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David Morris (MEP) Papers,
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The Labour Party, Europe and elections,

Confederation of the Socialist Parties of the European Community Manifesto; Labour puts Britain at the heart of Europe -Your voice in Europe; Let's get Wales back to work - Mid & West Wales Euro News; Meeting the challenge in Europe; Putting you first; Aiming for a cleaner, greener Europe; A valued past - a rewarding future; What difference will the Maastricht Social Chapter make to us?; Manifesto for the elections to the European Parliament of June 1994; Europe for all the people; Eluned Morgan - European Election June 9th; 1989-1994 Our Political Achievements - Socialist action at the European Parliament; Folder 1989 European Election Mid & West Wales; Labour's Manifesto for the European Elections; Powers of the Institutions of the European Communities; Make Europe Work… Vote Lloyd Liberal/SDP Alliance; Working together for Labour victory - Special supplement supported by the Socialist Group of the European Parliament; Phil Williams Election Communication Euro Parliamentary Elections; Four reasons for voting Labour in the European Elections; Vote ecology Marilyn Smith; Plans, notes & letters to party organisations & co-ordinators; Leaflets made available in pre-campaign period; Campaign materials including posters, flyers, leaflets etc.; Campaign press releases.

Speeches, papers relating to the Common Agricultural Policy, the transport of radioactive material and selection of candidates for the National Assembly for Wales,

Report by the Cmmttee on Agi, Fisheries & Rural Dev on the use of purse-seines for tuna fishing; Draft Report by the Cmmttee on Agi, Fisheries & Rural Dev on the use of purse-seines for tuna fishing; The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy; Concerning the report of the standing working group on the safe transport of radioactive material in the European Union; Draft report - Main points; Various draft reports - Concerning the report of the standing working group on the safe transport of radioactive material in the European Union; I wish to emphasise this report is not a technical one…; Working document on the use of purse-seines for tuna fishing and its dangers to marine animals; Speaking notes for Standing Conf on Nulcear Hazards; Safety standards for the transport of plutonium by air; Squaring the circle - Report on the coalition for fair fisheries agreements; Welsh Labour Party - Contact details; Notes on the possible dis-establishment of the Labour Party in Wales/ Wales Labour Party Rules; European Election Campaign - Labour Campaign Coordinators Meeting Agenda; Personal statement in support of my nomination for the policy forum; Application form to be a Labour candidate for the elections to the National Assembly for Wales; David Morris - Fighting for you; Euro Election Campaign Strategy Session; 21st Century party - Members - the key to our future;

Speeches, papers relating to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, war and peace and socialism,

Various speeches on index cards; To advertise Mondays demo; So let's harness..; Glad to be in Brecon & Radnor…; Area with a proud tradition…; The last time I was in London the way into Whitehall…; Let me open with a quotation; Not an easy time for elected members…; What's this election about?; I am told that the way into Downing St. …; Almost all that’s best in Wales…; No ordinary election…; Comrades.. I have been privileged and proud to support the miners..; I am of the firm opinion…; National Health Service notes; Comrade if there is a service which the Tories dare not allow to survive..; First thank you for the opportunity…; This meeting and Wed Con debate…; There comes a time when we need to speak to each other as members of the same family.; Draft Conclusion; Notes for speakers Wales No. 1; Notes - The Brt ple are fighting for their lives…; Notes - Talking about @ million unemployed…; Statement by the Nat Executive Commtt - Enterprise Zones; Howe's Budget was a great illusion; Notes on AES; Notes… everything we do depends on our success in dealing with…; Industrial Strategy & Political Revival?; LP & TU condemn unemployment…; The Socialist AES; Why I am standing; Fight for the Alternative; Agri was hard hit by Tor Govt…; There's an atmosphere in the…; No grp of people have been more hurt by this Tory Govt…; Notes for speech on Unemployment; New European law deregulates nuclear waste - Will Tony Blair let this man apply the lesson of BSE?; Britain in the world - CNDs response to the Lab Party Policy Review; Our Nuclear World No. 80 (Oct 1999); The Human cost of economic sanctions on Iraq - Petition; Photocopy 'CND dismisses accusations of spying as cover-up'; Do we really want nine Chernobyl accidents every year for the next 10 yrs?; Welsh coastal and inland man-made radiation; Nuclear traffic in the Irish Sea; CND Cymru Annual Meeting 25/9/99 Motion for discussion; CND Cymru National Secretary Annual Report; CND Cymru Financial & membership reports Annual Meeting 25/9/99; CND Cymru Annual Meeting 25/9/99 Agenda; Labour to host Britain's largest arms bazaar'; ET & Kosovo: Indonesian atrocities expose US hypocrisy.


