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Coedymaen (Group 1) Papers, File
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Will of John Wynn of the Inner Temple, London, gent,

Devises all his premises in p. Trausfonidd and in the towns of Dolgelle [p. Dolgellau], Harlech [p. Llanfair] and Barmo [p. Llanaber], co. Mer., to his father Henry Wynn of the Inner Temple, esq., solicitor general to the Queen. Subscribed: Published in our present [sic] 18 Mar. 1653. Endorsed: 'Will of John Wynn afterwards Sir John Wynn of Wynnstay'.

Volume of printed and manuscript material bound in leather comprising the following,

Volume of printed and manuscript material bound in leather comprising the following:. F. 1. Reasons / Humbly Offer'd, for Placing his Highness / The Prince of Orange, / Singly, in the Throne, during Life (No imprint, [1688].). F. 2-3. The / Speech / Of the Right Honourable / Henry Powle, Esq.; / Speaker / Of The / House of Commons : On Monday the Sixteenth of December 1689 (London, Printed by Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties, 1689). F. 4. Now is the Time. ([London, 1689]). F. 5-6. A Remonstrance, by way of Address from the Church of England / to both Houses of Parliament, upon the Account of Religion. / Together with some Remarks upon Dr Sherlock's Sermon Preached / the 29th May, 1685 (No imprint, [1685].). F. 7-12. The Humble / Petition / Of The / Lord Mayor, / Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London / in Common Council Assembled, / As it was Presented to / His Majesty / In Council at Windsor, / Upon Monday the 18th of June 1683. Together with the / Lord Keeper's Speech (London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill deceas'd : And by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1683). Ff. 13-14. Advice / To The / Nobility, Gentry & Commonalty / Of This / Nation / In The Qualifications and Elections / Of Their / Knights and Burgesses, / Their Representatives in / Parliament. / Humbly offered unto their Serious Consideration (No imprint, [? c. 1680]). F. 15. A / Speech / Of A / Commoner of England, / To His / Fellow Commoners / Of The / Convention (No imprint, [1689]). F. 16. Blank. F. 17. Prince George's Letter to the King and the Lord Churchills Letter to the / King (No imprint, [1688]). Ff. 18-19. The Lord Delamere's Letter to his Tenants at War- / ington in Lancashire, Answered; By one of his Lordship's / Tenants (No imprint [1688]). Ff. 20-1. A New-Years-Gift for the Lord Chief in Justice Sc[rog]gs / Being Some Remarks on his Speech made the First Day of Michaelmas Term, 1679 ([London, 1679]). F. 22. The Declaration of the Nobility, Gentry, and Commo- / nalty at the Rendezvous at Nottingham, Nov. 22 1688 ([London, 1689]). F. 23. A Remonstrance and Protestation of all the Good Prote- / stants of this Kingdom, against Deposing their lawful Soveragin K. James II ([London ?, 1689]). Ff. 24-5. Fraud and Oppression detected and arraigned ... / a Petition to the King in Mrs White's Case, a Reference upon / it to the Judge of the Admiralty, with his Report thereupon; And Mr James / Boeve's Attestation concerning the said Case ... [by George Carew] ([London, 1676]). Ff. 26-31. To The / Honourable / The / Commons of England / Assembled in / Parliament. A Short Account of One of the Grand Grievances of / the Nation by James Whiston ([London, ? 1689]). Ff. 32-7. A / Letter / To / Mr Nathaniel Tenche, / In / Answer / To a Paper published by him, Entitul'd, / Animadversions upon Mr George White's / Reflection on the Answer of the East-India- / Company, to Mr Samuel White's Two / Papers; Wherein / The Arbitary Violences / Committed by the said Company on the / Lives and Estates / Of Their / Fellow Subjects and Strangers; / Together With / The present sad Condition of their Affairs / in India are occasionally intimated by George White (London, 1689). F. 38. Advice about the New East India Stock, in a / Letter to a Friend ([London, 1691]). Ff. 39-40. Some Considerations Offered touching the East-India / Affairs (No imprint, [1690s]). F. 41. Considerations Humbly Tendred, Concerning the / East India Company by Sir William Langhorne [Author's name added in MS] (No imprint, [1690s]). F. 42. As f. 41. Ff. 43-4. As ff. 39-40. Ff. 45-6. A / Brief Abstract / Of The / Great Oppressions and Injuries which the late / Managers of the / East-India Company / Have Acted on the Lives, Liberties and / Estates of their Fellow-Subjects. / With a Short / Account / Of Their / Unjust Dealings with the Natives in sundry / Parts of India; which has so much exposed the Ho- / nour and Interest of the Nation and hazarded the Loss / of that Advantageous Trade ([London, 1698]). Ff. 47-8. As ff. 39-40. Ff. 49-68. An / Impartial Account / Of The / Nature and Tendency / Of the Late / Address, / In A / Letter / To A / Gentleman in the Country (London, Printed for R. Baldwyn, 1681). Ff. 69-89. A Tory Plot: / Or The / Discovery / Of A / Design / Carried on by our late / Addressers / And / Abhorrers, To Alter the Constitution of the / Government, / And to Betray the / Protestant Religion by 'Philanax Misopappas' (London, Printed for N. L. to be sold by Richard Janeway, 1682). Ff. 90-128. Vox Angliae: / Or, The / Voice of the Kingdom. / Being / A Compleat Collection / Of / All those Numerous Addresses / Lately Presented / To His Majesty, / From the Greatest Part of the / Counties, Cities, Boroughs, / And other / Corporations and Societies in England and Wales, &c. / Expressing their Thanks / For His Late Gracious Declaration (London, Printed for J. Norris. 1682). F. 129. Blank. Ff. 130-45. The History / Of the / Association, / Containing all the / Debates / In the Last / House of Commons, / At Westminster: / Concerning an Association, for the Preservation of / the Kings Person, and the Security of the Prote- / stant Religion (London, Printed for R. Janeway, 1682). Ff. 146-7. Blank. Ff. 148-64. The / French Intrigues / Discovered. / With the / Method and Arts / To / Retrench the Potency / Of / France / By / Land and Sea, / And to Confine that / Monarch / Within his Antient / Dominions and Territories (London, Printed for R. Baldwin. 1681). Ff. 165-174. A / Gentle Reflection / On The / Modest Account, / And A / Vindication / Of The / Loyal Abhorrers, / From the / Calumnies / Of a / Factious Pen [by John Andrewes] (London, Printed for Benjamin Tooke at the Ship in St Paul's Church-yard, and Thomas Sawbridge at the Three Flower-de-Luces in Little Britain, 1682). Ff. 175-93. A / True and Plain / Account / Of The / Discoveries / Made in / Scotland, / Of the Late / Conspiracies / Against / His Majesty and the Government [by Sir George Mackenzie]. (Reprinted at London, by Thomas Newcomb for Susanna Forrester in Kings-Street Westminster, 1685). Ff. 194-208. The / Tryal / And / Process / Of / High-Treason / And / Doom of Forfaulture / Against / Mr Robert Baillie of Jerviswood / Traitor [by Sir George Mackenzie] (Edinburg, Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, and Reprinted at London, by Thomas Newcomb, 1685). Ff. 209v-18. The / Declaration / Of The / Hungarian War, / Lately set out by the most Illustrious / Michael Apasi, / Prince of Transilvania, / Against the / Emperour's S. Majesty (London, Printed for Francis Smith, Sen., at the Elephant and Castle in Cornhill, 1682). Latin/English. Ff. 219-25. Latin version of ff. 226-33. Printed. Ff. 226-33. The / Counsell / Which the Bishop Excester / Delivered / To XLIV Presbyters and Deacons, / After they had been ordained by him / (With the assistance of other grave Ministers) In / The Cathedral Church of Excester, / After the Primitive, Catholick, / and lawful / Way of the Church of England, January 13 1660 (London, Printed by J. Fletcher, and to be sold by R. Royston, bookseller to his Sacred Majesty, 1661). Ff. 234-9. The Judgement and Decree / Of The / University of Oxford / Post in their Convocation / July 21, 1683 / Against certain Pernicious Books and / Damnable Doctrines / Destructive to the Sacred Persons of Princes, / their State and Government, and / of all Humane Society ([Oxford], Printed at the Theater, 1683). Ff. 240-1. The / Case / Of The / Jews Stated (No imprint, [1697]). Ff. 242-5. Mr Emerton's Cause / Now depending before the / Delegates, / Briefly stated and unfolded (London, Printed for R. Dew, 1682). F. 246. Reasons for reducing of Guineas to their / True Value ([London, 1696]). Ff. 247-52. The / Causes / Of Our Present Calamities / In reference to the / Trade of the Nation / Fully Discovered, / With the most proper Expedient to Remedy the same, / Whereby the War it self may become as certainly / Advantageous as a Peace will be Destructive by James Whiston (London, Printed for Edward Poole Bookseller in Cornhill, 1691/2). Ff. 253-75. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Commons re the cases of Sir John Fagg, Richard Onslow and Sir Thomas Dalmahoy concerning parliamentary privilege, May-June 1675. [cf. Journal of the House of Commons, IX, 1667-87, pp. 329-57 passim]. MS. F. 276. Blank. Ff. 277-335. As ff. 253-75. MS. Ff. 336-40. Blank. Ff. 341-2. Queries arising from the 'Demurrer which is to be tried for ye Office of the Marshall of the Marshalsey of the King's Bench Prison', with the answers of Henry Pollexfen, 3 Sept. 1687. MS. Ff. 343-4. As ff. 341-2 with the answers of T[homas] Powys, solicitor-general, 15 Oct. 1687. MS. Ff. 345-6. As ff. 341-2 with the answers of R[ichard] Sawyer, attorney-general, [Sept.xOct. 1687]. MS. F. 347.

