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Emyr Humphreys Papers Ffeil
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

'Nomen'; 'The Photograph'

Drafftiau teipysgrif a llawysgrif o straeon byrion, gan gynnwys drafftiau o straeon gyda’r teitlau ‘The Obstinate Bottle’ ([?1938x?1948]); ‘Nomen’ (cyhoeddwyd yn Planet 159 (2003), 27-30); ‘The Man in the Mist’ (cyhoeddwyd yn ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003)); a ‘The Photograph’ (cyhoeddwyd fel ‘Vennerberg’s Ghost’ yn Planet 140 (2000), 47-59). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys proflen clawr ar gyfer ‘The Taliesin Tradition’ (Llundain: Black Raven Press, 1983), a chatalog o lyfrau gan Eyre & Spottiswoode (1963). / Typescript and manuscript drafts of short stories, including drafts of stories titled ‘The Obstinate Bottle’ ([?1938x?1948]); ‘Nomen’ (published in Planet 159 (2003), 27-30); ‘The Man in the Mist’ (published in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003)); and ‘The Photograph’ (published as ‘Vennerberg’s Ghost’ in Planet 140 (2000), 47-59). The file also includes a cover proof for ‘The Taliesin Tradition’ (London: Black Raven Press, 1983), and a catalogue of books by Eyre & Spottiswoode (1963).

'The Invention'; 'Etruscan Places'

Llyfr nodiadau A4 (1992) yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafftiau rhannol o straeon byrion o’r enw ‘The Invention’ ac ‘Etruscan Places’. / An A4 notepad (1992) containing various manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including partial drafts of short stories titled ‘The Invention’ and ‘Etruscan Places’.

Nodiadau a drafftiau amrywiol / Various notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau ([?2001]) yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o syniadau stori fer gyda’r teitlau ‘Suspicion’/ ‘Felicity’s Angel’, ‘Guardian Angel’, ‘The Fourth Man’, ’Homecoming’, ‘Funeral Music’/’Figures at a Funeral’, ‘Before the War’, ’The Nightmare’, ac ‘An Old Man Complaining’; ynghyd â nodiadau a drafftiau pellach o farddoniaeth a rhyddiaith, drafft o draethawd gyda’r teitl ‘Landscape’, a drafft o araith ar gyfer agoriad adeilad Parry-Williams, Prifysgol Aberystwyth ([?2000]). / A notepad ([?2001]) containing various manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of short story ideas titled ‘Suspicion’/ ‘Felicity’s Angel’, ‘Guardian Angel’, ‘The Fourth Man’, ’Homecoming’, ‘Funeral Music’/’Figures at a Funeral’, ‘Before the War’, ’The Nightmare’, and ‘An Old Man Complaining’; together with further notes and drafts of poetry and prose, a draft of an essay titled ‘Landscape’, and a draft of a speech for the opening of the Parry-Williams building, Aberyswyth University ([?2000]).

Nodiadau a drafftiau amrywiol / Various notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau a phapurau (2002-2004) yn cynnwys nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafftiau rhannol o straeon byrion gyda’r teitlau ‘Love Potion’, ac ‘A Long Story’; ynghyd â drafftiau o draethodau gyda’r teitlau ‘Negotiating with the Dead’ a ‘Cronica Walliae’, drafftiau o farddoniaeth, a nodiadau sy’n ymwneud yn ôl pob tebyg â’r nofel ‘The Shop’. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Sioned Puw Rowlands (1) a Geraint Wyn Parry (1), ynghyd â llythyr drafft gan Emyr Humphreys; a thaflen ar gyfer ‘Y Byd’. / A notepad and papers (2002-2004) containing various manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including partial drafts of short stories titled ‘Love Potion’, and ‘A Long Story’; together with drafts of essays titled ‘Negotiating with the Dead’ and ‘Cronica Walliae’, drafts of poetry, and notes apparently relating to the novel ‘The Shop’. The file also includes letters from Sioned Puw Rowlands (1) and Geraint Wyn Parry (1), together with a draft letter from Emyr Humphreys; and a leaflet for ‘Y Byd’.

Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau rhannol o straeon byrion a rhyddiaith gyda’r teitlau ‘For and Against’, ‘Y Gop’, ‘W. S. J.’, ac ‘A Meeting of Minds’; ynghyd â drafftiau amrywiol o farddoniaeth, gan gynnwys cerddi gyda’r teitlau ‘The Chaste Househusband’, ‘A Blessing’, ‘Confessional’, ‘Looking Back’, a ‘Dyn Unig’. / An A4 notepad containing various manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including partial drafts of short stories and prose titled ‘For and Against’, ‘Y Gop’, ‘W. S. J.’, and ‘A Meeting of Minds’; together with various drafts of poetry, including poems titled ‘The Chaste Househusband’, ‘A Blessing’, ‘Confessional’, ‘Looking Back’, and ‘Dyn Unig’.

'A Necessary Figure'

Papurau (1970; [?1973]), yn ymwneud â chynhyrchiad teledu o’r enw ‘A Necessary Figure: A Television Birthday Tribute to Saunders Lewis’, yn cynnwys tri drafft teipysgrif o sgript deledu a ysgrifennwyd gan Emyr Humphreys; nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw yr un; a theipysgrif arall gyda’r teitl ‘Outline of a Necessary Figure’. / Papers (1970; [?1973]), relating to a television production titled ‘A Necessary Figure: A Television Birthday Tribute to Saunders Lewis’, including three typescript drafts of a television script written by Emyr Humphreys; manuscript notes in the hand of the same; and a further typescript titled ‘Outline of a Necessary Figure’.

'Ŵyn i’r Lladdfa'

Drafft teipysgrif (1983), gyda chywiriadau, o sgript ar gyfer drama deledu o’r enw ‘Ŵyn i’r Lladdfa’, a ddarlledwyd ar S4C, 1 Mawrth 1984. / A typescript draft (1983), with corrections, of a script for a television drama titled ‘Ŵyn i’r Lladdfa’, transmitted on S4C, 1 March 1984.

Drafft teipysgrif / Typescript draft

Drafft teipysgrif, gyda chywiriadau, o ddrama deledu gyda'r teitl ‘Hualau’ (1984). / A typescript draft, with corrections, of a drama for television titled ‘Hualau’ (1984).

Drafftiau teipysgrif / Typescript drafts

Dau deipysgrif o sgript ar gyfer y ddrama ‘Angel o’r Nef’ (1984), ynghyd â cherdyn dyddiedig 1998. / Two typescripts of a script for the drama ‘Angel o’r Nef’ (1984), together with a card dated 1998.

'Cofio Daniel'

Dau deipysgrif, gyda rhai cywiriadau, o sgript ar gyfer drama gyda'r teitl ‘Cofio Daniel’, addasiad o ‘Hunangofiant Rhys Lewis, Gweinidog Bethel’ gan Daniel Owen (cyhoeddwyd gyntaf Amwythig: J. Ll. Morris, 1885); ynghyd â phedwar teipysgrif drafft o grynodebau sgriptiau, ynghyd â theipysgrifau amrywiol eraill a nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, map o dref yr Wyddgrug, a chopi o restr o weithiau gan Daniel Owen ([?1936]). / Two typescripts, with some corrections, of a script for a drama titled ‘Cofio Daniel’, an adaptation of ‘Hunangofiant Rhys Lewis, Gweinidog Bethel’ by Daniel Owen (first published Shrewsbury: J. Ll. Morris, 1885); together with four typescript drafts of script summaries, with various other typescripts and manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, a map of Mold town, and a copy of a list of works by Daniel Owen ([?1936]).

