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Emyr Humphreys Papers
Dewisiadau chwilio manwl
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Nodiadau a drafftiau (1954-[?1999]), yn cynnwys llyfr nodiadau ([?1977]) a thudalennau teipysgrif a llawysgrif amrywiol gan gynnwys drafftiau o gerddi gyda’r teitlau 'The Life Peer', 'Dydd Calan', 'Tomos Tŷ Calch' , ac 'Oscar', ynghyd â chopi o gerdd, 'The Ballad of Jane Shore' gan Donagh MacDonagh (1954); a theipysgrif o ran o sgript yn dwyn y teitl ‘From a Writer’s Notebook’ ([?1999]). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys copi o’r Deddf Addysg (1902); dau doriad o'r wasg (1967; 1999); a gohebiaeth yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Emyr Humphreys (4), Michael Macpherson (2), Robin Reeves (2), a John Barnie (1). / Notes and drafts (1954-[?1999]), consisting of an exercise book ([?1977]) and various typescript and manuscript pages including drafts of poems titled ‘The Life Peer’, ‘Dydd Calan’, ‘Tomos Tŷ Calch’, and ‘Oscar’, together with a copy of a poem, ‘The Ballad of Jane Shore’ by Donagh MacDonagh (1954); and a typescript of part of a script titled ‘From a Writer’s Notebook’ ([?1999]). The file also includes a copy of the Education Act (1902); two press cuttings (1967; 1999); and correspondence including letters from Emyr Humphreys (4), Michael Macpherson (2), Robin Reeves (2), and John Barnie (1).

Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif a drafftiau yn llaw Emyr Humphreys ([?1997]-1998), yn cynnwys drafftiau o straeon byrion o'r enw 'Two Old Men' a 'Menna' (cyhoeddwyd yn 'Ghosts and Strangers' (Pen-y-bont: Seren). , 2001); ynghyd a nodiadau amrywiol a drafftiau o farddoniaeth. / An A4 notepad containing manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys ([?1997]-1998), including drafts of short stories titled ‘Two Old Men’ and ‘Menna’ (published in ‘Ghosts and Strangers’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2001); together with various notes and drafts of poetry.

Drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript drafts

Llyfr nodiadau ([?2001), yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif a drafftiau yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau rhannol o'r straeon byrion 'Talking Pictures', 'Take a Chance', a 'Strangers' (cyhoeddwyd yn 'Ghosts and Strangers' ' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2001)). / An exercise book ([?2001), containing manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including partial drafts of the short stories ‘Talking Pictures’, ‘Take a Chance’, and ‘Strangers’ (published in ‘Ghosts and Strangers’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2001)).

Drafft llawysgrif rhannol / Partial manuscript draft

Llyfr nodiadau (heb ddyddiad) yn cynnwys drafft llawysgrif rhannol o’r stori fer ‘Strangers’ a gyhoeddwyd yn y casgliad ‘Ghosts and Strangers’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2001). / An exercise book (undated) containing a partial manuscript draft of the short story ‘Strangers’ as published in the collection ‘Ghosts and Strangers’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2001).

Drafft llawysgrif heb teitl / An untitled manuscript draft

Drafft llawysgrif (heb ddyddiad) yn llaw Emyr Humphreys o stori fer ddi-deitl, sy’n ymddangos fel fersiwn o ‘Ghosts and Strangers’ (cyhoeddwyd yn ‘Ghosts and Strangers’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2001)). / A manuscript draft (undated) in the hand of Emyr Humphreys of an untitled short story, which appears to be a version of ‘Ghosts and Strangers’ (published in ‘Ghosts and Strangers’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2001)).

