Dangos 281 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
John Jenkins Collection of Neath and Cilybebyll Deeds,
Rhagolwg argraffu Gweld:

File of individual sheets of Welsh and English poetry and some miscellaneous documents. Some of the poetry sheets, numbered 1a-1j ...,

File of individual sheets of Welsh and English poetry and some miscellaneous documents. Some of the poetry sheets, numbered 1a-1j, from the late 17th and early 18th centuries, are endorsed 'D.18', and are discussed at some length in D. Rhys Phillips: The History of the Vale of Neath (Swansea, 1925), Appendix XXV (pp. 731-42). They belonged originally to Philip Williams (dec. 1717) of Plas Dyffryn Clydach, Vale of Neath, 'the Genealogist', and steward of man. Cadoxton and of the Neath Abbey estate of Elizabeth Hoby (dec. 1699). Subsequently they remained in the possession of a legal firm at Neath, and were entrusted to Mr Phillips' 'interpretation' by Mr Nisbet of Church Place. Two other groups of documents associated with the family of Williams of Plas Dyffryn Clydach, also for the most part endorsed 'D.18', are preserved in the National Library of Wales, namely Nos A.1-165 and P. and M. 2744-9, 3857, 5936-7, 6367-70, 6593-6, 6610-25 in the Penrice and Margam muniments. A schedule of these two groups is available, prepared as to the first group by D. Rhys Phillips and as to the second by Walter de Gray Birch of the British Museum. (a) [A 'Merlin' Political Prophecy]; Bonddigion a chyfredin o Cymru a Saison pur Dewch yn nes ir winllan i weitho am y'ch hur ... Davidd William, 1668. [Printed in The History of the Vale of Neath, pp. 736-7.] (b) Ymddiddan rwng pump bardd y borau am ganiad Ceiliog wedi treilio'r nos mewn difyrrwch yn Llyn: Clywais mawr ochlais gwiw gloch Do beraidd bylgeingloch ... Together with transcripts of Morganwg, Glyn Neth, and Tir Gwyr pedigrees. Endorsed: 'Welsh Englins in praise of Cock Crowing'. (c) 'A Welsh Elegy on Mr David Rogers [of Cadoxton]': Iesy grist Duw trugarog gwrandon llef hyd eith Nef ychelder ... (d) 'Elegy on the death of Mr [Miles] Mathewes [of Lancayach, 1682]': Morganwg lu olwg lawn er cofio am wr cyfiawn ... (e) Odl yn dangos dechreuad a diwedd dyn: Dyn o wraig wan ffaig er hoffi, einos fo anwyd mewn noethni. Hopkin Sion. Endorsed: 'A Welsh Poem on the Birth and Death of man'. (f) 'An Elogie [sic] upon ye Death of my Excellent Friend Mrs [Elizabeth] Hobby [of Neath Abbey]': When we would Correct'e indite Of Merrite that exceed the fight. Printed in The History of the Vale of Neath, pp. 733-4. Mr D. Rhys Phillips, in his description of a similar poem by Dafydd Evan preserved in Penrice and Margam document No. A.55, expresses the opinion that this poem is the work of 'one who had been her fervent and devoted admirer - possibly Philip Williams of Dyffryn Clydach'. Endorsed: 'An Elegy upon Madam Hoby'. (g) [Verses in defence of Sir Humphrey Mackworth of Gnoll, c. 1705-10]: Pob calon gywir trwy ddaioni paw sun caru llessiant cymru ... [David Evan]. Printed in The History of the Vale of Neath, p. 735. Endorsed: 'A Welsh poem to Sir Humph. Mackworth'. (h) Ir Parlament yn y flwyddyn 1680: Parlament wyr pyr pwy werin, gallach er gwella'r cyffredin ... Da. William. Question: Gan dâl y mau dial bob dudd, ag ochain ag achwyn mwen [sic] glwedudd [sic] ... Atteb: Nyd iw tâl ddial ar ddin, ond dyald yn talieth pob blywyddyn ... Endorsed: 'a Welsh song to the Parliam't in the yeare 80'. Also endorsed are some financial memoranda. (i) [Verses in praise of Justin Williams of Dyffryn Clydach]: Fy ffrins trwy holl Ddeheubarth a gweynedd oll [corrected to bawb] ai dosparth ... [David Evan]. Endorsed: 'A Welsh Song in praise of my [Philip Williams'] Brother'. (j) 1673, June 19. Order of the Court of the Council in the Marches of Wales, dismissing an action between William Lloyd, plaintiff, and Isaacke George, defendant, for relief in equity touching a specialty and for £9 paid in discharge of the said specialty. [This document, endorsed 'Welsh Poems', was probably used by Philip Williams as a wrapper for some of the other items preserved in this file]. (k) [Tribannau]: Nid marw y mae'r Christion sy'n mado'r byd yn ffuddlon ... [Penillion Telyn]: Y