Crynodeb sgript a phapurau cysylltiedig / Script summary and related papers

Papurau (1989-1990), yn ymwneud â sgript ar gyfer drama gyda'r teitl ‘The Etruscan Smile’, gan gynnwys teipysgrif o grynodeb o’r sgript; llythyrau oddi wrth Alan Clayton (1) a Dewi Humphreys (2); a dau doriad o’r wasg, un o’r papur newydd Eidalaidd ‘Il Messaggero’. / Papers (1989-1990), relating to a script for a drama titled ‘The Etruscan Smile’, including a typescript of a script summary; letters from Alan Clayton (1) and Dewi Humphreys (2); and two press cuttings, one from the Italian newspaper ‘Il Messaggero’.

'The Suspect'

Teipysgrif (1995) o sgript ar gyfer ffilm deledu gyda'r teitl ‘The Suspect’, gan Lisa Garfield, cyfieithiad Saesneg o ‘Rhodd Mam’ gan Emyr a Siôn Humphreys; ynghyd â thoriad o’r wasg, ‘The Last Command’ gan David Rees (1965). / A typescript (1995) of a script for a film for television titled ‘The Suspect’, by Lisa Garfield, an English translation of ‘Rhodd Mam’ by Emyr and Siôn Humphreys; together with a press cutting, ‘The Last Command’ by David Rees (1965).

Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Papurau (heb eu dyddio), yn ymwneud â chynhyrchu sgript ar gyfer drama deledu yn seiliedig ar y stori fer 'Mel's Secret Love' gan Emyr Humphreys (a gyhoeddwyd yn wreiddiol yn 'Natives' (London: Secker & Warburg, 1968)), gan gynnwys dau ddrafft teipysgrif o'r sgript, dau ddrafft llawysgrif, a nodiadau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys. / Papers (undated), relating to the production of a script for a television drama based on the short story ‘Mel’s Secret Love’ by Emyr Humphreys (originally published in ‘Natives’ (London: Secker & Warburg, 1968)), including two typescript drafts of the script, two manuscript drafts, and various manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys.

Gohebiaeth, nodiadau, a phapurau cysylltiedig / Correspondence, notes, and related papers

Gohebiaeth (1985-1991), yn ymwneud â chwmni Ffilmiau Bryngwyn a’i gynyrchiadau, gan gynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Emyr Humphreys (8), Gwyn Pritchard (3), Derek Jones & Victoria Carew Hunt (1), Nick Pearson (1), Derek Jones (4), Emyr & Siôn Humphreys (2), Emyr & Elinor Humphreys (1), Siôn Humphreys (1), a Heather Crowther (1). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif a theipysgrif amrywiol yn ymwneud â chynhyrchiad gyda’r teitl ‘The Triple Net: a portrait of the writer Kate Roberts 1891-1985’, a ddarlledwyd fel cyfres o bedair ffilm ar S4C yn 1988; slip taliad ar gyfer Sianel 4 (1991); nodiadau yn ymwneud â syniad am raglen yn seiliedig ar ‘Y Mabinogion’ (1988); a chopi o lythyr gan Emyr Humphreys ynghylch ‘Aneurin Bevan and the Welsh Language’ (1988). / Correspondence (1985-1991), relating to the Ffilmiau Bryngwyn company and its productions, including letters from Emyr Humphreys (8), Gwyn Pritchard (3), Derek Jones & Victoria Carew Hunt (1), Nick Pearson (1), Derek Jones (4), Emyr & Siôn Humphreys (2), Emyr & Elinor Humphreys (1), Siôn Humphreys (1), and Heather Crowther (1). The file also includes various manuscript and typescript notes relating to a production titled ‘The Triple Net: a portrait of the writer Kate Roberts 1891-1985’, which was transmitted as a series of four films on S4C in 1988; a remittance slip for Channel 4 (1991); notes relating to an idea for a programme based on ‘The Mabinogion’ (1988); and a copy of a letter from Emyr Humphreys regarding ‘Aneurin Bevan and the Welsh Language’ (1988).

