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Llanfair and Brynodol Estate Records,
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Will (copy) of William Spicer of Caernarvon, co. Caern., gent,

Will (copy) of William Spicer of Caernarvon, co. Caern., gent.,. Testator beaueaths:. His messuages and lands in Caernarvon, Llanbeblig and Castellmay (except for his wife's jointure, which is confirmed to her for her life), together with the reversion on his wife's jointure after her death, to Richard Edwards of Nanhoron, gent., John Owen of Cefn, both of co. Caern, cleric, and the testator's wife Catherine Spicer for 60 years after his decease, in trust to use the rents and profits to pay his debts and settle his estate, and to convey the property for the remainder of the 60 years and for ever to his sister Ellen Lawrence and her heirs. Testator appoints his wife Catherine Spicer his executrix, and Richard Edwards and John Owen to see to the valuation of his personal estate Fragile.

Will (Copy) of William Lewis, D.D., rector of the p. church of Allhallows the Wall, London,

Testator devises:. Debts to be paid. Pecuniary legacies to relatives & others, including 'towards the redemption of Christians taken slaves by the Argiers £150'. £3,000 to John Dolben, bishop of Rochester and others to buy lands in trust to maintain the following charities: £25 annually to a minister to be appointed by the bishop of Bangor in the parishes of Llangristiolys and Kerrigceinwen, co. Ang., and £5 a year to the poor of the parishes; £8 a year to keep two poor boys of p. Cerrigceinwen at school; exhibitions of £8 for 5 years each to eight boys, four to go to Trinity College Cambridge, and four to go to Jesus College Oxford, boys from North Wales, especially co. Ang., to be favoured, £4 a year for four years each to six poor ministers' widows, 50s to the feoffees to defray expenses, and the remainder to be distributed equally among the boys to be educated at Oxford and Cambridge. The residue of his goods and chattels to his niece, Elizabeth Evans. Codicil, dated 28 June, 1682, wherein the testator directs the trustees to purchase £300 worth of lands to augment the salary of the free school of Beaumares, and use the over plus of the £300 to raise a stock to set up youngmen who have completed their apprenticeship, and makes some monetary legacies, and bequeaths his books between his nephew William Evans and his godson William Prichard. He names additional trustees, and bequeaths £100 to Protestants fled from France and £100 to prisoners detained for non-payment of fee. Another Codicil dated 2 Jan., 1683, giving monetary legacies and directing that another moiety of the over plus of £3000 be given to the corporation for the relief of poor widows and children of clergymen. Memorandum of probate in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 9 March, 1682/3.

Will (copy) of William Griffith of Llyn, co. Caern., esq,

Will (copy) of William Griffith of Llyn, co. Caern., esq.,. Testator devises:. All his messuages and lands except the reversion of t. Dolebenmaen to his brother, John Griffith of Kevenamwlch, esq.,. The reversion of t. Dolebenmaen, co. Caern., to his kinsman Timothy Edwards of Bodwrda to the use of William Edwards of the same, Timothy Edwards and godson of the testator, William Edwards to take the surname of Griffith upon coming of age. Several pecuniary legacies to relatives and others. His personal estate to John Griffith, his brother, who is to pay the testator's debts from it. Testator appoints his brother John Griffith, his executor.

Will (copy) of William Foxwist of St. Albanes, co. Herts., esq., Testator devises: burial not to exceed £50,