4yrs ago the Cttee and Parliament after a succession of debates…protection of animals during ; A league table of prosperity for the region; With the advent of the internal market; Finance from Europe - Information for Dinefwr Assoc of Community Councils; Speech by The Rt Hon John Smith QC MP to the Annual TUC 7/9/1993;Outside the inner cities the rural areas are among the most hard hit…; Notes on Energy; Notes for lecture Rodeaston College 2/9/91; Ken Thomson's comments on pamphlet; Common Agricultural Policy - What Labour would do; Paper submitted by B Castle, G Stevenson & D Morris with the assistance of Prof K Thomson of Aberdeen Uni; Reform of CAP; Projects recommended for funding from task force £2.2m; Womens Farming Union Pembrokeshire Branch Balance Sheet 31/12/91; Agenda - Annual General Meeting 16/3/92 WFU Pembrokeshire Branch; The Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy; 1992 the year when the barriers between members of the EEC finally came down; Labour Party Conf speech 1991 - David Blunkett MP 2/10/92; A leading member of the S Wales NUM once argued that..; Notes - The EEC the real issues - Campaign Briefing No 34 April 1984; Speaking note for Mr D Morris - Animal Transport; Talking points - 53 Feb 1985 A future that works; Talking points - 51 Jan 1985 Tory clamp on the shire counties; Talking points - 48 Jan 1985 Caring for our countryside; Talking points - 47 Jan 1985 Education the best investment; Talking points - 42 Sept 1984 Labour's plans for transport; Talking points - 44 Oct 1984 Education: investing in our future; Talking points - 10 Sept 1981 The Socialist Alternative; Take care of our county - Postcard points; Suggested approach to GCHQ Speech; The one unifying issue this weekend…; Speaking notes - European Structural Funds and Industrial S Wales Post 1999; Speech to the Children's Welfare Conference in S Wales; Notes on Integrated Development Operation; Speaking notes - 'Basics' - Jan 1994; There are now grounds for a larger degree of optimism for peace activists than for many yrs; Euro Conference 94; Briefing for Dulai Valley CND Meeting 23/5/1988; Swansea - The gvt is introducing a change from…; Wales and Europe: Towards an economic partnership; The laureates - European poster competition.

Speeches and various political papers,

UGT Treballa - 29 September; Bill - Song 1 Viva La Quince Brigada (Long Live the 15th Brigade) - ; Bill - Song 2 Los Cuatro Generales (The 4 Generals) - poems, verses etc; Bill - Song 3 The Valley of Jarama - poems, verses etc.; Bill - song 4 Si Me Quires Escrir (If you want to write to me…); Bill - Song 5 The Peat Bog Soldiers; Bill - Song 6 Jamie Foyers; No Pasaran - play; Speech by Fergus Finlay to the Confederation of Socialist Parties of the European Community; Note for the attention of members of the Grp of the PES - 'The Social Democratic Vision for Europe'; Labour puts Britain at the heart of Europe - Your voice in Europe David Morris MEP; Employment: An appeal - Ken Coates MEP; Low Pay Unit Parliamentary Briefing 'Final report on the 2nd European Poverty Programme 1985-89'; Lecture given by the Rt Hon Neil Kinnock MP… Preston 3/4/89; International Comparisons of Low Pay Policies - Low Pay Unit; Manifesto for the elections to the European Parliament June 1994; Meet the challenge make the change - A new agenda for Britain - Final report of Labour's Policy Review for the 1990s; The Anthony Crosland Memorial Lecture - Speech by Gordon Brown; Speech by John Prescott on 'the quality revolution' to 1991 Labour Party Conference; Speech by Ian McCartney to the Labour European Conference; Extract from a speech by Foreign Sec. Robin Cook to the Labour European Conference; The Uks Presidency of the European Union: Themes and Priorities; Transcript of a video messgae by Tony Blair at the Labour Party European Conference; Speech by Robin Cook to the 1991 Labour Party Conference; The Tribune Grp of MPs Discussion Papers for Labour Party Policy Review; Labour puts Britain at the heart of Europe - Your voice in Europe Joe Wilson; Spirit of '45 - A celebration of Labour's greatest triumph and the challenge for today; It's time to get Wales working again - Labour's Election Manifesto April1992; National Policy Forum, Swansea 1999 - Britain in the world; Modern Britain in a Modern World - Europe: New Détente; The Chartists 150th Anniversary - Prints and Broadsheets from the Chartist Period; The Economic Case Against Pit Closures; A Charter for Council Housing; Labour's charter for the health service; The growing importance of socio-structural policy in rural areas; The New Review of the Low Pay Unit No. 6 Oct/Nov 1990; European Parliament - EP News MEP Profile David Morris; Socialism & Health Autumn 1988; Information Paper - The Housing Crisis; Socialism & Health Nov/Dec 1983; Rebuilding Britain - Budget action for investment and jobs; Address by Joan Burton TD at a Conference on Social Exclusion, EP Brussels; Labour's Environment Consultation A regional workshop on Environmental Protection Policies; The Environment - A consultation document for CLPs; Labour's Manifesto for the European Elections.