Cytundebau cyhoeddi / Publishing contracts

Cytundebau cyhoeddwyr (1971-1989), gan gynnwys cytundebau a memoranda o gytundebau, ar gyfer gweithiau gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys y nofelau 'A Man's Estate', 'A Toy Epic', 'Outside the House of Baal', 'Open Secrets', ‘The Best of Friends’, ‘Bonds of Attachment’, ‘National Winner’, ‘A Toy Epic’, ‘Flesh and Blood’, ‘Jones’, and the work ‘Landscapes: Song Cycle’ (gyda Alun Hoddinott); yn ogystal â’r teitlau gwaith ‘Amy’, ‘Welsh Underground’/’View of a Hidden Kingdom’, ‘The Welsh Character’, ‘A Change of Heart’, ‘A Real Hero’, a ‘A Dose of Innocence’. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys dau lythyr (Oxford University Press), a thystysgrif adnewyddu hawlfraint ar gyfer ‘A Toy Epic’. / Publisher’s contracts (1971-1989), including agreements and memoranda of contracts, for works by Emyr Humphreys, including the novels ‘A Man’s Estate’, ‘A Toy Epic’, ‘Outside the House of Baal’, ‘Open Secrets’, ‘The Best of Friends’, ‘Bonds of Attachment’, ‘National Winner’, ‘A Toy Epic’, ‘Flesh and Blood’, ‘Jones’, and the work ‘Landscapes: Song Cycle’ (with Alun Hoddinott); in addition to the working titles ‘Amy’, ‘Welsh Underground’/’View of a Hidden Kingdom’, ‘The Welsh Character’, ‘A Change of Heart’, ‘A Real Hero’, and ‘A Dose of Innocence’. The file also includes two letters (Oxford University Press), and a certificate of copyright renewal for ‘A Toy Epic’.

'Notes from an Aalborg Sketchbook'

Copi o gylchgrawn Daneg gyda’r teitl 'Aalborg Shows the Way' (1957-1958), yn cynnwys erthygl gan Emyr Humphreys 'Notes from an Aalborg Sketchbook', ynghyd â drafftiau teipysgrif gyda’r teitlau 'Aalborg Revisited' a 'The Aalborghal or Why Not Us', a drafft llawysgrif pellach o 'Aalborg Revisited'. / A copy of a Danish magazine titled ‘Aalborg Shows the Way’ (1957-1958), featuring an article by Emyr Humphreys titled ‘Notes from an Aalborg Sketchbook’, together with typescript drafts titled ‘Aalborg Revisited’ and ‘The Aalborghal or Why Not Us’, and a further manuscript draft of ‘Aalborg Revisited’.

'Richard Dynevor: a tribute', a draftiau eraill / and other drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 gyda phapurau amrywiol yn ymwneud ag erthyglau a thraethodau gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafft llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys o erthygl o'r enw 'Richard Dinefwr: a tribute' ([?2008]), ynghyd â nifer o ddrafftiau byr o ryddiaith a barddoniaeth, gan gynnwys darnau yn dwyn y teitlau ‘Corresponding with the Time’, ‘As I recall, Charcoal Sketches’, ‘A Sincere Fellow’, ‘Reflecting on a Membrane’, ‘Lady Mary’, ‘A Man’s Estate’, ‘Tributes & Occasions’, ‘The Italian Wife’, ‘R. S. and Elsie’, ‘Scree’, ‘Goronwy Rees’, ‘School Masters’, ‘The Whisper’, ‘Pamela and Charles’, ‘Let it Be’, ‘Memories’, ‘Gregynog’, ‘Goronwy’, ‘Ysbyty Krakow 3 Tachwedd 1914’, ‘Barddoniaeth o Dan Ddaear’, ‘Y Wylan Deg’, ‘Marginalia Agony’, ‘Morgan Llwyd’, a ‘More’, ymysg eraill. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys llythyrau (2008-2012) oddi wrth Peter Finch (1), Gwen Davies (1), ac Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys (1). / An A4 notepad with various papers relating to articles and essays by Emyr Humphreys, including a manuscript draft in the hand of Emyr Humphreys of an article titled ‘Richard Dynevor: a tribute’ ([?2008]), together with numerous short drafts of prose and poetry, including pieces titled ‘Corresponding with the Time’, ‘As I recall, Charcoal Sketches’, ‘A Sincere Fellow’, ‘Reflecting on a Membrane’, ‘Lady Mary’, ‘A Man’s Estate’, ‘Tributes & Occasions’, ‘The Italian Wife’, ‘R. S. and Elsie’, ‘Scree’, ‘Goronwy Rees’, ‘School Masters’, ‘The Whisper’, ‘Pamela and Charles’, ‘Let it Be’, ‘Memories’, ‘Gregynog’, ‘Goronwy’, ‘Ysbyty Krakow 3 Tachwedd 1914’, ‘Barddoniaeth o Dan Ddaear’, ‘Y Wylan Deg’, ‘Marginalia Agony’, ‘Morgan Llwyd’, and ‘More’, among others. The file also contains letters (2008-2012) from Peter Finch (1), Gwen Davies (1), and Emyr and Elinor Humphreys (1).