Brytaniaid o Ddeheubarth ag o wynedd fwyn o bob parth ... Both sets of verses are in praise of Paradise. The first extends to 17 verses, the second to 78. (l) Englynion a ganodd Llewelyn ab Evan i ganfol Telyn newydd a wnaethai Roger Powell o Enau'r Glyn, esq. i'w chyflwyno'n Anrheg i Anthony Powell o'r Goetre-hên, esq. Y Fronfraith eurfrith wi'n erfyn fanwyl It fyned a mhopryn ... (m) [Fanny blooming fair]. O! Fanny blooming fair, p'le mae mor fine ei phryd, Hi gyrhaedd gymmaint gair, mae'i n ben ar ddeubarth Byd ... Dafydd Nic'las. Printed in The History of the Vale of Neath, pp. 738-9. See also ibid., pp. 550ff. (n) Chwech Englyn unodle union o alarnadau am Symudiad y digyffelyb waredwr ac ymniffynwr y tlodion a'r gorthwmedig yn Sir Forganwg mewn Materion cyfraith, yr hwn gynt a adwaenid wrth yr Enw Mr John Morgan Pleidiwr Mewn Cyfraith neu yn Saesonag Attorney at Law, ond gwedu hynny a adwaenid yn fwy Enwedigol Wrth y Radd neu'r title John Morgan, esq. pa rhai a wnad ar ei Symudiad ef o Dref Abertawe yn Sir Forganwg i Fynnon yn Sir Aberteifi ?gan un y Sydd Rhy debygol o gael gweled ei Eisiau ef, etc. Och Och, a chan Och, achwynaf, yn Oer Yn awr hi aeth arnaf, ... Rhys Morgan o Bengraignedd yn Llangatwg. Printed in The History of the Vale of Neath, p. 738. (o) [Tribannau] 'ar agwedd Jengtyd ar henaint': Gwrandawed Pawb o'r hollfyd fi'n adrodd Cwrs y Jengtyd ... Llewelin Evan ... o Blwyf Llangrallo. (p) [18]30, Jan. 22. Letter: Henry Davies from Drefnewydd [Newtown] to his brother Mr Robert Davies at Hendregyngen; to be left at Mrs Beynon's, Neath. Accident to the writer's brother ('niwed gan y glo'). Lessons are getting harder and harder. Started on Greek last week - it is very difficult to learn. Will be allowed to start on Virgil next week. Books are very expensive - 4s. for a Greek Dictionary, 6s. for Virgil. Will require a Greek Testament in about three weeks, and that will cost at least 4s. His father has promised him money. News of the weather since Christmas ('yn ddigon oer y sythu brain'). Requests a letter with news of 'Richard Afenyrerw' and of his relatives and friends. Greetings to his parents, brothers, and sisters, T. Davies, Byrnant, 'Thomas Llwynon' (if he is alive) and Mr John Thomas (for he will never remember the writer). Hopes that 'Betty Pendaren' is improving ('yn dyfod ar y gorau'). Greetings to Mary, 'Davydd', and all the writer's family. Brother Llew Powell sends his regards. Welsh. (q) 1830, Oct. 2. Letter Henry Davies from Newtown, to his brother Mr Robert Davies at Hendregyngain; to be left at Mrs Beynon's, Neath. Wrote five weeks ago to his father, but has received no answer; 'yr ydwyf yn teimlo chwant a hiraeth am gael glywed rhiwbeth o dir fy ngwlad ...'; he has heard nothing but what Llew Powell has told him. He is in good health, and is comfortable. He was admitted to the Academy last Wednesday. It will be very difficult for him, but it will all be for his ultimate benefit. He will also receive a little more towards his maintenance. Much corn remains to be harvested. He does not know how Roger is getting on - 'yr oedd hiraeth ofnadwy arnaf yn ymadael a fo ar fynydd Epynt, mwy o lawer na fy arnai eriod or blaen ... ond mi welles yn byr dda yn mhen o ddaetu dwy awr'. He cannot send his 'picture' by post, as it would cost 2s., but intends to send it with Mr Williams, Ty yn coed, who is expected there about Christmas. Wishes to be remembered to his father's family, to Mary and David and all his relatives, to 'brother' John Thomas, to 'yr Henwr or llwynon', and to all who may remember him. Requests a letter, with all news of the district; he wishes to know especially who is likely to minister at Godre-roes. Welsh. (r) Transcript of the memorial inscription of Mary Thomas of Hendregingen [Creunant], spinster, dec. 28 June 1760, aged 45 years; Hopkin Leyshon of Llwynfelis [Creunant], gent., dec. 8 Dec. 1782, aged 49 years; Thomas Jenkin William [of Creunant], dec. 10 July 1822, aged 66 years; and Margaret, wife of the said Thomas Jenkin, dec. 29 Dec. 1828, aged 73 years. (s) Poster advertising a sale of the stock, implements, etc., of Mr Owen Jenkins at Hendregyngen Farm, Crynant, Dylais Valley, 18 Sept. 1900. Printed.

