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Robert Clive Papers
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Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

I have already written to you a number of times and I hope you have read these letters by now. With God's help Nawab Mubariz al-Mulk, Muin al-Daulah Bahadur and Muzaffar Jang has been able to settle the accounts for 1173. Whatever amount is left will be sent in the near future; I have made all efforts to collect the money owed to the government. Nawab Mubariz al-Mulk is at present finalising the collection of the 1174 revenues.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

I have been working very hard from morning to midnight every day to perform my duties. Because of this I have managed the administration of the province as it should be done. The instalment for the month of Kanar has already been collected and so is the instalment for the month of Katak. By the end of the month all accounts for this year will be settled. Between the 15th of Rabi al-Sani and the end of Jamadi al-Avval I have given six Lac rupees to Mr Middleton to deposit in the Kothi. Whatever amount is collected afterwards will also be deposited there. -- Meanwhile, I am enclosing a letter from Munir al-Daulah Bahadur addressed to you which I had received recently. I was not informed about the subject matter of this letter. -- Enclosure 1: From Shitab Rae to Lord Clive. -- The annual tax levied against Asad Allah Khan is thirty thousand rupees. Maharaj Dhiraj Narayan has paid thirty thousand rupees as land tax for the year 1172 fasli. Another thirty thousand was paid by me as tax paid by the above mentioned Khan. -- -- Enclosue 2: [Large multi coloured flowwers on gold background given between the inner and outer borders]. From Munir al-Daulah to Lord Clive. -- I have not had any communication from you for some days and worry about you health and safety. Kindly let me know as soon as possible that you are well. -- -- Enclosue 3: [Decoated with gold cubes]. From Munir al-Daulah to Lord Clive. -- I had earlier sent you a report on the activities of the wretched and useless Qasim Ali Khan. He, expecting help from the Prince, had assembled a guard to protect him. With the advice and consultation of some of his sirdars he called his men from Farrukhabad to Basolah and Amlah to be near when they were taken into custody by Hafiz al-Mulk Bahadur and they were sent to H.M. In this regard I had received two letters from Hafiz Rahmat Khan; these are enclosed for your information. After receiving instructions from His Majesty these men were set free and not killed. I have written to you about this in my previous letter and hope that you have read it by now. While Hafiz Rahmat Khan is alive Qasim Ali Khan would not have the power or ability to do anything against his wishes because Hafiz Rahmat Khan is a very faithful and devoted servant of H.M. and a great friend and ally of Nawab Shuja al-Daulah Bahadur [Clive]. He is also one of my close friends and a friend and well-wisher of the English. I am writing all this to you so that you are satisfied about him and do not worry on his account. I see trouble brewing in Shahjahanabad and will write to you if anything happens; please do remember my situation also. I have not been able to pay the sahukars, Kahmiri Mall and Bejnath Pandit, the amounts I owe them yet. Their messengers are demanding the sum from me. Kindly write to them not to do so. -- -- Enclosue 4: From Hafiz Rahmat Khan Bahadur to Navab Munir al-Daulah Riza Quli Khan Bahadur Nadirjang. -- -- You may have received my reply to your earlier letter by now. In accordance with your wishes, and following the command of His Majesty, I had sent some of my trusted men to Navab Muhammad Ahmad Khan who had given protection to the pretender[shakhs-i ja'li - Mir Qasim] in his state so as to convince him about the bad consequences of doing so. He replied that the person concerned had gone to Anulah where he wanted to start the flame of rebellion and where local people had assembled to pay their respect to him. Knowing this I tactfully called him here and took him into custody. Please do not worry about him any more and let His Majesty know that I am here to serve him in any way I can. -- Navab Najib al-Daulah has left Shahjahanabad because of his illness and has gone gone to his country. This has left the seat of the Khilafat at the mercy of troublemakers; it is necessary to look after the affairs there. -- -- Enclosue 5: From Hafiz Rahmat Khan Bahadur to Navab Munir al-Daulah Riza Quli Khan Bahadur Nadirjang. -- -- I had earlier sent you news about the imprisonment of the pretender. In order to pursue this matter I have sent my trusted officers in all directions to search for him. At the same time I had sent some of my trusted men to Nawab Ahmad Khan Bahadur. I had instructed them that in case of trouble they should not hesitate to cut his head off. However, with the grace of God and the blessing of His Majesty as well as with great tact and diplomacy they were able to take him into custody. After putting him in shackles he was given into the custody of two of my most trusted officers, Khvajah Muhammad Tarab and Dhukal Singh Hazari, to escort him and to present him before His Majesty. Rae Dalchand and Kanjhidas may have already sent you details of this affair.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