Teipysgrifau o erthyglau / Typescripts of articles

Teipysgrifau o erthyglau amrywiol gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys erthyglau wedi’i theitlo ‘The B.B.C. Mentality' (heb ei ddyddio), 'The Dillwyn Gallery' (1962), 'The Welsh Condition' ([1970]), 'Arnold in Wonderland' (1978), 'Comment in the Novel' (1948), 'Taliesin and Frank Lloyd Wright' (cyhoeddwyd yng nghylchgrawn Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru 'Welsh Books and Writers'/'Llen a Llyfrau Cymru', Hydref 1980, 3-5), 'North and South' ([?1970]), 'Actors' (heb ddyddiad), 'The New Theatre' (1962), 'The New Role of the Storyteller' ([1967]), adolygiad o 'The Imagery of Power: A critique of advertising' gan Fred Inglis (Llundain: Heineman, 1972) , a nifer o erthyglau pellach heb deitl a barddoniaeth deipysgrif. Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copi o araith a wnaed gan Emyr Humphreys yn y llys am iddo wrthod talu ffi ei Drwydded Deledu ([?1973]). / Typescripts of various articles by Emyr Humphreys, including articles titled ‘The B.B.C. Mentality’ (undated), ‘The Dillwyn Gallery’ (1962), ‘The Welsh Condition’ ([1970]), ‘Arnold in Wonderland’ (1978), ‘Comment in the Novel’ (1948), ‘Taliesin and Frank Lloyd Wright’ (published in the magazine of the Welsh Books Council ‘Welsh Books and Writers’/’Llen a Llyfrau Cymru’, Autumn 1980, 3-5), ‘North and South’ ([?1970]), ‘Actors’ (undated), ‘The New Theatre’ (1962), ‘The New Role of the Storyteller’ ([1967]), a review of ‘The Imagery of Power: A critique of advertising’ by Fred Inglis (London: Heineman, 1972), and a number of further untitled articles and typescript poetry. The file also contains a copy of a speech made by Emyr Humphreys in court for refusal to pay his TV Licence fee ([?1973]).

Erthyglau amrywiol yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys / Various articles relating to works by Emyr Humphreys

