South Wales and a list of English sovereigns, 1603-1760 (269); ? observations on a proposed 'Essay on the Ancient Welsh Literature', etc. (271); synopses of the contents of ? six chapters of a proposed 'Collection for a New History of Wales from Ancient Welsh MSS.' ('On the Origin of the Cimbri', 'Principles of Ancient British Government', 'The Ancient Institution of the Bards', etc.) (272); music for an unspecified air (296); and notes and a sketch relating to a plan of a 'meeting house, octagonal or circular' (298). Some of the notes, etc., have been written on the verso or in the margins of a copy of a printed notice by White and Barnards, Barge Masters, advertising their services, 1800 (100), a copy of a printed notice issued by the Caslon Letter Foundry, London, advertising their preparedness to provide printing types and materials (123), imperfect copies of a printed leaflet, 1797, announcing an 'eisteddfod' to be held under the patronage of the Gwyneddigion Society in 1798 (142-3, 204-05), a copy of printed proposals, 1811, for a new edition of 'The History of Wales written originally in Welsh by Caradoc of Llancarvan translated into English by Dr. Powell and augmented by W. Wynne' (194 + 191), 'An Exemplification of Masons' Work done for Robert Jones, Esqr., of Fonmon Castle . . . Burton Causway by William Baker, Mason, 1813 and 18[14] as attested by Thos. Raecliff and Edward Williams in 1814 (198-9, 210-11), a ? holograph letter from R. Evans from Cowbridge to . . ., undated (personal) (220-21), an account for goods purchased by E. Williams [? 'Iolo Morganwg'] from James Bradley, chemist, Cowbridge, in 1816 (226 + 239), a printed calendar of prisoners in ? Cardiff Gaol, ? 1803 (227 + 238), a copy of printed proposals for publishing George Dyer's Memoirs of the Life and Writings of . . . Robert Robinson of Chesterton (234 + 231), and a ? holograph note from Thomas William to Edward Williams [? 'Iolo Morganwg'], 1814, informing him that Christopher ? James wished to see him (259 + 266).


Miscellaneous papers and fragments containing notes, transcripts, lists, copies of his own poems, etc., by Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents include holograph copies of Welsh poems by Edward Williams himself using the bardic names 'Iolo Morganwg', 'I[orwer] th G[wili]m', and 'Ior[wer]th Morganwg'; transcripts of Welsh strict- and free-metre poems (often incomplete) including single stanzas attributed to Huw Morus and Edward Morus (pp. 60, 65), a few stanzas attributed to Gronwy Owain (p. 78), and an 'englyn' attributed to Iorwerth Fynglwyd (p. 141), etc.; a short list of Welsh names of 'different sorts of grass or hay in Glam[organ]' (p. 32); a short list of 'Glum[organ] proverbs' (p. 42 ); draft copies or transcripts of the words of two English election songs written in connection with a parliamentary election in co. Glamorgan [? the election involving Thomas Wyndham of Dunraven Castle and Capt. Thomas Windsor, R.N., in 1789] (pp. 75-6); a ? draft version of an English poem entitled 'Bardic Institutes, a Vision Written in an ancient Bardic circle on Morlais Hill near Merthyr Tidvil, Glam.' (pp. 80-82); excerpts from the work of various Welsh poets headed 'Quotations from Bards relating to usages, Institutes, mythology, Literature, etc., of the Bards' (pp. 83-4 and possibly 193-4); an incomplete copy of an English poem 'The Royal Shepherd' (p. 87); a note in Welsh recording a meeting held at Pen y Bont ar Ogwr [Bridgend, co. Glamorgan] to celebrate victories over [Napoleon] Bonopart (p. 90); a short list of Welsh strict poetic metres headed 'Dosparth Llawdden' (p. 101); a very brief note on 'Lords Halls of Courts and Justice at Coyty, Lantwit, St. Brides, St. Athan, Penmark, [and] Lancarvan [co. Glamorgan]' and 'Baronial Court Halls' of the vale of Glamorgan and Monmouthshire (p. 103); a list in Welsh of some of the traditional customs and pastimes of Glamorgan ('Hen Arferion a Defodau Morganwg') (pp. 105-06); an anecdote relating to Morgan ab Ithel o Forganwg, Hywel Dda, and Blegywryd (p. 107); an anecdote relating to efforts made to deprive the Welsh of education subsequent to the rebellion of Owain Glyndwr, the renewal or spread of the practice of writing by inscribing on wood, and the teaching of this practice to the bards of Gwynedd and Powis by Ieuan ap Hywel Swrdwal and Llawdden Fardd (pp. 115- 116); notes relating to Welsh poetic metres (pp. 139-40, 142, 183-4); a non-chronological list of events in English and Welsh history, 852-1415 ( pp. 143 + 48); a prose tale entitled 'Ystori Rhitta Gawr' (p. 144); statistical tables giving the population of twenty-one parishes in the hundred of Swansea [co. Glamorgan], and four parishes in the hundred of Carnawllon, Caermarthenshire, 1811 (p. 145); brief notes containing speculation as to the state of the province of Siluria [south-east Wales] at the time of the Roman withdrawal, with references to the ancient seminary at Carlion, place names reminiscent of the 'first Planters' of Christianity in the province, monumental inscriptions, etc. (p. 149); ? draft versions or transcripts of the words of Welsh psalm or hymn tunes (pp. 166-7); medicinal recipes in Welsh (pp. 187-90); notes on the 'corfan' or metrical foot in the class of poems called 'dyriau' (p. 184, second sequence); a list of towns, etc., in co. Glamorgan headed 'Town Halls of [ ]' (p- 195); miscellaneous Welsh word lists; miscellaneous triads; extracts from the works of various Welsh bards; and other miscellanea. Some of the notes have been written on the reverse of a promissory note signed by Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') in London, 13 January 1794 (p. 96), the reverse side of an account rendered by Thos. Williams, marble mason, to Hercules Clarke, mason, in respect of a chimneypiece (pp. 164 + 169), and the reverse side and margins of a copy of printed proposals, May 1799, for publishing a periodical to be called Eurgrawn Cymraeg neu Drysorfa Gwybodaeth (pp. 187 + 190).


Miscellaneous papers containing notes, lists, jottings, etc., of an extremely varied nature in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound into one volume. The contents, pagination in brackets, include a copy of a notice relating to the proclamation in 1816 of the holding of a bardic convention at Pen rhiw'r gwydd in the cantref of Garth Mathrin, co. Glamorgan, in the following year (30-31); a list of 'Druidical altars in Glamorgan' (38-9); brief genealogical data relating to Llywelyn Bren Ail of Sainghenydd [ob. 1317] (45); a list of 'Documents of Welsh History Translated from Ancient British Manuscripts by Edward Williams' and a list of four dissertations relating to early British history, 'ancient Welsh MSS.', etc. [by the said Edward Williams] ? to be published in part form (46-7); another list of source material headed 'By Edward Williams. Welsh Historical Documents Collections for a New History of Wales consisting of Translations of' (48); a list of events, etc., relating mainly to British history A.D. 79 - A.D. 460 (54-5); a brief note on the church and parish of Lanedarn, co. Glamorgan (61); a sketch ground plan of the lay-out of Rumney house and garden (62-3); brief lists or groups of Welsh words (64, 92, 105, 113, 117- 18, 123, 125, 133, 138, 155, 165, 204-12, 218-19, 259, 331-2, 334, 340-41, 361-2, 370, 371, 389); a short pedigree tracing the descent in direct line of Dafydd ap Hopkin from Bleddyn ap Maenarch (68); five draft stanzas of a Welsh hymn and two other stanzas of Welsh verse (70); a list of fifteen items under the heading 'Yniales' being presumably a list of items contained in an alleged manuscript volume bearing that name (74; see TLLM, sub nomine in index); an incomplete note on a meeting of bards and musicians at Castell Nedd, ? 