Just to let you know that I had passed your previous letter to His Majesty and have now received a reply which is enclosed with this letter. -- Enclosure: From Shah Alam Badshah to Lord Clive. -- We were very pleased to have received your letter assuring us of your loyalty and that you will be pleased to obey any of our commands. Two months have passed since you informed me that you had asked Munir al-Daulah Bahadur to send us six Lac rupees to pay the salaries of our army. Out of this amount you had asked him to send us a bank draft/Hundavi of five Lac rupees at once so that our army could be paid their salaries. Because of the delay in receiving this sum my army is getting very impatient. I would appreciate if you could expedite this payment.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

I hope you have read the various letters I have sent you in the past. I am enclosing a letter from His Majesty addressed to you which I received recently; please let me have a reply. A news report regarding Navab Najib al-Daulah Bahadur, Ahmad Shah Durrani, the Sikhs and the Marhattas which I received is also enclosed for your information. Nawab Ahmad Khan Bahadur has also written to His Majesty that the Prince is asking him to come and see you. -- Enlosure 1: [gold cubes] From Maharajah Shitab Rae to Lord Clive. -- I send you news reports of Radhu Nath Rao based on the reports that I receive. The real intentions of Rao Bahadur are to wage war against Maharajah Javahir Singh; that is why the Maharajah has sent Rao Bahadur Singh, son of Thakur Mall, to see Navab Najib al-Daulah. He wants the Navab to join forces with him and the Sikhs against the Marhattas. As the Navab is not well he has not been able to see him as yet. -- Enclosure 2: Akhbar-i Nawab Najib al-Daulah Bahadur. -- Navab Najib al-Daulah has not been well for some days. Rao Bahadur Singh, son of Rajah Thakur Mall, was sent by Jawahir Singh to see the Nawab and to conduct negotiations with him but has not been able to see him because of the Nawab's illness. Jawahir Singh has proposed that if the Nawab agrees he could call the Sikh Sirdars and they could join together to fight against the Marhatts. Meanwhile, the Rohilas are creating a lot of mischief at Shahjahanabad and people are complaining. -- Enclosure 3: News report fom the army of Raghu Nath Rao Marhatta dated the 16th of Rabi al-Avval, San 7. -- The army is stationed at a distance of two karohs from the the village of Kobad. After offering his prayers Raghu Nath went on an elephant to examine the trenches. When he reuturned he went back to his tent and appointed Mahaji Sindhia to safeguard the batteries and in charge of the artillery at Garhi Kohad. The letter-bag brought by the vakil of Javahir Singh was shown to him and a reply was sent. -- Enclosure 4: News report from Shahjahanabad. -- Navab Najib al-Daulah left Shahjahanabad on the 22nd of Rabi al-Avval, San 7, to go to Najib Garh. He has left his younger brother Afzal Khan with a force of seven thousand at Shahjahanabad. He has also left Bahadur Singh, the son of Thakur Mall, who had come to conduct negotiations on behalf of Javahir Singh Jat at Shahjahanabad with Afzal Khan. He has called Rajah Daler Singh so that he could reply to him after consulting his brothers. -- News was received that Ahmad Shah Abdali had left Qandhar on the 23rd of Muharram to go to Kabul. He has reached Peshawar to collect requisitions levied on his enemies. The Sikhs are ready to face him in their territory. Raghu Nath Rao is in Gwaliyar and is waging war in the surrounding countryside -- Enclosure 5: From Shah Alam Badshah to Lord Clive. -- Date received: 9 July, 1766; 8 Muharram, San 7 -- I have issued a firman appointing Maharajah Shitab Rae as our vakil to receive money from the English as payments from the province of Bengal and to transmit it to us. Please consider him as our permanent vakil and send every month all payments from Murshidabad through him. This will please as most. -- Note: As we have appointed him as our permanent vakil we have sent him a seal of his office to be used by him.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

