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Margam Abbey charters and cartulary rolls,
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A deed whereby Margan, son of Karadoc, attests that Karadoc, son of John, has quitclaimed to the monks of Margam ...,

A deed whereby Margan, son of Karadoc, attests that Karadoc, son of John, has quitclaimed to the monks of Margam and abjured in his presence all the land which lies (inter duas Avenas) between the two Avens (which land he, the said Karadoc had claimed from the monks), and found sureties, viz. the said Margan and Meuric Broc. Latin. See Cartae, No. DCLXVII.

A fine, but chipped impression in dark green wax, originally appended to a deed by green silk cords, of the ...,

A fine, but chipped impression in dark green wax, originally appended to a deed by green silk cords, of the seal of Gilbert de Clare, surnamed The Red, seventh Earl of Hertford, third Earl of Gloucester; he was married to Alice of Angoulême niece of the King of France, in 1257. He was a zealous adherent to the cause of the Barons, and knighted by Montfort, Earl of Leicester, at Lewes, where he commanded a division. Afterwards, however, he changed sides, and obtained a royal pardon. By his help, with that of others, he brought about the restoration of the King. Edward I was entertained by this Gilbert at Tonbridge Castle with great splendour. In 1289 he married Joane of Acre, daughter of Edward I. He died in 1295. For the relations of this Earl with Margam Abbey, see Birch, History of Margam Abbey.

Abjuration by Kedic, son of Keneris, Philip, Hloargh, Madoc, and Idenard, his sons, with assent of Meurich, son of Keneris ...,

Abjuration by Kedic, son of Keneris, Philip, Hloargh, Madoc, and Idenard, his sons, with assent of Meurich, son of Keneris, and Maioch his son, upon the holy relics of Margam Abbey; of right in the land beyond Pennuth to the north, called 'the land of Keneris'; and they and the said Meurich and Maioch renounce all claims in land between the waters of Auene and Kenefeg, from Blain-Kenefeg to the sea, and beyond Kenefeg, and from Blain-Kenefeg to Blain-Frudul, and so towards the ford called Ried-Kevelghi and then to the sea; and further they fine for 100s. in recompense for damages they inflicted on the Abbey, payable for 4 years at 25s. yearly. Sworn upon the holy relics. Witnesses:- Daniel the clerk of Coytif, Ralph the clerk of Newcastle, Maurice of Langunith, Maurice his chaplain, Walter Luvel, Thomas Gramus, William de (Cornell, Henry the forester, Ithel ab Riul, Joruarth ab Gistelard, Heilin Bren, Madoc ab Cneithe, Philip the sub-prior, Walter Hauerford, Gaufrid, monks; Rierith, Espus, conversi of Margam. Latin. Round seal, green wax; a rosette or star. + Sigill' : Kedic : Fil: Keneris.

Abjuration by Traharn ap Res de Tyriarth of a release by the Abbot and Convent of Margam of 20s. yearly ...,

Abjuration by Traharn ap Res de Tyriarth of a release by the Abbot and Convent of Margam of 20s. yearly rent, of land in the fee of Newcastle, formerly held by John Mynot. Under seals of Leysan ap Morgan, Lord of Auene; Richard Syward, Robert de Cantelo. Dated at Margan. Latin. Two seals, green wax:. 1. Pointed oval, 1? x 3/4 in. A lion in combat with a wyvern. +. Sigillvm . Traharn . Ap . Res. 2. Hexagonal, in. An Agnus Dei. + S Mathei. De.

Acknowledgement by Cnaytho ab Yago, Candalo ab Walter, Walter ab Wassamfret, Eynon Vachan, Wronu ab Eynon, Vronu Du and his ...,