A capital m., in castle street, a m., in shire hall street, a stable and toft known as Carpenters house thereto adjoining in Ashley Street, all in Carnarvon, two tmts., of lands in Trefan, a tmt., in Llanvaglan, a close of pasture called Hafod yr iwdd, a close called Foxwists Field, two houses and closes called foxwists field and Hamntons lesser field, a field called Hamptons bigger field or Kae y Garreg and the term of lease of a piece of pasture called Cadnant, all in Carnarvon, co. Caern., to William Wynne of Llanunda for the natural life of Mary, wife of William Foxwist, for the provision of £54 for her annually, and after the decease of William Wynne, to the testator's nephew Rowland Wynne and his heirs or in default of such to Hugh Wynne and Richard Wynne, brothers of Rowland Wynne and Florence Wynne, sister of Rowland Wynne, and their respective heirs in order a m., in the High Street, a shop with a loft above it, a smithy near the Pool, a house in Pen(r)allt near the Tuthill, another house, a house near the seaside, a barn in street y Llynn in Carnarvon, and messuages and lands called Maes Barker and Greene Croft, terms of years in Kevyn Moore, messuages and lands in Pen y Gelly, one or two closes of pasture called Heath not far from Maes Barker, a tmt., of lands called [ ]aden, two closes of arable pasture called Kae(r) Cocke and Kae yddin all in co. Caern., to Ellen Griffith, niece of the testator, and her husband paying £46 yearly to the testator's wife, and after the decease of the survivor of Ellen Griffith and her husband, to Rowland Wynne, his brothers Hugh, Robert and Richard Wynne and his sister Florence Wynne and their respective heirs in order. A mansion house, two tmts., a pasture and messuages and lands in St. Albanes, co. Herts., to the testator's wife Mary, her brothers John and Robert Pemberton, her cousins Thomas Clarke and John Pitt of St. Albanes and her nephew Thomas Noake of London, and their heirs, to the intent that they may sell them to pay the testator's debts (of which a list is given) or if the debts are paid, to his wife, then Rowland Wynne and Ellen Griffith. To his nephew Richard Wynne and his niece Florence Wynne, £50 each or £100 to the survivor, to every child living of Thomas Foxwist, £10 for rebuilding the church of Carnarvon, £20 to the incumbent of Llanbeblick, £5 annually to the poor of Carnarvon, 20s., annually. To keep in repair the conduit around Carnarvon, 40s., annually instructions for burial in p. Llanbeblick. Testator's books, which are in Wales, of divinity, law and history to William Wynne and William Thomas, esquires. To Isaack Loeffs and Jeremiah White, 40s., each. To the poor of Carnarvon and places in Wales where his messuages lie, £3. To the poor of St. Albans and the three parishes therein, 40s., residue to his wife, whom he appoints executrix. Will signed and witnessed 15 April, 1673.

Will (copy) of Thomas Barber of the Haymarket, now of Pall Mall, p. St. James, Westminster, co. Middx., woollen draper ...,

Will (copy) of Thomas Barber of the Haymarket, now of Pall Mall, p. St. James, Westminster, co. Middx., woollen draper and man'o mercer. Testator bequeaths:. A cottage and garden in the tenure of Mrs. Adean and 2 houses in the same Row in the tenure of Mrs. Barker and Mr. Noverre on Putney Common, a m. in the tenure of Charles Bicknell, a copyhold garden lately enclosed from Putney Common, Putney a cottage, coach-house, stables and corner garden on the opposite side of the road from London to Kingston upon Thames, all in co. Surrey, a m. in Pall Mall, Warwick St., p. St. James, co. Middx., to John Scruire of Pall Mall, barker, Thomas Crokatt of Throgmorton St., London, merchant, the testator's nephew the Rev. Richard Jones of Brightelmstone, co. Sussex, clerk, and Samuel Alphonso Leeks of the War Office, esq., his trustees, in trust for his d. Harriet Francisca Barber for her life then to her husband and children, or in default of such to the testator's d. Mary Ann Nutting, wife of George Nutting of King St., Covent Garden, button manufacturer & to her children, then to the testator's nephew John Barber. A house coachhouse, stables and garden on Putney Common [in Putney, co. Surrey] to the trustees in trust for Mary Ann Nutting for her life, then to her husband and children or in default of such to Harriet Francisca Barber and her children then to John Barber. A farm and lands called Pentre Bach, [p. Llanwnda], co. Caern., to Harriet Francisca Barber for ever. A dwelling house and lands at Luffenham, co. Rutland and lands at Leighton Bozzard, co. Beds., to his nephew John Barber. Personal estate to Harriet Francisca Barber and £2000 by marriage bond to Mary Ann Nutting. £5000 As mortgage on Black Hall estate, co. Mont., to the trustees in trust for Harriet Francisca Barber. Stock in trade to John Barber. Pecuniary legacies to family and others. Residue to be half each in trust for Harriet Francisca Barber and Mary Ann Nutting. Testator appoints his trustees his executors. Endorsed with certificate of examination, dated 7 Feb., 1824.

