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Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Emyr Humphreys Papers File
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'Yr Alwad'

Teipysgrif (1988) o sgript o ddrama deledu gyda'r teitl ‘Yr Alwad’. Darlledwyd ar S4C, 24 Rhagfyr 1988. / A typescript (1988) of a script of a television drama, titled ‘Yr Alwad’. Transmitted on S4C, 24 December 1988.

'Y Cwlwm Sanctaidd/The Sacred Knot'

Pedwar drafft teipysgrif (heb ddyddiad), gyda rhai cywiriadau, o sgript ar gyfer drama deledu gyda'r teitl ‘Y Cwlwm Sanctaidd/The Sacred Knot’, gydag un copi wedi'i theitlo ‘Y Cwlwm Cariad/The Knot of Love’. / Four typescript drafts (undated), with some corrections, of a script for a television drama titled ‘Y Cwlwm Sanctaidd/The Sacred Knot’, with one copy titled ‘Y Cwlwm Cariad/The Knot of Love’.

'Ŵyn i’r Lladdfa'

Drafft teipysgrif (1983), gyda chywiriadau, o sgript ar gyfer drama deledu o’r enw ‘Ŵyn i’r Lladdfa’, a ddarlledwyd ar S4C, 1 Mawrth 1984. / A typescript draft (1983), with corrections, of a script for a television drama titled ‘Ŵyn i’r Lladdfa’, transmitted on S4C, 1 March 1984.

Wil Sam ac R. S. Thomas / Wil Sam and R. S. Thomas

Llythyrau, a phapurau cysylltiedig (1929; 1992; 2001-2002) yn ymwneud â materion llenyddol amrywiol, gan gynnwys llythyr at Emyr Humphreys oddi wrth y bardd R. S. Thomas, ynghyd â chopïau teipysgrif o'i farddoniaeth, a drafft o lythyr gan Emyr Humphreys yn argymell y llenor W. S. Jones ('Wil Sam') am radd er anrhydedd ym Mhrifysgol Cymru. Yn ogystal, mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys llythyrau at Emyr Humphreys yn trafod Cronfa Goffa Saunders Lewis, Ymddiriedolaeth Taliesin, a materion eraill, oddi wrth Geraint H. Jenkins (1), Ann Ffrancon (1), Alun Creunant Davies (1), Ken Davies ( 1), Richard Lewis (1), Richard a Tricia Griffiths (1), Victor Golightly (1), a Sally Baker (1), ymhlith eraill. / Letters, and related papers (1929; 1992; 2001-2002) relating to various literary matters, including a letter to Emyr Humphreys from the poet R. S. Thomas, along with typescript copies of his poetry, and a draft of a letter from Emyr Humphreys recommending the writer W. S. Jones (‘Wil Sam’) for an honorary degree at the University of Wales. Additionally, the file also contains letters to Emyr Humphreys discussing the Saunders Lewis Memorial Fund, the Taliesin Trust, and other matters, from Geraint H. Jenkins (1), Ann Ffrancon (1), Alun Creunant Davies (1), Ken Davies (1), Richard Lewis (1), Richard & Tricia Griffiths (1), Victor Golightly (1), and Sally Baker (1), among others.


Llythyrau a chardiau (1989-1999), at Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys oddi wrth Chaamala Wickramasinghe (2), Gerwyn Wiliams (1), Sidney Whitaker (2), Iolo a Nesta Williams (1), Gareth Williams (1, gydag ateb), Ireene & Cyril Williams (7, gyda 2 ateb), a Ioan Miles Williams (1, gydag atebion). Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys nifer o papurau cysylltiedig, yn cynnwys gwahoddiad i arddangosfa 'Drawings by Kyffin Williams', Oriel Môn; copi o erthygl Gareth Williams ‘Iechyd Da? Gareth H. Williams on the state of our health’ (Planet 133, Chwefror 1999), a'i traethawdau ‘Some reflections on the Annual Conference of the Association for Welsh writing in English by a non-Welsh speaking Welshman from England’, a ‘A non-Welsh speaking Welshman from England goes in search of Wales’; a phroflenni o pennod 6 o 'Outside the House of Baal' (argraffiad 1996). / Letters and cards (1989-1999), to Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys from Chaamala Wickramasinghe (2), Gerwyn Wiliams (1), Sidney Whitaker (2), Iolo and Nesta Williams (1), Gareth Williams (1, with reply), Ireene & Cyril Williams (7, with 2 replies), and Ioan Miles Williams (1, with reply). The file also contains a number of related papers, including an invite to the exhibition 'Drawings by Kyffin Williams', Oriel Môn; a copy of Gareth Williams' article ‘Iechyd Da? Gareth H. Williams on the state of our health’ (Planet 133, February 1999), and his essays ‘Some reflections on the Annual Conference of the Association for Welsh writing in English by a non-Welsh speaking Welshman from England’, and ‘A non-Welsh speaking Welshman from England goes in search of Wales’; and proofs of chapter 6 of 'Outside the House of Baal' (1996 edition).


