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Apples. English
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Agriculture, etc.,

A volume containing miscellaneous notes, observations, extracts from printed sources, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg'), the contents, with the exception of a few literary and other items, relating almost entirely to agriculture, horticulture, botany, rural economy, and associated topics. The contents of pp. 1-252, pagination in brackets, include, inter alia, notes on the following topics, viz. sowing of haws to produce shrubs (22-5), methods of constructing hedges in Glamorgan and the various trees and shrubs which could be used for this purpose (25-31), potato planting (31), fruits in Glamorgan orchards (32-3), mazard cherry trees, chestnut trees, and wild apples (34), ancient lime quarries and marl pits on Pentrebain farm [co. Glamorgan] and the use of lime and marl as manure (35-41), and inclosing, ? in co. Glamorgan, by means of hedges and the consequent 'stair' or 'terrace' pattern to be found on 'rising grounds or uplands of easy ascent' (41-3); examples of varying courses or rotations of crops in relation to varying types of lands with notes on manuring, dressing of soil, etc., the courses being grouped as 'Old Vale Courses' and 'Gower Courses' and all presumably being related to conditions in co. Glamorgan (45-81); a note on references to types of yokes used in Wales (82); miscellaneous notes (83-8); a note on the planting of 'slips and cuttings of apple trees' in Devon and ? the Vale of Glamorgan (88-9); comments on the use of small coal-or coal slack by a Mr. Crawshay as a fertiliser (90-93); a brief comment on dissenting meeting houses in co. Glamorgan and a list of '[Glamorgan] Churches in the Mountains' (93-4); agricultural miscellanea (95-100); notes on mazard cherry trees and on the medicinal uses of salt (100-01); a list of three 'Norfolk course[s] adopted by some in Glam[organ]' (102); agricultural miscellanea (117-22); notes on 'Fish in Daw River', 'Sea fish at Aberthaw', and 'Lakes [in Glamorgan] affording fish' (122-5); a section headed 'Abstract view of Glamorgan' containing brief general observations on the soil, crops, geology, fish (in rivers and the Severn sea), landscape, seashore, appearance of villages and cottages, roads, bridges, the need for monthly markets, etc., in the county (126-31); a note on the construction of board fences for the cultivation of fruit (132); notes on references in written sources (all pre-1600) to the following in connection with Glamorgan-the existence or non-existence of inclosures, the existence of orchards and apple trees, the activities of Sir Gilbert de Clare, lord of Glamorgan, late 13th cent., in building two thousand cottages for the poor, his further activities in building village houses the upper appartments of which consisted of halls previously used for holding courts, markets, dances, etc., and then, ? in the late 18th cent., for keeping school, holding dances, meetings of benefit societies, Methodist meetings, etc., and William Herbert (Earl of Pembroke)'s action, temp. Henry VIII, in sending to France and Flanders for fruit and vegetables to restock gardens and orchards-the writers referred to including Dafydd ap Gwilym, [John] Leland, Rhys Meyrig, Ieuan ap Hywel Swrdwal, and Rhys Brydydd, and the unnamed author of 'a Ms. History in Welsh of the Lords Marchers of Glam[organ]' allegedly written in the time of Queen Mary (133-8); a list of twelve points of advantage afforded by mountainous as opposed to flat country (140-42); notes re the pruning of trees (143); notes re the saddling of cows as well as oxen to carry manure and the yoking of cows, oxen, and horses for the plough with three illustrations relating to horse yokes (144-6); comments on the possible use of coal or coal slack for manuring, experimentation in manuring, the nature of peat or bog, composts of coal or peat with lime or lime and ashes, etc. (148-55); notes relating to [rural] poverty, parish relief, and the system of parish work-houses, new proposals for a system of communal parish houses of industry 'adapted to the vale of Glamorgan or any other place where the inhabitants live in villages rather than in detached farmhouses', suggestions re free education for the children of cottagers who did not seek parish assistance in schools set up for three or four parishes and having a schoolmaster paid thirty pounds a year, proposals for holding harvest dinners, vestry meetings, and parochial markets in the hall of the parochial house of industry, and suggestions as to general principles to be observed in awarding parochial assistance which should be 'a reward in some degree at least for something meritorious' (160-75); (continued)