Maharaja Dhiraj Narayan had promised that he would go to Murshidabad on the 15th of Jamadi al-Sani, San 8. He left here by boat only today, the 21st of Jamadi al-Sani. I hope you will forgive him for this breach of promise.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

Thank you for your letter of the 1st of Rabi al-Avval, San 7, replying to my letter in which I had enquired about the payment of fifty thousand rupees by Navab Mubariz al-Mulk, Muin al-Daulah Sayyid Muhammad Riza Khan Bahadur Muzaffar Jang for obtaining firamin and other official documents relating to the administration of the three provinces. You have asked me to put the above amount in the expenses of Navab Saif al-Mulk, Saif al-Daulah Mir Nijabat Ali Khan Bahadur Shamatjang. The Navab [Mubariz al-Daulah] is at present busy in the administrative affairs of the province and I will present this letter to him when he returns to his post. He has so far been able to collect the overdue revenue for the year 1173 Fasli and is working hard day and night to collect the remaining overdue amounts. -- Enclosure 1: [Gold-cubes]. -- A large number of princes of the Timurid family are imprisoned in the palace at Delhi. One of these princes managed to escape from there on the 20th of Safar and reached Farrukhabad. Navab Ahmad Khan Bahadur Ghalib Jang has taken this prince under his protection. Hearing this, the King has written to the Navab. This news is being sent to you for information. -- Enclosure 2 : [Gold-cubes]. -- Just after you left Bihar a representative of Maharajah Januji named Sukha Ram Pandit arrived here to discuss some issues raised by the aforesaid Maharajah. Now he wants to go to Calcutta but I have asked him to seek the advice of Navab Muin al-Daulah before he undertakes his jouney. He was been pursuaded to hand over the envelope containing a letter addressed to you; this is enclosed. Please let us know what course of action you would like us to take. I have been able to convince him that he should go back to Maharajah Januji with Mir Zain al-Abidin Khan who would be able to explain to the Maharajah our side of the arguments. -- Enclosure: 3. Copy of a news-letter from the Delhi army. -- A petition from Badr al-Daulah has arrived here from Farrukhabad in which it is written that a son of Rafi al-Darajat, a grandson of Bahadur Shah, has arrived here in Farrukhabad with some other people and that Navab Umdat al-Mulk Ahmad Khan Bahadur has taken him under his protection and appointed his army to protect him. Perhaps the Marathas are also involved in this. On hearing this news the King got worried and has sent shuqqahs to Navab Ahmad Khan Bahadur, Badr al-Daulah and to Navab Shuja al-Daulah Bahadur.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

Thank you very much for your letter informing me that Mohan Prashad of Calcutta was living in Azimabad and that I should send him at once back to Calcutta. After a great deal of searching I found out that he has already left for Calcutta about ten days ago and by now he should have come to see you. If he fails to do so I will search for him again and follow your instructions.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

I have received a letter from the Nawab as well as another letter from Munir al-Daulah Bahadur addressed to you; these are enclosed with this letter [not enclosed]. Please instruct you secretaries to reply to my letters.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

Thank you for your letter along with a letter-bag containing your replies to Nawab Sahib's two shuqqahs which he had sent to you. I have passed on the letter-bag to the Nawab. -- Enclosure: [Decoated with gold cubes]. From Shitab Ra'e to Lord Clive. -- One of my messengers named Zoravar Singh is coming to see you. He will be presenting a copy of the court news for the Nawab.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

