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Emyr Humphreys Papers File English
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Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif a drafftiau yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o straeon byrion o'r enw 'The Grudge' (cyhoeddwyd yn 'The Woman at the Window' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2009)), 'Visits to the Oracle' , 'The Blue Print', 'The Prospect of Retirement', 'Clichés', 'The Spy', 'Gabriella', 'A Pilgrimage', a 'The Cromlech'; ynghyd â drafftiau di-deitl o farddoniaeth, a theipysgrif o bennod o ‘The Shop’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2005). / An A4 notepad containing manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of short stories titled ‘The Grudge’ (published in ‘The Woman at the Window’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2009)), ‘Visits to the Oracle’, ‘The Blue Print’, ‘The Prospect of Retirement’, ‘Clichés’, ‘The Spy’, ‘Gabriella’, ‘A Pilgrimage’, and ‘The Cromlech’; together with untitled drafts of poetry, and a typescript of a chapter from ‘The Shop’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2005).

Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Papurau (1958; 1967; [?1975]; 1988) yn ymwneud â chynhyrchu’r ddrama deledu ‘Byw yn Rhydd’, yn cynnwys teipysgrif o’r sgript gyda brasluniau a nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys; ynghyd â nodiadau pellach yn dwyn y teitl ‘Pwyll a Rhiannon’, drafft o draethawd (di-deitl), llythyrau oddi wrth yr Arglwydd David Cecil (1) ac Imogen Taylor (1), a phrint du a gwyn. / Papers (1958; 1967; [?1975]; 1988) relating to the production of the television drama ‘Byw yn Rhydd’, including a typescript of the script with sketches and manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys; together with further notes titled ‘Pwyll and Rhiannon’, a draft of an essay (untitled), letters from Lord David Cecil (1) and Imogen Taylor (1), and a black and white print.

Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys (c.1971), yn ymwneud yn bennaf â datblygiad y gyfres ‘Land of the Living’ a’r nofel ‘Bonds of Attachment’ (a gyhoedwyd gyntaf gan London: Macdonald, 1991). Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys drafftiau o farddoniaeth; drafft o draethawd di-deitl; toriad o'r wasg (1958); a chopi o deithlen ar gyfer ymweliadau ysgol (1964). / Various manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys (c.1971), mainly relating to the development of the ‘Land of the Living’ series and the novel ‘Bonds of Attachment’ (first published London: Macdonald, 1991). The file also includes drafts of poetry; a draft of an untitled essay; a press cutting (1958); and a copy of an itinerary for school visits (1964).

Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys ([?1996]), yn cynnwys drafftiau o benodau ar gyfer y nofel ‘Unconditional Surrender’, ynghyd â drafft o draethawd wedi’i theitlo ‘Writing a Novel’. / An A4 notebook containing manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys ([?1996]), including drafts of chapters for the novel ‘Unconditional Surrender’, together a draft of an essay titled ‘Writing a Novel’.

Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif amrywiol a drafftiau yn llaw Emyr Humphreys (2004-2008), yn cynnwys drafftiau o benodau 1, 21, a 22 o 'The Shop', ynghyd â drafftiau o stori fer yn dwyn y teitl 'Eating Time', toriad o'r wasg (2006), a chopi o e-bost oddi wrth Jeff a Margaret Heller (2007). / An A4 notebook containing various manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys (2004-2008), including drafts of chapters 1, 21, and 22 of ‘The Shop’, together with drafts of a short story titled ‘Eating Time’, a press cutting (2006), and a copy of an email from Jeff and Margaret Heller (2007).

Nodiadau a drafftiau amrywiol / Various notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau ([?2001]) yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o syniadau stori fer gyda’r teitlau ‘Suspicion’/ ‘Felicity’s Angel’, ‘Guardian Angel’, ‘The Fourth Man’, ’Homecoming’, ‘Funeral Music’/’Figures at a Funeral’, ‘Before the War’, ’The Nightmare’, ac ‘An Old Man Complaining’; ynghyd â nodiadau a drafftiau pellach o farddoniaeth a rhyddiaith, drafft o draethawd gyda’r teitl ‘Landscape’, a drafft o araith ar gyfer agoriad adeilad Parry-Williams, Prifysgol Aberystwyth ([?2000]). / A notepad ([?2001]) containing various manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of short story ideas titled ‘Suspicion’/ ‘Felicity’s Angel’, ‘Guardian Angel’, ‘The Fourth Man’, ’Homecoming’, ‘Funeral Music’/’Figures at a Funeral’, ‘Before the War’, ’The Nightmare’, and ‘An Old Man Complaining’; together with further notes and drafts of poetry and prose, a draft of an essay titled ‘Landscape’, and a draft of a speech for the opening of the Parry-Williams building, Aberyswyth University ([?2000]).

