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Sale by Gwenwynwyn ap Owain,

Sale by Wennunwen, son of Owin, and all the heirs of the land called Roswidaul, to the monks of Stradmarchell, in proper and perpetual possession, for five and a half pounds, of all the land called Roswidaul, in all its bounds and appurtenances, in wood and plain, waters and in feeding grounds, and in all its uses and utilities, freely and quit and immune from all exaction, custom and secular service. This agreement is made in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1199 at Stradmarchell, in the hand of S[tigeri], prior. Lest this agreement should be disturbed in future Wennunwen seals the charter and it is attested by witnesses. -- Witnesses: A[aron], cellarer, Tegwaret, Daniel, Gorronui, Elfin, conversi of the same house, Daniele, son of the priest, Gorronui, son of Eynniaun, Meiler, son of Riawel, Mareduth, son of Philipp, E[y]nnia[un], son of Lwarch, and many others.

Sale by Gwenwynwyn ap Owain,

Sale by Wennunwen, son of Owin, to the monks of Stradmarchell, in free, quiet and perpetual possession, for eighteen pounds, of the whole land called Randir Gwiaun, in all its bounds and appurtenances, both below and above namely, in wood and plain, in meadows and pastures, and in all its uses and utilities. He has sold the said land to the said monks, by the counsel and consent of the heirs of that land, namely Gwiaun, son of Gwiaun, and his sons who had sold their half of the said land to the monks, in perpetual possession for a suitable price; likewise by the counsel and consent of the sons of Owin, the son of Kendelo, namely Luelin and Griffud and Goronoy, and also of the sons of Yago, namely Ioruerth and Aun, the other half of the said land is sold to the monks in perpetual possession. Wennunwen, accordingly, wishes that the monks shall possess, by right, for ever, the said land in all its bounds and appurtenances, fully, entirely, freely, quietly, well and in peace, honourably, without any exaction and secular custom. Lest the sale shall be disturbed in future, it is sealed and attested by witnesses. Witnesses: Sulian, archdeacon, Master Helin, Lewelin, son of Owin, Kadugan, son of Grifri, Edenewein Flam, David Goch, John Glaswen. The sale of half of the said land was made in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1206 and the remaining half in the following year.

Sale by Gruffudd Goch ap Gruffydd of Carno,

Sale by Griffudd Coch, the son of Griffudd of Carno, by his mother Leuchu, daughter of Kadwallaun, to the monks of Stratmarchell, of the following lands in all their bounds and appurtenances: namely Pennanbacho, Defrenmerthir, and Cum lluit and Cum Buga, and likewise, the half of Deupiu, half of Scoruaur, and half of the whole land which is from Arannell to Ridewoch, namely Blain karno, in all their bounds and appurtenances, by circuit, and the lands which they have in Aberbredwen, and the whole land called Ruicanesseit. He wishes that the monks shall possess, by right, for ever, all the said lands and pastures, freely, quit, well and in peace, and without any exaction of secular custom, namely in wood, plain, waters, ways, meadows, mills, pastures and in all their uses and utilities. He gives, in addition, to the said monks, all pastures within the bounds of Arwistili, namely from Havren towards Powis, to be possessed, by right, for ever, well, in peace, freer; and quit. Because the present age is prone to evil, wherefor it endeavours to extort gain to itself, this sale is corroborated by seal and the attestation of good men. Witnesses: Geruase, monk, Anian, monk Kediuor Cryc and Kediuor, conversi of Stradmarchell, the two sons of Ioruert, Enniaun, and Grifri, the two sons of Goronuy, Gurkenev and Benwin, also the two sons of Grifut Hyrvein, Yewaph and David and many others. Given at Lanwynnauc in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1207.

Sale by Elis ap Madoc,

Sale by Elisse, son of Madoc, to the monks of Stradmarchell, for three pounds, in proper and perpetual possession, free and quit of all secular exaction and custom, fully, entirely and honourably, the whole of that land which is called Llecheudin, with all its bounds and appurtenances, namely, in wood, plain, waters, meadows and pastures, and in all uses and utilities. The bounds of the land are from Abercummein to its source, and from Blaincummehin straight to Kair runhoh and from Kairunhoh, as that stream goes as it falls near the ford of Dolwen, and also the stream Ritdolwen to Gweunrutd, and as Gweunrutd goes to the source of the stream called Nanthucheldref and down Nanthucheldref to Manachduuer to the stream called Alarch and so along Alarch to Geyro. As he wishes that this sale shall remain to the monks in peace for ever, it is sealed with his seal and attested by witnesses. -- Witnesses: Grifin, abbot of Stradmarchell, Phillipp, prior, Cadugan, conversus, Master Riuaun, Master Heylin, Howel, son of Ythael, Yoruerd Seithmarchog and many others. -- This sale is made at Eskengainoc, in the year of the Incarnation 1183, 14. Kal. May.

