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Emyr Humphreys Papers File
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Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg (1962-3; 1965; 1968) yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys 'The Gift' (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963), 'Outside the House of Baal' (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1965), a' Natives’ (Llundain: Secker & Warburg, 1968), gan gynnwys toriadau o Y Tyst, The Yorkshire Post, The South Wales Echo, The Observer, The Radio Times, The Times, The Irish Times, The Guardian, The Sunday Times, The Sunday Telegraph, Punch, The Spectator, The Times Literary Supplement, The Listener, The New Statesman, a Trade News. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copi o siacedi llwch ar gyfer ‘Natives’; a llythyrau (1964-5) oddi wrth Maurice Temple Smith (1) a David Cecil (1). / Press cuttings (1962-3; 1965; 1968) relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘The Gift’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963), ‘Outside the House of Baal’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1965), and ‘Natives’ (London: Secker & Warburg, 1968), including cuttings from Y Tyst, The Yorkshire Post, The South Wales Echo, The Observer, The Radio Times, The Times, The Irish Times, The Guardian, The Sunday Times, The Sunday Telegraph, Punch, The Spectator, The Times Literary Supplement, The Listener, The New Statesman, and Trade News. The file also contains a copy of the dust jacket for ‘Natives’; and letters (1964-5) from Maurice Temple Smith (1) and David Cecil (1).

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg a chopïau o gyfnodolion (1980; 1982-88) yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys 'Jones' (Llundain: Dent, 1984), 'Salt of the Earth' (Llundain: Dent, 1985), 'An Absolute Hero' ( Llundain: Dent, 1986), ‘Open Secrets’ (Llundain: Sphere, 1989), a ‘The Taliesin Tradition: A quest for the Welsh identity’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1989); ac ‘Etifedd y Glyn’ (cyfieithwyd gan W. J. Jones, Gwasg Gomer, 1981), yn cynnwys toriadau a chopïau o The Mail, Encounter, The Lady, Tribune, Y Faner, The Birmingham Post, The Western Mail, Y Cymro, Radio Times, Sbec S4C, The New Statesman, Daily Post, The Daily Telegraph, The Observer, Chester Chronicle, Alyn & Deeside Observer, Deeside Advertiser, Sunday Telegraph, Today, The London Review of Books, Powys Review, a Llais Llyfrau/Book News from Wales. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys amryw o bapurau cysylltiedig eraill, gan gynnwys siacedi clawr ar gyfer ‘Open Secrets’ (1988), ‘Etifedd y Glyn’ ([?1981]), ac ‘An Absolute Hero’ ([?1986]); llythyrau (1985; 1987; 1989) oddi wrth Barabra Boote (1), Emyr Humphreys (1), Peter Janson-Smith (1), a Syr John Terry (2); teipysgrif o adolygiad ar gyfer ‘Open Secrets’ gan M. Wynn Thomas ([?1988]); a nodiadau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys. / Press cuttings and copies of periodicals (1980; 1982-88) relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘Jones’ (London: Dent, 1984), ‘Salt of the Earth’ (London: Dent, 1985), ‘An Absolute Hero’ (London: Dent, 1986), ‘Open Secrets’ (London: Sphere, 1989), and ‘The Taliesin Tradition: A quest for the Welsh identity’ (Bridgend: Seren, 1989); and ‘Etifedd y Glyn’ (translated by W. J. Jones, Gwasg Gomer, 1981), including cuttings and copies from The Mail, Encounter, The Lady, Tribune, Y Faner, The Birmingham Post, The Western Mail, Y Cymro, Radio Times, Sbec S4C, The New Statesman, Daily Post, The Daily Telegraph, The Observer, Chester Chronicle, Alyn & Deeside Observer, Deeside Advertiser, Sunday Telegraph, Today, The London Review of Books, Powys Review, and Llais Llyfrau/Book News from Wales. The file also contains various other related papers, including cover jackets for ‘Open Secrets’ (1988), ‘Etifedd y Glyn’ ([?1981]), and ‘An Absolute Hero’ ([?1986]); letters (1985; 1987; 1989) from Barabra Boote (1), Emyr Humphreys (1), Peter Janson-Smith (1), and Sir John Terry (2); a typescript of a review for ‘Open Secrets’ by M. Wynn Thomas ([?1988]); and various manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys.