Llythyrau (1997-2000), at Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys oddi wrth Marie Vanuxeem (2, gyda atebion), Siân [?Verrall] (1), a Margaret [?Vanstone] Heller (1, gydag ateb). / Letters (1997-2000), to Emyr and Elinor Humphreys from Marie Vanuxeem (2, with replies), Siân [?Verrall] (1), and Margaret [?Vanstone] Heller (1, with reply).

'Two Old Men'; 'In Those Days'; 'The Good Samaritan'

Llyfr nodiadau yn cynnwys amryw o nodiadau llawysgrif a drafftiau ([?2000au]; 1999) yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o straeon byrion yn dwyn y teitlau ‘Two Old Men’, ‘In Those Days’, a ‘The Good Samaritan’; ynghyd â nodiadau di-deitl amrywiol a drafft teipysgrif o sgript (hefyd heb deitl), a nodiadau a chopïau teipysgrif o gerddi wedi’u labelu ‘From a Writer’s Notebook’. / A notepad containing various manuscript notes and drafts ([?2000s]; 1999) in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of short stories titled ‘Two Old Men’, ‘In Those Days’, and ‘The Good Samaritan’; together with various untitled notes and a typescript draft of a script (also untitled), and notes and typescript copies of poems labelled ‘From a Writer’s Notebook’.

'Twll o Le'

Drafft teipysgrif (1987), gyda chywiriadau, o sgript ar gyfer ffilm deledu a ysgrifennwyd gyda W. S. Jones, gyda'r teitl ‘Twll o Le’. Darlledwyd ar S4C, 21 Ebrill 1987. / A typescript draft (1987), with corrections, of a script for a film for television written with W. S. Jones, titled ‘Twll o Le’. Transmitted on S4C, 21 April 1987.

Trawsgrifiad o gyfweliad gyda Emyr Humphreys / Transcript of an interview with Emyr Humphreys

Trawsgrifiad o gyfweliad ag Emyr Humphreys gan Mieke Stewen (Mai 1996), yn trafod gweithiau Emyr Humphreys gan gynnwys 'A Toy Epic', 'The Little Kingdom', a 'The Taliesin Tradition: A Quest for the Welsh Identity'. / A transcript of an interview with Emyr Humphreys by Mieke Stewen (May 1996), discussing Emyr Humphreys' works including 'A Toy Epic', 'The Little Kingdom', and 'The Taliesin Tradition: A Quest for the Welsh Identity'.