Sale by Cadwallon ap Hywel,

Sale by Cadewallaunt, son of Hewel, to the monks of Stradmarchell, for eight pounds, in free, quiet and perpetual possession, of these lands in all their bounds and appurtenances, namely Pennanbacho and Deffrenmerthir, Cumlluit and Cumbuga, in all their bounds and half of Deupiu, and half of Escoruaur, and half the land, both in wood and in plain, from Arannell as far as Redhouoch, and in addition, also Aberbredwen and Reucanesseit. Cadewallaun wishes that the monks shall possess all the said lands and pastures, by right, freely, quietly, well and in peace, and without any exaction or secular custom, namely, in wood, plain, ways, meadows, mills, pastures, and in all their uses and utilities. He gives the monks all pastures within the bounds of Arwistili, namely from Havren towards Powis, to possess, by right, for ever, well and in peace, freely and quit. Because the present age is prone to evil, wherefor it endeavours to extort to itself gain, the present sale is corroborated by seal and the attestation of good men. -- Witnesses: Gurgeneu, prior of Cumhir, Philipp, monk of Whitland (Alba Domo), Kediuor, monk of Stradflur, Seisil, monk, Kediuor Crec, Kediuor, son of Griffud, Madoc, son of Yeuuaf, conversi of Stradmarchell, Hoideleu, dean, Laurence, priest, Meuric, son of Morgant, Meiler, son of Griffud, Peredur, son of Ioruerth, Kadugan, son of Griffud. -- This sale was made at Llanandeueri, in the hand of I. prior of Stradmarchell, in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord, 1206.

Quitclaim in Carswell and Wroxhale,

  1. Ric’us atte Wike, son of Stephen atte Wyke. 2. William de Seinnor? of Clopton and Juliana his wife of all land and tmts which 2 hold in Carswell and Wroxhale [Wraxhall, Somerset] by demise from Leticia, mother of 1, for an annual rent of one silver penny for life. Dated at Clopton.

Quitclaim by Res ap Ie’n ap D’d Lloid in Cyfeiliog,

  1. Res ap Ie’n ap D’d Lloid of Arwyscely (Arwystli). 2. Owen ap Res, son of 1, and Alice his wife of Arwustely of a tmt called Yr Ysdrad and a parcel of land lying between two ponds for one mill and buildings on a stream called Nant Coum Ycaloch and a piece of land lying between two streams called Nant Com Ykaloch and Nant Yfrieth in the lordship of Kyveylyoc [Cyfeiliog, co. Mont.], which lands and tmts are already in the possession of 2.

Quitclaim by John, son of John, son of Ralph de Wrockwardine in ?Hardwicke,

  • Wynnstay (1945 deposit) GV5.
  • Item
  • 1330, June 23 (Saturday on the eve of the nativity of St John the Baptist).
  • Part of Wynnstay Estate Records

  1. John son of John, son of Ralph de Wrokwardin. 2. Adam son of John Lochard of Wrokwardin and Godithe, his mother of a meadow in le Heordiwike [Hardwick?, Shropshire] between the rabbit warren of the lord of Wrokwardin and the river called Thirne [Tern], for life. Witnesses: Adam le Despenser, Thomas de Leton, Ric’ son of John, William de Panteleg’ of Colmington and Roger de Camvile of the same place. Dated at Wrokwardin

Quitclaim and gift by Davyd ap Ho’ell ap Gruff’ ap Jenkyn to John ap Howell Vychan, of Neuadd Wen nd Llwydiarth,

  1. Davyd ap Ho’ell ap Gruff’ ap Jenkyn, free tenant of Powys. 2. John ap Howell Vychan, gent. of the manor called Neuadd Wen within Kereinien [Caereinion], Mechen Uch Koyd [Mechain Uwch Coed], Iscoid [Is Coed] and Mowthoy [Mawddwy] as well as in Keveiliog [Cyfeiliog], [co. Montgomery]. Witnesses: Res ap Gruff’ ap Tud’r, Morice Bache and Lewys ap Davyd ap Ho’ell. Attached to: Gift 1. D’d ap Ho’ell ap Gruff’ ap Jenkyn, free tenant of Powys. 2. John ap Ho’ell Vychan of a tmt or manor called Lloydiarth Manor in the township of Tre Lwdiarth in the commote of Mechen Uch Koyd [Mechain Uwch Coed], [co. Montgomery] which descended by hereditary right to 2. Witnesses: Lord Richard Herbart, knight, seneschal of Powys, Maurice ap Ho’ell, lieutenant, Gilbart Mason, vice-recorder, Lewys ap D’d ap Ho’ell and Ieuan ap Bady.