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau a chopïau o'r wasg (1990-1991; 1996-1999) yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys 'The Gift of a Daughter' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1998), 'Collected Poems' (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999),' Bonds of Attachment' (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2001), a sgript Siôn Humphreys 'Y Plentyn Cyntaf' (1998). Yn cynnwys toriadau o Llên, New Welsh Review, Golwg, The Western Mail, Poetry Quarterly Review, Y Cymro, Llais Llyfrau/Book News from Wales, Planet, a The Independent. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys adolygiad o ‘Unconditional Surrender’ (1996); drafftiau teipysgrif ([?1990au]); copi o ddarn o’r enw ‘Ymddiddan Rhwng Awdur a’i Gysgod’ (ar ôl 1992); copi o erthygl, ‘The Relentlessness of Emyr Humphreys’ gan M. Wynn Thomas [?1991]; proflen clawr ar gyfer ‘Salt of the Earth’ (1999); a phamffled ar gyfer ‘Parti Penblwydd Wil Sam’ (1990). / Press cuttings and copies (1990-1991; 1996-1999) relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘The Gift of a Daughter’ (Bridgend: Seren, 1998), ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999), ‘Bonds of Attachment’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2001), and Siôn Humphreys’ script ‘Y Plentyn Cyntaf’ (1998). Including cuttings from Llên, New Welsh Review, Golwg, The Western Mail, Poetry Quarterly Review, Y Cymro, Llais Llyfrau/Book News from Wales, Planet, and The Independent. The file also contains a review of ‘Unconditional Surrender’ (1996); typescript drafts ([?1990s]); a copy of a piece titled ‘Ymddiddan Rhwng Awdur a’i Gysgod’ (after 1992); a copy of an article, ‘The Relentlessness of Emyr Humphreys’ by M. Wynn Thomas [?1991]; a cover proof for ‘Salt of the Earth’ (1999); and a pamphlet for ‘Parti Penblwydd Wil Sam’ (1990).

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg (1980; 1983-1989), yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys 'The Anchor Tree' (Llundain: Hodder & Stoughton, 1980), 'Etifedd y Glyn' (cyfieithwyd gan W. J. Jones, Gwasg Gomer, 1981), 'Jones ' (Llundain: Dent, 1984), 'Salt of the Earth' (Llundain: Dent, 1985), 'An Absolute Hero' (Llundain: Dent, 1986 / Sphere, 1988), 'The Taliesin Tradition: A Quest for the Welsh Identity' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1989), ac 'Open Secrets' (Llundain: Sphere, 1989); a’r sgriptiau ‘Hualau’ (drama a ddarlledwyd S4C, 1984), ‘Byw yn Rhydd’ (darlledwyd 1984), a ‘The Triple Net: a portrait of the writer Kate Roberts 1891–1985’ (darlledwyd 1988). Yn cynnwys toriadau o The Birmingham Post, Western Mail, The Daily Post, Y Cymro, The Leader, Papur Menai, Y Faner, Tribune, Daily Telegraph, Halifax Evening Courier, British Book News, Observer, Anglo-Welsh Review, Catholic Herald, South Wales Argus, The Powys Review, The Guardian, Times Educational Supplement, London Review of Books, Encounter, New Statesman, The Spectator, The Bookseller, The Lady, Sunday Times, Yr Herald Gymraeg, Times Literary Supplement, Sunday Telegraph, Irish Times, The Times, Wrexham Evening Leader, The Oxford Times, Yorkshire Post, Financial Times, Cymro Llundain, a'r Brecon & Radnor Express. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys teipysgrif o’r cyflwyniad i ‘Open Secrets’ (1989); trawsgrifiad radio ar gyfer ‘The Taliesyn Tradition: a discussion between Glyn Elwyn and Professor Brinley Roberts’ (darlledwyd Radio Cymru, 1983); llythyr oddi wrth Margaret Body (1980); a chopi o gofnod Emyr Humphreys yn y ‘Dictionary of Literary Biography’ (1983). / Press cuttings (1980; 1983-1989), relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘The Anchor Tree’ (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1980), ‘Etifedd y Glyn’ (translated by W. J. Jones, Gwasg Gomer, 1981), ‘Jones’ (London: Dent, 1984), ‘Salt of the Earth’ (London: Dent, 1985), ‘An Absolute Hero’ (London: Dent, 1986 / Sphere, 1988), ‘The Taliesin Tradition: A Quest for the Welsh Identity’ (Bridgend: Seren, 1989), and ‘Open Secrets’ (London: Sphere, 1989); and the scripts ‘Hualau’ (drama broadcast S4C, 1984), ‘Byw yn Rhydd’ (drama broadcast 1984), and ‘The Triple Net: A portrait of the writer Kate Roberts 1891–1985’ (broadcast 1988). Including cuttings from The Birmingham Post, Western Mail, The Daily Post, Y Cymro, The Leader, Papur Menai, Y Faner, Tribune, Daily Telegraph, Halifax Evening Courier, British Book News, Observer, Anglo-Welsh Review, Catholic Herald, South Wales Argus, The Powys Review, The Guardian, Times Educational Supplement, London Review of Books, Encounter, New Statesman, The Spectator, The Bookseller, The Lady, Sunday Times, Yr Herald Gymraeg, Times Literary Supplement, Sunday Telegraph, Irish Times, The Times, Wrexham Evening Leader, The Oxford Times, Yorkshire Post, Financial Times, Cymro Llundain, and the Brecon & Radnor Express. The file also includes a typescript of the introduction to ‘Open Secrets’ (1989); a radio transcript for ‘The Taliesyn Tradition: a discussion between Glyn Elwyn and Professor Brinley Roberts’ (broadcast Radio Cymru, 1983); a letter from Margaret Body (1980); and a copy of Emyr Humphreys’ entry in the ‘Dictionary of Literary Biography’ (1983).