Nodiadau a drafftiau amrywiol / Various notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau a phapurau (2002-2004) yn cynnwys nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafftiau rhannol o straeon byrion gyda’r teitlau ‘Love Potion’, ac ‘A Long Story’; ynghyd â drafftiau o draethodau gyda’r teitlau ‘Negotiating with the Dead’ a ‘Cronica Walliae’, drafftiau o farddoniaeth, a nodiadau sy’n ymwneud yn ôl pob tebyg â’r nofel ‘The Shop’. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Sioned Puw Rowlands (1) a Geraint Wyn Parry (1), ynghyd â llythyr drafft gan Emyr Humphreys; a thaflen ar gyfer ‘Y Byd’. / A notepad and papers (2002-2004) containing various manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including partial drafts of short stories titled ‘Love Potion’, and ‘A Long Story’; together with drafts of essays titled ‘Negotiating with the Dead’ and ‘Cronica Walliae’, drafts of poetry, and notes apparently relating to the novel ‘The Shop’. The file also includes letters from Sioned Puw Rowlands (1) and Geraint Wyn Parry (1), together with a draft letter from Emyr Humphreys; and a leaflet for ‘Y Byd’.

Nodiadau a drafftiau amrywiol / Various notes and drafts

Nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif amrywiol yn ymwneud â’r ddrama deledu ‘Visitors’, gan gynnwys drafftiau teipysgrif, gyda nodiadau, o sgriptiau ar gyfer penodau 1, 2, 3, 5 a 6 a chyflwyniad a chrynodeb o bennodau; drafftiau llawysgrif ar gyfer pennod 1; ynghyd â theipysgrif ar gyfer pennod 4 o ddrama o’r enw ‘Lôn Goed’ gan Bethan Dwyfor a Bryn Fôn (heb ddyddiad), a llythyr oddi wrth Siôn Humphreys (1999). / Various manuscript and typescript notes and drafts relating to the television drama ‘Visitors’, including typescript drafts, with notes, of scripts for episodes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 and an introduction and episode summary; manuscript drafts for episode 1; together with a typescript for episode 4 of a drama titled ‘Lôn Goed’ by Bethan Dwyfor a Bryn Fôn (undated), and a letter from Siôn Humphreys (1999).

Nodiadau a drafftiau amrywiol / Various notes and drafts

Nodiadau a drafftiau amrywiol, gan gynnwys teipysgrifau o syniadau ar gyfer erthyglau neu draethodau gyda’r teitlau 'A Note', 'Sut i Sgwennu Nofel', ac 'On Writing Novels' (yn gysylltiedig yn ôl pob tebyg â 'Notes on the Novel', a gyhoeddwyd yn ‘New Welsh Review’ 35, 1996/7); nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys dan y teitl ‘George Dennis in Etrusia’ (heb ddyddiad); papurau yn ymwneud â syniadau sgript, gan gynnwys copi o sgript ar gyfer y ddrama ‘Y Gadair Olwyn’ gan W.S. Jones ([?1950sx?1960au]), braslun o stori gyda’r teitl ‘Cyfeillion Mynwesol’ (heb ddyddiad), a chanllawiau iaith S4C (1987); a drafftiau teipysgrif pellach, gan gynnwys yr hyn sy’n ymddangos fel tudalennau o ‘The Gift of a Daughter’ (cyhoeddwyd Bridgend: Seren, 1998). Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys agenda a chofnodion ar gyfer cyfarfod o Ymddiriedolaeth Taliesin (1990); rhestr o ychwanegiadau at archif Emyr Humphreys (1992); datganiad o wrthwynebiad i gais cynllunio (1993); a llythyrau (1990; 1993; 1996) oddi wrth Manon Gwyn Jones (1) ac Emyr Humphreys (3). / Various notes and drafts, including typescripts of ideas for articles or essays titled ‘A Note’, ‘Sut i Sgwennu Nofel’, and ‘On Writing Novels’ (apparently related to ‘Notes on the Novel’, published in New Welsh Review 35, 1996/7); manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys titled ‘George Dennis in Etrusia’ (undated); papers relating to script ideas, including a copy of a script for the drama ‘Y Gadair Olwyn’ by W.S. Jones ([?1950sx?1960s]), a story outline titled ‘Cyfeillion Mynwesol’ (undated), and S4C language guidelines (1987); and further typescript drafts, including what appears to be pages from ‘The Gift of a Daughter’ (published Bridgend: Seren, 1998). The file also contains an agenda and minutes for a meeting of the Taliesin Trust (1990); a list of additions to Emyr Humphreys’ archive (1992); a statement of objection to a planning application (1993); and letters (1990; 1993; 1996) from Manon Gwyn Jones (1) and Emyr Humphreys (3).

Nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript notes and drafts

Nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif (2008) yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafftiau o straeon byrion gyda’r teitlau ‘Three Old Men’ ac ‘A Little History’, y ddau wedi’u cyhoeddi yn ‘The Woman at the Window’ (Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr: Seren, 2009); a nodiadau a drafftiau pellach wedi’u teitlo ‘Futures’, ‘Building a Past’, ‘The Bicycle’, a ‘Figures in a Landscape VI Miss Jones’. / Manuscript notes and drafts (2008) in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of short stories titled ‘Three Old Men’ and ‘A Little History’, both published in ‘The Woman at the Window’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2009); and further notes and drafts titled ‘Futures’, ‘Building a Past’, ‘The Bicycle’, and ‘Figures in a Landscape VI Miss Jones’.

Nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau (heb ddyddiad), yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o erthyglau gyda’r teitlau 'Elinor', 'Basil', 'Images in a Landscape, One, K. R.', 'History and Fiction', 'Figures in a Landscape'/'Miss Jones'; a drafftiau o farddoniaeth, gan gynnwys cerddi gyda’r teitlau ‘Giving Up’, ‘Diwedd’, ‘The Open Boat’, a ‘Taking Off’. / A notebook (undated), containing manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of articles titled ‘Elinor’, ‘Basil’, ‘Images in a Landscape, One, K. R.’, ‘History and Fiction’, ‘Figures in a Landscape’/’Miss Jones’; and drafts of poetry, including poems titled ‘Giving Up’, ‘Diwedd’, ‘The Open Boat’, and ‘Taking Off’.

Nodiadau a teipysgrifau yn ymwneud ag erthyglau / Notes and typescripts relating to articles

Nodiadau, teipysgrifau, a drafftiau amrywiol yn ymwneud ag erthyglau gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys papurau yn ymwneud â rhaglen taith theatr yn dathlu pen-blwydd y dramodydd Wil Sam Jones, 1995, yn 75 oed, yn cynnwys llythyr a datganiad i'r wasg gan Linda Brown (Theatr Bara Caws), copïau o erthyglau gyda’r teitlau ‘Cenadwri a “Rywbeth i Ddeud”’ a ‘W.S.J.’, ynghyd â gwahoddiad i ddigwyddiad W. S. Jones yn Eisteddfod Bro Colwyn 1995, a nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys; a theipysgrifau o’r erthyglau 'O Barch i Ambrose Bebb' (1992), 'Dau Le: Filitosa a Castro' (cyhoeddwyd Y Faner, Mawrth [1986]), 'Memorandwm ar y Sianel Teledu Gymraeg' (1975), 'Y Celfyddydau yn y Chwedegau’ (cyhoeddwyd yn ‘Y Chwedegau’, Caerdydd, 1970), ‘Arnold yng Ngwlad Hud’, 1978 (cyhoeddwyd fel ‘Arnold in Wonderland’ yn ‘Miscellany Two’ (Pen-y-bont: Poetry Wales Press, 1981)), ‘Cyflwyno Cymreictod’/‘Newid Gosgedd’ (cyhoeddwyd yn Taliesin, 44 (1982), 22-7), ‘Y Gelyn Oddimewn’ (heb ddyddiad), ac erthygl ddi-deitl y bwriedir ei chynnwys mewn teyrnged i Kate Roberts, wedi’i golygu gan Bobi Jones ( [1969]). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys teipysgrif o erthygl gan John Gwilym Jones, ‘Brithgofio Taith’ (heb ddyddiad). / Various notes, typescripts, and drafts relating to articles by Emyr Humphreys, including papers relating to a programme for a theatre tour celebrating the 75th birthday of the dramatist Wil Sam Jones, 1995, consisting of a letter and press release from Linda Brown (Theatr Bara Caws), copies of articles titled ‘Cenadwri a “Rywbeth i Ddeud”’ and ‘W.S.J.’, together with an invitation to a W. S. Jones event at Eisteddfod Bro Colwyn 1995, and manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys; and typescripts of articles titled ‘O Barch i Ambrose Bebb’ (1992), ‘Dau Le: Filitosa a Castro’ (published Y Faner, March [1986]), ‘Memorandwm ar y Sianel Teledu Gymraeg’ (1975), 'Y Celfyddydau yn y Chwedegau' (published in ‘Y Chwedegau’, Cardiff, 1970), ‘Arnold yng Ngwlad Hud’, 1978 (published as ‘Arnold in Wonderland’ in ‘Miscellany Two’ (Bridgend: Poetry Wales Press, 1981)), 'Cyflwyno Cymreictod'/'Newid Gosgedd' (published in Taliesin, 44 (1982), 22-7), ‘Y Gelyn Oddimewn’ (undated), and an untitled article intended for inclusion in a tribute to Kate Roberts, edited by Bobi Jones ([1969]). The file also includes a typescript of an article by John Gwilym Jones, ‘Brithgofio Taith’ (undated).

