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Sir John Herbert Lewis papers
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Letter from Lord Kenyon, Piccadilly,

Is pleased so may MPs can come. Has been misinformed over Humphrey Williams's intentions towards the grant from Flintshire County Council to the Agriculture Department of Bangor College. 'I hear the Bethesda people are delighted. I hope the Blaenau folk will bicycle down to Capel Curig'.

Letter from Lord Kenyon, Piccadilly,

Understands the Lord President has been consulting Sir Alfred Thomas concerning appointments to the Court of the Library and Museum. 'The inference was that a preponderance was given to S. Wales', which is a particular danger in the case of the Museum. Has talked to Fitzroy and hopes that John Herbert Lewis will approach Lord Crewe. The Lord President has offered Kenyon a seat on the Court. 'Private'.

Letter from Harry R. Reichel, Bangor,

John Herbert Lewis's telegram is 'a very considerable relief' and will be communicated privately to the two Principals. 'The Colleges owe a great debt to you for your steady and untiring support'. Will attend Kenyon's funeral tomorrow - 'He stood by the College at a critical time. There are few left of this special type'.

Letter from Ellis Edwards, Bala,

Thanks for John Herbert Lewis's kind comments. Sees John Herbert Lewis as one of the patres rei publicae to whom he is anxious to introduce an adolescens who is keen to enter public life.

Letter from David Davies, Llandinam,

Thanks for congratulations on his marriage. The campaign begins this week, 'and I think the prospects are fairly bright though the Tories are very busy'. Hopes to see John Herbert Lewis at Cardiff tomorrow.

Letter from Frank Edwards, Knighton,

Hopes that John Herbert Lewis has recovered. The snow. Knighton has contributed £72,000 to the War Loan; 'the farmers are rolling in money'. Cannot understand why Lloyd George does not implement the agreement made with Redmond and Carson last year.

Letter from R. Farquharson Sharp, British Museum,

Has mentioned to the Director the desirability of recognising Mr Ballinger's readiness to provide temporary housing for collections from the British Museum. The Director agrees and will suggest a CBE or a OBE to the proper quarters. Hopes John Herbert Lewis is prepared to 'put in a "word in season"'.

Letter from D. S. Davies, Denbigh,

The Denbigh Boroughs Liberal Executive has resolved not to oppose the bill - 'out of deference for the request of Flintshire'. There is a strong feeling in favour of amalgamating the Boroughs with the County. It seems the Wrexham Liberals are in favour of joining the county. A joint meeting will be held at Chester on Tuesday.

Letter from J Towyn Jones, 12 Downing Street,

The Annual Meeting of the Bangor Liberal Association is to be preceded by a public meeting at which a vote of confidence in the Prime Minister will be moved. Lloyd George is to find a speaker from Parliament to support the resolution. Can John Herbert Lewis attend the meeting? There is anxiety because of Labour Party activity at Bangor.

Letter from Lord Clwyd, 32 Queen's Gate Gardens,

The Licensing Bill Committee stage has been completed. The Monmouthshire amendment was not passed. Lord Plymouth made a very strong speech against the extension of Sunday closing to Monmouthshire. Is anxious for the Government to go to a division. Has John Herbert Lewis any influence in the Lords? The issue 'has a serious relation to the political situation in Wales'. A referendum would be 'ridiculous'. A 'stiff fight on this point' is needed. 'Private & confidential'.

Letter from J. Towyn Jones, New Quay,

Congratulations on honour received. Hears John Herbert Lewis was offered a peerage. Has been ill and so could not stand at the last general election - 'What a revolution that Election has created in the world of politics'. His health and future prospects. His wife and daughter. John Herbert Lewis's children. Hears John Herbert Lewis is to receive the freedom of the town of Aberystwyth. 'Honours come your way in clusters. It never rains but it pours'.

Letter from Herbert Fisher, Oxford,

Hopes that John Herbert Lewis is not in pain and is able to find some interest in life. Fears education is to suffer a further setback. Is grieved by the proposed abolition of percentage grants which will lead to 'reaction'. There is widespread concern at the 'disarray and discouragement' at the Board of Education. Is writing a biography of Bryce. Reflections on the Education Bill of 1902. 'The poor Liberal party! I cannot say that it is very exhilerating sitting amongst them in Parliament - so few and yet so divided - but I am bound to say that all the best initiatives of the Government began from the Liberal Benches'. Is not impressed by Lloyd George's land scheme and tends to agree with Mond - 'Why should the land be better cultivated under a committee aided by land agents than under landlords aided by land agents?'.

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