'The Suspect'

Teipysgrif (1995) o sgript ar gyfer ffilm deledu gyda'r teitl ‘The Suspect’, gan Lisa Garfield, cyfieithiad Saesneg o ‘Rhodd Mam’ gan Emyr a Siôn Humphreys; ynghyd â thoriad o’r wasg, ‘The Last Command’ gan David Rees (1965). / A typescript (1995) of a script for a film for television titled ‘The Suspect’, by Lisa Garfield, an English translation of ‘Rhodd Mam’ by Emyr and Siôn Humphreys; together with a press cutting, ‘The Last Command’ by David Rees (1965).

'The Shop' a drafftiau eraill o straeon byrion / 'The Shop' and other short story drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafft di-deitl o'r hyn sy'n ymddangos fel pennod un o 'The Shop', ynghyd â drafftiau o straeon byrion eraill gyda’r teitlau 'Middle Age', 'Eating Time', ‘Two Old Men', a 'Cousins'. / An A4 notebook containing manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including an untitled draft of what appears to be chapter one of ‘The Shop’, together with drafts of other short stories titled ‘Middle Age’, ‘Eating Time’, Two Old Men’, and ‘Cousins’.

'The Shilling (Insurance) Man' / 'The Stumbling Block'

Dwy sgript (y ddwy wedi’u dyddio 1963), yn cynnwys teipysgrif o sgript ar gyfer drama lwyfan o’r enw ‘The Shilling (Insurance) Man’, cyfieithiad Saesneg gan Emyr Humphreys o ‘Y Dyn Swllt’ gan W.S. Jones; a chopi teipysgrif o sgript ar gyfer drama deledu gyda’r teitl ‘The Stumbling Block’ gan John Gwilym Jones, cyfieithiad o’r fersiwn Gymraeg wreiddiol gan Emyr Humphreys. / Two scripts (both dated 1963), consisting of a typescript of a script for a stage play titled ‘The Shilling (Insurance) Man’, an English translation by Emyr Humphreys of ‘Y Dyn Swllt’ by W.S. Jones; and a typescript copy of a script for a television play titled ‘The Stumbling Block’ by John Gwilym Jones, a translation of the original Welsh version by Emyr Humphreys.

'The Romantics in Wales'

Pamffled yn hysbysebu cyhoeddiad ‘The Romantics in Wales: An Anthology’ gan Glyn Tegai Hughes a Hilary Paynter (Y Drenewydd, Powys: Gwasg Gregynog, 2009). / A pamphlet advertising the publication of ‘The Romantics in Wales: An Anthology’ by Glyn Tegai Hughes and Hilary Paynter (Newtown, Powys: Gwasg Gregynog, 2009).

'The Photograph'; 'An Ethnic Tremor'

Drafftiau teipysgrif a llawysgrif o straeon byrion, gan gynnwys drafftiau o ‘The Photograph’ (cyhoeddwyd fel ‘Vennerberg’s Ghost’ yn Planet 140 (2000), 47-59); ac ‘An Ethnic Tremor’ (cyhoeddwyd yn Planet 134 (1999), 17-26); ynghyd â chopi o gerdd wedi’i theitlo ‘Bedd Porius’, a theipysgrif o’r hyn sy’n ymddengys fel rhagymadrodd i’r gyfres ‘Land of the Living’. / Typescript and manuscript drafts of short stories, including drafts of ‘The Photograph’ (published as ‘Vennerberg’s Ghost’ in Planet 140 (2000), 47-59); and ‘An Ethnic Tremor’ (published in Planet 134 (1999), 17-26); together with a copy of a poem titled ‘Bedd Porius’, and a typescript of what appears to be a preface to the ‘Land of the Living’ series.

'The Invention'; 'Etruscan Places'

Llyfr nodiadau A4 (1992) yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafftiau rhannol o straeon byrion o’r enw ‘The Invention’ ac ‘Etruscan Places’. / An A4 notepad (1992) containing various manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including partial drafts of short stories titled ‘The Invention’ and ‘Etruscan Places’.