Speeches and various political files,

Cuts hurt council house tenants; The European Community, the European Parliament and the Environment - speaking notes for FoE; Environment; Speaking notes for FoE (Swansea); I welcome the 'Global Wales' initiative; Powers & Responsibilities of the European Parliament - website; There to celebrate the courage of miners and the communities who challenged a govt…; Speech to the Children's Welfare Conference in South Wales; The Poll Tax hammers the low paid again!; Garnant Open Cast Inquiry - note card; Speech to CAFOD Meeting; Future of Objective 2 in South Wales - notes; Ty Goddard - Speech 2: Speech to Child Abuse Prevention in the EU Conference; National Conference 'Growing Old in the Countryside' - A European Perspective x2; The New World Order - The Multilateral Agreement on Investment MAI; European Appeal for Full Employment; For the sake of our people, our country and our party, we have to win the coming Gen Election; I gather that you are all studying politics…; Dynevor Information Centre - speech; The Lome Convention - Perspective on Development; Prospects for South Africa; The IGC - speech notes; Briefing note for meeting with Townhill & Mayhill Community Steering Group; Cash for the Hill - Townhill Urban Initiative newsletter; This House has a proud record on environmental and animal welfare issues…; Blair is kicking OAPs in the teeth' - Wales on Sunday 4/1/98; Speaking notes for verbal presentation to the Fisheries Sub committee on the use of purse-seines for tuna fishing...; Translation of speech by Ien van den Heuvel; Speech notes - Unemployment; On behalf of the US tuna industry…; Labour in the EEC; What a year its been for the Conservatives…; Discussion Paper - Labour in Europe/Labour at Westminster A Future Partnership; Thurs 11th Oct a good day…; Speech made by the Rt Hon Roy Hattersley MP… Neath By-election 2/4/91; There are lots of lessons we can learn from the miners struggle..; The 9th June Euro Elections is Labour's opportunity to proclaim our Socialist values…; Year of the Family; Plaid Cymru membership of the European Free Alliance; S Africa - notes; Motion for urgent and topical debate tabled under Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure; Firstly I have never spoken, or written against the use of preventative medicine in animal husbandry.; Labours Prescription; Keep it clean; Press release Bryan Gould MP - Only a Labour Britain can meet the challenges, take the opportunities of Europe in the 1990s; New Years Message; Outside the cities RA have been hardest hit by Tory Govt…; The comparison between Ted Heath's Govt and the Chamberlain Tory Govt…; The Labour Party are going into this election with a policy and a programme firmly based on equality…; Downing St from Whitehall blocked by steel barrier…; The failure of the international institutions…to provide solutions in situations like Bosnia; By the year 2000 as a consequence of Euratom Directive 96/29…; Draft speaking notes Jan 1998; Time for a change General Election Speech David Morris MEP; Cuba speech; Tuna Industry notes; The Maastricht Treaty; Notes - The work of a Euro-MP.


Notes and drafts of sermons, but also includes a small amount of political material, mostly relating to the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Political papers,

Political papers relating to the Labour Party, the European Economic Community, later the European Union, Welsh affairs, international development, war and peace, agriculture, democracy, devolution and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Papers relating to Wales in the European Union, democracy and devolution,

Wales and Europe: setting the democratic agenda; Donald Dewar MP At the forthcoming general election…; Wales in Europe - Written evidence from Wayne David MEP; Devolution A process not an event - The Gregynog Papers Vol2 No. 2; A Modern Scottish Labour Party - rule changes proposed by the Scottish Exec Cmmttee x2; Second draft manifesto for the European elections of 1999; Citizenship and the new democracy in Wales - A position paper from NIACE Cymru; Democracy and citizenship - Cosultation paper - Local policy forums; Wales A moral society? - An ecumenical response to some moral questions in Wales; Scotland's future in Europe - A discussion document; Empowering the People - Response to the Welsh Labour Party's consultation paper Shaping the Vision; Scotland's Parliament - Should Wales be satisfied with less?; Wales and the EU - Final Draft; A Parliament for Scotland - Labour's Plan; Shaping the Vision - A report on the powers & structure of the Welsh Assembly; New Wales New Future - Response by the City & County of Cardiff; Welsh Democracy Review Issue No.2; Re-building our communities- A new agenda for the valleys; Making Voices Heard - Access to services by Black and Ethnic Minority Women; Freeing the Dragon - A manifesto for economic growth in Wales; The Other Wales - The case for Objective 1 Funding Post 1999.