Traethodau teipysgrif amrywiol / Various typescript essays

Teipysgrifau o ysgrifau gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys ysgrifau gyda’r teitlau 'Lansio', 'R.S.T.', 'The Empty Space- Creating a Novel' (pob un heb ddyddiad), a 'W.S.J.' (1995), 'Taliesin's Children' (1997), 'Men of Letters’ (heb ddyddiad), ‘Land of the Living’ (2001), ‘A Lost Leader?’ (cyhoeddwyd yn Planet 83 (1990), tt.3-11), a thraethawd gan M. Wynn Thomas, ‘Many happy intellections: the poetry of Emyr Humphreys on his eightieth birthday' ([?1999]). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys amrywiad o bapurau eraill gan gynnwys drafft o gerdd gyda’r teitl ‘Bedd Porius’ (heb ei ddyddio); copi o’r ddarlith ‘The Crucible of Myth’ (Darlith Goffa W.D. Thomas, Coleg Prifysgol Abertawe, 1990), ynghyd â drafftiau teipysgrif pellach; drafft gyda’r teitl ‘Ymddidan Rhwng Awdur a’i Gysgod’ (heb ddyddiad); cyflwyniad i’r gyfres ‘Land of the Living’ (1990); a Memorandwm Cytundeb ar gyfer ‘Conversations and Reflections’ (golygwyd gan M. Wynn Thomas a chyhoeddwyd Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2002). / Typescripts of essays by Emyr Humphreys, including essays titled ‘Lansio’, ‘R.S.T.’, ‘The Empty Space- Creating a Novel’ (all undated), and ‘W.S.J.’ (1995), ‘Taliesin’s Children’ (1997), ‘Men of Letters’ (undated), ‘Land of the Living’ (2001), ‘A Lost Leader?’ (published in Planet 83 (1990), pp.3-11), and an essay by M. Wynn Thomas, ‘Many happy intellections: the poetry of Emyr Humphreys on his eightieth birthday’ ([?1999]). The file also contains various other papers including a draft of a poem titled ‘Bedd Porius’ (undated); a copy of the lecture ‘The Crucible of Myth’ (W.D. Thomas Memorial Lecture, University College Swansea, 1990), together with further typescript drafts; a draft titled ‘Ymddidan Rhwng Awdur a’i Gysgod’ (undated); an introduction for the ‘Land of the Living’ series (1990); and a Memorandum of Agreement for ‘Conversations and Reflections’ (edited by M. Wynn Thomas and published Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2002).

Traethawd M. Wynn Thomas / M. Wynn Thomas essay

Dau lythyr at Emyr Humphreys (2010), oddi wrth M. Wynn Thomas, ynghyd â theipysgrif o'i draethawd ‘Morgan Llwyd and the foundations of the "Nonconformist nation’'. / Two letters to Emyr Humphreys (2010), from M. Wynn Thomas, along with a typescript copy of his essay ‘Morgan Llwyd and the foundations of the "Nonconformist nation’’'.

Toriadau o'r wasg, 2000au / Press Cuttings, 2000s

Toriadau a chopïau o’r wasg (2000; [2002]-2003; 2005), yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys ‘Unconditional Surrender’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1996), ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003), a’r gyfres 'Land of the Living' (ailargraffwyd Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999-2001); a ‘Dal Pen Rheswm: Cyfweliadau Gydag Emyr Humphreys’ gan R. Arwel Jones (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999). Yn cynnwys toriadau o New Welsh Review, The Western Mail, Planet, The Guardian, a The Times Literary Supplement. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copi o adolygiad o ‘Old People are a Problem’ gan Jan Morris (2003); adolygiad o ‘Unconditional Surrender’ (2001), copi o Poetry Wales 35.3 (2000); a chopi o e-bost gan Richard Houdmont (2002). / Press cuttings and copies (2000; [2002]-2003; 2005), relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘Unconditional Surrender’ (Bridgend: Seren, 1996), ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003), and the ‘Land of the Living’ series (reprinted Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999-2001); and ‘Dal Pen Rheswm: Cyfweliadau Gydag Emyr Humphreys’ by R. Arwel Jones (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999). Including cuttings from New Welsh Review, The Western Mail, Planet, The Guardian, and The Times Literary Supplement. The file also contains a copy of a review of ‘Old People are a Problem’ by Jan Morris (2003); a review of ‘Unconditional Surrender’ (2001), a copy of Poetry Wales 35.3 (2000); and a copy of an email from Richard Houdmont (2002).

Toriadau o'r wasg a phapurau cysylltiedig eraill / Press cuttings and other related papers