'The Grudge'

Nodiadau llawysgrif a drafftiau amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, y mwyafrif yn ddrafftiau o stori fer wedi’i theitlo 'Cousins'/'The Grudge' (cyhoeddwyd fel 'The Grudge' yn Planet 179 (2006), 18-29), ynghyd â drafftiau pellach o straeon byrion gyda’r teitlau 'Local History' a 'Two Old Men', a gyhoeddwyd y ddau yn 'The Woman at the Window' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2009). / Various manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, the majority being drafts of a short story titled ‘Cousins’/’The Grudge’ (published as ‘The Grudge’ in Planet 179 (2006), 18-29), together with further drafts of short stories titled ‘Local History’ and ‘Two Old Men’, both of which were published in ‘The Woman at the Window’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2009).

'The Crucible of Myth'

Drafft teipysgrif o ddarlith gan Emyr Humphreys gyda’r teitl ‘The Crucible of Myth’ a roddwyd yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Abertawe, 1990, gyda nodiadau llawysgrif amrywiol; ynghyd â phapurau amrywiol eraill gan gynnwys teipysgrifau o amlinelliadau ar gyfer sgriptiau o'r enw 'A Prince Goes Hunting', 'Alternative Heroes', ac 'Outside Time', gyda nodiadau (1988), i gyd yn ôl pob golwg wedi'u bwriadu ar gyfer cyfres deledu 'The Crucible of Myth' . Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys dau gopi o fap o Gymru a Phrydain gydag anodiadau yn llaw Emyr Humphreys; llythyr oddi wrth Emyr Humphreys (1991); a cherdyn digwyddiad ar gyfer Cylch Llenyddol Llanfairpwllgwyngyll (1989-1990). / A typescript draft of a lecture by Emyr Humphreys titled ‘The Crucible of Myth’ given at University College Swansea, 1990, with various manuscript notes; together with various other papers including typescripts of outlines for scripts titled ‘A Prince Goes Hunting’, ‘Alternative Heroes’, and ‘Outside Time’, with notes (1988), all apparently intended for a TV series titled ‘The Crucible of Myth’. The file also contains two copies of a map of Wales and Britain with annotations in the hand of Emyr Humphreys; a letter from Emyr Humphreys (1991); and an event card for Cylch Llenyddol Llanfairpwllgwyngyll (1989-1990).

Teipysgrifau, drafftiau, a phapurau cysylltiedig eraill / Typescripts, drafts, and other related papers

Teipysgrifau (1986; [?1993]), rhai gyda chywiriadau a nodiadau llawysgrif a drafftiau, o gasgliad anghyhoeddedig o farddoniaeth gan Emyr Humphreys dan y teitl ‘Decrees and Consolations’, a luniwyd gyda chymorth M. Wynn Thomas ac yn cynnwys cerddi dan y teitlau ‘To What End’, ‘The Isolation’, ‘Survivors’, ‘The Welsh Nationalist, March 1942’, ‘Moeswersi Diwedd Canrif’, ‘The Old Couple’, ‘The Duchess and the Duke’, ‘Outline of a Legend’, ‘A Roman Dream’, ‘The Will to Live’, ‘The People are Lovely’, ‘Courage’, ‘The Renunication’, ‘Lament for a Game of Cowboys and Indians’, ‘The House Husband’, ‘A Young Man Considers his Possibilities’, ‘Marvao’, ‘Governance’, ‘Residential Home’, ‘Inscribing Stones’, ‘From a Far Country’, ‘Cara Signora’, ‘Show Business’, ‘Motet’, ‘Postcards’, ‘One More Dove’, ‘A Subject People’, ‘The Governing Class’, ‘Hugo’, ‘Cousin Swift’, ‘Actors’, ‘The Last Exile’, ‘The Traveller’, ‘The Duchess and Her Duke’, ‘The Colonel and His Lady’, ‘Novelette’, ‘Bourgeois Nationalism’, ‘A Rural Man’, ‘Two Generations’, ‘Hawkins Without a Number’, ‘A Fanatic’, ‘The Sniper’, ‘Imitating Parry Bach’, ‘The Old Couple’, ‘At the Bus Stop’, ‘An Apple Tree and a Pig’, ‘Church of the Holy Sepulchre’, ‘Bedd Porius’, ‘Writing a Letter’, a ‘Rabbit Ensemble’; cyhoeddwyd rhai ohonynt yn ddiweddarach yn ‘Shards of Light’, (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2018) a ‘Collected Poems’ (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999). Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys llythyrau (1992; 1994) oddi wrth Emyr Humphreys (2) a Richard Poole (2); copi o ‘Golwg’ (1991) yn cynnwys y gerdd ‘Gwleidydda’; toriad ([?1938]); a llungopïau o farddoniaeth (1981; 1992). / Typescripts (1986; [?1993]), some with corrections and manuscript notes and drafts, of an unpublished collection of poetry by Emyr Humphreys titled ‘Decrees and Consolations’, compiled with the assistance of M. Wynn Thomas and including poems titled ‘To What End’, ‘The Isolation’, ‘Survivors’, ‘The Welsh Nationalist, March 1942’, ‘Moeswersi Diwedd Canrif’, ‘The Old Couple’, ‘The Duchess and the Duke’, ‘Outline of a Legend’, ‘A Roman Dream’, ‘The Will to Live’, ‘The People are Lovely’, ‘Courage’, ‘The Renunication’, ‘Lament for a Game of Cowboys and Indians’, ‘The House Husband’, ‘A Young Man Considers his Possibilities’, ‘Marvao’, ‘Governance’, ‘Residential Home’, ‘Inscribing Stones’, ‘From a Far Country’, ‘Cara Signora’, ‘Show Business’, ‘Motet’, ‘Postcards’, ‘One More Dove’, ‘A Subject People’, ‘The Governing Class’, ‘Hugo’, ‘Cousin Swift’, ‘Actors’, ‘The Last Exile’, ‘The Traveller’, ‘The Duchess and Her Duke’, ‘The Colonel and His Lady’, ‘Novelette’, ‘Bourgeois Nationalism’, ‘A Rural Man’, ‘Two Generations’, ‘Hawkins Without a Number’, ‘A Fanatic’, ‘The Sniper’, ‘Imitating Parry Bach’, ‘The Old Couple’, ‘At the Bus Stop’, ‘An Apple Tree and a Pig’, ‘Church of the Holy Sepulchre’, ‘Bedd Porius’, ‘Writing a Letter’, and ‘Rabbit Ensemble’; some of which were later featured in ‘Shards of Light’, (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2018) and ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999). The file also includes letters (1992; 1994) from Emyr Humphreys (2) and Richard Poole (2); a copy of ‘Golwg’ (1991) featuring the poem ‘Gwleidydda’; a cutting ([?1938]); and photocopies of poetry ([1981]; [1992]).