Pardon to Owen ap Mereduth ap David ap Gruffith Vichan, David Lloit ap M’reduth and Gruffith ap M’reduth,

By Edward de Charleton, Lord of Powys, to Owen ap Mereduth ap David ap Gruffith Vichan, David Lloit ap M’reduth and Gruffith ap M’reduth, his brothers, of Kreynyon [Caereinion] for insurrection, rebellion and felony among other offences, and confirmation of the lands they currently hold from Edward, in accordance with the law and custom of Powys. Witnesses: David Holbach, seneschal of Powys, Hugh Say, governor, Mathew ap Ieuan ap Ior’, receiver, William Dolgare, Thomas Byritonn, David Braylles, esquires, and Peter Barbour, clerk. Dated at Pool Castle.

Pardon to Mereduth ap David ap Gruffuth Vichan ap Gruffuth ap Eynyon,

By Edward de Charletonn, Lord of Powys, to M’eduth ap David ap Gruffuth Vichan ap Gruffuth ap Eynyon of the lordship of Kreynyon [Caereinion] for insurrection, rebellion and treason among other offences during the uprising of Owain Glyndwr, and restoration of the lands in the lordships of Kreynyon [Caereinion] and Meghein Ughc’ [Mechain Uwch Coed] which he held prior to the rebellion. Witnesses: David Holbache, seneschal of Powys, Hugh Say, governor, Mathew ap Ieuan, receiver, William Dolgare, Thomas Biritonn, David Brailles, Thomas Vichan, and Peter Barbour, clerk. Dated at the manor of Mathraval.

Pardon to Ieuan ap Gwillim ap Mad’ ap Ykybin,

By Edward de Charletonn, Lord of Powys, to Ieuan ap Gwillim ap Mad’ ap Ykybin of Llannerghud’ [Llannerchudol] for insurrection, rebellion and treason among other offences during the uprising of Owain Glyndwr, and restoration of his lands in the lordship of Powys which Edward had temporarily granted to his squire William Dolgare and which the said William had since surrendered in the manorial court. Witnesses: David Holbach, seneschal of Powys, Mathew ap Ieuan his lieutenant, William Piers, receiver, Hugh Say, governor and constable of Pool Castle, Peter Barbour, clerk. Dated at Pool Castle.

Pardon to Gruffith ap Jankyn ap Ll’n ap Eignon ap Kelynnyn,

By Edward de Charleton, Lord of Powys, to Gruffith ap Jankyn ap Ll’n ap Eignon ap Kelynnyn for various transgressions and wrongdoings, and restoration of the land which he held by inheritance or acquisition from Ll’n ap Eignon ap Kelynyn, his grandfather, and Lleucu, daughter of Gruffuth ap Eden, widow of the said Ll ’n, and Jankyn ap Ll’n, son of the said Ll’n and Lleucu, father of the said Gruffith, in the lordships of Meghem Ughcoit [Mechain Uwch Coed] and Meghem Iscoit [Mechain Is Coed], co. Montgomery, together with the the site of one mill called Melyn Gwynfa for the construction of a new mill with a watercourse and customary suit of mill, and a twentienth part of Gavell Lloidiarth which Eden ap Eignon ap Kelynyn forfeited. Witnesses: David Holbach, seneschal of Powys, Hugh Say, governor of Pool Castle, Mathew ap Ieuan ap Ior’, receiver, John Yonge, constable of Pool Castle, Gruffith ap Ieuan ap Madoc ap Griff’ and David Braillez, esquires, and Theodore Gruffuth, thane. Dated at the manor of Mathravall.

Pardon to David Lloit ap Ieuan ap Madoc,

By Edward de Charleton, Lord of Powys, to David Lloit ap Ieuan ap Madoc of the fellowship of Ystrad Marchell for insurrection, rebellion and treason among other offences during the uprising of Owain Glyndwr, and restoration of his lands in the lordship of Powys which Edward had granted temporarily to his uncle, Roger de Charleton. Witnesses: John Fitz Piers Edward’s brother and seneschal of Powys, M’ ap Eynon, his deputy and Edward’s receiver, John Kendale, Hugh Say, William Dolgar.