Toriadau o’r wasg a phamffledi a gasglwyd gan ac yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys amrywiol doriadau o’r wasg yn ymwneud â ‘Brodyr a Chwiorydd’ (?[1994]), cynhyrchiad teledu o ‘A Man’s Estate’/ ‘Etifedd y Glyn’; ‘The Anchor Tree’ (1980); ‘Collected Poems’ (1999); ‘Croeso Waldo i’r Carchar’ (Barn, [?1994]); ‘Pobol y Fro’ (2004); ‘Old People are a Problem’ (2003); a ‘Byw ar y Ffin’ (?2004]), ymhlith eraill. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copi o raglen ar gyfer addasiad llwyfan o ‘A Toy Epic’ (Clwyd, Theatr Cymru, 2007); pamffled gyda’r teitl ‘The BBC in Wales’, yn cynnwys Emyr Humphreys fel Uwch Gynhyrchydd Drama ([?1960]); copi o'r cyhoeddiad 'The Triple Net: a portrait of the writer Kate Roberts 1891-1985' gan Emyr Humphreys (cyhoeddwyd gan Broadcasting Support Services, Channel 4 (1988) i gyd-fynd â'r gyfres deledu 'The Triple Net' gan Ffilmiau Bryngwyn). / Press cuttings and pamphlets collected by and relating to the works of Emyr Humphreys, including various press cuttings relating to ‘Brodyr a Chwiorydd’ (?[1994]), a TV production of ‘A Man’s Estate’/ ‘Etifedd y Glyn’; ‘The Anchor Tree’ (1980); ‘Collected Poems’ (1999); ‘Croeso Waldo i’r Carchar’ (Barn, [?1994]); ‘Pobol y Fro’ (2004); ‘Old People are a Problem’ (2003); and ‘Byw ar y Ffin’ (?2004]), among others. The file also contains a copy of a programme for a stage adaptation of ‘A Toy Epic’ (Clwyd, Theatr Cymru, 2007); a pamphlet titled ‘The BBC in Wales’, including Emyr Humphreys as Senior Drama Producer ([?1960]); a copy of the publication ‘The Triple Net: A portrait of the writer Kate Roberts 1891-1985’ by Emyr Humphreys (published by Broadcasting Support Services, Channel 4 (1988) to accompany the TV series ‘The Triple Net’ by Ffilmiau Bryngwyn).

Toriadau o'r wasg a phamffledi / Press cuttings and pamphlets

Toriadau o'r wasg a phamffledi a gasglwyd gan Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys arweinlyfr o Florence, yr Eidal ([?1940au]); copi o The New Statesman (1963); copi o ‘”Canmolwn yn awr”’, teyrnged i John Gwilym Jones gan Emyr Humphreys (1977); copi o ‘Hunaniaeth Eifionydd’ gan Elis Gwyn Jones (1981); a thoriad yn ymwneud â marwolaeth R.S. Thomas (2000). / Press cuttings and pamphlets collected by Emyr Humphreys, including a guide book of Florence, Italy ([?1940s]); a copy of The New Statesman (1963); a copy of ‘”Canmolwn yn awr”’, a tribute to John Gwilym Jones by Emyr Humphreys (1977); a copy of ‘Hunaniaeth Eifionydd’ by Elis Gwyn Jones (1981); and a cutting relating to the death of R.S. Thomas (2000).

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg (1962-3; 1965; 1967) yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys 'The Gift' (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963), 'Outside the House of Baal' (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1965), a' Natives’ (Llundain: Secker & Warburg, 1968), gan gynnwys toriadau o The Sunday Times, The Times, The Spectator, Punch, Sunday Telegraph, Yorkshire Post, The Guardian, Western Mail, a Television Weekly. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copïau o siacedi llwch ar gyfer ‘Natives’ a ‘The Gift’; a llythyrau (1960; 1963-5) oddi wrth David Cecil (3) a Maurice Temple Smith (1). / Press cuttings (1962-3; 1965; 1967) relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘The Gift’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963), ‘Outside the House of Baal’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1965), and ‘Natives’ (London: Secker & Warburg, 1968), including cuttings from The Sunday Times, The Times, The Spectator, Punch, Sunday Telegraph, Yorkshire Post, The Guardian, Western Mail, and Television Weekly. The file also contains copies of dust jackets for ‘Natives’ and ‘The Gift’; and letters (1960; 1963-5) from David Cecil (3) and Maurice Temple Smith (1).