1088, convened by Rys ap Tewdwr and attended by Iestyn ap Gwrgan and his wife and daughter Nest, and the saving of the daughter from Rys's intended abduction of her (73-4); miscellanea including Welsh triads, brief notes on Gower sheep, Hereford Ryelands in Glamorgan, the production of butter in Glamorgan, etc. (72, 75, 77); a list of Welsh names of grammatical tenses (83); a brief note on the village of Wrinston and its neighbourhood [co. Glamorgan] (84); an anecdote relating to Sir Gilbert Stradling's presence with Richard I at the siege of Acres and the creation of the order of the Knights of the Blue Garter (85); miscellaneous notes relating to Welsh triads and their attribution to fictitious names, the basic reasons for the continued existence of the bardic system of Glamorgan, etc. (87-8); a list of mythological items and persons headed 'Damhegion Beirdd Ynys Prydain' (89); an extract from the poem 'Angar Cyfyndawd' from the Book of Taliesin (91); copies of two 'englynion' by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (94); a remedy for asthma (95); a list of fifteen faults in metre and 'cynghanedd' which should be avoided by Welsh bards according to the Glamorgan system (98); a list of twelve ? subject or chapter headings under the superscription 'A brief analysis of the Cimbric or Welsh language' being ? the outline of an intended article or booklet on the said subject (101-02); a stanza of Welsh verse by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (106); a list of nine Welsh manuscript sources, e.g. 'Brut y Tywysogion', 'Brut y Saeson', 'Trioedd Ynys Prydain', under the heading 'Works in hand by Edwd. Williams. Collections for the History of Wales' (107); (continued)

Brief genealogies in direct line of Einion ap Gwalchmai and Bleddyn ab Llywarch (107); a list of Welsh proverbs or proverbial expressions (114, 186, 189, 398); nine stanzas of an English patriotic poem transcribed from the Bristol Gazette of 24 August 1803 (115-16); brief notes relating to inscribed stones in Glamorgan and the bardic 'Cadair Tir Iarll' (126); a brief note relating to Taliesin and the Welsh metres and the retention of knowledge of the ancient principles of poetry, etc., in Glamorgan (129); brief notes on Saint Caradoc (132); a note on the boundaries of Glamorgan (135-6); biographical data relating to Edward Ifan, 1716-98 [Presbyterian minister and poet], with transcripts of two commemorative 'englynion' to him attributed to Wiliam Harri 'o blwyf Penderyn' (142-5; see TLLM, and IM, sub nomine in index and more particularly TLLM, tt. 245-51); a note relating to the probable degree of civilisation prevailing amongst the early Cimmeri (149); a transcript of [Horace's Ode XXII from Book 1] (151-2); brief observations by E[dward] Williams on [Thomas] Gray' s poem '[The] Bard' (156-7); a draft version of six stanzas of English verse and a copy of an ? incomplete 'cywydd' by [Edward Williams] 'I[olo] Morganwg' (160-63); a note relating to the extent of Morgannwg and to the bardic 'Cadair Caerllion ar Wysg' and 'Cadair Dinefwr ag Ystrad Tywy' (170 ); a transcript of a 'cywydd' attributed to Ieuan Tew (173-4); a note on the bardic 'Trwyddedog Nawdd' (177); a brief note relating to Cuneddaf Wledig and his sons in North Wales (183); a draft version of an English sonnet written [by Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg'] in December 1792 (185 + 190); the introductory section of proposed notes on the history of Morgannwg allegedly extracted from a volume formerly in the possession of the Reverend Edward Gamais, rector of St. Athan, and then in the hands of Mr. John Spenser of the same parish (187); notes on the implications of civilisation in social polity, religion, social economy, domestic economy, etc. (192-7); an outline of a 'Letter to Napoleon by E[dward] W[illiams] in the Character of a Quaker', in which he sets out, in nine points, his advice to the recipient and his principles for government, etc. (200-03); notes on the