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Robert Clive Papers Eitem
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Letter from Ram Singh,

Thank you very much for your letter inviting me to come and see you. In fact, before I received your letter I was myself intending to come and see you but when I mentioned my intentions to Khvajah Abd al-Hadi Khan Sahib who was visiting Burdwan he persuaded me not to go un-invited. I will be grateful if you could arrange to send five guards and a permit to travel for me so that I could pay my respect to you without delay and plead to you personally for the release of my brother Narayan Singh and my son Mathra Mall. -- Another, contemporary translation of the contents is CR8/1, entry no. 253.

Ram Singh, Bahadur, Rajah, Governor of Midnapore.

Letter from Muhammad Hadi Khan,

a Thank you very much for your letter informing that you have received a letter from Raja Ram Singh because of which you have postponed sending any help to him.

Muhammad Hadi Khan, Khvajah.

Enclosures 'in Mr Parkes' letter of 20 Nov 1757',

Harkarah news reports from Benares on 25th Safar, reg. yr 4 [i.e. 8 November 1757]. -- Enclosure 1: Sadr al-Haqq Khan and Shiv Pandit had entered Bahadurpur, and that Shuja-ud-Daula was at Manikpur; also news regarding the sons of Ghalib Jang, the Emperor Alamgir, subahdari of Ilahabad, the fawjdari of Benares, Ram Parshad, gumashtah to the Jagat Seth, a meeting between the Frenchman Jean Law and Shuja-ud-Daula, Nawab of Oudh, at Lucknow; Khwajah Tamkin[?] Khan; Khwajah Mu`izz Allah; Nawab Muhammad Quli-khan Bahadur, Na'ib Subah Ilahabad; Muhammad Quli-khan and the French near Ilahabad; Nawab Muhammad Amin Bik-khan. -- Enclosure 2:Referring again to Ram Parshad, and the payment of sums totaling 100,000 rupees to Nawab Ghazi al-Din Khan and to the king of the Marhathas.

Letter from Durlabhram,

I have been taking the medicine you had so very kindly recommended for my illness. It has not yet made any effect but I am hoping that it will take effect and cure me from illness in a week or ten days. I will then be able to come and pay my respect to you. I will inform you about my intention before I leave. -- Another, contemporary translation of the contents is CR8/1, entry no. 291.

Durlabhram Mahindra, Raja Diwan of Bengal.

Letter from Durlabhram,

Thank you very much for your letter asking me to reach the army encampment as soon as possible and to send the necessary monies immediately. I am leaving today, Thursday, 25th Rabi` I, reg.yr. 4 and after staying one day on my way I will travel by fast coaches to reach my destination. I have already despatched the drafts payable to Marathas as chauth and another one payable to Shajahanabad. These should reach you today or tomorrow. I am at present occupied in arranging amounts for your need. -- Another, contemporary translation of the contents is CR8/1, entry no. 299.

Durlabhram Mahindra, Raja Diwan of Bengal.

Letter from Durlabhram,

A contemporary translation of the contents is CR8/1, entry no. 308, where date given is 23 December.

Durlabhram Mahindra, Raja Diwan of Bengal

Letter from Amir Beg Khan,$f[1757x1759] /$cAmir Beg Khan.

Thank you for your kind letter asking me to make sure that the Dutch ships depart from this area. They have assured me in writing as well as verbally informed me that they are waiting for the crew to return and as soon as they return the ships will depart from Muhammadpore? The letter from the Dutch authorities is enclosed for your information [Not ncluded].

Letter from Bibi Shah Khanum,$f[1758x1759] /$cBibi Shah Khanum.

Just to let you know that we are all well here. Please do send us news of your wellbeing. -- Enclosure: I have just received your letter through my servant Muhammad Rustam and read the happy news about your welbeing and the defeat of your enemy and that you will soon be visiting this part of the country. During this holy month of prayers and the festivities of Eid approaching I will pray for your victories and good health.

Letter from Clive to Durlabhram,$f[1757x1759] /$cClive, Robert Clive, Baron, 1725-1774.