Teipysgrifau wedi'u hail-rifo / Re-numbered typescripts

Set o deipysgrifau wedi'u hail-rifo, gyda rhai cywiriadau, o farddoniaeth a gyhoeddwyd yn ‘Collected Poems’ (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999), yn cynnwys cerddi dan y teitlau: / A set of re-numbered typescripts, with some corrections, of poetry published in ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999), including poems titled: ‘Innocence’, ‘En Route’, ‘First Born’, ‘Pastoral Pose’, ‘Pascal’, ‘A Subject People’, ‘Romantic Illusion’, ‘The Governing Class’, ‘Interim Verdict’, ‘Partial recall’, ‘Rabbit Ensemble’, ‘An October Day in Lleyn’, ‘Governance’, ‘Hugo’, ‘Actors’, ‘The Last Exile’, ‘The Traveller’, ‘The Duchess and Her Duke’, ‘The Colonel and His Lady’, ‘Novelette’, ‘Bourgeois Nationalism’, ‘A Rural Man’, ‘Two Generations’, ‘Hawkins Without a Number’, ‘A Fanatic’, ‘The Sniper’, ‘Monologue of a Horizontal Patriot’, ‘At the Memorial’, ‘At the Bus Stop’, ‘Bullocks’, ‘A Tree Waiting’, ‘Poppies’, ‘One More Dove’, ‘Horses’, ‘Turkeys in Wales’, ‘Director with Star’, ‘Overheard at O’Hare’, ‘Friendship’, ‘A White World’, ‘Ancestor Worship’, ‘A Roman Dream’, ‘An Apple Tree and a Pig’, ‘Dialogue in a Garden’, ‘Dream for a Soldier’, ‘On the Death of an Old Woman’, ‘At the Frontier’, ‘The Hermit’, ‘My Great-aunt’, ‘Uncle Thomas’, ‘Mrs Jones’, ‘Gwr y Rhos’, ‘Pastoral’, ‘A Democratic Vista’, ‘From Father to Son’, ‘Twenty-four Pairs of Socks’, ‘Master Plan’, ‘Bron y Foel’, ‘Nant-y-Benglog’, ‘Betws Garmon’, ‘Traeth Neb’, ‘Mynydd Bodafon’, ‘Llys Dulas’, ‘Din Lligwy’, ‘Hen Gapel’, ‘Traeth Bychan’, ‘Cytgan’, ‘Pwyll a Riannon’, ‘Brân’, ‘Branwen’s Starling’, ‘The Young Warrior’, ‘An Old Man Complaining’, ‘Sweet Research’, ‘J.S.L.’, ‘Before the Deluge’, ‘St Michael’s Little Summer 1941’, ‘Dartmoor 1917’, ‘What is a Man?’, ‘Plagiarising Parry-Williams’, ‘Who’s Speaking?’.