Nodiadau a thoriadau / Notes and cuttings

Nodiadau a thoriadau amrywiol, yn cynnwys copi o’r gerdd ‘ Listen, Watch, Wait: In Memoriam R.S. Thomas’ (2002); copi o’r gyfres ‘Michael Edwards: The Nationalist at College’ gan Emyr Humphreys (1937); tudalen o nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys (heb ddyddiad); cerdyn dyddiedig 1917-1918; a cherdyn pellach gan ‘Keith a Sheila’ (heb ddyddiad). / Various notes and cuttings, including a copy of the poem ‘Listen, Watch, Wait: In Memoriam R.S. Thomas’ (2002); a copy of the seriel ‘Michael Edwards: The Nationalist at College’ by Emyr Humphreys (1937); a page of manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys (undated); a card dated 1917-1918; and a further card from ‘Keith and Sheila’ (undated).

Nodiadau cwis / Quiz notes

Papurau amrywiol o nodiadau llawysgrif a theipysgrif (1940; 1948-1949) wedi'u labelu 'Quiz a Llenyddol & Gwybodaeth gyffredinol, hefyd englynion', yn cynnwys gwybodaeth gyffredinol a chwestiynau cwis, emynau, a nodiadau yn ymwneud â hanes teulu, ynghyd â rhestr o gynrychiolwyr dros Undeb yr Annibynwyr Cymraeg Caernarfon a'r Cylch (1930); papur arholiad Undeb Ysgolion Sabothol yr Annibynwyr Cymraeg (1941); a manylion pensiwn (1952-1957). / Various papers of manuscript and typescript notes (1940; 1948-1949) labelled ‘Quiz a Llenyddol & Gwybodaeth gyffredinol, hefyd englynion’, consisting of general knowledge and quiz questions, hymns, and notes relating to family history, together with a list of representatives for Undeb Yr Annibynwyr Cymraeg Caernarvon a’r Cylch (1930); an exam paper for Undeb Ysgolion Sabothol yr Annibynwyr Cymraeg (1941); and pension details (1952-1957).

Nodiadau cynnar / Early notes

Nodiadau llawysgrif di-deitl yn llaw Emyr Humphreys (1969), yn ymwneud yn ôl pob tebyg â’r gyfres ‘Land of the Living’ ac yn ymwneud yn bennaf â’r cymeriad ‘Peredur’, ynghyd â drafftiau o farddoniaeth a rhai nodiadau mewn llaw wahanol. / Untitled manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys (1969), apparently relating to the ‘Land of the Living’ series and mainly regarding the character ‘Peredur’, along with drafts of poetry and some notes in a different hand.

Nodiadau llawysgrif / Manuscript notes

Nodiadau llawysgrif (heb eu dyddio) yn llaw Emyr Humphreys ac un llaw arall, yn ymwneud â syniadau ar gyfer ffilm gan gynnwys crynodebau plot a nodiadau am cymeriadiau. / Manuscript notes (undated) in the hand of Emyr Humphreys and one other hand, relating to ideas for a film including plot summaries and character notes.