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg ([?1970]-1974; 1978-[?1979]) yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys 'The Gift' (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963), 'National Winner' (Llundain: Macdonald, 1971),'Flesh and Blood’ (Llundain: Hodder & Stoughton, 1974), a ‘The Best of Friends’ (Llundain: Hodder & Stoughton, 1978), gan gynnwys toriadau o The Listener, New Statesman, The Telegraph, The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph, Y Birmingham Post, The Evening News, The Western Mail, The Sunday Times, The Yorkshire Post, The Anglo-Welsh Review, The Evening Standard, Birmingham Evening Mail, Oxford Mail, Y Cymro, The Irish Times, The Spectator, The Financial Times, The Scotsman, The Times, The Tablet, The Guardian, Y Faner, Times Literary Supplement , The Northern Echo, Western Evening Herald, Morning Star, Express & Echo, Yorkshire Evening Post, Lancashire Evening Post, The Citizen, a'r South Wales Echo. Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copi o lythyr oddi wrth Saunders Lewis (1971); a llythyr oddi wrth Derek Stanford (1974). / Press cuttings ([?1970]-1974; 1978-[?1979]) relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘The Gift’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963), ‘National Winner’ (London: Macdonald, 1971), ‘Flesh and Blood’ (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1974), and ‘The Best of Friends’ (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1978), including cuttings from The Listener, New Statesman, The Telegraph, The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph, The Birmingham Post, The Evening News, The Western Mail, The Sunday Times, The Yorkshire Post, The Anglo-Welsh Review, The Evening Standard, Birmingham Evening Mail, Oxford Mail, Y Cymro, The Irish Times, The Spectator, The Financial Times, The Scotsman, The Times, The Tablet, The Guardian, Y Faner, Times Literary Supplement, The Northern Echo, Western Evening Herald, Morning Star, Express & Echo, Yorkshire Evening Post, Lancashire Evening Post, The Citizen, and the South Wales Echo. The file also contains a copy of a letter from Saunders Lewis (1971); and a letter from Derek Stanford (1974).

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg (1950-1959) yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys 'A Man's Estate' (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955), 'Y Tri Llais' (Llandybie: Llyfrau'r Dryw, 1958), 'A Toy Epic' ( Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1958), a ‘Hear and Forgive’ (Llundain: Victor Edlancz, 1952), yn cynnwys toriadau o Church Times, Y Ddraig Goch, The New York Sun, The Telegraph, The Times, The Sunday Times, London Evening News, The Observer, Y Cymro, The Spectator, Western Mail, Time and Tide, Empire News, a Tywysydd y Plant. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copïau o gloriau llwch ar gyfer ‘A Change of Heart’ (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1951), ac ‘Y Tri Llais’; llythyr oddi wrth David Cecil (1958); copi o CV Emyr Humphreys (1954); a chopi o The Bookman (Journal of the Book Society, Tachwedd 1955). / Press cuttings (1950-1959) relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘A Man’s Estate’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955), ‘Y Tri Llais’ (Llandybie: Llyfrau’r Dryw, 1958), ‘A Toy Epic’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1958), and ‘Hear and Forgive’ (London: Victor Edlancz, 1952), including cuttings from Church Times, Y Ddraig Goch, The New York Sun, The Telegraph, The Times, The Sunday Times, London Evening News, The Observer, Y Cymro, The Spectator, Western Mail, Time and Tide, Empire News, and Tywysydd y Plant. The file also contains copies of dust covers for ‘A Change of Heart’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1951), and ‘Y Tri Llais’; a letter from David Cecil (1958); a copy of Emyr Humphreys’ CV (1954); and a copy of The Bookman (Journal of the Book Society, November 1955)