Teipysgrifau o erthyglau / Typescripts of articles

Teipysgrifau o erthyglau amrywiol gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys erthyglau wedi’i theitlo ‘The B.B.C. Mentality' (heb ei ddyddio), 'The Dillwyn Gallery' (1962), 'The Welsh Condition' ([1970]), 'Arnold in Wonderland' (1978), 'Comment in the Novel' (1948), 'Taliesin and Frank Lloyd Wright' (cyhoeddwyd yng nghylchgrawn Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru 'Welsh Books and Writers'/'Llen a Llyfrau Cymru', Hydref 1980, 3-5), 'North and South' ([?1970]), 'Actors' (heb ddyddiad), 'The New Theatre' (1962), 'The New Role of the Storyteller' ([1967]), adolygiad o 'The Imagery of Power: A critique of advertising' gan Fred Inglis (Llundain: Heineman, 1972) , a nifer o erthyglau pellach heb deitl a barddoniaeth deipysgrif. Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copi o araith a wnaed gan Emyr Humphreys yn y llys am iddo wrthod talu ffi ei Drwydded Deledu ([?1973]). / Typescripts of various articles by Emyr Humphreys, including articles titled ‘The B.B.C. Mentality’ (undated), ‘The Dillwyn Gallery’ (1962), ‘The Welsh Condition’ ([1970]), ‘Arnold in Wonderland’ (1978), ‘Comment in the Novel’ (1948), ‘Taliesin and Frank Lloyd Wright’ (published in the magazine of the Welsh Books Council ‘Welsh Books and Writers’/’Llen a Llyfrau Cymru’, Autumn 1980, 3-5), ‘North and South’ ([?1970]), ‘Actors’ (undated), ‘The New Theatre’ (1962), ‘The New Role of the Storyteller’ ([1967]), a review of ‘The Imagery of Power: A critique of advertising’ by Fred Inglis (London: Heineman, 1972), and a number of further untitled articles and typescript poetry. The file also contains a copy of a speech made by Emyr Humphreys in court for refusal to pay his TV Licence fee ([?1973]).

Teipysgrifau o erthyglau / Typescripts of articles

Erthyglau amrywiol gan Emyr Humphreys a nodiadau cysylltiedig, gan gynnwys teipysgrifau o erthyglau gyda’r teitlau 'A Writer and Television' (cyhoeddwyd yn Llais Llyfrau, Hydref 1988, tt. 4-5), 'Traduttore- Traditore - Pity the Translator, Bilingual Murmurs' (heb ei ddyddio), ‘A Protestant View of the Modern Novel’ (heb ddyddiad), ‘Creative Structures’, gyda nodiadau wedi’i theitlo ‘Creating a Novel’ (a baratowyd ar gyfer Cynhadledd Allanol Bangor, [1981]); copi a thoriad o erthygl gyda’r teitl ‘In Love with an Island’ (o The Spectator, Awst 1970); a chopi o nodiadau wedi’i theitlo ‘Cystrawen Creu [>Opera Sebon]’ (heb eu dyddio). / Various articles by Emyr Humphreys and related notes, including typescripts of articles titled ‘A Writer and Television’ (published in Llais Llyfrau, Autumn 1988, pp. 4-5), ‘Traduttore -Traditore- Pity the Translator, Bilingual Murmurs’ (undated), ‘A Protestant View of the Modern Novel’ (undated), 'Creative Structures', with notes titled ‘Creating a Novel’ (prepared for the Bangor Extra Mural Conference, [1981]); a copy and cutting of an article titled ‘In Love with an Island’ (from The Spectator, August 1970); and a copy of notes titled ‘Cystrawen Creu [>Opera Sebon]’ (undated).