'The Man in the Mist'

Llyfr nodiadau mawr (2000) yn cynnwys nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o straeon byrion o'r enw 'The Newsreader' a 'Taking a Chance'/ 'Taking Chances', ynghyd â drafft llawysgrif a theipysgrif o'r stori fer 'Glyn and Gwyn', a gyhoeddwyd fel 'The Man in the Mist' yn 'Old People are a Problem' (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003). / A large notepad (2000) containing manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of short stories titled ‘The Newsreader’ and ‘Taking a Chance’/ ‘Taking Chances’, together with a manuscript and typescript draft of the short story ‘Glyn and Gwyn’, published as ‘The Man in the Mist’ in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003).

Teipysgrifau / Typescripts

Teipysgrifau, yn cynnwys yn bennaf ddrafftiau o straeon byrion a gyhoeddwyd yn ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003). / Typescripts, consisting mainly of drafts of short stories that were published in 'Old People are a Problem' (Bridgend: Seren, 2003).

Drafftiau llawysgrif a theipysgrif / Manuscript and typescript drafts

Drafftiau teipysgrif a llawysgrif, gan gynnwys drafftiau o’r straeon byrion ‘Luigi’, ‘Glasshouses’, a ‘Sisters’, y cyhoeddwyd y ddwy olaf yn ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys drafft llawysgrif o gyflwyniad i’r gyfres ‘Gwlad y Byw’ (2000), a darn o’r enw ‘Lansio’. / Typescript and manuscript drafts, including drafts of the short stories ‘Luigi’, ‘Glasshouses’, and ‘Sisters’, the latter two of which were published in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003). The file also includes a manuscript draft of an introduction to the ‘Land of the Living’ series (2000), and a piece titled ‘Lansio’.

Teipysgrifau / Typescripts

Proflenni teipysgrif, gyda rhai cywiriadau, ar gyfer ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003), yn cynnwys teipysgrifau o’r straeon byrion ‘Old People are a Problem’, ‘Glasshouses’, ‘Looking After Ruthie’, ‘The Man in the Mist', a 'Before the War'; ynghyd â theipysgrifau o straeon byrion cyhoeddedig pellach gan gynnwys 'Negotiating with the Living' (New Welsh Review, 58 (2002)), 'An Ethnic Tremor' (Planet, 134 (1999)), 'Vennerberg's Ghost'/'The Photograph' (Planet, 140 (2000)), a 'Luigi' (Planet, 153 (2002)). Mae'r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Mick Felton (2), Elinor Humphreys (1), a Francesca Rhydderch (2). / Typescript proofs, with some corrections, for ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003), including typescripts of the short stories ‘Old People are a Problem’, ‘Glasshouses’, ‘Looking After Ruthie’, ‘The Man in the Mist’, and ‘Before the War’; together with typescripts of further published short stories including ‘Negotiating with the Living’ (New Welsh Review, 58 (2002)), ‘An Ethnic Tremor’ (Planet, 134 (1999)), ‘Vennerberg’s Ghost’/’The Photograph’ (Planet, 140 (2000)), and ‘Luigi’ (Planet, 153 (2002)). The file also includes letters from Mick Felton (2), Elinor Humphreys (1), and Francesca Rhydderch (2).

Nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif / Manuscript notes and drafts

Nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif (2008) yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafftiau o straeon byrion gyda’r teitlau ‘Three Old Men’ ac ‘A Little History’, y ddau wedi’u cyhoeddi yn ‘The Woman at the Window’ (Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr: Seren, 2009); a nodiadau a drafftiau pellach wedi’u teitlo ‘Futures’, ‘Building a Past’, ‘The Bicycle’, a ‘Figures in a Landscape VI Miss Jones’. / Manuscript notes and drafts (2008) in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of short stories titled ‘Three Old Men’ and ‘A Little History’, both published in ‘The Woman at the Window’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2009); and further notes and drafts titled ‘Futures’, ‘Building a Past’, ‘The Bicycle’, and ‘Figures in a Landscape VI Miss Jones’.