Papers relating to the Labour Party, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and housing,

Support for the 'Fourth Option' for Council Housing - Report on the inquiry into the future funding of council housing 2004-05; Welsh Labour Grassroots Agenda; Say no to privatisation x2; The case for council housing in 21st century Britain; 300+ gains from our Labour Government 2006; Peace, Jobs, Freedom- Labour's call to the people; The Common Market A Guide to Withdrawal; Task Force against povert, low pay & unemployment - IWC Pamphlet No.82; Talking Points No. 18 Feb 1983 - Labour's plan for disabled people; Labour's Charter for Community Care; War on Want Annual Review April 2001- March 2002; The Observer Review 27/10/2002; New Statesman 23/9/2002; Defend Council Housing Autumn 2002; Council Housing Investment: Office of the Dep. PM 'The Way Forward for Housing Capital Finance' a consultation paper; Peace Matters - Working for peace without violence No.39 Autumn 2002; Guardian Comment 16/10/2002; New Statesman 21/10/2002; Guardian Comment & Analysis 21/10/02; Swansea Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Autumn 2002 Newsletter; The Pension Service- Local Organisation Briefing Pack (Wales); Photocopy of The Observer Review 27/10/02; Speech by Ken Coates to the European Social Forum; Shelter Cymru Targeting Homelessness; Shelter Cymru Housing and Homelessness Election 2001 Briefing; Defend Council Housing Material Pack; Defend Council Housing Winter 2001; Welsh Fabian - Newsletter of the Fabians in Wales Issue 3 Spring 2002; Tenants say No privatisation; In defence of the NUM - A Socialist Action Pamphlet; Promoting health in the workplace - working together to fight heart disease; An outline of weight control for men; The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948-1988 - Your passport to human rights; Trades Council and the Media; Common Market Briefing speakers notes - The meaning of the Norwegian vote for the Labour Party; Election Special - Why we must win; Christmas Card with Labour emblem and Ten Commandments for Socialists inside.

Papers relating to the Labour Party, devolution, peace and the September 2001 terrorist attacks.,

Labour and the Commonweal - The debate about Clause IV; Folder titled 'Personal Correspondance' includes poems, sermons, and pamphlets; Wales in Europe, Europe in Wales; Wales and Europe: Towards an economic partnership; Submission from David Morris MEP to the Labour Party Commission in response to the Consultation Paper 'Shaping the Vision'; Scotland - LP clear commitment to scottish parliament - notes for speech; Under the Conservative Gvt Wales left to languish on the preifery of EU; The Case for a Welsh Parliament; An open letter to the Prime Minister - September 11th terror attack; I am pleased to speak at a celebration of the life of a great Welshman - Henry Richards; This generation is no more nor any less barborous than previous…; The response of the US to Sept 11th was to proclaim…; For many years I have …denounced the atrocities committed by Saddam Husssein..; Are these the people we are going to install as the new govt; We have a responsibility - especially Christian - people to make peace central to our mission in the 21st C; After the War; The European Single Currency - The Debate.

Papers relating to the Labour Party, democracy, poverty and employment,

John Smith - Labour Party; Statement of Aims of the Common Market Safeguards Campaign; Notes for speakers - The Regions; Social Justice & Economic Effiency; Deregulation - The dismal truth; Interreg; Europe: D-Day and the Peace; Euro MP welcomes statement from European Commissioner that Wales-Ireland links should be 'looked at again' in new EC aid package; European Election Campaign Today No. 1; Statement by H E Mr Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada of Cuba to the United Nations; Aspects regarding the US policy of blockade against Cuba; Mission Cuba; Taking from the poor - Tribune 3/6/94; Charter 88 Democracy Day Questions; As one against the onslaught - Morning Star 17/4/93; Local democracy: where next after ten years of Tory assaults? - Tribune 5/5/89; Campaign Briefing No 36 - July 1984; Labour Manifesto June 1987 - Britian will win; European Election Campaign Today No. 9; Campaign Briefing No 75 - June 1988; NHS Day , Alexandra Palace 3 July; The Missing Culture Conference; Modern Britain in a Modern World - The power to defend our country; Labour and Britain in the 1990s; New Paths to Victory - A leadership election address; Learning, competence and citizenship - the role of youth work; Unemployment - An Appeal; A policy for rural areas; Socialist Action at the European Parliament 1989-1994 Our political achievements; New Jobs for Britain - Programme for national renewal; The New Hope for Britain - Labour's Manifesto 1983; Thatchers Britain - Labour Weekly 6/5/83; Briefing note on CAP; European Steel Policy; The Welsh miners are now facing the greatest threat ever to their livelihood…; Labour candidate's speech on Agriculture - Press release - Europe '84; Policing the Euro-state - agenor 111; Alternative Regional Strategy - A framework for discussion; The European Community and the Environment; Speech by Dick Spring , Conference of the Socialist Grp of the European Parliament, Dublin ; The environment - A consultation document for CLPs; Exiled: Asylum seekers in the UK; One hundred years of the Labour Party - Socialist Campaign Group News; The Wealth beyond nations - Euroexaminer 13; In many respects…this govt is out of step with the people of Europe; Speaking notes for the Friends of the Earth (Swansea) 5/7/91; As you will no doubt be aware, the UK Gvt is failing…; Speech by the chairman to the conference on drinking water.