The Case Between the King and [William] Lenthall re the office of Marshall of the Kings Bench, [Jan. 1687]. MS. Ff. 348-53. Blank. Ff. 354-408. Arguments of counsel in the case specified in f. 347.MS. Ff. 409-13. Blank. Ff. 414-31. The / Case / Of the Company of / Grocers / Stated; And their Condition in their Present Circumstances / Truly Represented : / Together with a short Account of their Ori- / ginal; How Eminent they have been in / this City; And also of some of their Antient / Priveledges and Vsages by William Ravenhill (London, Printed for the Company of Grocers, 1686). F. 432. Blank. F. 433. Table of Contents of ff. 434-86. MS. Ff. 434-46. The various titles by which the Corporation of the City of London has been denoted and expressed in general records, [1676x1700]. MS. Ff. 447-56. The antiquity grants and confirmations touching the Lord Mayor [of London], [1676x1700]. MS. Ff. 457-60. Of the Sheriffs of London, [1676x1700]. MS. Ff. 461-4. Of the Sheriffs of Middlesex, [1676x1700]. MS. Ff. 465-75. The confirmations of the liberties and customs of the city of London by Acts of Parliament, [1676x1700]. MS. F. 476. Blank. Ff. 477-86. Concerning pleas of the Crown, [1676x1700]. MS. F. 487. Blank.

Volume of poems, pamphlets and MS copies stitched together, with upper cover of contemporary wallpaper, comprising the following,