Brief agricultural, botanical, etc., notes headed 'Excursion to Merthyr Tidvil, May 6th 1813' (205); brief agricultural and other observations relating to certain mountains in co. Glamorgan, with a brief reference to the cessation of the iron trade in Merthyr, Aberdare, and Tredegar (206); notes relating to the nature of ? mountain soils in Glamorgan and to the manuring and dressing of soils (209-12); notes relating to crop husbandry headed 'Norfolk soils and husbandry' (213-18); and agricultural and botanical data and comments including extracts from, or notes based upon sections of, [Arthur] Young [: The Farmer's] Calendar, [Benjamin] Stillingfleet [:The] Calendar of Flora, etc. (225-45). P. 253 is inscribed 'Contents of the Agricultural Survey of the County of Glamorgan by Edward Williams 1796' and is followed on pp. 255-76 by a list of some fifty-six subject or chapter headings such as 'Geography of the County in General', 'Coal and Iron Tract', 'Metals', 'Sea Coast and Harbours . . .', 'Agricultural Produce', 'Farm Buildings', 'Implements', 'Population . . .', 'Manufactures and Trades', etc., these presumably being the main divisions of the survey referred to on p. 253. Some of these headings are accompanied by a list of the titles of sub-sections of the main heading, these in some instances amounting to over twenty in number. P. 254 contains a list of the titles of nine appendices which, presumably, were to be added to the survey. The contents of pp. 277-307 again relate mainly to agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and botany, and include extracts from, or notes based on sections of, The Transactions of the London Society for the encouragement of Arts . . ., 1798, Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, vol. V, [William] Marshall: [The] Rural Economy of the West of England, [John] Boys: [General] View of the Agriculture of the County of Kent, and [William Beeston] Coyte: Hortus Botanicus Gippovicensis. Pp. 308-24 contain material of a literary nature including transcripts of the eighteen-stanza poem entitled 'The Exile' from [Matthew Gregory] Lewis's novel The Monk, and of sonnets, etc., from Charles Lloyd: Poems on the death of Priscilla Farmer, [Mary] Robinson: Sappho and Phaon, and Brooke Boothby: Sorrows. Sacred to the Memory of Penelope, notices of books published circa 1795-1797, and brief extracts from, or brief notes on reviews of, some of these works. From p. 325 to p. 412 the contents again relate mainly to agriculture, horticulture, rural economy, and associated topics, and consist largely of extracts from, or notes based on sections of, [William] Marshall: The Rural Economy of the Midland Counties (325-?45), [John] Billingsley [: General View of the Agriculture of the County of] Somerset (353-68), [John] Clark [: General View of the Agriculture of the County of Brecknock] (369-71), and [Arthur] Young: Tour in Wales from the Annals of Agriculture, vol. 8 (385-400, with interpolations by E[dward] W[illiams]). P. 413 is headed 'Mehefin 23. Treigl o Aberhonddi hyd Drecastell' and pp.413-28 contain notes and observations in Welsh on agriculture, forestry, etc., appertaining to the area [of co. Brecknock] specified in the heading to p. 413 and also of more general relevance. Pp. 429-64 contain a brief note on the marketing of Glamorgan cattle (429); an extract from [Arthur] Young: Annals of Agriculture, vol. 32 relating to an experiment in ploughing with three different breeds of oxen, a note by E[dward] Williams on the same three breeds of oxen, and a note relating to long-legged cattle and attempts to change characteristics by cross-breeding (429-32); notes headed 'Dairy and tillage farm in Gower' (433-5); a course of crops for light soils (435); a note on Eglwysilan [co. Glamorgan] downs sheep and a wool 'manufactory' established at Caerphilly (436); a brief note re Dorsetshire sheep (436); historical notes based upon the recollections of John Spencer of Sarce [co . ], born circa 1710, relating to the introduction of clover, trefoil, rye-grass, and turnips [into Glamorgan] and to certain liming practices in the said county (437-8); a historical note, again originating from a John Spencer, relating to Aberthaw harbour [co. Glamorgan] (439); geological notes relating to petrification in white limestone, rag or grey lias, coal mines, ironstone veins, flag lias, etc., ? in co. Glamorgan (445-7); further historical notes based partly if not entirely upon the recollections of Mr. Spencer of Sarce aforesaid, ob. 1802 aged 88, relating to the introduction of clover, trefoil, rye-grass, and turnips, and of a new system of liming into Glamorgan, and to cropping and liming practices in that county (451-4 + 456); an extract from [Nathaniel] Kent: [General] View of the Agriculture of [the County of] Norfolk concerning cropping courses (455); and a further historical note, again based on information from John Spencer, relating to the aforementioned port of Aberthaw and its trade (457-8).