Acknowledgement by Cnaytho ab Yago, Candalo ab Walter, Walter ab Wassamfret, Eynon Vachan, Wronu ab Eynon, Vronu Du and his sons, Yewan ab Aythan, Aythan uachan, Philip ab Alured, Yewan Palmer, Eynon and Rired ab Ruathlan, Joruard ab Yuor, Cradoc ab Alured, Eynon ab Nestrec, Wronu ab Yuor, Wronu ab Caterod, Wilim ab Ythel, Ithenard ab Yuor, Wasmeyr ab Caterod, Ythel ab Lewelin, Heylin ab Goythur, Cnaytho ab Kenewrec' Lewelin ab Kenlas, Wronu ab Wasmeyr, Wassamfret uachan, Wronu ab Wassamfret, Jewan ab Gidla, Louark ab Wasdewi, Ythel Grun and his mother, Wladus, daughter of Ythel; Wladus, wife of Aythan; Weyruil, daughter of Yuor; and Weurdit, daughter of Rired, and Lewelit, wife of Aythan, of St. Brigida superior, of damage committed by them against Margam Abbey at Egleskeinwir Grange, amounting to over £60; they undertake to pay 1 mark yearly on St. Donat's Day, 7 Aug., for 6 years, and to provide twenty-four men to protect the Abbey, under penalty of excommunication and interdiction by the Bishop of Llandaff, with certain fines for infringement. Under seal of M. Gobio, preceptor, and W. de Caneton', dean of Llandaff, papal subdelegates in this matter. Witnesses: Dominus Gillebert de Humframville, Walter de Sullia, Thomas, vicar of Lantrissen, Chancellor of Llandaff; Ralph, rector of Newcastle; Joruard ab Espus, Rees Coch, Richard the clerk of Kenefeg, Thomas de Cantelo, Philip de Kayrmerthin, John de Sueynese, monks of Margam; Pagan, vicar of Cohytchirche. Latin. Fine but imperfect seal, pointed oval, green wax. The Bishop of Llandaff, in episcopal vestments, standing on a carved corbel, with mitre and crozier, lifting up the right hand in the act of pronouncing a benediction. Background reticulated with a quatrefoil knot at each intersection, and a crescent in each interstice. ....... : GR ....... Ensis : E....... The counterseal is a smaller pointed oval, 1? x 1? in. A representation of the Annunciation of the Virgin, with a dove alighting upon her from Heaven, and below, the Bishop under an arch, praying in the following legend:. VE : Delens : P' : Ave : Pia : P' : Te : Liberer : A : VE. This is a kind of alliterative rhyming hexameter verse, playing on the word ve, woe, and ave, hail thou. 'O Thou pious one, destroying human woe by the Hail of Salutation, may I by thee be set free from Woe.'.

Acknowledgement by John Mygnoth of the receipt from Roger the Abbot and the convent of Margam, in perpetual farm, of ...,

Acknowledgement by John Mygnoth of the receipt from Roger the Abbot and the convent of Margam, in perpetual farm, of a house and manse in the town of Newcastle, co. Glam., and the land lately held by Ralph, rector of Newcastle, with 1 a. land in Hám. Rent: 31/2 marks. Reservation to the convent of a site for a mill, and the fishery on the water of Vgemor. Power to the Rural Dean of Gronouth and the bailiff of Cardiff to compel performance of the stipulations. Witnesses: Richard de Turberevile, Philip de Nereberd, Maurice, son of Griffin; Robert de Anne, John le Noreys, William de Turbérevile, Hamund de Turberevile. Latin. Round seal, green wax, 3/4 in. A device emblematical of the Passion of our Lord, consisting of a cinquefoil flower, of which the centre is a lion's face, the five leaves (for wounds) bear each a cup or chalice, and the five barbs each a passion nail. + S' IOH Is : Minot.

Acquittance by Griffith ap Morgan ap Howeyn to Margam Abbey, for the arrear of 2s yearly rent for 3 years ...,

Acquittance by Griffith ap Morgan ap Howeyn to Margam Abbey, for the arrear of 2s yearly rent for 3 years due for the land of Havothalok. Under seal of Leysan de Auene. Dated at Margam. Latin. Imperfect seal, red wax, ? in. diam. A fleur-de-lis between two crescents. + S' ...... Morg.