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg (1970-1; 1973-4; 1978-9) yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys 'Ancestor Worship' (Dinbych: Gwasg Gee, 1970), 'National Winner' (Llundain: Macdonald, 1971), 'Flesh and Blood ’ (Llundain: Hodder & Stoughton, 1974), a ‘The Best of Friends’ (Llundain: Hodder & Stoughton, 1978), yn cynnwys toriadau o The Spectator, The Bookseller, The Tablet, The Sunday Times, The Scotsman, The Guardian, The Times, The Observer, Sunday Telegraph, The Evening Standard, The Financial Times, Y Faner, The Mail, Books and Bookworm, The Western Mail, a The South Wales Echo. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys amryw o bapurau cysylltiedig eraill, gan gynnwys dwy siaced lwch ar gyfer ‘National Winner’ ([1971]; 1972); ffurflen archebu ar gyfer ‘Ancestor Worship’ (1970); catalog ar gyfer Oriel Gelf Bangor (1970); copi o erthygl Meic Stephens, ‘Artists in Wales’ ([?1971]); rhaglen ar gyfer cynhadledd ‘Y Nofel yng Nghymru’ (1977); a llythyrau (1970-3; 1979) oddi wrth Judy Piatkus (1), Tony Austin (1), Nigel Lawson (1), Lowri Morgan (1), Andrew Ravensdale (1), ac Emyr ac Elinor Humphreys (1). / Press cuttings (1970-1; 1973-4; 1978-9) relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘Ancestor Worship’ (Denbigh: Gwasg Gee, 1970), ‘National Winner’ (London: Macdonald, 1971), ‘Flesh and Blood’ (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1974), and ‘The Best of Friends’ (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1978), including cuttings from The Spectator, The Bookseller, The Tablet, The Sunday Times, The Scotsman, The Guardian, The Times, The Observer, Sunday Telegraph, The Evening Standard, The Financial Times, Y Faner, The Mail, Books and Bookworm, The Western Mail, and The South Wales Echo. The file also contains various other related papers, including two dust jackets for ‘National Winner’ ([1971]; 1972); an order form for ‘Ancestor Worship’ (1970); a catalogue for Bangor Art Gallery (1970); copy of article by Meic Stephens, ‘Artists in Wales’ ([?1971]); a programme for ‘The Novel in Wales’ conference (1977); and letters (1970-3; 1979) from Judy Piatkus (1), Tony Austin (1), Nigel Lawson (1), Lowri Morgan (1), Andrew Ravensdale (1), and Emyr & Elinor Humphreys (1).

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg (1990-1991; 1996-2000), yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys 'Unconditional Surrender' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1996), 'The Gift of a Daughter' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 1998), 'Collected Poems' (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1999), 'National Winner' (ailargraffiad, Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2000), a 'Bonds of Attachment' (Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 2001); a'r sgriptiau 'Outside Time' (darlledwyd Channel 4, 1991), 'Yr Eneth Fwyn' (a ddarlledwyd BBC, 1997), 'Dwylo' ([c.1993]), a sgript Siôn Humphreys 'Y Plentyn Cyntaf' (1998). Yn cynnwys toriadau o Llais Llyfrau/Welsh Book News, The Western Mail, The Guardian, Liverpool Echo, The Citizen, South Wales Argus, Dorset Evening Echo, Jersey Evening Post, Brighton Evening Argus, Golwg, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, Y Faner, Yr Herald, ac Y Cymro. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys pedwar drafft teipysgrif o gyflwyniad i’r gyfres ‘Land of the Living’ (1990); teipysgrif o erthygl ‘The Relentlessness of Emyr Humphreys’ gan M. Wynn Thomas ([?1991]); cerdyn post oddi wrth ‘Wyn ac Anne’ (1999); copi o raglen dathlu 30 mlynedd ers sefydlu Côr Meibion Trelawnyd (1993); a chopi o ‘English in Wales/Saesneg yng Nghymru’ (1994). / Press cuttings (1990-1991; 1996-2000), relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘Unconditional Surrender’ (Bridgend: Seren, 1996), ‘The Gift of a Daughter’ (Bridgend: Seren, 1998), ‘Collected Poems’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999), ‘National Winner’ (reprint, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2000), and ‘Bonds of Attachment’ (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2001); and the scripts ‘Outside Time’ (broadcast Channel 4, 1991), ‘Yr Eneth Fwyn’ (broadcast BBC, 1997), ‘Dwylo’ ([c.1993]), and Siôn Humphreys’ script ‘Y Plentyn Cyntaf’ (1998). Including cuttings from Llais Llyfrau/Welsh Book News, The Western Mail, The Guardian, Liverpool Echo, The Citizen, South Wales Argus, Dorset Evening Echo, Jersey Evening Post, Brighton Evening Argus, Golwg, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, Y Faner, Yr Herald, and Y Cymro. The file also contains four typescript drafts of an introduction to the ‘Land of the Living’ series (1990); a typescript of an article ‘The Relentlessness of Emyr Humphreys’ by M. Wynn Thomas ([?1991]); a postcard from ‘Wyn ac Anne’ (1999); a copy of a programme for the 30th anniversary of Côr Meibion Trelawnyd (1993); and a copy of ‘English in Wales / Saesneg yng Nghymru’ (1994).