Miscellaneous papers containing notes, lists, transcripts, extracts, etc., in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents include pp. 13-39, copies of ten tales or fables in Welsh, nine bearing the titles 'Dammeg y Dial', 'Dameg y Ceiliog Rhedyn a'r Moryn', 'Dammeg y Dylluan, y golomen, a'r ystlym', 'Dameg y geifr, y Defaid, a'r bleiddiaid', 'Dameg y march gwyllt', 'Dammeg yr Eos a'r hebog', 'Dammeg Cenfigen yn Llosgi ei hun', 'Dammeg y Gwr a'r [Ebol]', and 'Dammeg Meredydd ap Rhosser o Lanbedr a'r Fro am gastell Tre Warin', and the tenth telling the story of Tanwyn, the son of Trahaearn, the bard (for the Welsh text of nine of these see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 167-84, and for English translations ibid., pp. 577-96); 38, brief notes with the superscription 'On the affinity of the ancient Gallic or Celtic with the Modern British', being presumably the introduction to a proposed essay or article on the said subject; 43-8, sketches ? in connection with the construction of a 'wheel oared boat'; 49- 64, 66, 68-96, 136-7, genealogical and other data relating to British saints some allegedly extracted from the manuscripts of Tho[mas] Truman, Iaean Deulwyn, Iaean Brechfa, Antoni Pywel, and Watkyn Owen; 65, a collection of miscellaneous Welsh words with English definitions, etc.; 66, ten stanzas of Welsh verse by [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg' attacking [Owen Jones] 'Owain Myfyr'; 67, a short list of Welsh triads; 97, an extract from the Gent[leman's] Mag[azine], 1780, relating to the cultivation of a new kind of wheat; 98, lists of pre-Saxon archbishops of London and early bishops of Llandaff; 99, notes on English history temp. Richard II - temp. Henry VII; loo, a list of the kings of Wales, A.D. 181- 517; 101, three draft stanzas of religious verse [? by Edward Williams]; 102, an incomplete, ? draft copy of a letter relating to Cattwg Sant and 'proverbs, moral aphorisms, etc., attributed to him'; 110, a Welsh-English list of species of apples; 111, a list with the superscription 'Llyma enwau wyth Esgobion Cymry Cyn dwyn o Saeson goreuon eu gwlad oddiar y Cymry'; 124, a list of 'Churches in Glam[organ which] are not generally called by the names of saints'; 131 + 133, an incomplete list of the names of those who had founded churches in Glamorgan ('Enwau y Rai a wnaethant Eglwysydd a Chorau ym Morganwg') (see Iolo Manuscripts . . ., pp. 219-22, 635-8); 155-74, 183-4, 187, 197, 203, notes relating to the special alphabets which, according to Edward Williams, were in use amongst the Welsh bards and monks, the four-sided billets of wood used as a writing surface when these two alphabets were used, the 'peithynen' (the name given to a series of such billets inserted in an upright frame so as to allow each to be rotated), the mythological account of the origin of letters and the basic alphabet, the acquisition and development of the alphabet by the Cymry, the use of wood as a writing surface in Wales in the Middle Ages, etc.; 166, four stanzas of English verse being doxologies written by Edward Williams in 'long metre', 'common metre', 'short metre', and the 'metre of Psalm 148'; 175-6, a copy (probably not in the hand of Edward Williams) of the assessment for poor rate in [the parish of] Lantwit Major [co. Glamorgan], 1753-1754; 180, 182, 194, 200, 205-08, 211, miscellaneous notes on bardic and literary matters; 181, a transcript of the beginning of a text of 'Brut y Brenhinedd'; 185-6, an incomplete ? copy of a letter from Edward Williams to John Nichols, esq., containing a description of an accompanying example of a 'peithynen' (see above), a note on the word 'peithynen', observations on the connection between Latin and Welsh, brief comments on Edward Llwyd and Doctor [John] Davies [of Mallwyd] and their knowledge of the Welsh language, etc.; 189-92, a list in Welsh of twenty-two of the basic principles or regulations of the bards of the Isle of Britain ('Defodau a Breiniau Beirdd Ynys Prydain') with an English version of the first twelve; 198, five stanzas of a Welsh hymn; 215-116, brief notes relating to the administration of justice in Glamorgan, 12th-16th cent.; 2117, an anecdote relating to Sir Risiart Grinvil [Norman knight, 1st half 12th cent.], the bringing of the builder Lalys ? from Rome to Glamorgan by the said Sir Risiart, and the building of the monastery at Glyn Nedd, the church of Llandaff, and castles at Caerdyf, y Coetty, San Dunwyd, etc., and the founding of Trelalys by the said Lalys; 218, an anecdote relating to [the Norman knight] Syr Rhobert Fitshamon and Ifor Bach, lord of Regoes and Glynrhondda; and miscellaneous notes, etc. The reverse side of printed handbills containing proposals for publishing Edward Williams's two - volume work Poems Lyric and Pastoral and a new edition of Dr. [Samuel] Johnson's Dictionary have been used in two instances for writing notes.