Papers relating to the European Union, the Maastricht Treaty, Plaid Cymru, low pay and the Social Chapter,

Heilbronn/Port Talbot - 'A Charter towards closer ties- Europe 2000'; Draft speaking notes - Aberavon Rugby Club Jan 1998; Maastricht - The case for Socialists; The Western Mail 9/10/95; Finance from Europe - A guide to grants and loans from the European Community; Treaty on European Union; Re-thinking Europe; Mental Health Care in Western Europe; The Case for retaining a European Coal Industry; Resolution for topical and urgent debate - Food Aid to Mozambique; Tribune 6/1/95 Added Value; News release - Euro-MP describes Poll Tax as 'all-out attack on democracy'; Speakers notes - The TUC and the European Community; Speaking notes for fisheries committee meeting - Brussels; Draft speaking notes on 'The Environment'; The Health Systems of European Community Member States x2; Speech notes - Internal Market; 1996 and all that - speech for David Morris 19/6/95; Brief for presentation to Neath Borough Council Economic Development Sub Committee 25/5/95; Speech to Maesteg Rugby Club Dinner; In Brussels, there is an acronym or abbreviation…; How not to democratise the European elections; Hearing on Youth Unemployment - Report Brussels 19 Dec 1994; Tribune 9/12/94 - The Tribune interview: Wayne David; Additional speaking notes on RECHAR II & RESIDER II; Social Policy in Europe - Strengths, weaknesses and prospects (Conference on the future of European Social Policy May 1994); Plaid Cymru's recent announcement to affiliate with the European Free Alliance…; Press notice - Euro-MP to be presented with Environmental Strategy document on Garw Valley; Labour Euro MP supports monitoring of air quality in Swansea; Two hundred thousand Welsh families benefit from Euro Rule - Press Release; Sport in the Dock; Low Pay in West Glamorgan, scandalous' - Euro MP - News Release; Low Pay in Dyfed, a disgrace - Euro MP - News Release; Shadow Chancellor attacks cuts in education and training - Press Notice; Euro MP says British will have 'Social Charter' - News Release; Euro MP in Luxembourg to hear court decision on 48hr working week; No to patenting animals; Euro MP claims European Court Ruling brings 15yrs of government union bashing to an end - News release; European Parliament backs plan to save telly; Local Euro MP slams Commission for delay in funding training schemes for people with learning difficulties; Various Press Releases; Swansea The Western Mail survey 10/7/96; Bad for Britain - A dictionary of disasterous government; Draft Treaty on Amsterdam; Briefing on broken Tory promises; The new phase of the Internal Market…; Extracts from 'Aspects of Britain' Human Rights in a letter from A Marino; Folder on Maastricht; Activities of the reformed Structural Funds; The Political Economy of Maastricht - the case for Maastricht Plus; Maastricht in a minute; Maastricht in a minute; A vision for Europe; The Treaty on European Union - A guide to the Maastricht Treaty; A European Recovert Programme?; Maastricht- the final victory of the right; Mid and Wesr Wales Euro MP calls Major 'megalomaniac miser' on subsidiarity; Photocopies of articles; News from Pauline Green newsletter; Which way for the community? - Democractic Left European Network Discussion Document No. 1; Article on Maastricht for S Wales Argus; Points from Maastricht (outline); News Release - EPLP Leaders Statement following the pounds remval from the ERM.

Papers relating to the European Union, the Labour Party, the single European currency and NATO,