Toriadau o'r wasg / Press cuttings

Toriadau o'r wasg (1950-1959) yn ymwneud â gweithiau Emyr Humphreys ‘The Italian Wife’ (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1957), ‘A Change of Heart’ (Lundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1951), ‘A Man’s Estate’ (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955), ‘A Toy Epic’ (Llundain: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1958), ‘Hear and Forgive’ (Llundain: Victor Edlancz, 1952), a ‘Treason’ (addasiad o waith Saunders Lewis ‘Brad’, 1958), yn cynnwys toriadau o The Radio Times, John O’London’s Weekly, Daily Post, The Observer, Northern Daily Mail, Knutsford Guardian, Warrington Guardian, The Scotsman, The Star, The Radio Times, The Evening Chronicle, Nottingham Evening Post, Northants Evening Telegraph, Brighton Evening Argus, Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph, The Times, Manchester Evening News, Yorkshire Post, Bradford Telegraph & Argus, Birmingham Evening Dispatch, South Wales Argus, Bournemouth Evening Echo, Daily Worker, The Listener, Y Cymro, Daily Express, Edinburgh Evening News, The New York Times Book Review, The Spectator, The Western Mail, The Illustrated London News, South Wales Echo, Time & Tide, Belfast Newsletter, Good Housekeeping, The New Statesman, New York Herald Tribune, The Washington Post, Boston Christian Science Monitor, The Sunday Mail, Dallas Times Herald, Sunday Statesman, Baltimore Evening Sun, Punch, Glasgow Herald, The Press (NZ), The West Australian, Y Faner, The Flintshire Observer, a’r South Wales Evening Post. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys teipysgrif o adolygiad gan Emyr Humphreys o ‘Collected Poems’ gan Kathleen Raine (Llundain: H. Hamilton, 1956) ac ‘One Foot in Eden’ gan Edwin Muir (Llundain: Faber, 1956); copi o’r llyfryn ‘Essays’, rhifyn 5 (1951); siacedi llwch gwreiddiol ar gyfer ‘A Man’s Estate’ a ‘Hear and Forgive’; copi o nodyn gan Saunders [Lewis] ([?1958]); a thelegram gan Gwyn Thomas. / Press cuttings (1950-1959) relating to Emyr Humphreys’ works ‘The Italian Wife’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1957), ‘A Change of Heart’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1951), ‘A Man’s Estate’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955), ‘A Toy Epic’ (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1958), ‘Hear and Forgive’ (London: Victor Edlancz, 1952), and ‘Treason’ (adaptation of Saunders Lewis’s ‘Brad’, 1958), including cuttings from The Radio Times, John O’London’s Weekly, Daily Post, The Observer, Northern Daily Mail, Knutsford Guardian, Warrington Guardian, The Scotsman, The Star, The Radio Times, The Evening Chronicle, Nottingham Evening Post, Northants Evening Telegraph, Brighton Evening Argus, Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph, The Times, Manchester Evening News, Yorkshire Post, Bradford Telegraph & Argus, Birmingham Evening Dispatch, South Wales Argus, Bournemouth Evening Echo, Daily Worker, The Listener, Y Cymro, Daily Express, Edinburgh Evening News, The New York Times Book Review, The Spectator, The Western Mail, The Illustrated London News, South Wales Echo, Time & Tide, Belfast Newsletter, Good Housekeeping, The New Statesman, New York Herald Tribune, The Washington Post, Boston Christian Science Monitor, The Sunday Mail, Dallas Times Herald, Sunday Statesman, Baltimore Evening Sun, Punch, Glasgow Herald, The Press (NZ), The West Australian, Y Faner, The Flintshire Observer, and South Wales Evening Post. The file also contains a typescript of a review by Emyr Humphreys of ‘Collected Poems’ by Kathleen Raine (London: H. Hamilton, 1956) and ‘One Foot in Eden’ by Edwin Muir (London: Faber, 1956); a copy of the booklet ‘Essays’, issue 5 (1951); original dust jackets for ‘A Man’s Estate’ and ‘Hear and Forgive’; a copy of a note from Saunders [Lewis] ([?1958]); and a telegram from Gwyn Thomas.

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