Will (copy) of John Rowlands of Nant, co. Caern., esq,

Will (copy) of John Rowlands of Nant, co. Caern., esq.,. Testator devises:. To his servants Richard Williams and William Probert Owen, annual rents of 40s issuing out of a m., and lands called Pentre Bich, p. Llanunda and a m., and lands called Tre yr Grwin, p. Llanllyfnie, for their lives, while they are in the service of his wife and eldest s.,. To his youngest s., Thomas Rowlands, a yearly rent of £30 for his life on a m., and lands called Graianog, late of Randolph Wynne, esq., deceased, p. Clynnog. Under a deed dated 12 July 1682 and a bond dated 10 April 1699, the testator devises to Humphrey [Humphries] bishop of Hereford, John [Evans] bishop of Bangor, Jane Owen of Porkington, co. Salop, spinster and Rowland Wynne of Glanyrafon, esq.,. Messuages and lands called Cwm Dyly issa, Gwastad Agnes, Cwm Dyly Uwcha, Grey fron, Llyndu issa and Hafod y Porth, p. Poethkellert, co. Caern., a yearly rent charge oat of the tmt., called Berthlwyd, t. Nanmor, co. Mer., a m., and lands called Coch y Bige and a mill called Maesog Mill and lands thereto belonging p. Clynnog, a m., and lands called Drosgol, p. Llanunda, co. Caern., a m. and lands called Graianog [p. Clynnog] and all other messuages and lands of Randolph Wynne, esq., deceased, except as much as is devised to his wife, Frances, to hold for 17 years in trust, and to pay to Hugh Wynne of Carnarvon, gent., £10 yearly for 5 years after the testator's decease, for his part in assisting with the payment of trusts, to pay to his three daughters £416-13s-4d each, and a further £600 each to Catherine and Elizabeth. If either dies before the age of 22, her portion to be divided between the survivor and his other d. Margaret, if Catherine and Elizabeth both die, the proportion of the survivor to be used to buy lands to the use of his s., and heir apparent, Richard Rowlands, and his heirs for ever. After the raising of these sums, the trustees to surrender the properties and term of years. To his younger s., Thomas Rowlands, a m., and lands called Bachwen and a m., and garden, p. Clynnog, with reversion to his s., Richard, and his issue, then to his daughters Catherine, Elizabeth and Margaret and their issue, then to his brother William Rowlands and the latter's s.. John Rowlands. To Frances, his wife, messuages and lands called Wernes-Deg, Glasdraine, Havod wedir, Havod y rhyske and Wenallt, p. Bethkellert, also, in addition to her jointure, a house called Plas Puleston, Carnarvon, arable land and houses built thereon adjoining Maes Inkle Spicer, p. Llanbeblig, messuages and lands called Bryn y Gro and Tyddin y Berth, parishes of Llanllyfny and Clynnog and a mill in p. Clynnog, co. Caern.,. The reversion to his sons Richard and Thomas and their issue, then to his daughters, Catherine, Elizabeth and Margaret and their issue, his brother William and the latter's s. John to his maidservant Grace Williams, £10. To his d. Margaret, half his goods and chattels, she to pay to Catherine £200. To his wife, to maintain his children until they reach the age of 21, the other half of his chattels. Testator appoints his wife Frances and his d. Margaret his executrices; gives the guardianship of his children to Humphrey [Humphries], bishop of Hereford, John [Evans], bishop of Bangor, Jane Owen and Rowland Wynne and appoints It ugh Wynne of Carnarvon gent., overseer of the will, awarding him also 20s to buy a ring. Endorsed with a note, undated of examination by Hugh Wynne and 'Mr. Wynne' signed by Hugh Wynne: and with the opinion, dated 11 Nov., 1707, of Morley Saunders on the will. Fragile.