The European Single Currency - The Debate x 3 Various newspaper cuttings (photocopies) & press release Europe - What's it all about? Eurobriefing - The Euro The idea of the National Assembly for Wales playing its part…The single Market - What's in it for Children? EURONET Briefing Wales and Europe Talk to Fabian Soc, York 1/3/97 - European Monetary Union What is the Social Chapter? Summary by Arlene McCarthy MEP of Press Briefing by UKREP on the reforms of the Strutural Funds 17/3/1998 What is EMU? Unemployment in Europe and the potential impact of the Single Currency on jobsVarious notes; We meet together one hundred years after the birth of Aneurin Bevan; Notes on BST; The European Community and the Environment; Speech at Neath; Speaking notes to students at Swansea Uni 23/1/1997; Notes for speech - I gather that you are all studying politics; We are almost on the eve of a general election; Draft address to 1997 Welsh Race Conference 14/11/1997; The Value of Social Partnership; Speech to Gorseinon College 17/1/96; Wayne David platform speech to Conference 1/10/96; Europe - What's it all about? - Speech to Young European Mvt 4/3/96; Speech to Merton College Politics Students 22/3/96; Speaking notes for A1 meeting 16/10/97 - Human Rights and Refugees; …the burden on public finances caused by…; Speaking notes on Clause IV; Points from Labour's Plan '74; The debate on Clause IV; Blair makes start on Clause Four - New Statesman & Society 25/11/94; 1992 the year when the barriers between members of the EEC finally come down…; Falling Standards - Remember how the Tories made a Big Issue about falling standards…; There is a great deal of talk about 'modernisation'; A New Clause Four; Angry Blair slaps down rebel MEPs - The Guardian International 12/1/95; There might be a whole variety of views, attitudes about the various policies of this …; Clause for concern - New Statesman & Society 20/1/95; Clause for thought - New Statesman & Society 21/10/94; 1st draft of EMU information; What is so tragic about the situation in Iraq is the way…; We're landed with a debate we did not seek - Clause 4; Statement on Clause Four by 31 members of the European Parliamentary Labour Party; Campaign to defend Clause 4; Blair cocks up on Clause Four' - New Statesman & Society 13/1/95; MI5's secret war - New Statesman & Society 25/11/94; The objectives of the Labour Party are, for the third time this century, and before the beginning of the new millenium…; Labour's new leader, Tony Blair, came out to Brussels today to meet with…; Modernisation - Capitalism is not such a good idea; It's my great pleasure to welcome you to this cultural evening as part of the 1997 Welsh Race Conference; Thank you for inviting me here tonight to discuss with you the European Yr Against Racism; Notes for lecture - Rodbaston College 2/9/91; History - Banotti Report in 1986; To the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Wales; The NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia was undoubtedly illegal…; Iraq; Draft- Good evening, welcome to 'Spotlight' during which we talk to prominent people about their work…; Manifesto 2000 6th point - Rediscover Solidarity; Notes - Recenr report on the first year of the Assembly; Speech - Hywel Francis MP; No British Gvt has ever fully allied itself to unilateral nuclear disarmament; European Appeal for Full Employment.

Papers relating to the European Union, criminal justice, the Community Charge, racism and the Labour Party,

The comparison between Ted Heaths government…; Labour Housing Policies; The British government seem committed to the sale of arms to apartheid S Africa…; Downing St. from Whitehall blocked by steel barriers…; Chance to tell Ted & Tories to go.; Tredegar 17/6/70How correct of Tories. Situation reminiscent of Germany in 20s; The Tories are masquerading as the party of moderation.; Facts on Council House Sales; Campaign against Council House sales Briefing note 1 Getting our case across; Council House Sales: The New Tory Policy. Statement to be presented to Annual Conf; Step by Step a guide to a number of problems confronting owners & occupiers of properties in Pill; Citizens against The Criminal Justice Bill; Speaking notes on Criminal Justice Bill;Defending Diversity and Dissent; Criminal Justice & Public Order Bill Supplement; What Justice?; Coastal sewage disposal; Shared ideal for living; David Morris Labour European Election campaign leaflet; BST - wonder drug or danger?; Running a cow with the choke out - Growth Hormone; Irradiation of foodstuffs; Local Government 1 & 2; NHS 1 - notes; Speaking note for AMCHAM Dinner 9 June - The cost of Non-environment; Poll Tax - notes etc; Speaking notes for European Week meeting, Haverfordwest; Pocket Policy Guide; Euro MP calls for halt to sale of 6 yr old beef; Single Market Progress Report; The opportunities for the W Wales Business Community; The longer this Tory party stay in power…; British Opposition: The Tory Record; 1992! But What about Socialism! - European News Nov 1988; Independent survey shows official jobless figures for Mid & West Wales nearly 10,000 below 'true' fig.; Don't give Apartheid a new lease of life; Speaking notes on Racism in Europe; Speaking notes for citizenship conference 21 Sept 1998; The Social Charter; Wales in Europe: The Way Ahead; I gather that you are all studying politics….; Current issues in European Social Policy; I would like to begin todays report from the European Parliament by ….; Thank you for inviting me here today to speak about the responsibilities of the European Parliament…; Powers and responsibilities of the Euro Parliament; History in the making: The European Single Currency; Amsterdam Summit; Wales: A Moral Society?; Turning the clock back; Like Old Friends How the EU helps Sellafield; Coalition of nuclear-free regions; Red Wellies and Green Socks Labour's Rural Challenge; Out of town, out of mind: A programme for rural revival ;Labour's Charter for Rural areas; The Future of Government in Wales; Transport Europe - New measures for developing the railways; Background paper on long-term unemployment; Draft - notes for 'One World Week' talk St Pauls Methodist Centre, Aberystwyth; Meeting with Swansea City Council Labour Grp; The future of the Common Agricultural policy; Fifteen Years ago, in New York, a would be …; Speech by Neil Kinnock to the European Rail Transport Conference; News from Labour - "New Labour, new life for new Britain"; Building a new relationship with Europe - A proposed policy for Labour.