Formerly Surajah Doulah took from Omichund some money and goods, but on application being made he ordered them all to be returned, which Omichund had received except a small quantity of goods and some money, you must remember this well. Omichund was receiving the balance[sic] when Mr Watts sent him down about Mir Jaffer's business and told him when that was finished Mir Jaffar would certainly pay him the balance. Miir Jaffar is now Nubab and you ask his Diwan please therefore to inform him of this and request him to pay the balance in money. Thus you will much oblige me.

Letter from Debi Charan,$f[1757x1759] /$cDebi Charan, servant of Durlabhram.

Babu Ram, Amlahdar of parganah Khandar Machal, in the State of Munni Lal, had complained to the Company that my elder brother, Kali Charan owed them five thousand rupees. As a result the company officers have taken him into custody for non-payment of this amount. This is nothing but fabrication. I am a poor man and cannot afford this large sum. As I am an obedient servant of the company I will be grateful if you could write to Mr Hastings that he may be released.

Letter from Kalb Ali Khan,$f[1757x1759] /$cKalb Ali Khan.

I was delighted to know from your letter that the Prince had to abandon the siege of Azimabad and after his defeat he has now fled across the river Soan and that you are in hot pursuit. I am thankful to Almighty for this great victory and pray for His blessings upon you.

Letter from Manikchand to Luke Scrafton,$f[1757x1759] /$cManikchand.

Nasir, Afzal, etc., near Manik Chand, resident of Mahajan Loli, near Murshidabad requests the authorities that his nephew, Kishn Chand used to work as an official in the district of Chaklah Jahangirnagar. At one time in his life he borrowed forty-six thousand two hundred and twelve rupees from Mahajans by offering his property as security. The Mahajans had to auction his property to recover their amount. After his death the Mahajans are now pestering me to pay them eight thousand rupees, which they claim my nephew still owed them. I will be grateful if you could make them understand that they should acquire this sum from the zamindars of land owned by my late nephew and do not bother me any more. Detail of amounts owed by each zamindar is given on the verso.

Letter from Nasir al-Mulk,$f[1757x1759] /$cMiran.

Thank for your reply to my letter regarding your writing a letter to Mr Hastings asking him to confiscate three bundles of cloths, which were not added to the Company warehouse earlier. I am waiting for these to arrive here. I am also waiting for the arrival of Mr Watts, Rasikh Jang Bahadur.

Letter from Pahlawan Singh to Dundi Chaudhari,$f[1757x1759] /$c Pahlawan Singh.

Thank you for your last report. I am with a person who is lord of both worlds. No one has the power to take over my state. The Raja of Ujain does not have the guts to look towards my lands with greed. They can burn ten or twenty of my villages but would not be able to takeover my state. The Prince is not going to move from here. If Beni Bahadur comes on this side of Benares he would see what happens to him. -- Translation of a letter from the tavakkul and companion of Pahlwan Singh to Dunde Chaudhari. -- The Prince came to see Pahlwan Singh on Wednesday. He presented four thousand rupees to him. Pahlwan Singh is managing the affairs of the army. Shivdat Narayan went to see Narobad Singh and asked him to join them. We are still waiting for their arrival. Sunbhal Singh went to the house of Raj Rup and later Pahlwan Singh also joined them. The Prince has five thousand horsemen and many more have deserted him. Raj Rup has gone with his force to Sehsaram to ambush the enemy forces at night. -- Enclosure: Translation of a holograph letter Pahlwan Singh wrote to Adhar Choley -- Thank you for your letter. This country is a gift from God and is not the property of any one person. The sons of Odey Singh are like children. They do not know how to reply to my letters. The Raja of Ujain should know very well that he cannot occupy my land. Farmers working on my land know my worth and would not allow anyone else to take over. Miran and Colonel Sahib would not be able to establish their camps in this area.

Letter from Ram Narayan,$f[1757x1759] /$cRam Narayan.

Myself and Raja Ram Singh would like to bring to your notice that the district allocated to Mir Ali Akbar in Lalbagh is situated at a distance of one Karoh from the Fort. As Raja Ram Singh has not received any intimation before you sent the parvanah of his appointment he has refused to accept this appointment. Therefore Mir Ali Akbar has not been able to take up his appointment.

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