organisation of the bards and bardic system by King Arthur (213 + 218); a list of Latin and English names of trees, grasses, etc., under the headings 'Additions to Turton' and 'Not in Bingley' (214-17); a genealogy showing the descent in direct line of Hu Gadarn (218); a stanza of Welsh free-metre verse by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (219); sketches of, and notes on,? the ruins of Gwern y Cleppa house [co. Monmouth] (220-22); notes relating to resolutions of the Welsh bardic fraternity in 1798 (235-6); a list of 'Rare plants in Glamorgan' (239 + 244); a notice relating to an advertisement concerning a proposed harbour and tramroad at Newton [co. Glamorgan] headed 'Cambrian, Aug. 11th 1819' (241-2); a list of 'Fish in Glamorgan' (247-8); brief architectural notes relating to Coyty Castle and Coyty Church [co. Glamorgan] (250); a draft of a statement [by Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg'] to the effect that certain authors who had published psalms had borrowed lines or couplets from his psalms and not he from theirs (253-4); a brief note referring to W[illiam] O[wen] P[ugh] and [Owen Jones] 'Owain Myfyr' in a derogatory manner (259-60); notes referring to developments in 'cynghanedd', etc., the Emperor Arthur and the bardic 'dosparth y Ford Gron', the rediscovery by Rhys ap Tewdwr, when in exile in Brittany, of books relating to the said 'dosparth y Ford Gron', the bardic chairs 'Cadair Morganwg', 'Cadair Gereinwg', 'Cadair Caerllion ar Wysg yn Nhir Iarll', 'Cadair Urien Reged', 'Cadair Gwynedd a Phowys', and 'Cadair Marchwiail', and 'Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain' (266-73); extracts from the Welsh Scriptures, all except one being from the New Testament (274-81); philosophical and religious observations (291-302) ? connected with the inscription 'Hints for an Essay on the Christian prophecies now fulfilling in the world' on p. 290; brief notes relating to 'flag and bastard lias' and 'rag lias' soils, an ancient course or rotation of crops on 'flag and bastard lias strong soils' in Glamorgan, species of wheat ? found in Glamorgan, etc. (310-12); (continued)

A formula for making 'water cement for cisterns, etc., or to plaister walls in houses to keep out water' (313); notes headed 'Farming Calendar, Glam[ organ], from observation', outlining the work to be done in every month of the year (314-17); names of the parts of speech in Welsh and a list of the letters of the Welsh alphabet (333 + 330); a brief note relating to Welsh literature in the Middle Ages (338); a Welsh version of an inscription on a column erected by the inhabitants of 'Môn ag Arfon' to honour Henry William, Marquis of Anglesey, and his heroism whilst fighting in Spain and at the battle of Waterloo (342); a short list of 'Silurian idioms' and 'Deudneudisms' (346); a list of Biblical texts ? containing references to the devil (347 + 352); a copy of what, by inference, was the allegedly concluding passage of the work called 'Cyfrinach Beirdd Ynys Prydain' in which the reputed author, Llywelyn Siôn of Llangewydd, co. Glamorgan [poet and copyist], claims that he extracted his information from various volumes in Raglan Castle [co. Glamorgan] in the possession of Sir William Herbert ('o Lyfrau Lewys Morganwg . . . ag o hen lyfrau eraill yno nid amgen na Llyfrau Edeyrn Dafawd aur'), and a copy of a note attributed to Edward Dafydd stating that the said Sir William had intended setting up a printing press in Cardiff Castle to print the Welsh works ('i brinto'r Llyfrau Cymraeg'), that he had died before doing so, and that Raglan Castle and its library ('a'r cyfan o'r llyfrau') had been set on fire by the followers of Oliver [Cromwell] (349-50); a list of five triads headed 'Trioedd Iaith ag ymadrodd' (353); draft stanzas of Welsh religious verse ? hymns (355); notes relating to metrical feet - 'corfannau cerdd dafod' (367- 8); a brief note on Ceraint Fardd