Thank you for your letter received here on the 28th of Jamadi al-Avval asking me to send Rajah Dhiraj Narayan to you. I had earlier informed you that because the festival of Diwali is approaching Rajah Dhiraj Narayan wanted to delay his departure until the 1st of Jamadi al-Sani, San 8. Since then I have reminded him daily about his commitment and it is only yesterday, on Sunday the 5th of this month, that he came to inform me that he had to go to the Hindu ritual baths/ashnan for a few days and without any further delay would depart for Murshidabad on the 15th of this month. I hope he keeps his words otherwise I will make sure that he takes the route to Murshidabad on that date.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

Thank you for your letter. A reply to Navab Wazir's letter he had sent to you is long overdue; he has sent me another reminder. In the past I have enquired through Mr Amhurst? whether he had sent Nawab Wazir's letter to Nawab Mir Muhammad Jafar Khan. The Nawab Vazir had, in reply, written to him that he would be able to answer his letter only after he had received advice and a draft of a reply and had shown this draft to Mr Vajah?. As we do not know whether he had received the corrected version of this draft or not it would be a waste of time to send him a reply. At the same time I have received letters from the capital dated the 16th of Rabi al-Avval. In it is written that the Emperor and the Wazir al-Mumalik are returning back to the capital after their conquests and annihilation of the rebel forces of the district. They will reach the capital in two or three days. In the post- bag I have received from you today one letter is addressed to Nawab Vazir, the second to Maharajah Umdat al-Mulk Rajah Nagar Mal Bahadur, the third to Muhammad Sulaiman Khan Bahadur and the fourth to brother Daler Singh Bahadur. These were all presented to His Highness who cannot send a reply at present as he is travelling with his army. In two to four days he will be able to send a reply to the letter of Muhammad Sulaiman Khan who is a courtier of Nawb Wazir al-Mumalik. You will be seeing it soon and it would be good to send him a friendly reply. I have received two letters from Nawab Wazir al-Mumalik, one addressed to you and the other addressed to Mir Muhammad Jafar regarding the case of the state of Nawab Samsam al-Daulah which you had sent him. You may keep the letter addressed to you and you may send the one addressed to Nawab Sahib to him asking him to seek the help of Khvajah Muhammadi Khan and to write to Rajah Ram Narayan that he should withdraw his claim on Malda. His Highness has asked me to stress this strongly. There has been quite a lot of rumours that Abadli was coming but these all turned out be not true. The Marhattas are busy in rampaging the Capital. Amaji Mankser? who used to be always here is back here again. I have sent one of my servants, Hanga, to remind him of the previous favours shown to him. I am hoping that he will be able to deliver the parvanah of Mir Muhammad Jafar Khan to Maharajah Ram Narayan Bahadur asking him not to support Khvajah Muhammdi Khan and not to interfere in the affairs of Malda.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

Thank you for your letter of the 13th of Rabi al-Avval, received here on 21st of this month, informing me that from a copy of a petition of the vakil of Januji Khoslah who had come to Azimabad with a petition you have come to know that I had a meeting with him during which I disclosed to him some of our secrets and suggested to him that he would bring glory to his master if he did not go back immediately. -- My dear Sir, I am a true and faithful servant of the Company and I am not so stupid as to reveal our secrets to anyone. The truth is that three days after you had left the vakil first came to see Mir Zain al-Abidin and then came to see me and wanted to discuss various issues. I told him that I had no authority to negotiate with him. He told me that you had asked Mir Zain al Abidin to go and negotiate with Januji; I told him that I had no knowledge of that. Later, he told me that he wanted to come and see you. I did not allow him to do so and he is still here. Now that you have indicated in your letter that if he was still here he could come and see you I will allow him to do so. Meanwhile, Mubariz al-Mulk Muin al-Daulah told me that he had sent Januji's letter with his letter to you and that we should wait for you reply. Now you have written to me that I have spoken to him. I do not talk to anyone except you, His Majesty and the Nawab Vazir. These vakils look for secrets all around them. He came to know about the departure of Mir in Benares and straightaway rushed here. -- Enclosure 1: You have complained for not receiving letters from all parts of India. Among the nobles, notables and rajas of Hindustan known to me whosoever wants to write sends his letter to me. If you wish, in future I can send all these letters to you or return to the sender. I am here to obey your orders. One of my messengers, Rae Sujit Rae, is at the court of the king and sends reports from there. Rae Jyali Ram who used to be there is with Colonel Smith now. -- Enclosure 2: You have written to me that we have harkaras to bring news from the army of Raghunath Rao to Azimabad and yet we have not received any news from the Rao's army. My dear sir, the Rao was in Kansi and my harkaras were with him there. As soon as Rao came to Gwalior the rainy season has set in and we had to postpone this work; moreover, there was nothing new to report. Previously the news of the prince running away from the capital and coming to Farrukhabad was received; this was conveyed to you. Following your wishes we had appointed our harkaras to bring news from his camp. -- Enclosure 3: You have written regarding the financial administration of the Province of Bihar; I am busy day and night working that out. Previously, I used to have Munir al-Mulk Mr Middeton to help me and now Nawab Mubariz al-Mulk Muin al-Daulah Bahadur Muzaffar Jang is here to help me. The result is that we have completed the accounts for 1173. A small sum needs to be collected and it will be collected soon. The accounts for 1174 are also under control. This may have been conveyed to you by Nawab Sahib.