Acquittance by Hugh de Hereford to Abbot and Convent of Margam, for 9 marks silver, for his redemption from his ...,

Acquittance by Hugh de Hereford to Abbot and Convent of Margam, for 9 marks silver, for his redemption from his lord William, Earl of Gloucester, who had imprisoned him; for which sum he had pledged all his land upon Corneli, except that which the said Hugh gave to the Abbey. Of these 9 marks, three were delivered at the Michaelmas after King Henry II took the cross for going to Jerusalem, [Jan. 1187/8; see Eyton, Robert William, Court, Household and Itinerary of Henry II, p. 283], the remaining six to be paid in 12 years, at 1/2 mark yearly, because the land is very sterile. Witnesses: James, Prior of Margam; Roger, cellarer; Jordan and Gregory, conversi of Margam; Roger Sturmi, Thomas de Corneli, Æmulf de Kenefeg, Richard de Dunestore. Latin. Round seal, red wax. chipped: as described in No. 12 [1154x1163].

Acquittance by John de Bonevile, son and heir of Henry de Bonevyle, to John de Cantelo, Abbot, and the Convent ...,

Acquittance by John de Bonevile, son and heir of Henry de Bonevyle, to John de Cantelo, Abbot, and the Convent of Margam for payment of all of arrears due to him for bread, beer, salt, meal, etc. Under seal of the Corporation of Kenefegg'. Dated at Kenefeg'. Latin. Imperfect seal, red wax. A fleur-de-lis. + S ....... L.

Acquittance by John, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s farm-rent, due at Michaelmas ...,

Acquittance by John, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s farm-rent, due at Michaelmas last, for the churches of Kenefek and Newcastle. Dated at Tewkesbury. Latin. Imperfect seal, red wax, oval, 1? x 1 in. In a niche with triple canopy, the Virgin Mary and Child, with an abbot kneeling before them, and holding a long crozier. S ...... Bb'is Tevk ... VR',.

Acquittance by John, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s, due at Easter last ...,

Acquittance by John, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s, due at Easter last, for the farm of the churches of Kenefek and Newcastle. Dated at Tewkesbury. Latin. Imperfect seal, green wax, oval, 1? x 1 in. In a niche with triple canopy, the Virgin Mary and Child, with an abbot kneeling before them, and holding a long crozier. ...... Evkesbvr'.

Acquittance by John, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s, due at the Annunciation ...,

Acquittance by John, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s, due at the Annunciation of Our Lady, last past, for the churches of Kenefek and Newcastle. Latin. Dated at Tewkesbury. Imperfect seal, green wax. The Secretum or Privy Seal of the Abbot of Tewkesbury, as described in No. 257 (dated 5 Oct. 1447).

Acquittance by John, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £23 farm rent, due at Michaelmas ...,

Acquittance by John, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £23 farm rent, due at Michaelmas and the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, last past, for the churches of Kenefek and Newcastle. Latin. Dated at Tewkesbury. Fragments, in green wax, of the Secretum, of Privy Seal of the Abbot of Tewkesbury; see No. 257 (dated 5 Oct. 1447).

Acquittance by Thomas Gramus to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £10 silver, for land between the stream of ...,

Acquittance by Thomas Gramus to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £10 silver, for land between the stream of Goylake and the highroad leading to Kenefeg as far as Catteputte, at a rent of 6d., the land redeemable by repayment of the above sum. Witnesses: Walter Luuel, Philip de Cornely, William the clerk, son of Alexander; William Frankeleyn, Philip the clerk. Latin. Small round seal, green wax, as in No. 166 (dated 31 May 1254).

Acquittance by Thomas, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s farm rent, due at ...,

Acquittance by Thomas, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s farm rent, due at Michaelmas last, for the Churches of Kenefek and Newcastle. Dated at Tewkesbury. Latin. Oval seal, red wax, chipped edge, 1? x 1 in. In a niche with triple canopy, the Virgin Mary and Child, with an Abbot kneeling before them, and holding a long crozier. S' . Secretv . Thome . Abb'is . Tevkesbvr' .

Acquittance by Thomas, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s, due next Easter, for ...,

Acquittance by Thomas, Abbot of Tewkesbury, to the Abbot and Convent of Margam, for £11 10s, due next Easter, for the farm of the churches of Kenefec and Newcastle. Dated at Tewkesbury. Latin. Pointed oval seal, green wax, very imperfect. The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Child, under a crocketted canopy. The Secretum, or Privy Seal of the Abbot of Tewkesbury. SE ................ Bvrie.

Results 1 to 20 of 486