'Nomen'; 'The Photograph'

Drafftiau teipysgrif a llawysgrif o straeon byrion, gan gynnwys drafftiau o straeon gyda’r teitlau ‘The Obstinate Bottle’ ([?1938x?1948]); ‘Nomen’ (cyhoeddwyd yn Planet 159 (2003), 27-30); ‘The Man in the Mist’ (cyhoeddwyd yn ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Pen-y-bont: Seren, 2003)); a ‘The Photograph’ (cyhoeddwyd fel ‘Vennerberg’s Ghost’ yn Planet 140 (2000), 47-59). Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys proflen clawr ar gyfer ‘The Taliesin Tradition’ (Llundain: Black Raven Press, 1983), a chatalog o lyfrau gan Eyre & Spottiswoode (1963). / Typescript and manuscript drafts of short stories, including drafts of stories titled ‘The Obstinate Bottle’ ([?1938x?1948]); ‘Nomen’ (published in Planet 159 (2003), 27-30); ‘The Man in the Mist’ (published in ‘Old People are a Problem’ (Bridgend: Seren, 2003)); and ‘The Photograph’ (published as ‘Vennerberg’s Ghost’ in Planet 140 (2000), 47-59). The file also includes a cover proof for ‘The Taliesin Tradition’ (London: Black Raven Press, 1983), and a catalogue of books by Eyre & Spottiswoode (1963).

'The Invention'; 'Etruscan Places'

Llyfr nodiadau A4 (1992) yn cynnwys nodiadau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafftiau rhannol o straeon byrion o’r enw ‘The Invention’ ac ‘Etruscan Places’. / An A4 notepad (1992) containing various manuscript notes in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including partial drafts of short stories titled ‘The Invention’ and ‘Etruscan Places’.

Nodiadau a drafftiau amrywiol / Various notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau ([?2001]) yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau o syniadau stori fer gyda’r teitlau ‘Suspicion’/ ‘Felicity’s Angel’, ‘Guardian Angel’, ‘The Fourth Man’, ’Homecoming’, ‘Funeral Music’/’Figures at a Funeral’, ‘Before the War’, ’The Nightmare’, ac ‘An Old Man Complaining’; ynghyd â nodiadau a drafftiau pellach o farddoniaeth a rhyddiaith, drafft o draethawd gyda’r teitl ‘Landscape’, a drafft o araith ar gyfer agoriad adeilad Parry-Williams, Prifysgol Aberystwyth ([?2000]). / A notepad ([?2001]) containing various manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including drafts of short story ideas titled ‘Suspicion’/ ‘Felicity’s Angel’, ‘Guardian Angel’, ‘The Fourth Man’, ’Homecoming’, ‘Funeral Music’/’Figures at a Funeral’, ‘Before the War’, ’The Nightmare’, and ‘An Old Man Complaining’; together with further notes and drafts of poetry and prose, a draft of an essay titled ‘Landscape’, and a draft of a speech for the opening of the Parry-Williams building, Aberyswyth University ([?2000]).

Nodiadau a drafftiau amrywiol / Various notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau a phapurau (2002-2004) yn cynnwys nodiadau a drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, gan gynnwys drafftiau rhannol o straeon byrion gyda’r teitlau ‘Love Potion’, ac ‘A Long Story’; ynghyd â drafftiau o draethodau gyda’r teitlau ‘Negotiating with the Dead’ a ‘Cronica Walliae’, drafftiau o farddoniaeth, a nodiadau sy’n ymwneud yn ôl pob tebyg â’r nofel ‘The Shop’. Mae’r ffeil hefyd yn cynnwys llythyrau oddi wrth Sioned Puw Rowlands (1) a Geraint Wyn Parry (1), ynghyd â llythyr drafft gan Emyr Humphreys; a thaflen ar gyfer ‘Y Byd’. / A notepad and papers (2002-2004) containing various manuscript notes and drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including partial drafts of short stories titled ‘Love Potion’, and ‘A Long Story’; together with drafts of essays titled ‘Negotiating with the Dead’ and ‘Cronica Walliae’, drafts of poetry, and notes apparently relating to the novel ‘The Shop’. The file also includes letters from Sioned Puw Rowlands (1) and Geraint Wyn Parry (1), together with a draft letter from Emyr Humphreys; and a leaflet for ‘Y Byd’.