Letter from Rajah Shitab Rae to Clive.

Mubariz al-Mulk, Muin al-Daulah and Muzaffar Jang Bahadur came here and inspected the affairs of the Bihar province. Afterwards, the account books for 1173 Fasli were sent to Mr Sanks Bahadur Haibat Jang so that he could compare these with his own estimates and then send them over to you. Now we are preparing the accounts for 1174 Fasli and we will send you details of the instalments and collections in due time.

Letter from Rajah Sitab Rae to Clive.

I have received your letter of the 24th of Rabi al-Avval in which you enquire why Sukha Ram reached Azimabad before the arrival of Maharajah Janiji. As you may have come to know from the letter of Navab Mubariz al-Mulk Bahadur and my own letter to you that it would be better to send Sukha Ram with Mir Zain al-Abidin as he will be able to achieve better results.

Letter from Rajah Tilok Chand to Clive.

I was delighted to hear that you have a son born; hearty congratulations. God may give him a long and happy life. -- Enclosure: Details of nuzur presented of two ashrafis and seven rupees.

Letter from Rajah Tilok Chand to Clive.

One of my old friends Muhammad Sardar Khan, a resident of Bhagalpore, is coming to Calcutta and will be calling on you. As his son Muhammad Azam Khan was innocently killed during a dispute over land at Navadiah and his assets were looted he will be requesting you to help him in this case. I hope that Intizam al-Daulah, Mr Saxson? Sahib and Nawab Muin al-Daulah Sayyid Muhammad Riza Khan Bahadur are also present there so that you could ask them to help him in this court case.

Letter from Rajah Tilok Chand to Clive.

I hope you have received my earlier report about the situation here. It appears from the letters of the vakils that the Navab wants to discontinue to finance the company's army from his treasury at burdwan and wants to allocate that amount to pay the Khalisah/Marhattas. It is necessary that you intervene and restore the situation.

Letter from Rajah Tilok Chand to Clive.

Since the day you arrived at Murshdabad the chief of traders has, two or three times, sent me an invitation but because of my physical condition I have not been able to avail this oppurtunity and travel to Murshidabad at such a short notice. I am at present feeling very weak and hope that by the time you visit Murshidabad again I will have recovered from my illness and be able to pay my respect.

Letter from Rajah Tilok Chand to Clive.

I have already conveyed to you details of my sad circumstances. Today on the 15th of Katak the Chothi Thakurani, that is the wife of the Maharajah Sahib, accompanied the funeral out of the palace walls and brought it to a designated place at the banks of the Ganges. I am also at present staying at the same place and am planning to proceed to Murshidabad from here. -- Enclosure: From Rajah Tara Chand to Clive. -- Thakurani Sahibah is leaving for Murshidabad today the 16th of Katak; I am also accompanying her.

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