Papers relating to the European Union, coal and poverty,

Food mountains, the EEC and Third World Poverty; Draft notes on 'Full Employment'; Briefing MAHER Report; Speaking notes for school students meeting, Taliesin Theatre, Swansea; Briefing for - 'Measures intended to develop the social aspects of the Common Fisheries Policy' Report; Suggested approach to Port Talbot 'Agenda'; People are looking for a message of hope; Small Businesses and Labour - The European Dimension; The first thing to note about the European Parliament is that it is very young…; Suggested approach to GCHQ Speech; On community financial contribution towards expenditure…; On monitoring the enforcement of the Common Fisheries policy; Video - Addendum; Suggested explanation of vote on Nordmann report - Coal and the Environment; Finance from Europe; Supporting composite…; Briefing for demonstration at Onllwyn Washery 9 June; Speaking notes for 'Toxic waste Meeting', Walsall Town Hall 5 Dec 1988; Notes for Global Wales Conference; Speaking notes on Cuba; Maastricht - The case for Socialists; Draft notes for Namibian Speech; Draft notes on 'Full Employment' theme; Notes on 'the International Debt Crisis'; Notes for meeting with the Llanelli District Grp of Community Councils; Brief for presentation to Neath Borough Council Eco Dev Sub-Cmmtt, May 25 1995. European grants and loans x2; Speaking notes for 'One World Week' talk, St Pauls Methodist Centre, Aberystwyth; Speaking notes on the plight of street children; Speaking notes on the achievements & prospects of Europe's fisheries policy (Blue Europe); Speaking notes on the Lome Convention; Wales and EC Regional Policy; Rural Area Briefing x2; The spectacular events which have led to …; NATO and the New World Order; Letter replying to one sent to the PM regarding Chechnya 10/12/1999; Declaration - Chechnya; Reforming the Welfare State; Opportunity Britain - Speech by Jo Richardson MP Shadow Minister for Women to Labour Annual Conf; Conference News - Text of speech by Jo Richardson at Labour Conf Blackpool 1990; Opportunity Britain - Speech to Labour Annual Conf by Dr David Clark MP Shadow Minister for Food & Agriculture; NUM Annual Conf. Eastbourne July 1980 Speakers notes Energy Policy; Points from Labour's Plan '74; This election has been short, sharp and hard; but not half as painful…; This dispute has been about sacrifice… Speech on The Miners Strike; We are beginning to see the cruel effects of nearly 7 yrs of Tory gov…; Let's get Wales back to Work; Motion for resolution on topical and urgent matters of importance; Resolution - Discrimination against religious minorities in Russia; A policy for Rural Wales; Comments on 'A policy for Rural Wales'; Support mechanism or subsidy for farm products in Wales; Draft programme for Wales - Preparation & Consultation;

Papers relating to the European Union, animal welfare and the enviornment,

Purple folder of notes for various speeches on index cards; Notes for guidance of Councillors relating to the laws on Animal Welfare; The rough road to slaughter - New Scientist 24/11/1990; Speaking note Morris report 'On the protection of animals during transport'; Glyncorrwg Labour News Issue 5 Spring 1996; Glyncorrwg Labour News Issue 3 Summer 1995; Chernobyl Children's Project; Draft speaking notes on 'The Environment' for Our Future in Europe Conf; The European Community and the Environment; Application for Open Cast Extraction at Sclar, Cwmgwrach - Letter x2; Maastricht is very positive mile-stone…; The only certain thing about 1992, is that it comes after 1991…; Wales Labour Party Executive Committee Agenda 24/1/1994; Adoption Meeting Speech 30/3/94; Comrades the local May & June Euro elections are no ordinary…; Speaking notes for 'One World Week' talk, St Pauls Methodist Centre, Aberystwyth; If ever there was a time in history when the people of the world…; The EU is expensive; A green future for Europe?; Speech to Young Labour Forum 23/4/94; Speaking notes on Racism in Europe; A Europe without Racism; As to the question of visas; News Release Labour Campaigning against Racism and speech notes x2; Photocopy of pages from The Evolution of a European; Tories face disaster in European election; Baglan BP speech notes; Since 60s Coal communities in Wales…; New Year's Message; Clean water, dirty river'; Local Euro-MP warns against 'starry-eyed support for Yeltsin - News release; Our first priority is jobs for all.; The Poll Tax is such an issue..; Today we launch our Labour Party campaign for the European Parli Elections; People are looking for a message of Hope x2; The 9th June Euro elections is Labours opportunity to proclaim…; All over Europe people have become aware of the growing threat to the environment; Euro MP raps Majors Citizens Charter - News release 23/7/1991; Protection of pregnant women at work; European Social Policy - speech given by Hugh McMahon MEP 28/2/97; Socialist Grp Conf- From Cardiff to Vienna 28/5/98; PES Employment Conf - From Cardiff to Vienna 28/5/98; New Frontiers - The impact of prospective employment legislation x2; EPLP Proposed one year campaign plan/ The EPLP working with the Labour Party; Cuba Speech.