Teipysgrifau heb eu rhifo / Unnumbered typescripts

Teipysgrifau heb eu rhifo (1988; 1993) o farddoniaeth a gyhoeddwyd yn ‘Collected Poems’ (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999), gyda rhai nodiadau a rhestr gynnwys, gan gynnwys cerddi gyda’r teitlau ‘Cymodi a Ffawd’, ‘Carchar Gweir’, ‘Norchia’, ‘Aralleirio Montale’, ‘Montale, Fwy Neu Lai’, ‘Poughkeepsie’, ‘Ar y Guincho’, ‘Ebychiad’, ‘Raptus’, ‘Hitler’s Teeth’, ‘That Summer’, ‘The Life Peer’, ‘Oscar’, ‘Andree’, ‘Tomos Ty Calch’, ‘Residential Home’, ‘Ar Adeg o Derfysg’, ‘Cardiau Post’, ‘Cyflwr Dwr’, ‘Hanes Plwyfol’, ‘Carchar Gweir’, ‘Bourgeois Nationalism’, ‘Cymru 1938’, ‘Crefydda’, ‘Adloniant’, ‘Y Drwydded’, ‘En Route’, ‘Birth Day’, ‘The Farmer’s Wife’, ‘Can Serch’, ‘Cowardice’, ‘A Nonconformist’, ‘Courage’, ‘A Young Man Considers His Possibilities’, ‘The Renunciation’, ‘Innocence’, ‘En Route’, ‘Unloading Hay’, ‘Page from a Diary’, ‘Humble Song’, ‘A Subject People’, ‘Friendship’, ‘Turkeys in Wales’ ‘Overheard at O’Hara’, ‘Judas Iscariot’, ‘The Serpent’, ‘Marvao’, ‘A Public Meeting’, ‘February 1947’, ‘Apprentice Sermon’, ‘Plagiarising Parry-Williams’, ‘S.L. i R.S. (Cyfarchiad dychmygol)’, ‘A Fanatic’, ‘Oscar’, a ‘Church of the Holy Sepulchre’. / Unnumbered typescripts (1988; 1993) of poetry published in ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999), with some notes and a contents list, including poems titled ‘Cymodi a Ffawd’, ‘Carchar Gweir’, ‘Norchia’, ‘Aralleirio Montale’, ‘Montale, Fwy Neu Lai’, ‘Poughkeepsie’, ‘Ar y Guincho’, ‘Ebychiad’, ‘Raptus’, ‘Hitler’s Teeth’, ‘That Summer’, ‘The Life Peer’, ‘Oscar’, ‘Andree’, ‘Tomos Ty Calch’, ‘Residential Home’, ‘Ar Adeg o Derfysg’, ‘Cardiau Post’, ‘Cyflwr Dwr’, ‘Hanes Plwyfol’, ‘Carchar Gweir’, ‘Bourgeois Nationalism’, ‘Cymru 1938’, ‘Crefydda’, ‘Adloniant’, ‘Y Drwydded’, ‘En Route’, ‘Birth Day’, ‘The Farmer’s Wife’, ‘Can Serch’, ‘Cowardice’, ‘A Nonconformist’, ‘Courage’, ‘A Young Man Considers His Possibilities’, ‘The Renunciation’, ‘Innocence’, ‘En Route’, ‘Unloading Hay’, ‘Page from a Diary’, ‘Humble Song’, ‘A Subject People’, ‘Friendship’, ‘Turkeys in Wales’ ‘Overheard at O’Hara’, ‘Judas Iscariot’, ‘The Serpent’, ‘Marvao’, ‘A Public Meeting’, ‘February 1947’, ‘Apprentice Sermon’, ‘Plagiarising Parry-Williams’, ‘S.L. i R.S. (Cyfarchiad dychmygol)’, ‘A Fanatic’, ‘Oscar’, and ‘Church of the Holy Sepulchre’.

Teipysgrifau gyda rhestr cynnwys a rhagymadrodd / Typescripts with contents list and introduction

Teipysgrifau (1986-1994) o farddoniaeth a gyhoeddwyd yn ‘Collected Poems’ (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999), ynghyd â rhai cywiriadau a nodiadau, rhestr gynnwys, a rhagymadrodd. Mae'r ffeil yn cynnwys cerddi gyda’r teitlau ‘Mynydd Bodafon’, ‘Din Lligwy’, ‘Llys Dulas’, ‘Traeth Bychan’, ‘Hen Gapel’, ‘Robert in Regent Street’, ‘Horses’, ‘Bullocks’, ‘Five Landscapes’, ‘Sweet Research’, ‘The Duchess and the Duke: a disloyal toast’, ‘The Colonel and his Lady’, ‘An Actor’, ‘Death in Paris’, ‘A Household in the South’, ‘Poppies’, ‘Cân Serch’, ‘Postcards’, ‘The Airport Roué’, ‘Wales: 1938’, ‘February 1947’, ‘Imitating Parry Bach’, ‘The Serpent’, ‘Among the Bullocks’, ‘An Actor of Fifty’, ‘The Renunciation’, ‘Page From a Diary’, ‘En Route’, ‘Romantic Illusion’, ‘Rabbit Ensemble’, ‘An October Day in Lleyn’, ‘Cowrdice’, ‘Courage’, ‘John Brown’, ‘Bullocks’, ‘Six Horses’, ‘Hugo: a comic song’, ‘An Actor of Twenty’, ‘An Actor of Thirty’, ‘Unscheduled Market’, ‘Fanatic’, ‘Monologue of a Horizontal Patriot’, ‘At the Memorial’, ‘Hawkins Without a Number’, ‘In Brindisi’, ‘A Landscape in Hyde Park, July 1944’, ‘Ebychiad’, ‘Norchia’, ‘Poughkeepsie’, ‘Ar y Guincho’, ‘Cymodi â Ffawd’, ‘Cara Signora’, ‘One More Dove’, ‘The Old Couple’, a ‘Tile From a Washstand’. / Typescripts (1986-1994) of poetry published in ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999), together with some corrections and notes, contents list, and introduction. The file includes poems titled ‘Mynydd Bodafon’, ‘Din Lligwy’, ‘Llys Dulas’, ‘Traeth Bychan’, ‘Hen Gapel’, ‘Robert in Regent Street’, ‘Horses’, ‘Bullocks’, ‘Five Landscapes’, ‘Sweet Research’, ‘The Duchess and the Duke: a disloyal toast’, ‘The Colonel and his Lady’, ‘An Actor’, ‘Death in Paris’, ‘A Household in the South’, ‘Poppies’, ‘Cân Serch’, ‘Postcards’, ‘The Airport Roué’, ‘Wales: 1938’, ‘February 1947’, ‘Imitating Parry Bach’, ‘The Serpent’, ‘Among the Bullocks’, ‘An Actor of Fifty’, ‘The Renunciation’, ‘Page From a Diary’, ‘En Route’, ‘Romantic Illusion’, ‘Rabbit Ensemble’, ‘An October Day in Lleyn’, ‘Cowrdice’, ‘Courage’, ‘John Brown’, ‘Bullocks’, ‘Six Horses’, ‘Hugo: a comic song’, ‘An Actor of Twenty’, ‘An Actor of Thirty’, ‘Unscheduled Market’, ‘Fanatic’, ‘Monologue of a Horizontal Patriot’, ‘At the Memorial’, ‘Hawkins Without a Number’, ‘In Brindisi’, ‘A Landscape in Hyde Park, July 1944’, ‘Ebychiad’, ‘Norchia’, ‘Poughkeepsie’, ‘Ar y Guincho’, ‘Cymodi â Ffawd’, ‘Cara Signora’, ‘One More Dove’, ‘The Old Couple’, and ‘Tile From a Washstand’.