Will (copy) of John Parry Wynn of p. Aberdaron, co. Caern., freeholder,

Testator bequeaths:. To his s., Hugh Parry, clerk, for his life a m. called Dolydd byrrion in the tenure of Samuel Parker, gardener, p. Llandwrog. To his wife Lowry Jones for her life, a m., and lands called Pentrebach in the tenure of Griffith Lewis, p. Llanwnda, to his d. Margaret Jones, messuages and lands called Anelog and Ty hen, p. Aberdaron, all in co. Caern., after the death of Hugh Parry and Lowry Jones, all three properties to Margaret Jones and her issue, or in default of such to Hugh Parry and his issue, then to the heirs of the testator's brother, Hugh Parry Wynn. To his sister Catherine Parry Wynne, 40s. a year for her life to Hugh Parry, 2 guineas. To Lowry Jones, her household goods when they were married, and 1 cow and 6 sheep or her keep for 2 years with their d. Margaret Jones. To the grandchildren of his sister Catherine Parry Wynn, f10 between them to John Peter and Elizabeth Peter, £1 each. To Margaret Jones, his personal estate. Testator nominates his d. Margaret Jones his executrix. Endorsed with note of examination, dated 5 Nov., 1824.

Will (copy) of John Maurice of Carnarvon, co. Caern., gent,

Will (copy) of John Maurice of Carnarvon, co. Caern., gent.,. Testator devises:. The messuages and lands called Drwsyddygoed, Caernewydd, Cae'r weddus, Erw Gryn, Cae'r Gethyn and Bryn y Clochydd and a quillet of land in the lands of William Rowlands of Crug, drover, on the east end and on each side of the east end of the churchyard of Llanrug church, p. Llanrug, and a moiety of a m., with several quillets of land in the tenure of Thomas Griffith and a moiety of a cottage and severall quillets of land in the tenure of John Owen, in p. Nevyn, co. Caern., and all other messuages and lands of the testator in co. Caern., to his nephew, John Moris of near Abermarchnad, co. Mont., and his heirs male and female or in default of issue to John [Evans] bishop of Bangor and others in trust to use £10 of the profits yearly to apprentice one or two poor boys of the parishes of Llanrug and Carnarvon, co. Caern., in turn, and the residue of the profits to be used for the maintenance of the property and the management of the trust. The volume is bound in a sheet bearing a list of exports from Caernarvon from December 1748 to July 1749.

Will (copy) of John Glynne of Glynnllivon, co. Caern., esq., Testator devises,

Will (copy) of John Glynne of Glynnllivon, co. Caern., esq., Testator devises:. To the cathedral church of Bangor, 10s. To the churches of Llandwrog and Llanailhayrne, 20s each. The messuages and lands called Cwmceiliog, Cae'r gorse, Bronwidd, Bodelfarch, Tyddyn y coch, Tyddin y Felin, y Ffrid Wen, tyddin y Llan and melin r ynys goch to his executors to be sold or otherwise disposed of for the payment of his debts. The rest of his messuages and lands in counties Caern., and Ang., to his eldest d. Ellin Glynne and her heirs or in default of such to his d., Frances Glynne and her heirs. In default of such issue, the messuages and lands in co. Caern., except for those named above and those in co. Ang. which descended to the testator from his father, to go to his cousin Sir William Glynne and his heirs, upon payment of £1000 to the testator's executors, or upon default of which, to go to his cousin William Glynne of Elernion and his heirs; and the messuages and lands in co. Ang., descended to the testator from his mother to go to his brother-in-law Sir Hugh Owen and his heirs if Sir Hugh Owen consents to act as executor of his will, or failing that to William Glynne of Elernion. The guardianship of his daughters Ellen and Frances until their majority to his wife, his sister in law Mrs. Dorothy Owen, Sir Hugh Owen and his cousin William Glynne of Elernion. To his d. Frances, £1500 to be paid on her attaining her majority his wife to enjoy her jointure for her life to his sister Wynne of Porthammell, £10. Testator appoints his wife and his brother-in-Sir Hugh Owen his executors.