Papers relating to the European Union and the USSR,

Free Vanunu - Israeli nuclear prisoner of conscience Press Pack; Conference on 'A Vision for Europe' - A Christian vision for Europe; Wales in Europe, Europe in Wales; Press Notice - Speech by the Rt Hon John Smith to European Parliamentary Labour Party; News at Conference - Speech by Neil Kinnock; News Release Neil Kinnock MP addressing the Lab Party Conf 6/10/1983; Labour - Campaigning for Britain; Note for the attention of the Socialist Grp - Re: Labour Policy on the European Community; Statement by Barbara Castle MEP at the opening of the Animal Welfare Exhibition 5/7/88; The European Community and Central & Eastern Europe; Speech to Conference Congress, Berlin 8/2/90 Neil Kinnock; A Budget of Broken Promises; Labour in the EEC; Europe, Its also 15 million migrants & immigrants: Equal Rights; Speech by John Hume MP MEP to SDLPs Annual Conf Nov 1988; Joan Maynard speech; Strength to endure - Tribune 7 July 1995; Various articles by John Pilgers' column in the New Statesman; The European Community - A Colonialism? - Radical Wales; Various articles from the Western Mail; This Food Business - Channel 4; Folder - Notes on Soviet Union Visit includes:; Report on the first visit to the Soviet Union of the EP Delegation for relations with the supreme Soviet 1989; Britain in the World Policy Review Group report of delegation to the USSR 1989; Policy Review - Britain in the World; What about the USSR? Labour and East-West Détente; To build up the intellectual potential of Perestroika; Various invitations etc. from visit to USSR; For the sake of Preserving Human Civilisation - Speech Moscow 1987; Leningrad;

Papers relating to the arms race, the European Union and the Labour Party,

Unemployment and Arms race; News release - Euro MP describes treatment of British Pensioners; News release - Euro MP on Iraq/Iran war; Why Europe? - speech to Westminster College students 25/5/95; A vision for IGC 1996: A European Employment Union - to make EMU possible; Briefing paper on the UN Inhumane Weapons Convention & Review Conf 1995; Wales in Europe: The Way Ahead - Speaking notes for Llandaff Conference; Acronym - Speech; Speech NEC supplementary report on Leeds North East - News from Labour; Problems with Lome; Agendas for the first EP-Soviet Union meeting in Moscow; Speech by Pauline Green at the plenary of the EP 24/10/95 in response to J. Santer; Chilean People and Socialist Mvt; It was no careless slip of the tongue…; No to Common Market sell out - A Communist Party Broadsheet; Market Report 1.- Labours case for withdrawal; The LP are going into the coming election with a programme of ideas…; Labours manifesto for the European Elections; 40 facts for Europe; The Labour Party Postal course for New Councillors and Candidates; Britain's entry into the Common Market has brought with it…; Nearly all the newspapers claim that…; The tragedy of the Common Market Debate is..; The frantic & feverish attempt on the part of this present Tory…; Concerted effort by the press - forecasts of doom and gloom…; The first comment I wish to make in this debate is...; Labour says NO entry on Tory terms - Market Mania; House of Commons - Huge Cost of Joining the EEC - speech; Factsheet on Britain and Europe No 10 Some questions asked; Making Britain Grow a checklist for prospective candidates; Common Market for and against a Communist broadsheet; Why join the Common Market? Your questions answered; The Labour Party says NO to the Common Market; The Labour Party says: Get out to vote, Vote to get out; Referendum on the European Community (Common Market) - Why you should vote NO; Parliament - Sovereignty - speech notes; The Anti-Common Market Project - The Guardian 24/4/1981; Withdrawal from the EEC 2. Agriculture; Bulletin No. 14 Jan 1981 EEC Trade Disaster; Bulletin No. 15 Sept 1981 NEC backs 12 month timetable for Common Market Withdrawal; Wales TUC 1979 Conf Report Tenby; Fair Votes for Wales - End the scandal of wasted votes!; You're being asked to pay for the Common Market. You should have been asked if you wanted it; We can't afford another Tory Government, Only Labour can get us out of this mess.

Results 1 to 20 of 53