and his contribution to 'cynghanedd' (369); an extract from the Gent[leman's] Mag[azine], December 1795, relating to a brass sword discovered at Buildwas, co. Salop (370); a list of 'Gower villages' (381 + 378); a transcript of a 'cywydd' attributed to Ior[werth] Fynglwyd (385-7); pencil sketches of ? sections of Dunraven peninsula (388 + 390); a brief biographical note relating to Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd of Glynn Aeron (392); miscellaneous stanzas of Welsh free- and strict-metre verse including a 'tawddgyrch cadwynog' attributed to Gwilym Tew 'o Lynn Taf' and two free-metre stanzas by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (393-6); versions of an 'englyn' in Latin, English, and Welsh, the Latin version bearing the name of Daf. Nicolas (399); an 'englyn' by [ Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' (399); a twenty-point plan being a 'Sketch of a New System whereon a Religious Society may be formed' (400-09); a list of 'Meteorological observations and adages collected in Glam[organ]' (422-5); brief extracts from the poems of Cynddelw (97, 104, 206), Tudur Aled (133), Rhys Goch ap Rhiccart (138), D[afydd ap] G[wilym] (141), and Ed[mund] Prys (369); and other miscellanea. Pp. 191, 255, 260, 364, 397 contain lines of musical notation being possibly in some instances the airs of tunes. Notes in some instances have been written on the verso or in the margins of the following, pagination in brackets, - an undated ? holograph letter from Thomas Rhys to Edward Williams (seeking aid for H. Walters) (53); a ? holograph letter, 1812, from John Bishop Estlin from Bristol to Thomas John of St. Athan (recipient's eyesight, the writer was sending two pairs of glasses) (71 + 76); an account from Taliesin Williams to Mr. Bradley in respect of cutting letters and painting (87); an incomplete holograph letter from Edwd. Williams to Sir Robert L. Blosse, Bart. (personal) (106); an undated holograph letter from Thos. William from Froom, Sumnerset, to his sister (he was at work 'in this town', his brother [Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg'] could have work 'in the Marble way' at Devizes for fifteen shillings a week) (131 + 140); a copy of a printed prospectus advertising a proposed new edition of poems by Charles James (147-8 and two unnumbered pages between p. 154 and p. 155); a copy of a printed circular from John Walter from Piccadilly, 1790, offering his services as an agent at the approaching General Election (150 + 153); a note in the third person, January 1815, from Dr. Prichard inviting Mr. Williams and his son to dinner (158); a copy of a printed account of the receipts and payments of the Cymmrodorion Society on behalf of the churchwardens and parishioners of the parish of Trefdraeth, co. Anglesey, in their suit, 1769-1773, against Dr. Bowies, rector of the parish, concerning the legality of presenting non Welsh-speaking incumbents to livings in Wales (two unnumbered pages between p. 204 and p. 205 and two unnumbered pages between p. 210 and p. 211); an incomplete draft of a petition from Edward Lloyd, schoolmaster, to persons in the town and vicinity of Neath, recounting his war service, 1756-1763, on board H.M.S. Trident (212 + 2190); a receipt, 8 February 1794, from J. C. Matthews [bookbinder] to Mr. Williams [? Edward Williams, 'Iolo Morganwg'] for sixteen shillings received by the hand of Mr. Bingley 'for 100 Setts Poems', and a note from W. Bingley to [? Edward Williams] relating to the said account and 'your other binders bill' (234 + 237); a copy of printed proposals for publishing Edward Williams's two volumes of English poems Poems Lyric and Pastoral (263-4, 290 + 309); and a copy of printed proposals for publishing in monthly parts Hanes Bywydau, Dioddefiadau, a Marwolaethau y Merthyron Cristianogol translated from the English martyrology of [John] Fox[e] with other additional material (327 + 336).