Erthyglau gan M. Wynn Thomas yn ymwneud â gwaith Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys teipysgrifau o erthyglau gyda’r teitlau 'Literature in English' (cyhoeddwyd yn ‘Glamorgan County History’ cyf. 6, [1988], tt. 353-66), ‘Many Happy Intellections: the poetry of Emyr Humphreys on his eightieth birthday’ ([?1999]), 'Noson i anrhydeddu Emyr Humphreys' (ysgrifennwyd ar gyfer digwyddiad yn Llyfrgell y Rhyl, 1990), 'Emyr Humphreys: Regional Novelist?' (cyhoeddwyd yn 'The Regional Novel in Britain and Ireland, 1800-1990', golygwyd gan K.D.M. Snell (Caergrawnt: CUP, 1998)), a 'Hidden Attachments: aspects of the relationship between two literatures of modern Wales' (cyhoeddwyd yn 'Welsh Writing in English', 1995). Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys tri llythyr at Emyr Humphreys oddi wrth M. Wynn Thomas (1988; 1995); teipysgrif o ‘Afterword’, nodiadau testunol (1994), ac addasiad arfaethedig ar gyfer ailgyhoeddiad 1998 o ‘Outside the House of Baal’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1998); teipysgrif o ‘Afterword’ ar gyfer yr ailgyhoeddiad o ‘A Toy Epic’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1993); a chopi o doriad o'r wasg (1989). / Articles by M. Wynn Thomas relating to the work of Emyr Humphreys, including typescripts of articles titled ‘Literature in English’ (published in Glamorgan County History vol. 6, [1988], pp. 353-66), ‘Many Happy Intellections: the poetry of Emyr Humphreys on his eightieth birthday’ ([?1999]), ‘Noson i anrhydeddu Emyr Humphreys’ (written for an event in Rhyl Library, 1990), ‘Emyr Humphreys: Regional Novelist?’ (published in ‘The Regional Novel in Britain and Ireland, 1800-1990’, edited by K.D.M. Snell (Cambridge: CUP, 1998)), and ‘Hidden Attachments: aspects of the relationship between the two literatures of modern Wales’ (published in ‘Welsh Writing in English’, 1995). The file also contains three letters to Emyr Humphreys from M. Wynn Thomas (1988; 1995); a typescript of ‘Afterword’, textual notes (1994), and proposed emendation for the 1998 reissue of ‘Outside the House of Baal’ (Bridgend: Seren, 1998); a typescript of ‘Afterword’ for the reissue of ‘A Toy Epic’ (Bridgend: Seren, 1993); and a copy of a press cutting (1989).

'Fickle Fact and Sober Fiction' / 'Y Gwir Di-Goll'

Dau ddrafft teipysgrif o’r ddarlith ‘Fickle Fact and Sober Fiction’ (‘Y Gwir Di-Goll’), gyda chywiriadau a nodiadau (Darlith Ben Bowen Thomas, a rhoddwyd yng Nghyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol Cymdeithas Celfyddydau Gogledd Cymru, Yr Wyddgrug, Medi 1985); ynghyd â thri chopi teipysgrif arall o'r un darlith, gyda cywiriadau amrywiol a rhai nodiadau, ac un copi teipysgrif ac un copi rhannol o ddrafftiau o’r fersiwn Gymraeg 'Y Gwir Di-Goll', gyda chywiriadau a nodiadau (cyhoeddwyd fel 'Y Gwir Di- Goll – Fickle Fact and Sober Fiction’ (Bangor: Cymdeithas Celfyddydau Gogledd Cymru, 1986) Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys teipysgrif o erthygl ‘The Third Difficulty’ (cyhoeddwyd yn Planet 61 (1987), tt. 16-25), a llythyrau oddi wrth Emyr Humphreys (1972, heb ei lofnodi) a Colin Scott (1995). / Two typescript drafts of the lecture ‘Fickle Fact and Sober Fiction’ (‘Y Gwir Di-Goll’), with corrections and notes (The Ben Bowen Thomas Lecture, delivered at the North Wales Arts Association AGM, Mold, September 1985); together with three more typescript copies of the same, with various corrections and some notes, and one typescript copy and one partial copy of drafts of Welsh version ‘Y Gwir Di-Goll’, with corrections and notes (published as ‘Y Gwir Di-Goll – Fickle Fact and Sober Fiction’ (Bangor: North Wales Arts Association, 1986). The file also contains a typescript of an article ‘The Third Difficulty’ (published in Planet 61 (1987), pp. 16-25), and letters from Emyr Humphreys (1972, unsigned) and Colin Scott (1995).

Canlyniadau 21 i 40 o 297