Nodiadau a drafftiau / Notes and drafts

Llyfr nodiadau A4 yn cynnwys drafftiau llawysgrif amrywiol yn llaw Emyr Humphreys, yn cynnwys drafftiau rhannol o straeon byrion a rhyddiaith gyda’r teitlau ‘For and Against’, ‘Y Gop’, ‘W. S. J.’, ac ‘A Meeting of Minds’; ynghyd â drafftiau amrywiol o farddoniaeth, gan gynnwys cerddi gyda’r teitlau ‘The Chaste Househusband’, ‘A Blessing’, ‘Confessional’, ‘Looking Back’, a ‘Dyn Unig’. / An A4 notepad containing various manuscript drafts in the hand of Emyr Humphreys, including partial drafts of short stories and prose titled ‘For and Against’, ‘Y Gop’, ‘W. S. J.’, and ‘A Meeting of Minds’; together with various drafts of poetry, including poems titled ‘The Chaste Househusband’, ‘A Blessing’, ‘Confessional’, ‘Looking Back’, and ‘Dyn Unig’.

'A Necessary Figure'

Papurau (1970; [?1973]), yn ymwneud â chynhyrchiad teledu o’r enw ‘A Necessary Figure: A Television Birthday Tribute to Saunders Lewis’, yn cynnwys tri drafft teipysgrif o sgript deledu a ysgrifennwyd gan Emyr Humphreys; nodiadau llawysgrif yn llaw yr un; a theipysgrif arall gyda’r teitl ‘Outline of a Necessary Figure’. / Papers (1970; [?1973]), relating to a television production titled ‘A Necessary Figure: A Television Birthday Tribute to Saunders Lewis’, including three typescript drafts of a television script written by Emyr Humphreys; manuscript notes in the hand of the same; and a further typescript titled ‘Outline of a Necessary Figure’.

'Ŵyn i’r Lladdfa'

Drafft teipysgrif (1983), gyda chywiriadau, o sgript ar gyfer drama deledu o’r enw ‘Ŵyn i’r Lladdfa’, a ddarlledwyd ar S4C, 1 Mawrth 1984. / A typescript draft (1983), with corrections, of a script for a television drama titled ‘Ŵyn i’r Lladdfa’, transmitted on S4C, 1 March 1984.

'Byw yn Rhydd'

Papurau (1958-1988), yn cynnwys sgriptiau, drafftiau, a nodiadau, yn ymwneud â chynhyrchiad teledu o'r enw 'Byw yn Rhydd', drama yn seiliedig ar nofel Emyr Humphreys 'Jones' (Llundain: J. M. Dent, 1984) ac a ddarlledwyd ar y 18 Rhagfyr, 1984. / Papers (1958-1988), including scripts, drafts, and notes, relating to a television production titled 'Byw yn Rhydd', a drama based on Emyr Humphreys' novel ‘Jones’ (London: J. M. Dent, 1984) and transmitted on the 18 December, 1984.

Drafft teipysgrif / Typescript draft

Drafft teipysgrif, gyda chywiriadau, o ddrama deledu gyda'r teitl ‘Hualau’ (1984). / A typescript draft, with corrections, of a drama for television titled ‘Hualau’ (1984).

Drafftiau teipysgrif / Typescript drafts

Dau deipysgrif o sgript ar gyfer y ddrama ‘Angel o’r Nef’ (1984), ynghyd â cherdyn dyddiedig 1998. / Two typescripts of a script for the drama ‘Angel o’r Nef’ (1984), together with a card dated 1998.

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