Volume of poems, pamphlets and MS copies stitched together, with upper cover of contemporary wallpaper, comprising the following:. Ff. 1-2. Speech by [Sir William] Scroggs when he was sworn Lord Chief Justice before the Lord Chancellor [Heneage Finch, later 1st Earl of Nottingham], May 1678. MS. Ff. 3-8. A Short Character of K[ing] C[harles] the 2nd setting forth his untimely death &c., [1686x1688]. MS. Ff. 9-12. Heraclitus Ridens Redivivus: / Or, A / Dialogue / Between / Harry and Roger / Concerning the Times [by Thomas Brown] ([Oxford, 2nd ed., 1689]). Ff. 13-14. The State-Prodigal his Return: Containing a True State of the Nation. In a Letter to a Friend ([London, 1689]). F. 15. Caution to the Good People of England, / about the Choice of Members for the Ensuing Parlia- / ment (London, 1690). F. 16. A Copy of / Mr Ashton's Paper, / Delivered to the / Sheriff / At The / Place of Execution, January 28 1690/1 [by John Ashton] (No imprint, [1691]). F. 17. Some / Passages / Taken out of Two Observators, of August 1682. / Written in Dialogue betwixt Whig and Tory (No imprint, 1682). F. 18. The Religious Turncoat: / Or, A Late / Jacobite Divine turn'd Williamite (London, Printed for Richard Kell, in West Smithfield, 1693). Ff. 19-20. The Clubmen of the House of Commons [1694] (Printed in William J. Cameron, ed., Poems on Affairs of State Augustan Satirical Verse, 1660-1714, Vol. III, p. 330) [and see Margaret Crum. ed., First-Line Index of English Poetry 1500-1800 in Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library Oxford, Vol. I, p. 513]. MS. F. 21. A Letter from a Citizen of London to his Friend / in the Country by J. W. (No imprint, [1696]). F. 22. A Letter from a Gentleman in the / Country to his Correspondent in the City, concerning the Coronation / Medal, distributed April 11, 1689 ([London], April 16, 1686 [sic]). F. 23. 'To the Reverend Doctor Beveridge an Eucharisticion Occasion'd by his Seasonable Sermon about restitution, Preached on St Luke ye 19th and 8th at St Lawrence Church ye 17th March 1690/1'. MS. Ff. 24-5. MS copy of f. 26. F. 26. Father's nown Child [1694] [See Poems on Affairs of State, vol. v, pp. 429-38]. F. 27. The King of Hearts [by Arthur Mainwaring] (Sondon [sic], 1690) [The date given in Poems on Affairs of State and in First-Line Index is 1689]. Ff. 28-33. A Pindaric Ode / Upon our Late / Soveraign Lady / Of / Blessed Memory, / Queen Mary by Edward Arwaker (London, Printed for Richard Parker at the Unicorn, under the Piazza of the Royal Exchange, 1695). Ff. 34-41. An / Elegy / On The / Most Reverend Father in God, / His Grace, / John, / Late / Lord Archbishop of Canterbury by N[ahum] Tate (London, Printed for B/ Aylmer, at the Three Pigeons against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill; and W. Rogers at the Sun against St Dunstan's Church in Fleet Street, 1695). Ff. 42-7. An / Ode / Occasion'd by the / Death / Of / Her Sacred Majesty (London, Printed for Richard Cumberland, at the Angel in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1695). F. 48. The English-Man's Complaint (No imprint [1694]). F. 49. Quaeries (No imprint, [1695 x 6]). Ff. 50-1. An Account of the Men of War (not including Priva- / teers,) Taken from the French since the beginning of the / War, (Declared the 7th May, 1689,) to the 1st of October / 1695 ([London, 1695]). F. 52. A Copy of the / late King James II. / His / Letter / To The / Convention in Scotland (London, Printed for R. Baldwin, near the Black Bull in the Old Bailey, 1689). Ff. 53-4. His Majesties most Gracious Declaration to all / His loving Subjects, commanding their Assist- / ance against the P[rince] of Orange, and his Adherents (St Germains, 1692). F. 55. The True and Genuine Explanation / Of One King James's Declaration [by ? Charles Montagu: see Poems on Affairs of State, Vol. V, pp. 406-13] (London, 1692). F. 56. Proclamation by William III and Mary re devaluing the coinage in Ireland (Dublin, by Edward Jones 1690). Printed. F. 57. Proclamation by Charles II Against Tumultuous Petitions (London, Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb and Henry Hills Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1679). Printed. Ff. 58-9. Proposals for the Printing of a Description of the Cities of London and Westminster ... and of the several American plantations by Richard Blome, 1695. Printed. Ff. 60-4. The Declaration of James Duke of Monmouth and the Noblemen Gentlemen and others now in Armes for Defence and Vindication of the Protestant Religion, and of the Laws Right and Priveledges of England, from the Invasion made upon them; and for Delivering the Kingdome from the Usurpacion and Tyranny of James Duke of York, 1685. MS. Copy.