Miscellaneous papers containing material in the hand of Edward Williams ('Iolo Morganwg') bound together in one volume. The contents are extremely varied. The section now paginated 137-64 appears to have been originally a home-made booklet with the present pp. 137-8, 163-4 (bluish, rough paper) as covers. P. 137 is inscribed 'Catalogue of Books at London, May 20th 1794', and is followed (pp. 141-55) by a list of two hundred and sixty-seven books and (p. 157) a list of Welsh manuscripts including those described as 'Byrdew Trebryn' (? Llanover B. 1, now NLW MSS 13061-13062B), 'Barddoniaeth Sils ap SiƓn' (? Llanover B. 6, now NLW MS 13068B), and 'Marchog Crwydrad' (? Llanover E. 1, now NLW MS 13163B) (As Edward Williams was in London during the period 1791-1795, if the identification of the three aforementioned manuscripts is correct, it is possible that the catalogue is of Williams's books and manuscripts). P. 165 is inscribed 'Hints for a short exposition of the Prophecies relating to Antichrist' and is followed (pp. 167-83) by a short theological exposition of ideas relating to the existence of a 'trinity of Antichristian Powers', viz. civil tyranny, ecclesiastical tyranny, and human philosophy, a conflict involving these powers, and the ultimate triumph of a ? Christian theocracy. Other items include pp. 23-8, a list of Welsh manuscripts and of Welsh and English books with the superscription 'Catalogue of the Books & MSS. in this Box, Jan. 24th 1802 sent 4 sets Walter's Dict'y for Mr. O. Jones 14 Nos. Do. Mr. Williams, Strand, viz. from 7 to 14 inclusive. Nos. 14 four Copies, 1 Copy No. 13'; 38, 95, 185, 187, 300, 304, occasional Welsh triads; 43-7, a list of Welsh proverbs or proverbial sayings with occasional annotations; 59-63, two lists of English and Welsh books headed 'Jan. 1818 Books at Merthyr' and 'On the Bench in the lock'd up little Room' (? the second a continuation of the first); 81, a list of the hundreds of Morgannwg; 83, a list of species of apples; 87-94., notes headed 'Subjects of new songs, odes, etc., by E[dward] W[illiams], 1791', giving ? the subjects or themes and sometimes one or more stanzas of sixty-four songs, etc., mainly English; 95, a brief note on Dafydd ap Gwilym and the 'cywydd' measure; 96-8, notes containing a bitter attack by Edw[ar]d Williams on Theo[philus] Jones's work A History of the County of Brecknock [1805-1809]; 107-10, meteorological notes headed 'Meteorology. Observations on the Weather By the Late Revd. W. Jones of Pluckley (Moore's Almanack improved, 1808)'; 185, 200, 244, 245, 247-8, transcripts of 'englynion' attributed to [Edward Williams] 'Iolo Morganwg', Simwnt Fychan, Ednyfed Fychan, Thos. Lln. 'o Regoes', Ddd. Edward 'o Fargam', Jonathan Hughes, and Morgan Llywelyn 'o Gastell Nedd'; 190-91, an incomplete list of bards and musicians licensed at the 'eisteddfod' held at Caerwys [co. Flint], extracted from [Thomas] Pennant: A Tour [in Wales]; 207-16, extracts from various books of the Old Testament under the superscription 'Jewish Apostacy'; 249, a list of the subjects in literary competitions at an 'eisteddfod' ('Testuna'r Alban Elfed ar fynydd y Garth, 1798'); 255, 263, 265-6, 268-72, ? accounts in connection with mason's work done for various people, 1796-1808; 258, a list of 'Glam[organ] idioms'; and 301, a list of 'Graddau carennydd'. Also found are extracts from miscellaneous printed sources such as the New Annual Register, 1782 (Chinese hempseed), the Annual Register, 1772, the Crit[ical] Review, 1797 (a list of publications), and the Monthly Mag[azine], Nov. 1800 (the versification of Klopstock in his Messiah), groups or lists of Welsh words, extracts from the works of Welsh poets, and other miscellaneous items. Notes are found written on the verso or margins of a copy of a printed leaflet advertising a performance of 'King Henry 4th' to be given by the Young Gentlemen of Cardiff Academy in the town hall in Cardiff, 19 December 1806, copies of a printed leaflet containing proposals for publishing Edward Williams's two volumes of English verse Poems Lyric and Pastoral, and the cover of a copy of The Bee or Literary Weekly Intelligencer, vol. X, no. 5, 1792.