Will (copy) of Jane Wynne. Testator bequeaths,

Will (copy) of Jane Wynne. Testator bequeaths:. £100 To be put out at interest to the poor of the parishes of Llanenddwin and Llanddwiwe, co. Mer., by order of Richard Vaughan of Cors y Gedol, esq., and the testator's brother, William Wynne, esq., the interest to be paid annually, and 40s., of it each year to be paid. To the testator's aunt, Elizabeth Wynne,. To her sister Elizabeth Wynne, £100. To her aunt Elizabeth Jones, £100. To her Aunt Lewis, £30. To her uncle Robert Wynne, £50. To the three Ladys of Gors y Gedol, 10 guineas. For buying rings for each of them. To their maid, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, £5 to Mrs. Mary Thelwall, 1 guinea to buy a ring. £5 To be distributed by Madam Vaughan's order among her servants. William Wynne, the testator's brother is appointed executor. Endorsed with a note undated, by Robert Wynne to Edward Owen saying that he cannot find 'G. Wynns', will, but encloses a 'parcell of old papers'.

Will (copy) of Henry Roberts of Carnarvon, co. Caern., formerly of p. Llansaint y Catherine, otherwise Cricketh,

Testator devises:. To his feoffees, Thomas Glynne of Glynn-llyvon, esq., and others, his messuages and lands in counties Ang., Caern., and Mer., in trust to use the profits as he directs: to the person of Cricketh, Owen ap John Owen of Brinhire near Cricketh and John ap Richard Gryffyth of Cricketh, gent., £4 yearly for the life of his niece Agnes Humphreys; legacies to his 10 nieces and nephews (named). After the payment of such, of the next three years' rents. Of the first to the three daughters of Robert Gryfyth the Elder of Bach y saint, namely Anne, Gaynor and Lowry, £5 each, and the rest of the three year's rents to the testator's poor kindred or the poor people of 7 towns in counties Caern., Ang., and Mer., namely Cricketh, Pwllhelie, Carnarvon, Bangor, Conwey, Bewmares and Harlech, with fixed sums for each, and to the poor and their education in p. Cricketh, with specified sums with specified purposes Other legacies to the church of Cricketh, the church and poor of Bedederne, to the parishes nearest the seven mentioned, and to Carnarvon, Bangor, Conwey and Bewmares for specified purposes. Testator names as executors Thomas Glynn of Glynn llivon, esq., and John Bodvell, esq., both of co. Caern., Richard Prytherch of Llanidan and Robert White of Treaseth, doctor of Divinity, both of co. Ang., and William Wynn of Glynn, co. Mer., esq.,. Codicil, dated 9 Oct., 1641, in which various pecuniary legacies are granted.

Will (copy) of Ellen Owen of Porkington, co. Salop., spinster Testatrix devises,

Will (copy) of Ellen Owen of Porkington, co. Salop., spinster Testatrix devises:. The capital m. called Ustimkegid and other messuages, mills and lands in co. Caern., late the lands of Owen Wynne of Glynn, esq., deceased, in the possession of the testatrix by virtue of a mortgage from her brother, Sir Robert Owen late of Porkington and Dame Margaret, his wife, to Humphrey [Humphreys], bishop of Bangor and the testatrix's sister, Jane Oven, in trust to pay her funeral expenses and debts, to pay to Jane Owen £40 a year, and to the testatrix's sister Frances Rowlands £30 a year, with £30 for one year each to Frances Rowlands's daughters after her decease, to reserve £30 to erect a monument over the grave of the testatrix's grandfather Sir John Owen of Clenenney and Dame Jonet his wife in p. Penmorva, co. Caern., and to distribute the residue among the children of her brother Sir Thomas Owen for their lives, with the remainder to her brother's heir. Various legacies in money and in kind to relatives and servants. The residue to her sister Jane Owen. Testatrix nominates her sister Jane Owen hex executrix. Endorsed: 'Perused 19 May 1737 material papers'.