Volume bound in Russian leather comprising the following,

Volume bound in Russian leather comprising the following:. F. 1. Title page : Votes / of the / House of Commons, 1680. F. 2. Title page : His Majesties / Gracious / Speech / To both Houses of / Parliament, 21 Oct. 1680. F. 3. A List of both Houses of Parliament Prorogued to the 26th of January 1679/80. Ff. 4-7. His Majesties / Gracious / Speech / To both Houses of / Parliament, 21 Oct. 1680. Ff. 8-9. His Majestie's / Message / To The Commons / in Parliament, 9 Nov. 1680. Ff. 10-11. The / Address / To His / Majesty / From the / Commons, 13 Nov. 1680. Ff. 12-18. Votes / Of the House of / Commons, 21 Oct.-30 Oct. 1680. Ff. 19-36. Votes / Of the House of / Commons, 1 Nov.-23 Nov. 1680. F. 37. The / Address / Of The / Commons in Parliament / To His / Majesty, / To Remove / Sir George Jeffreys / Out of all Publick Offices, 22 Nov. 1680. Ff. 38-9. Votes / of the House of / Commons, 24-5 Nov. 1680. F. 40. The / Address / Humbly presented to His / Majesty / From Both Houses / Of / Parliament / For A / Day of Humiliation. / With His / Majesties Gracious Answer, 26 Nov. 1680. F. 41. Votes / of the House of / Commons, 26 Nov. 1680. F. 42. The Humble / Address / Of The / Commons in Parliament / Presented to His / Majesty, / To Remove / George Earl of Halifax / From his Presence and Counsels. / With His Majestie's Answer 26 Nov. 1680. F. 43. Articles / of Impeachment / Against / Edward Seymour, esq., 26 Nov. 1680. Ff. 44-6. Votes / of the House of / Commons, 27, 29 Nov. 1680. Ff. 47-55. His / Majesties / Message / To The / Commons in Parliament, / Relating to Tangier. / And The Humble / Address / Of The / Commons / To His / Majesty, / In Answer to that Message, 29 Nov. 1680. Ff. 56-69. Votes / Of the House of / Commons, 30 Nov.-15 Dec. 1680. Ff. 70-1. His Majesties / Most Gracious / Speech / To both Houses of / Parliament, 15 Dec. 1680. Ff. 78-82. The / Report / Of The / Committee / for Receiving / Informations / Concerning The / Popish Plot; / Upon the Complaint of / Mr Peter Norris, 9 Dec. 1680. Ff. 83-5. Votes of the House of Commons, 23-4 Dec. 1680. Ff. 86-92. The Humble / Address / Of The / House of Commons, / Presented To His / Majesty. / In Answer To / His Majesties / Gracious / Speech / To both Houses of Parliament, 21 Dec. 1680. Ff. 93-4. Votes / of the House of / Commons, 30 Dec. 1680. F. 95. Title Page: The / Resolutions / Of The / House of Commons, / For The / Impeachment / of / Sir William Scroggs Knt / Chief Justice of the Court of / King's Bench, 23 Dec. 1680. Ff. 96-102. The / Report / Of The / Committee / Of The / Commons, / Appointed to Examine / The / Proccedings / Of The / Judges, etc. 23 Dec. 1680. Ff. 103-4. The / Resolutions / Of The / Commons, / For The / Impeachment / Of The Said / Judges, 5 Jan. 1680/1. Ff. 105-11. Articles / Of / Impeachment / Of / High Treason, / And other great Crimes and Misdemeanors against Sir / William Scroggs / Chief Justice of the Court of / King's Bench, [3 Jan. 1680/1]. Ff. 112-13. Votes / Of the House of / Commons, 31 Dec. 1680. Ff. 114-18. The / Report / From The / Committee of the Commons in Parliament, / Appointed by the Honourable / House of Commons, / To consider the Petition of / Richard Thompson / of Bristol, clerk; / And To / Examine Complaints against him. / And the Resolution / Of the Commons in / Parliament / Upon this Report, / For His / Impeachment / Of High / Crimes and Misdemeanours, 24 Dec. 1680. Ff. 119-20. Votes / of the House of / Commons, 3-4 Jan. 1680/1. Ff.121-2. His Majesties / Gracious / Message / To the / Commons / in / Parliament, 4 Jan. 1680/1. Ff. 123-7. Votes / of the House of / Commons, 5-10 Jan. 1680/1. Ff. 128-235. The / Tryal / Of / William, Viscount Stafford / For / High Treason, 1680/1.

[Torn], 'from on board the [Censored] in the bay of Bulls of Cales' to Sir John Wynn at Watstay,

The forces' luck has been but indifferent, they have only plundered St Maries ('which is over against Cales'). He doubts not that 'you' will have business enough next Session to enquire after the Summer expedition. 'We' are going to embark our forces again, whether 'we' go directly to England or call at Portugal he knows not; all is kept private.

Robert Wynne at Garthewin to Sir William Williams at Llanvorda,

The curacy of Llansantffraid Glyn Keiriog; the loss suffered by the tenant of Maesmawr and a dispute about a pew in Llansantffraid Glyn Keiriog. 'Recipient may depend that his tenant [who was involved in the pew dispute] shall have all the justice which writer can do to him (and in the want of every suit he himself directs sentence) [in the Consistory Court of St Asaph] and with all possible expedition. Endorsed: 'Dr Wynne's kind letter'.

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