Nodiadau, crynodebau, a phapurau cysylltiedig eraill / Notes, summaries, and other related papers

Papurau yn ymwneud â’r ddrama deledu ‘Visitors’, yn cynnwys cytundeb awdur (1998), ynghyd â dau lythyr; nodiadau llawysgrif gyda’r teitl ‘Capel Hebron: Y Bedydd a’r Deyrnged’; dau deipysgrif o olygfeydd ar gyfer pennod 1, a dau deipysgrif arall o olygfeydd ar gyfer pennod 2; manylion y cymeriad; a dau deipysgrif o grynodeb stori. / Papers relating to the television drama ‘Visitors’, consisting of a writer’s contract (1998), together with two letters; manuscript notes titled ‘Capel Hebron: Y Bedydd a’r Deyrnged’; two typescripts of scenes for episode 1, and two further typescripts of scenes for episode 2; character details; and two typescripts of a story summary.

Nodiadau, drafftiau, a llythyrau / Notes, drafts, and letters

Papurau (1982-1992), y mwyafrif yn ymwneud ag erthyglau am weithiau Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys llunio 'Select Bibliography' gan John Harris (1988-1992), a chopi o gofnod Emyr Humphreys yn y 'Dictionary of Literary Biography’ a ysgrifennwyd gan Roland Mathias (cyhoeddwyd yn ‘Dictionary of Literary Biography vol. 15: British Novelists 1930-1959’ (Detroit: Cengage Gale, 1983) Mae’r ffeil yn cynnwys nodiadau amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, ynghyd â nodiadau teipysgrif bellach yn ymwneud â’r ‘Select Bibliography’, yn rhestru cerddi, erthyglau, cyhoeddiadau, dramâu teledu, dramâu teledu a radio, ac adolygiadau; copi o erthygl o’r enw ‘Llyfryddiaeth Fer’ (heb ddyddiad); a nifer o lythyrau wedi’u cyfeirio at Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys oddi wrth John Harris (10) ac M. Wynn Thomas (3), gydag atebion (3). / Papers (1982-1992), the majority relating to articles about Emyr Humphreys' works, including the compilation of a 'Select Bibliography' by John Harris (1988-1992), and a copy of the entry for Emyr Humphreys in the 'Dictionary of Literary Biography' written by Roland Mathias (published in 'Dictionary of Literary Biography vol. 15: British Novelists 1930-1959' (Detroit: Cengage Gale, 1983). The file includes various notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, along with further typescript notes relating to the ‘Select Bibliography’, listing poems, articles, publications, television dramas, television and radio plays, and reviews; a copy of an article titled ‘Llyfryddiaeth Fer’ (undated); and a number of letters addressed to Emyr and Elinor Humphreys from John Harris (10) and M. Wynn Thomas (3), with replies (3).

'Nomen'; 'The Photograph'

Drafftiau teipysgrif a llawysgrif o straeon byrion, gan gynnwys drafftiau o straeon gyda’r teitlau ‘The Obstinate Bottle’ ([?1938x?1948]); ‘Nomen’ (cyhoeddwyd yn Planet 159 (2003), 27-30); ‘The Man in the Mist’ (cyhoeddwyd yn ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003)); a ‘The Photograph’ (cyhoeddwyd fel ‘Vennerberg’s Ghost’ yn Planet 140 (2000), 47-59). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys proflen clawr ar gyfer ‘The Taliesin Tradition’ (Llundain: Black Raven Press, 1983), a chatalog o lyfrau gan Eyre & Spottiswoode (1963). / Typescript and manuscript drafts of short stories, including drafts of stories titled ‘The Obstinate Bottle’ ([?1938x?1948]); ‘Nomen’ (published in Planet 159 (2003), 27-30); ‘The Man in the Mist’ (published in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003)); and ‘The Photograph’ (published as ‘Vennerberg’s Ghost’ in Planet 140 (2000), 47-59). The file also includes a cover proof for ‘The Taliesin Tradition’ (London: Black Raven Press, 1983), and a catalogue of books by Eyre & Spottiswoode (1963).

'Notes from an Aalborg Sketchbook'

Copi o gylchgrawn Daneg gyda’r teitl 'Aalborg Shows the Way' (1957-1958), yn cynnwys erthygl gan Emyr Humphreys 'Notes from an Aalborg Sketchbook', ynghyd â drafftiau teipysgrif gyda’r teitlau 'Aalborg Revisited' a 'The Aalborghal or Why Not Us', a drafft llawysgrif pellach o 'Aalborg Revisited'. / A copy of a Danish magazine titled ‘Aalborg Shows the Way’ (1957-1958), featuring an article by Emyr Humphreys titled ‘Notes from an Aalborg Sketchbook’, together with typescript drafts titled ‘Aalborg Revisited’ and ‘The Aalborghal or Why Not Us’, and a further manuscript draft of ‘Aalborg Revisited’.

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