Teipysgrifau cyhoeddedig amrywiol / Various published typescripts

Copïau a theipysgrifau o gerddi cyhoeddedig amrywiol gan Emyr Humphreys (1940-1993), gan gynnwys barddoniaeth a gyhoeddwyd yn y cyfnodolion ‘Barn’ a ‘Poetry Wales’ (1977; 1988); ‘Ancestor Worship: A cycle of eighteen poems’ (Dinbych: Gwasg Gee, 1970); 'Penguin Modern Poets 27: John Ormond, Emyr Humphreys, John Tripp' (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979); ‘Landscapes’ (Chimæra Press, 1979); ‘Images for Africa: an anthology of poems and illustrations’, golygwyd gan Jane Glencross (Jane Glencross, 1988); ‘The Page’s Drift: R. S. Thomas at Eighty’ (Pen-y-Bont: Seren, 1993); a ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999). / Copies and typescripts of various published poems by Emyr Humphreys (1940-1993), including poetry published in the journals ‘Barn’ and ‘Poetry Wales’ (1977; 1988); ‘Ancestor Worship: A cycle of eighteen poems’ (Denbigh: Gwasg Gee, 1970); 'Penguin Modern Poets 27: John Ormond, Emyr Humphreys, John Tripp' (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979); ‘Landscapes’ (Chimæra Press, 1979); ‘Images for Africa: an anthology of poems and illustrations’, edited by Jane Glencross (Jane Glencross, 1988); ‘The Page’s Drift: R. S. Thomas at Eighty’ (Bridgend: Seren, 1993); and ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999).

Teipysgrifau amrywiol / Various typescripts

Papurau'n ymwneud a thraethodau gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys teipysgrifau o'r ysgrifau 'Television and Us: Reflections on a troubled relationship’, 'A View of Wales', 'Y BBC a'r Ddrama yng Nghymru' (heb ddyddiad), 'Culture and the New Media', 'A Chosen People' (pob un heb ddyddiad); ac ‘A Lost Leader?’ (cyhoeddwyd Planet 83, 1990). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copi o atebion Emyr Humphreys i holiadur ‘Wales’ (1946), darn gyda’r teitl ‘Nobel Prize’ (1971), a llythyr oddi wrth Emyr Humphreys i’r Western Mail wedi’i theitlo ‘Darlledu yng Nghymru’ ( 1969). / Papers relating to essays by Emyr Humphreys, including typescripts of the essays ‘Television and Us: Reflections on a troubled relationship’, ‘A View of Wales’, ‘Y BBC a’r Ddrama yng Nghymru’ (undated), ‘Culture and the New Media’, ‘A Chosen People’ (all undated); and ‘A Lost Leader?’ (published Planet 83, 1990). The file also contains a copy of Emyr Humphreys’ replies to a questionnaire titled ‘Wales’ (1946), a piece titled ‘Nobel Prize’ (1971), and a letter from Emyr Humphreys to the Western Mail titled ‘Broadcasting in Wales’ (1969).

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