Account Book of [Rees Jenkins of Blaen Corrwg, p. Glyncorrwg, gent.] recording the sale and/or purchase of sheep, wool, horses ...,

Account Book of [Rees Jenkins of Blaen Corrwg, p. Glyncorrwg, gent.] recording the sale and/or purchase of sheep, wool, horses, cattle, oats, and straw, and the receipt of payments of interest money, 1825-1865; with memoranda of sheep shorn and of horses and cattle sent to tack, 1825-1840. Inset are deeds and accounts, 1789-1864.

Estreat, recording the surrender by Richard Pritchard of p. Cadoxton iuxta Neath, co. Glam., yeoman, of a parcel of land ...,

Estreat, recording the surrender by Richard Pritchard of p. Cadoxton iuxta Neath, co. Glam., yeoman, of a parcel of land called Kae brin tew, divided into three closes called Kae brin tew ycha, Kae newith, and Kae brin tew ysha, p. Cadoxton iuxta Neath, and the taking up of the same by John Llewelyn of Ynisygerwyn, p. Cadoxton iuxta Neath. Latin.

Estreat, being a praecipe quod reddat to Llewelin Price, gent., to deliver to Henry Williams and John Llewelin, gent's, eleven ...,

Estreat, being a praecipe quod reddat to Llewelin Price, gent., to deliver to Henry Williams and John Llewelin, gent's, eleven m's, one water corn mill, one fulling mill, twelve gardens, and 720 a. of land in p. Cadoxton iuxta Neath, of which the tmt's are called Abergwum [sic], Tir y lloyne, Tir y karllwr, Maesgwyn, Maesllwncke, Maesllewelin Meyricke, Gwayn y Kyll, Blaen nant yr Ewig, Pyllvairgylynes, Pant y ffynnon Vair, and Abernantyrhybhallt, and the water corn mill and fulling mill called Aberpergwum Watergristemill and Abergwum [sic] Tucking mill. Latin.

Estreat, recording the surrender (mortgage for £100) by Richd Bevan, son and copyhold heir of Morgan Evan late of p ...,

Estreat, recording the surrender (mortgage for £100) by Richd Bevan, son and copyhold heir of Morgan Evan late of p. Cadoxton, dec., David Thomas of the same, yeoman, and Rebecca, his wife, eldest daughter and one of the copyhold heirs of Roger William late of the same, dec., of a moiety of m's and lands called Maes yr Hendre, Lloyn Llank ycha, gwayn y Drosgol, Lloydka [sic] Drosgol, Llyest Davidd ddy, and Gwayn y deoedd [sic], and the taking up of the same by [blank], to the use of Daniel Gethin of p. Cadoxton, yeoman. Draft.

Canlyniadau 21 i 40 o 281