Will (copy) of David Hughes of Woodrising, co. Norfolk, gent., Testator devises,

Will (copy) of David Hughes of Woodrising, co. Norfolk, gent., Testator devises:. To be buried in p. Woodrising, near the grave of his nephew, William Prichard. His house on a parcel of ground near the castle ditch in Bewmares, co. Ang., to be used for a Free Grammar School House. To Henry Rowlands, bishop of Bangor and others the testator's lands and tmts., in co. Ang., to act as feoffees, and to appoint a schoolmaster, a single man and a Master of Arts of the University of Oxford, at a yearly stipend of 40 marks, and an usher, a single man and a Bachelor of Arts of the University of Oxford, at a yearly stipend of 20 marks, and to complete other specifications and instructions. Any remainder to be employed to good use, especially to help poor scholars in the school. The feoffees to erect an almshouse near the church in Llanerchmedd, co. Ang., endowed with lands bought to the clear yearly value of £30 for 8 poor people, who are also to receive 50s each yearly and 6 yards of white frieze, the poor to come from the parishes of Llantrisaint, Rhodegeidio, Llechgwenfarwy and Gwreelog, the residue to be spent in repairs, and to the poor of the parishes of Llantrisaint. To Gregory Pagrane the elder of Thopton, co. Norfolk and Alexander Duke of Woodrising, £15 each. The residue of his goods, lands and chattels to his feoffees for his school, to purchase lands to remain in perpetual feoffment for the school to provide fellowships to the University of Oxford. Testator nominates his friends Gregory Pagrane the Elder and Alexander Duke his executors. Endorsed with a list of names.

Will (copy) of Corbett Parry, Lieutenant Colonel of the 62nd Regiment of Foot Testator devises,

Will (copy) of Corbett Parry, Lieutenant Colonel of the 62nd Regiment of Foot Testator devises:. The m. and lands called Hendu, p. Llansingan, [sic], co. Caern., to his brother John Parry of Lincolns inn and his heirs his other messuages and lands in the same parish to his brother Hugh Parry and his heirs to Rachel Parry, his mother, £50 to Love Parry, his brother, £10 to the Rev. William Parry, his brother, chaplain of the factory at Calcutta, £10 to Rachel Corbett Jones, £20 the residue of his personal estate to his brother, John Parry. Testator appoints his brother. John Parry his executor. Copy made at the Registry of the Prerogative. Court of Canterbury.

Will (copy) of Catherine Bodwrda of p. Aberdaron, co. Caern., widow,

Testator bequeaths. To the cathedral church of Bangor, 10s. To the churches of Conway and Aberdaron, 10s each. To the churches of Llandegai and Llanvailrhus, 5s each. A m., and lands called y Bryn Poeth and quillets of land in Uwchseley, p. Aberdaron, co. Caern., to the bishop of Bangor, Sir Griffith Williams of Marl, hart., the testator's nephew, George Coitmore of Coitmore, esq., Rowland Wynne of Glanrafon, esq., Ellis Parry, vicar of Aberdaron and the wardens of Aberdaron in trust to use the profits to apprentice poor orphan boys of the parishes of Aberdaron and Llanvailrhus quillets of land called Bryrllawenydd, y Tir tan Bryn, Tyddun y Bogel, Llain y clawdd clyd, tiroedd oboptu ffynnon ddoset and the Llain yn nhir Cadlan, p. Aberdaron, co. Caern., to her nephews Sir Griffith Williams of Marl., bart., and George Coitmore of Coitmore in trust to use the profits for 10 of the poor old men and women of Conway. Several legacies to relatives, servants and others in money and in kind. Residue to Roger Williams, her nephew. Testator appoints her nephew, Roger Williams, her executor.

Will (Attested Copy) of Lloyd Bodvell of Bodvan, co. Caern., esq., Testator beaueaths,

Will (Attested Copy) of Lloyd Bodvell of Bodvan, co. Caern., esq., Testator beaueaths:. To his wife, Anne Bodvell, his messuages and lands in counties Caern., and Ang. except for those in Llannor, Pistill, Carngiuch and Edern, co. Caern.,. To his d. Gwen Bodvell, messuages and lands in Llannor, Pistill, Carngiuch and Edern, co. Caern., to his s. William Bodvell, £10 to his s. John Bodvell, £10 to the poor of p. Llandwrog, £5. All his mortgages in co. Caern., sums of money and interest due to him and leases in co. Ang., ' to his wife Anne Bodvell and his d. Gwen Bodvell the residue to Anne Bodvell and Gwen Bodvell. He appoints Anne Bodvell and Gwen Bodvell as his executrices.

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