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Ifor (Ivor) Leslie Evans - World War I Correspondence With digital objects English
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Letter from Michele Vasciaveo,

The writer has received ILE's letter of 30 March with great pleasure. The writer did not do military service during the war, because of his extreme myopia. His health was very good until May 1918 when he caught the flu, which whilst not serious, was very persistent and annoying. He caught the Spanish Influenza when it was at its height in Cerignola. Now he is better, but still somewhat feeble. He hopes to recover fully soon. He understands that ILE was in captivity in Germany during the war, and that this has released him from his sympathies for his German cousins. Does ILE remember his project in Tours for an Anglo-German alliance? Could ILE relate his experiences during his long stay in Germany to the writer. As regards the writer's plans - they are still the same. He hopes to join the consular service. Subsequently he remarks that there are a lot of opportunities for an import-export company in Italy. There are good opportunities here for ILE. If he comes to Italy, he hopes to meet ILE again. And ILE should not find it difficult to learn Italian.

Vasciaveo, Michele.

Letter from Mr Heck,

He writes that he has not yet had a reply to the last card he sent to Ifor. He will write once again today. Mr Heck has been informed by the Dutch Consul that the others have been released against caution, released to be free in the town within the city limits.

Heck, Jacq. Netherlands.

Letter from Mrs Louise Siuiou,

She writes that she has just returned from Nuremberg and while she did not meet Ifor herself, a friend of hers knows him. She has been given a message to pass on; his son is well but longing for home, he will only be released on payment of 3000 marks (£150). The only means of transmitting this money would be through the American Consul.

Siuiou, Louise Mrs.

Letter from Mrs M. Davies,

She has recently received a postcard from her son Harry and is reporting their boys are well and appear to be getting their parcels. Mrs Davies writes that she is getting better and is able to get downstairs some days. Her eldest son Dick has just had his commission having been given an excellent report from his commanding officer.

Davies, M.

Letter from Pierre Suche (Beauvais),

In reply to ILE. The writer states he is currently busy studying French, specifically the essays of Montaigne, whose philosophy he likes, but whose style he finds archaic and incorrect. There is not much new to say about events at the Lycée. Fat Laborde has gone to Paris to enter St. Louis to prepare for joining the navy in three years time. The writer is working hard, though not as much as in the first semester, as he has been a little distracted with writing literary prose and poetry. He goes to Paris once a month to do something disreputable. This might scandalize ILE, but what is a man to do? He has to divert himself somehow. There is a new Scottish boy who as yet does not speak a word of French. He is quite rich and has been living it up. The principal has remonstrated with him several times, but always to no avail. And he has a saying that the French are "no more pigs" than the others. The writer is getting bored at the Lycée as he has been here for four years. Hopefully at Easter he will go to Paris to attend the Lycée Carnot, with the old Principal who was so much fun. He is only interested in his studies now so he can go to Paris where there is so much binging, he will forget about work. He has heard ILE is off to Germany for his studies. He hopes that ILE will write him from time to relate his experiences of the Germans and their habits.

Suche, Pierre. Beauvais.

Letter from R. A. Posenstain,

S/he has just return from Nuremberg and is happy to report that Ifor is well although still imprisoned when s/he left. Ifor is not in need of money as some Englishmen visit the prison and take him all that he needs. Ifor can be released upon the payment of £250 but there is little chance of him returning to England before the war is over.

Posenstain, R. A.

Letter from R. F. Scott,

Writing to Mr Evans with regard to their previous correspondence during 1916 and 1917 about Ifor. He asks that if his son is still considering a university career, that Mr Evans contact him at his convenience. So his case can be considered in the recommendation process.

Scott, R. F. St John's College, Cambridge.

Letter from R. F. Scott, St John's College, Cambridge,

Writes that he appreciates that some special provision will have to be made for individuals who have spent time imprisoned during the war or have been away on military service. However he explains that they cannot draw up a syllabus for an exam when they do not know when it will take place. He also gives advice on what sort of preparation Ifor can take in the meantime, considering his circumstances.

Scott, R. F. St John's College, Cambridge.

Letter from Telwyn Davies,

Writes that he had hoped to be in a position to offer Mr Evans some news, but when he visited the Foreign Office yesterday he was not able to see the gentlemen he wished. He has been informed via an unofficial source that 2 or 3 weeks must pass before anything can be done.

Davies, Telwyn.

Letter from the National Museum of Germany to unknown recipient,

States that s/he started making enquiries about Ifor upon receipt of his letter of 16 September. Starting with the Hotel Trefzer? where he had been staying and then the criminal police. From the latter s/he learnt that Ifor had been imprisoned as a prisoner of war at the investigation prison (68 Barenschanz? St). S/he visited Ifor there this afternoon; he looked well and in good health, had nothing to complain about except the lack of freedom. He is allowed to read, work and send letters (under surveillance). He can also have what food his means allows him. He'll also be set free upon the payment of 5000 marks (£250) surety, to be deposited in the Royal State Bank. The criminal police has suggested that the matter should be put to Ifor's parents. In the letter it is noted that Ifor has expressed doubts over whether the £250 would be kept safe.

National Museum of Germany.

Letter from [unknown - apparently a teacher] to Mr Gaseon,

Writer has received news with joy. ILE was never forgotten during all the terrible years of the war now gloriously terminated. ILE was often discussed. He wonders how ILE survived captivity. He looks forward to seeing ILE some day. In Beauvais, close to the front line, there was much suffering during the war. It was nearly overrun by the Germans twice and suffered terrible bombings from the air. At one point they had to hide in their cellars for a period of 3 months. They will overcome this all thanks to this glorious and lasting peace, but poor France has been left devastated and enfeebled. It will take many years for her to rebuild its strength, health and prosperity. The French hope to remain good friends with Great Britain, who has done so much for France, and that the excessive idealism of President Wilson will not deprive France of the legitimate spoils of her victory. If ILE comes to France to settle his affairs, he should not forget to come and see the writer. As your ILE's young friend - she can become an English Assistant in a girl's schools in France, though it might be difficult to find such a post in these times. She will need to send two letters giving her diplomas, references, grades and age, one to the Ministry of Education (Department of Secondary Education) and the other to the director of the girl's school she wishes to work at, either in Paris or another town. She will definitely get a response, perhaps a favourable one. No doubt she will be successful in the end.

Gaseon, Mr.

Letter from W. A. Sibly,

Writes of the good news he has had of his brother Mervyn; he had been at the front north of Salonika for 3 months and is mainly engaged in map making. He is fortunate in that his job is more interesting and varied than most infantry officers. He then finishes the letter with discussing his disagreement over Mr Evans' statement about European civilisation having turned out to be a fiasco.

Sibly, J. Arthur. Wycliffe College.

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