Letter of Attorney to take livery of seisin of the manor of Talerddig,

  1. Richard Taylor of the town of Shrewsbury, co. Salop, gent. and John Hollings of the same place, Doctor of Physick. 2. Thomas Price the younger of Llanvyllinge, co. Mont, gent. to take livery of seisin of the Manor of Talerthig [Talerddig], co. Montgomery, from Edward Vaughan of Lloydyarth, co. Montgomery, esq. and Mary his wife, John Lloyd of Maes y Pandu, co. Merioneth, esq. and Evan Vaughan of Llanvyllinge, co. Montgomery, gent., in accordance with a deed of equal date involving the said parties, together with Edward Kynaston of Adbrightlee, co. Salop, esq., and Evan Bowen of Lloydyarth, gent.

Lease by the Abbot to Howell ap Ieuan ap Dackyn and D’d ap Ieuan ap Dackin,

  1. John, Abbot by permission of God, of the monastery of BVM of Stratamarcell and the convent of the same place. 2. Howell ap Ieuan ap Dackyn and D’d ap Ieuan ap Dackin for 99 years of a tmt called Maes Iscorvor with another tmt called in Welsh Lle yr Ty Ynglledan lying in the lordship of Arrwystli Iscoid [co. Mont.]. Annual rent: 2s for Maes Iscorvor and 12d for Lle Ty Yngledan. Duties: Suit of court. Dated in the chapter house of 1.

Lease by the Abbot to Howel ap Gruff’ ap y Bedo,

: 1. David Lloyd, Abbot of the monastery of BVM of Strata Marcella and of the convent of the Cistercian Order in the diocese of St Asaph. 2. Howel ap Gruff’ ap y Bedo for 99 years of a tmt called Tyddyn y Rriw in the commote of Arwystle Iscoed in the township of Com Kerwyn [co. Mont.]. Annual rent: 3s 4d. Duties: 2 capons or 6d payable at Michaelmas. Dated in the chapter house of 1.

Lease by the Abbot to David ap Mered’ ap Dio,

  1. David, Abbot by permission of God, of the monastery of Stratamarcella of the Cistercian order in the diocese of St Asaph. 2. David ap Mered’ ap Dio for 99 years of parcels of land called Y Cae Coch, Cae y Menych, Cae y Penbras and Coy Ellyn [t. Cyffin, co. Montgomery]. Annual rent: 13s 4d. Dated in the chapter house of 1.

Judgement of Maredudd ap Rhobert,

Judgement of Maredud, son of Robert, lord of Kedewig, appointed by Prince Lewelin, lord of Wales, to decide the controversy moved between the heirs of Hirarht and Deupiw and those who are called fetonieht, who reclaimed the said lands against these heirs. At the peremptory day and lawful place, namely Landinan, before wise and the best men the reclaim of those called fetanieht and their challenge was, by right and justly and justly determined and settled. At the time there was offered them the judgement of good men called deduriht, but they refused, knowing that by this they would come to nothing. Afterwards they consented that twenty four of the best men of the province of Arwistli should come to decide on their challenge, if they had any right to the said lands. All these best men were sworn publicly, if they knew of their right to the said lands, namely their reclaim in that cause, then they ought to seek right again by the decision of the wise men. The wise men of Arwistli, who conducted the proceedings, namely, Kenher, son of Kadugan, Ioab, son of Ioruerht, of Kedewig, and Idneuet, son of Goronui, Ioruerht Pastan, and other wise and discrete men from other provinces who judged them, namely the fetanihet, not to be the heirs of the said lands, with their stock, for ever. When those who are called fehanihet saw that their right was failing on every side, they withdrew defeated in law. But in the days of Howel, son of Ioab, those fetanihet were deprived of right and justly of those lands. The witnesses of this were: Ioruerht, dean, son of Howel, and Cuneda, his brother, the two sons of Owin Brihtir, namely David and Owin, the two sons of Ioruerht, namely Einniaun and Grifri, Mil, son of Ithael, Madauc Tanhur, the three sons of Grifud, son of Kadugan, namely Meilir, Seisehll, Ioruerht, Grifud, son of Meilir, Adam, son of Ioruerht, Gorgeneu, son of Glasadein, Enir Uates, Kediuor, son of Iohannis, Peredur, son of Ioruerht, Grifud son of Ioab.

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